Table of Contents
Title 43
Part XIX. Office of ConservationGeneral Operations
Subpart 1. Statewide Order No. 29-B
Chapter 1. General Provisions ....................................................................................................................... 1
§101. Definitions .................................................................................................................................... 1
§103. Application to Drill ....................................................................................................................... 1
§104. Financial Security ......................................................................................................................... 2
§105. All Other Applications ................................................................................................................. 3
§107. Records ......................................................................................................................................... 4
§109. Casing Program ............................................................................................................................ 4
§111. Diverter Systems and Blowout Preventers ................................................................................... 5
§113. Casing-Heads ................................................................................................................................ 7
§115. Fire Hazards .................................................................................................................................. 8
§117. Drilling Fluids .............................................................................................................................. 8
§119. Well Allowables and Completion ................................................................................................ 8
§121. Production, Production Records, Production Tests .................................................................... 10
§123. Oil and Gas Measurements ......................................................................................................... 10
§125. Delegation of Authority .............................................................................................................. 11
§127. Bottomhole Pressure ................................................................................................................... 11
§129. Reserved. .................................................................................................................................... 11
§131. Deficient Wells ........................................................................................................................... 11
§133. Monthly Reports ......................................................................................................................... 11
§135. Directional Drilling and Well Surveys ....................................................................................... 11
§137. Plugging and Abandonment ....................................................................................................... 12
§139. Exceptions and Hearings ............................................................................................................ 14
§141. Application of Special Field Orders ........................................................................................... 15
§143. Penalty for Infractions ................................................................................................................ 15
§145. Effective Date ............................................................................................................................. 15
Chapter 3. Pollution ControlOnsite Storage, Treatment and Disposal of Exploration and
Production Waste (E&P Waste) Generated from the Drilling and Production of Oil and
Gas Wells (Oilfield Pit Regulations) .......................................................................................... 15
§301. Definitions .................................................................................................................................. 15
§303. General Requirements ................................................................................................................ 16
§305. Notification ................................................................................................................................. 18
§307. Pit Classification, Standards, and Operational Requirements .................................................... 18
§309. Monitoring Program ................................................................................................................... 21
§311. Pit Closure .................................................................................................................................. 21
§313. Pit Closure Techniques and Onsite Disposal of E and P Waste ................................................. 22
§315. Disposal of Reserve Pit Fluids by Subsurface Injection ............................................................ 25
§317. Requirements for Community Saltwater Disposal Wells and Systems ...................................... 25
§319. Exceptions .................................................................................................................................. 26
§321. Effect on Existing Special Orders .............................................................................................. 26
§323. Applicability ............................................................................................................................... 26
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Chapter 4. Pollution Control (Class II Injection/Disposal Well Regulations) ............................................ 26
§401. Definitions (reserved) ................................................................................................................. 26
§403. Permits Required ........................................................................................................................ 26
§405. Application Requirements for New Enhanced Recovery Injection and New Saltwater
Disposal Wells ............................................................................................................................ 27
§407. Application Requirements for Enhanced Recovery Projects ..................................................... 27
§409. Permit Notice Requirements ....................................................................................................... 28
§411. Duration of Permits .................................................................................................................... 29
§413. Transfer of Permits ..................................................................................................................... 29
§415. Construction Requirements for New Wells ................................................................................ 29
§417. Monitoring and Reporting Requirements ................................................................................... 29
§419. Logging and Testing Requirements ............................................................................................ 30
§421. Confinement of Fluids ................................................................................................................ 31
§423. Plugging Requirements .............................................................................................................. 31
§425 Liquid Hydrocarbon Storage Wells ............................................................................................ 31
§427. Filing Fee .................................................................................................................................... 31
§429. Annular Disposal ........................................................................................................................ 31
§431. Exceptions .................................................................................................................................. 31
§433. Disposal of E&P Wastes by Slurry Fracture Injection ............................................................... 31
§441. Effect on Existing Special Orders .............................................................................................. 37
§443. Applicability ............................................................................................................................... 37
Chapter 5. Off-Site Storage, Treatment and/or Disposal of Exploration and Production Waste
Generated from Drilling and Production of Oil and Gas Wells ................................................. 37
§501. Definitions .................................................................................................................................. 37
§503. General Requirements for Generators of E&P Waste ................................................................ 39
§505. General Requirements for Commercial Facilities and Transfer Stations ................................... 40
§507. Location Criteria ......................................................................................................................... 41
§509. Design Criteria ............................................................................................................................ 41
§511. Financial Responsibility ............................................................................................................. 42
§513. Provisions for Adequate Closure ................................................................................................ 43
§515. E&P Waste Management and Operations Plan .......................................................................... 43
§517. Permit Compliance Review ........................................................................................................ 44
§519. Permit Application Requirements for Commercial Facilities .................................................... 44
§521. Permit Application Requirements for a Transfer Station ........................................................... 46
§523. Permit Application Requirements for Land Treatment Systems ................................................ 46
§525. Permit Application Requirements for Other Treatment and Disposal Options .......................... 47
§527. Permitting Procedures ................................................................................................................ 48
§529. Public Notice Requirements ....................................................................................................... 48
§531. Permitting Conditions ................................................................................................................. 48
§533. General Operational Requirements for Commercial Facilities and Transfer Stations ............... 49
§535. Notification Requirements .......................................................................................................... 50
§537. Hours of Receiving ..................................................................................................................... 50
§539. Monitoring Requirements for Commercial Class II Injection Wells ......................................... 50
§541. Sampling and Testing Requirements for Commercial Facilities with Monitor Wells ............... 51
§543. Receipt, Sampling and Testing of Exploration and Production Waste ...................................... 51
§545. Manifest System ......................................................................................................................... 52
§547. Commercial Exploration and Production Waste Treatment and Disposal Options ................... 52
§549. Land Treatment Facility Requirements ...................................................................................... 53
§551. Requirements for Phase Separation (Reserved) ......................................................................... 57
§553. Requirements for Thermal Desorption (Reserved) .................................................................... 57
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§555. Requirements for Cavern Disposal ............................................................................................. 57
§557. Requirements for Incineration (Reserved) ................................................................................. 57
§559. Requirements for Solidification/Stabilization (Reserved) .......................................................... 57
§565. Resource Conservation and Recovery of Exploration and Production Waste ........................... 57
§567. Closure ........................................................................................................................................ 59
§569. Exceptions .................................................................................................................................. 59
Chapter 6. Procedures for Hearings and the Submission and Approval of Plans for the Remediation
of E and P Sites in Accordance with LSA-R.S. 30:29 ............................................................... 59
§601. Authority ..................................................................................................................................... 59
§603. Definitions .................................................................................................................................. 59
§605. Applicability ............................................................................................................................... 60
§607. Commissioner's Conference ....................................................................................................... 60
§609. General Requirements of Plans .................................................................................................. 60
§611. Specific Requirements of Plans .................................................................................................. 61
§613. General Requirements of Comments and Responses ................................................................. 61
§615. Notice of Filing a Plan, Comment or Response ......................................................................... 62
§617. Release of Technical Data .......................................................................................................... 62
§619. Revisions to Plans, Comments or Responses Thereto ................................................................ 62
§621. Mandatory Disclosures and New Evidence ................................................................................ 62
§623. Hearing Officer ........................................................................................................................... 62
§625. Costs ........................................................................................................................................... 63
§627. Plan Approvals ........................................................................................................................... 63
§629. Rehearing .................................................................................................................................... 63
§631. Timeliness of Filings .................................................................................................................. 63
§633. Notice of Hearings and Continued Hearings .............................................................................. 63
§635. Rules of Hearing Conduct and Procedure .................................................................................. 63
§637. Penalty for Non-Compliance ...................................................................................................... 64
§639. Time of Commencement ............................................................................................................ 64
§641. Coverage of Rules ...................................................................................................................... 64
Subpart 2. Statewide Order No. 29-R
Chapter 7. Fees ............................................................................................................................................ 65
§701. Definitions .................................................................................................................................. 65
§703. Fee Schedule for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 ................................................................................... 66
§705. Failure to Comply ....................................................................................................................... 67
§707. Severability and Effective Date .................................................................................................. 67
Subpart 3. Statewide Order No. 25
Chapter 9. Reporting ................................................................................................................................... 69
§901. Scope .......................................................................................................................................... 69
§903. Definitions .................................................................................................................................. 69
§905. Applicability ............................................................................................................................... 69
§907. Form R-4 .................................................................................................................................... 69
§909. Form R-1 .................................................................................................................................... 70
§911. Form R-2 .................................................................................................................................... 71
§913. Form R-3 .................................................................................................................................... 71
§915. Units and Method for Calculation of Quantities of Oil in Tanks ............................................... 71
§917. Record Keeping .......................................................................................................................... 71
§919. Effect on Overall Authority of the Commissioner of Conservation ........................................... 71
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Subpart 4. Statewide Order No. 29-B-a
Chapter 11. Required Use of Storm Chokes ............................................................................................... 73
§1101. Scope ....................................................................................................................................... 73
§1103. Applicability ........................................................................................................................... 73
§1105. Waivers ................................................................................................................................... 73
Subpart 5. Statewide Order No. 29-C-4
Chapter 13. Multiple Completions .............................................................................................................. 75
§1301. Scope ....................................................................................................................................... 75
§1303. Definitions .............................................................................................................................. 75
§1305. Order ....................................................................................................................................... 75
Subpart 6. Statewide Order No. 29-D-1
Chapter 15. Commingling of Oil and Gas Production Onshore .................................................................. 77
§1501. Scope ....................................................................................................................................... 77
§1503. Definitions .............................................................................................................................. 77
§1505. Order ....................................................................................................................................... 77
Chapter 17. Commingling of Oil and Gas Production Offshore ................................................................. 80
§1701. Scope ....................................................................................................................................... 80
§1703. Definitions .............................................................................................................................. 80
§1705. Order ....................................................................................................................................... 80
Subpart 7. Statewide Order No. 29-E
Chapter 19. Oil and Gas Well Spacing ........................................................................................................ 83
§1901. Scope ....................................................................................................................................... 83
§1903. Definitions .............................................................................................................................. 83
§1905. Order ....................................................................................................................................... 83
§1907. Exceptions ............................................................................................................................... 83
§1909. Additional Specifications ........................................................................................................ 84
Subpart 8. Statewide Order No. 29-F
Chapter 21. Allowable Production of Natural Gas ...................................................................................... 85
§2101. Scope ....................................................................................................................................... 85
§2103. Order ....................................................................................................................................... 85
Subpart 9. Statewide Order No. 29-G-1
Chapter 23. Automatic Custody Transfer .................................................................................................... 89
§2301. Scope ....................................................................................................................................... 89
§2303. Definitions .............................................................................................................................. 89
§2305. Order ....................................................................................................................................... 89
Subpart 10. Statewide Order No. 29-H-1
Chapter 25. New Pools ................................................................................................................................ 91
§2501. Scope ....................................................................................................................................... 91
§2503. Order ....................................................................................................................................... 91
Subpart 11. Statewide Order No. 29-J
Chapter 27. Tubingless Completions .......................................................................................................... 93
§2701. Scope ....................................................................................................................................... 93
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§2703. Definitions .............................................................................................................................. 93
§2705. Order ....................................................................................................................................... 93
Subpart 12. Statewide Order No. 29-K-1
Chapter 29. Substitute Unit Wells ............................................................................................................... 97
§2901. Scope ....................................................................................................................................... 97
§2903. Definitions .............................................................................................................................. 97
§2905. Order ....................................................................................................................................... 97
Subpart 13. Statewide Order No. 29-L-3
Chapter 31. Termination of Units ................................................................................................................ 99
§3101. Scope ....................................................................................................................................... 99
§3103. Definitions .............................................................................................................................. 99
§3105. Order ....................................................................................................................................... 99
Subpart 14. Statewide Order No. 31-A
Chapter 33. Record Keeping and Report Filing ........................................................................................ 103
§3301. Scope ..................................................................................................................................... 103
§3303. Definitions ............................................................................................................................ 103
§3305. Applicability ......................................................................................................................... 103
§3307. Forms R-5-P and R-5-T ........................................................................................................ 103
§3309. Form R-6 ............................................................................................................................... 104
§3311. Affidavits .............................................................................................................................. 104
§3313. Record Keeping .................................................................................................................... 104
§3315. Gas Gatherer ......................................................................................................................... 104
§3317. Effect on Overall Authority of the Commissioner of Conservation ..................................... 104
Subpart 15. Statewide Order No. 45-I-A
Chapter 35. Gas/Oil Ratios, Allowables and Venting of Natural Gas ...................................................... 105
§3501. Scope ..................................................................................................................................... 105
§3503. Definitions ............................................................................................................................ 105
§3505. Base Gas/Oil Ratio and Allowables ...................................................................................... 105
§3507. Venting of Gas ...................................................................................................................... 106
§3509. Exceptions and Hearings ...................................................................................................... 106
§3511. Violations .............................................................................................................................. 107
Subpart 16. Statewide Order No. 151-A-2
Chapter 37. Statewide Crude Oil Depth Bracket Allowable Schedule ..................................................... 109
§3701. Scope ..................................................................................................................................... 109
§3703. Definitions ............................................................................................................................ 109
§3705. Allowable Schedule for Oil Wells Other than Horizontal Wells .......................................... 109
§3707. Horizontal Oil Well Allowables ........................................................................................... 109
§3709. Effective Date ....................................................................................................................... 110
Subpart 17. Procedures for Hearings and Unit and Survey Plat Requirements
Chapter 39. Hearings ................................................................................................................................. 111
§3901. Scope ..................................................................................................................................... 111
§3903. Definitions ............................................................................................................................ 111
§3905. Applicability ......................................................................................................................... 111
§3907. Pre-Application Notice ......................................................................................................... 112
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§3909. Release of Pertinent Data ...................................................................................................... 112
§3911. OppositionPre-Application Notice ................................................................................... 112
§3913. Procedure for Conferences .................................................................................................... 112
§3915. Hearing Application .............................................................................................................. 113
§3917. Waiver of Pre-Application Notice ........................................................................................ 114
§3919. Revisions after Application .................................................................................................. 115
§3921. Additional Requirements for Opposition to or Support of Application ............................... 115
§3923. Commissioner's Conference ................................................................................................. 115
§3925. Timeliness of Filings ............................................................................................................ 115
§3927. Notice of Continued Hearing ................................................................................................ 115
§3929. Rules of Hearing Conduct and Procedure ............................................................................. 116
§3931. New Evidence ....................................................................................................................... 116
§3933. Coverage of Rules ................................................................................................................. 116
§3935. Penalty for Non-Compliance ................................................................................................ 116
§3937. Time of Commencement ...................................................................................................... 117
Chapter 41. Unit and Survey Plats ............................................................................................................ 117
§4101. Unit Plats ............................................................................................................................... 117
§4103. Survey Plats .......................................................................................................................... 117
Subpart 18. Statewide Order No. 29-S
Chapter 43. Austin Chalk Formation ......................................................................................................... 119
§4301. Scope ..................................................................................................................................... 119
§4303. Definitions ............................................................................................................................ 119
§4305. Order ..................................................................................................................................... 119
Subpart 19. Enhanced Recovery
Chapter 45. Produced Water Injection Incentive ...................................................................................... 121
§4501. Definitions ............................................................................................................................ 121
§4503. Application and Hearing to Qualify a Produced Water Injection Project ............................ 121
§4505. Commencement of Incremental Production ......................................................................... 121
Title 43
Part XIX. Office of ConservationGeneral Operations
Subpart 1. Statewide Order No. 29-B
Chapter 1. General Provisions
§101. Definitions
A. Unless the context otherwise requires, the words
defined in this Section shall have the following meanings
when found in this order.
Agentthe director of the Division of Minerals, the
chief engineer thereof, or any of the district managers or
their aides.
Departmentthe Department of Conservation of the
state of Louisiana.
District Managerthe head of any one of the districts
of the state under the Division of Minerals, and as used,
refers specifically to the manager within whose district the
well or wells are located.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation (August 1943).
§103. Application to Drill
A. All applications for permits to drill wells for oil or gas
or core test wells below the fresh water sands shall be made
on Form MD-10-R or revisions thereof, and mailed or
delivered to the district office. These applications, in
duplicate, shall be accompanied by three copies of the
location plat, preferably drawn to a scale of 1000 feet to the
inch. The plats shall be constructed from data compiled by a
registered civil engineer or surveyor and shall definitely
show the amount and location of the acreage with reference
to quarter-section corners, or other established survey points.
There shall also be shown all pertinent lease and property
lines, leases, offset wells, and the location and distance from
the well to the nearest shoulder of any Interstate highway
within the boundaries of the plat. When the tract to be drilled
is composed of separately-owned interests which have been
pooled or unitized, the boundaries to the acreage in each
separately-owned interest must be indicated. Plats must have
well locations certifications either written on or attached to
the well location plats and this certification must be signed
by a registered civil engineer, qualified surveyor or a
qualified engineer regularly employed by the applicant. If
possible the application card shall give the name and address
of the drilling contractor, otherwise the information, as soon
as determined, shall be supplied by letter to the district
1. Applicants that receive a drilling permit for a well
located within 1,000 feet of an Interstate highway shall
furnish a copy of the approved drilling permit and the
certified location plat to the appropriate state and local
authorities, including all emergency responders.
B. When dual completion applications are granted, each
well shall be considered as two wells. The production from
each sand shall be run through separate lead lines and the
production from each sand shall be measurable separately.
The department's agent shall designate suitable suffixes to
the well number which will serve as reference to each
producing sand.
C. No well shall be drilled, nor shall the drilling of a well
be commenced, before a permit for such well has been
issued by the Office of Conservation; furthermore, any work,
such as digging pits, erecting buildings, derricks, etc., which
the operator may do or have done, will be done at his own
risk and with the full understanding that the Office of
Conservation may find it necessary to change the location or
deny the permit because of the rules and regulations
applying in that instance.
D. No well shall commence drilling below the surface
casing until a sign has been posted on the derrick, and
subsequently on the well if it is a producer, showing the
operator of record of the well, name of lease, section,
township, range, and the serial number under which the
permit was issued. The obligation to maintain a legible sign
remains until abandonment.
E. In order to make the designation of the well, as
referred to above, more uniform throughout the state, and
thus to facilitate the handling of all matters relative to any
particular well, the following system of rules has been
developed for use in the naming of wells in the future in
1. In no case shall any operator name or well name
exceed 30 characters. A space is equivalent to one character.
a. Abbreviations shall be used whenever possible to
comply with the above. It is recommended that "S" be used
for sand and "U" for unit.
b. The official well name appearing on Form MD-
10-R (Application to Drill) shall be used when reporting on
all Office of Conservation forms and also in any
2. Lease Wells. All wells drilled on a lease basis shall
bear the lessor's surname and initials or given name.
Example: Lease Name Well Number
J. R. Smith Number 2
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
3. The commissioner shall prescribe or cause to have
prescribed the procedure for assigning well and/or
nomenclature and shall issue a memorandum concerning
same from time to time as the need arises.
a. Developmental units proposed at a hearing shall
be named in accordance with the latest memorandum, and
the well number shall depend on whether or not there are
any other wells in existence on the lease.
b. Any unit maps filed with an application for
hearing must reflect proposed unit names in accordance with
the latest memorandum.
4. Units with Alternate Unit Wells. For those cases
where more than one well serves the same proration unit, the
wells shall be named in accordance with the latest
memorandum, and the well number shall be followed by the
letters ALT in the case of each alternate well.
Example: Lease Name Well Number
Hayes Sue; J. R. Smith Number 1
Hayes Sue; Dave Luke Number 1 ALT
Hayes Sue; St. Mary Number 22 ALT
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation (August 1943), amended (August 1958), (August
1961), (May 1973), amended by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 34:2639 (December 2008).
§104. Financial Security
A. Unless otherwise provided by the statutes, rules and
regulations of the Office of Conservation, financial security
shall be required by the operator of record (operator)
pursuant to this Section for each applicable well as further
set forth herein in order to ensure that such well is plugged
and abandoned and associated site restoration is
accomplished. A compliance order and/or civil penalty
which has been timely satisfied shall not cause an operator
to be considered a non-compliant operator for the purpose of
this Section.
1. Permit to Drill
a. On or after July 1, 2000, the applicant for a
permit to drill must provide financial security for such well
in accordance with the following.
i. An operator who has exhibited a record of
compliance with the statutes, rules, and regulations of the
Office of Conservation for a period of 48 months
immediately preceding the permit date of the well and who
has no outstanding violations shall be exempt from
providing financial security under this Section.
ii. An operator who has not been a registered
operator of record for a period of 48 months immediately
preceding the permit date of the well in question shall
comply with the following.
(a). An operator who has not previously been an
operator of a well (drilling, drilled or completed) shall
provide financial security in a form acceptable to the
commissioner prior to issuance of a permit to drill.
(b). An operator who has previously been an
operator of a well (drilling, drilled or completed) for less
than the prescribed 48 months but has otherwise exhibited a
record of compliance with the statutes, rules and regulations
of the Office of Conservation and who has no outstanding
violations shall provide financial security in a form
acceptable to the commissioner within 30 days of
completion date as reported on Form Comp or Form WH-1.
iii. An operator who has not exhibited a record of
compliance with the statutes, rules, and regulations of the
Office of Conservation for a period of 48 months
immediately preceding the permit date of the well shall
provide financial security in a form acceptable to the
commissioner prior to issuance of permit to drill.
2. Amended Permit to Drill/Change of Operator
a. Any application to amend a permit to drill for
change of operator must be accompanied by financial
security in accordance with the following.
i. An operator who has previously been an
operator of a well for a period of at least 48 months
immediately preceding the amended permit to drill date, who
has exhibited a record of compliance with the statutes, rules
and regulations of the Office of Conservation and who has
no outstanding violations shall be exempt from providing
financial security under this Section.
ii. Any operator who does not meet the criteria
specified in §104.A.2.a.i above shall provide financial
security in a form acceptable to the commissioner prior to
issuance of an amended permit to drill.
3. Financial security in a form acceptable to the
commissioner shall be provided prior to issuance of a permit
to drill or amended permit to drill to any operator which
includes a primary officer therein who is or was a primary
officer of an operator assigned an orphan status.
4. The financial security requirements provided herein
shall apply to Class V wells as defined in LAC 43:XVII.103
for which an application for a permit to drill or amended
permit to drill is submitted on and after July 1, 2000, at the
discretion of the commissioner.
B. Compliance with this financial security requirement
shall be provided by any of the following or a combination
1. certificate of deposit issued in sole favor of the
Office of Conservation in a form prescribed by the
commissioner from a financial institution acceptable to the
commissioner. A certificate of deposit may not be
withdrawn, canceled, rolled over or amended in any manner
without the approval of the commissioner; or
2. a performance bond in sole favor of the Office of
Conservation in a form prescribed by the commissioner
issued by an appropriate institution authorized to do business
in the state of Louisiana; or
3. letter of credit in sole favor of the Office of
Conservation in a form prescribed by the commissioner
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
issued by a financial institution acceptable to the
C. Financial Security Amount
1. Land Location
a. Individual well financial security shall be
provided in accordance with the following.
Measured Depth Amount
< 3000' $1 per foot
3001-10000' $2 per foot
> 10001' $3 per foot
b. Blanket financial security shall be provided in
accordance with the following.
Total Number of Wells Per Operator Amount
10 $ 25,000
11-99 $125,000
100 $250,000
2. Water LocationInland Lakes and Baysany
water location in the coastal zone area as defined in R.S.
49:214.27 except in a field designated as offshore by the
a. Individual well financial security shall be
provided in the amount of $8 per foot of well depth.
b. Blanket financial security shall be provided in
accordance with the following.
Total Number of Wells Per Operator Amount
< 10 $ 125,000
11-99 $ 625,000
> 100 $1,250,000
3. Water Location—Offshore—any water location in a
field designated as offshore by the commissioner.
a. Individual well financial security shall be
provided in the amount of $12 per foot of well depth.
b. Blanket financial security shall be provided in
accordance with the following.
Total Number of Wells Per Operator Amount
10 $ 250,000
11-99 $1,250,000
100 $2,500,000
4. An operator of land location wells and water
location wells who elects to provide blanket financial
security shall be subject to an amount determined by the
water location requirements.
5. The amount of the financial security as specified
above may be increased at the discretion of the
D. A change of name by a compliant operator of record
through acquisition, merger, or otherwise does not preclude
said successor operator from meeting the requirements for
exemption from financial security under this Section.
E. The commissioner retains the right to utilize the
financial security provided for a well in responding to an
emergency applicable to said well in accordance with R.S.
F. Financial security shall remain in effect until release
thereof is granted by the commissioner pursuant to written
request by the operator. Such release shall only be granted
after plugging and abandonment and associated site
restoration is completed and inspection thereof indicates
compliance with applicable regulations or upon transfer of
such well to an exempt operator. In the event provider of
financial security becomes insolvent, operator shall provide
substitute form of financial security within 30 days of
notification thereof.
G. Plugging and abandonment of a well, associated site
restoration, and release of financial security constitutes a
rebuttable presumption of proper closure but does not relieve
the operator from further claim by the commissioner should
it be determined that further remedial action is required.
H. In the event that an operator has previously provided
financial security pursuant to LAC 43:XIX.104, such
operator shall provide increased financial security, if
required to remain in compliance with this Section, within
30 days after notice from the commissioner.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R. S.
30:4, et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation LR 26:1306 (June
2000), amended LR 27:1917 (November 2001).
§105. All Other Applications
A. All applications for permits to repair (except ordinary
maintenance operations), abandon (plug and abandon),
acidize, deepen, perforate, perforate and squeeze, plug (plug
back), plug and perforate, plug back and side-track, plug and
squeeze, pull casing, side-track, squeeze, squeeze and
perforate, workover, cement casing or liner as workover
feature, or when a well is to be killed or directionally drilled,
shall be made to the district office on Form MD-11-R and a
proper permit shall be received from the district manager
before work is started. A description of the work done under
the above recited work permits shall be furnished on the
reverse side of the Well History and Work Resume Report
(Form WH), which form shall be filed with the district office
of the Department of Conservation in which the well is
located within 20 days after the completion or recompletion
of the well. At least 12 hours prior notice of the proposed
operations shall be given the district manager and/or an
offset operator in order that one of them may witness the
work. If the district manager fails to appear within 12 hours,
the work may be witnessed by the offset operator, but failing
in this, the work need not be held up longer than 12 hours.
This rule shall not deter an operator from taking immediate
action in an emergency to prevent damage.
B. When a service company, other than the drilling
contractor, cements, perforates or acidizes, either before or
after completion of a well, the service company shall furnish
the district manager with legible exact copies of reports
furnished the owner of the well.
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation (August 1943), amended (August 1958).
§107. Records
A. The district office shall be supplied with available
field maps showing lease lines and well locations for all
producing areas within the district, such maps to be provided
by persons or companies operating in the field, on request of
the commissioner or his agent.
B. Electrical logs, when run, of all test wells, or wells
drilled in search of oil, gas, sulphur and other minerals, shall
be mailed in duplicate to the district office of the Department
of Conservation in which the well is located, such copies to
be mailed within 10 days after completion of the well. These
logs shall be filed on the following scales:
1. all north Louisiana districts:
normal log2 inches to 100 feet;
2. all south Louisiana districts:
normal log1 inch to 100 feet;
detailed log5 inches to 100 feet.
C. The service company running the electric log on the
well shall include as a part of the information on the log the
permit serial number of the well.
D. A new form entitled "Well History and Work Résumé
Report" (Form WH) shall be filed with the district office in
which the well is located within 20 days after completion of
the well. This report shall be filed on forms furnished by the
Department of Conservation or on like forms as reproduced
by the operator.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation (August 1943), amended (August 1958).
§109. Casing Program
A. Conductor Pipe. Conductor pipe is that pipe ordinarily
used for the purpose of supporting unconsolidated surface
deposits. The use and removal of conductor pipe during the
drilling of any oil and gas well shall be at the option of the
B. Surface Casing
1. Where no danger of pollution of fresh water
sources exists, the minimum amount of surface of first-
intermediate casing to be set shall be determined from
Table 1 hereof.
Table 1
Total Depth
of Contact
Number of
Sacks Cement
Surface Casing
Test Pressure
(lbs. per sq. in.)
0-2500 100 200 or circulate
to surf*
2500-3000 150 500 " 600
3000-4000 300 500 " 600
4000-5000 400 500 " 600
Table 1
Total Depth
of Contact
Number of
Sacks Cement
Surface Casing
Test Pressure
(lbs. per sq. in.)
5000-6000 500 500 " 750
6000-7000 800 500 " 1000
7000-8000 1000 500 " 1000
8000-9000 1400 500 " 1000
9000-Deeper 1800 500 " 1000
*Circulate to the Surface shall mean the calculated amount of
cement necessary to fill the theoretical annular space plus
10 percent.
a. In known low-pressure areas, exceptions to the
above may be granted by the commissioner or his agent. If,
however, in the opinion of the commissioner, or his agent,
the above regulations shall be found inadequate, and
additional or lesser amount of surface casing and/or cement
or test pressure shall be required for the purpose of safety
and the protection of fresh water sands.
2. Surface casing shall be tested before drilling the
plug by applying a minimum pump pressure as set forth in
Table 1 after at least 200 feet of the mud-laden fluid has
been displaced with water at the top of the column. If at the
end of 30 minutes the pressure gauge shows a drop of
10 percent of test pressure as outlined in Table 1, the
operator shall be required to take such corrective measures
as will insure that such surface casing will hold said pressure
for 30 minutes without a drop of more than 10 percent of the
test pressure. The provisions of Paragraph D.7, below, for
the producing casing, shall also apply to the surface casing.
3. Cement shall be allowed to stand a minimum of 12
hours under pressure before initiating test or drilling plug.
Under pressure is complied with if one float valve is used or
if pressure is held otherwise.
C. Intermediate Casing
1. Intermediate casing is that casing used as protection
against caving of heaving formations or when other means
are not adequate for the purpose of segregating upper oil, gas
or water-bearing strata.
2. If an intermediate casing string is deemed necessary
by the district manager for the prevention of underground
waste, such regulations pertaining to a minimum setting
depth, quality of casing, and cementing and testing of sand,
shall be determined by the department after due hearing. The
provisions of Paragraph D.7 below, for the producing casing,
shall also apply to the intermediate casing.
D. Producing Oil String
1. Producing or oil string is that casing used for the
purpose of segregating the horizon from which production is
obtained and affording a means of communication between
such horizons and the surface.
2. The producing string of casing shall consist of new
or reconditioned casing, tested at mill test pressure or as
otherwise designated by the department and set at a
sufficient depth to cut off all gas formations above the oil-
saturated horizon in which the well is to be completed. The
position of the oil horizon shall be determined by coring,
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
testing or electrical logging, or other satisfactory method,
and the producing string of casing shall be bottomed and
cemented at a point below the gas/oil contact if determinable
and practicable.
3. Cement shall be by the pump-and-plug method, or
another method approved by the department. Sufficient
cement shall be used to fill the calculated annular space
behind the casing to such a point, as in the opinion of the
district manager, local conditions require to protect the
producing formations and all other oil and gas formations
occurring above, but in every case, no less cement shall be
used than the calculated amount necessary to fill the annular
space to a point 500 feet above the shoe.
4. The amount of cement to be left remaining in the
casing, until the requirements of Paragraph 5 below have
been met, shall be not less than 20 feet. This shall be
accomplished through the use of a float-collar, or other
approved or practicable means, unless a full-hole cementer,
or its equivalent, is used.
5. Cement shall be allowed to stand a minimum of 12
hours under pressure and a minimum total of 24 hours
before initiating test or drill plug in the producing or oil
string. Under pressure is complied with if one or more float
valves are employed and are shown to be holding the cement
in place, or when other means of holding pressure is used.
When an operator elects to perforate and squeeze or to
cement around the shoe, he may proceed with such work
after 12 hours have elapsed after placing the first cement.
6. Before drilling the plug in the producing string of
casing, the casing shall be tested by pump pressure, as
determined from Table 2 hereof, after 200 feet of mud-laden
fluid in the casing has been displaced by water at the top of
the column.
Table 2. Intermediate and Producing Casing
String Pressure
Depth Set
No. of Sacks of
Producing Test
(lbs. per sq. in.)
2000-3000' 200* 800
3000-6000' 300* 1000
6000-9000' 500* 1200
9000-and deeper 500* 1500
*But in every case no less cement shall be used than the
calculated amount necessary to fill the annular space to a
point 500 feet above the shoe.
a. If at the end of 30 minutes the pressure gauge
shows a drop of 10 percent of the test pressure or more, the
operator shall be required to take such corrective measures
as will insure that the producing string of casing is so set and
cemented that it will hold said pressure for 30 minutes
without a drop of more than 10 percent of the test pressure
on the gauge.
7. If the commissioner's agent is not present at the
time designated by the operator for inspection of the casing
tests of the producing string, the operator shall have such
tests witnessed, preferably by an offset operator. An affidavit
of test, on the form prescribed by the Department of
Conservation, signed by the operator and witness, shall be
furnished to the district office of the Department of
Conservation showing that the test conformed satisfactorily
to the above mentioned regulations before proceeding with
the completion. If test is satisfactory, normal operations may
be resumed immediately.
8. If the test is unsatisfactory, the operator shall not
proceed with the completion of the well until a satisfactory
test has been obtained.
E. Tubing and Completion
1. A valve, or its equivalent, tested to a pressure of not
less than the calculated bottomhole pressure of the well,
shall be installed below any and all tubing outlet
2. When a well develops a casing pressure, upon
completion, equivalent to more than three-quarters of the
internal pressure that will develop the minimum yield point
of the casing, such well shall be required by the district
manager to be killed, and a tubing packer to be set so as to
keep such excessive pressure of the casing.
F. Wellhead Connections. Wellhead connections shall be
tested prior to installation at a pressure indicated by the
district manager in conformance with conditions existing in
areas in which they are used. Whenever such tests are made
in the field, they shall be witnessed by an agent of the
department. Tubing and tubingheads shall be free from
obstructions in wells used for bottomhole pressure test
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Conservation (August 1943), amended (February 1951), (August
1958), amended by the Department of Natural Resources, Office of
Conservation, LR 25:1523 (August 1999).
§111. Diverter Systems and Blowout Preventers
A. Diverter System. A diverter system shall be required
when drilling surface hole in areas where drilling hazards are
known or anticipated to exist. The district manager may, at
his discretion, require the use of a diverter system on any
well. In cases where it is required, a diverter system
consisting of a diverter sealing element, diverter lines, and
control systems must be designed, installed, used,
maintained, and tested to ensure proper diversion of gases,
water, drilling fluids, and other materials away from
facilities and personnel. The diverter system shall be
designed to incorporate the following elements and
1. dual diverter lines arranged to provide for
maximum diversion capability;
2. at least two diverter control stations. One station
shall be on the drilling floor. The other station shall be in a
readily accessible location away from the drilling floor;
3. remote-controlled valves in the diverter lines. All
valves in the diverter system shall be full-opening.
Installation of manual or butterfly valves in any part of the
diverter system is prohibited;
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
4. minimize the number of turns in the diverter lines,
maximize the radius of curvature of turns, and minimize or
eliminate all right angles and sharp turns;
5. anchor and support systems to prevent whipping
and vibration;
6. rigid piping for diverter lines. The use of flexible
hoses with integral end couplings in lieu of rigid piping for
diverter lines shall be approved by the district manager.
B. Diverter Testing Requirements
1. When the diverter system is installed, the diverter
components including the sealing element, diverter valves,
control systems, stations and vent lines shall be function and
pressure tested.
2. For drilling operations with a surface wellhead
configuration, the system shall be function tested at least
once every 24-hour period after the initial test.
3. After nippling-up on conductor casing, the diverter
sealing element and diverter valves are to be pressure tested
to a minimum of 200 psig. Subsequent pressure tests are to
be conducted within seven days after the previous test.
4. Function tests and pressure tests shall be alternated
between control stations.
5. Recordkeeping Requirements
a. Pressure and function tests are to be recorded in
the drillers report and certified (signed and dated) by the
operators representative.
b. The control station used during a function or
pressure test is to be recorded in the drillers report.
c. Problems or irregularities during the tests are to
be recorded along with actions taken to remedy same in the
drillers report.
d. All reports pertaining to diverter function and/or
pressure tests are to be retained for inspection at the wellsite
for the duration of drilling operations.
C. BOP Systems. The operator shall specify and insure
that contractors design, install, use, maintain and test the
BOP system to ensure well control during drilling, workover
and all other appropriate operations. The surface BOP stack
shall be installed before drilling below surface casing. The
BOP stack shall consist of the appropriate number of ram-
type preventers necessary to control the well under all
potential conditions that might occur during the operations
being conducted. The pipe rams shall be of proper size(s) to
fit the drill pipe in use. The use of annular-type preventers
in conjunction with ram-type preventers is encouraged.
1. The requirements of LAC 43:XIX.111.C-I shall not
be applicable for wells drilled to or completed in the
Nacatoch Formation in the Caddo Pine Island field.
2. The commissioner of conservation, following a
public hearing, may grant exceptions to the requirements of
LAC 43:XIX.111.C-I.
D. BOP Working Pressure. The working pressure rating
of any BOP component, excluding annular-type preventers,
shall exceed the maximum anticipated surface pressure
(MASP) to which it may be subjected.
E. BOP Auxiliary Equipment. All BOP systems shall be
equipped and provided with the following:
1. A hydraulically actuated accumulator system which
shall provide 1.5 times volume of fluid capacity to close and
hold closed all BOP components, with a minimum pressure
of 200 psig above the pre-charge pressure without assistance
from a charging system.
2. A backup to the primary accumulator-charging
system, supplied by a power source independent from the
power source to the primary, which shall be sufficient to
close all BOP components and hold them closed.
3. Accumulator regulators supplied by rig air without
a secondary source of pneumatic supply shall be equipped
with manual overrides or other devices to ensure capability
of hydraulic operation if the rig air is lost.
4. At least one operable remote BOP control station in
addition to the one on the drilling floor. This control station
shall be in a readily accessible location away from the
drilling floor. If a BOP control station does not perform
properly, operations shall be suspended until that station is
5. A drilling spool with side outlets, if side outlets are
not provided in the body of the BOP stack, to provide for
separate kill and choke lines.
6. Choke and kill lines each equipped with two full-
opening valves. At least one of the valves on the choke line
and the kill line shall be remotely controlled. In lieu of
remotely controlled valves, two readily-accessible manual
valves may be installed provided that a check valve is placed
between the manual valves and the pump.
7. A valve installed below the swivel (upper kelly
cock), essentially full-opening, and a similar valve installed
at the bottom of the kelly (lower kelly cock). A wrench to fit
each valve shall be stored in a location readily accessible to
the drilling crew.
8. An essentially full-opening drill-string safety valve
in the open position on the rig floor shall be available at all
times while drilling operations are being conducted. This
valve shall be maintained on the rig floor to fit all
connections that are in the drill string. A wrench to fit the
drill-string safety valve shall be stored in a location readily
accessible to the drilling crew.
9. A safety valve shall be available on the rig floor
assembled with the proper connection to fit the casing string
being run in the hole.
10. Locking devices installed on the ram-type
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
F. BOP Maintenance and Testing Requirements
1. The BOP system shall be visually inspected on a
daily basis.
2. Pressure tests (low and high pressure) of the BOP
system are to be conducted at the following times and
a. during a shop test prior to transport of the BOPs
to the drilling location. Shop tests are not required for
equipment that is transported directly from one well location
to another;
b. immediately following installation of the BOPs;
c. within 14 days of the previous BOP pressure test.
Exceptions may be granted by the district manager in cases
where a trip is scheduled to occur within 2 days after the 14-
day testing deadline;
d. before drilling out each string of casing or liner
(The district manager may require that a conservation
enforcement specialist witness the test prior to drilling out
each casing string or liner);
e. Not more than 48 hours before a well is drilled to
a depth that is within 1000 feet of a hydrogen sulfide zone
(The district manager may require that a conservation
enforcement specialist witness the test prior to drilling to a
depth that is within 1000 feet of a hydrogen sulfide zone);
f. when the BOP tests are postponed due to well
control problem(s), the BOP test is to be performed on the
first trip out of the hole, and reasons for postponing the
testing are to be recorded in the drillers report.
3. Low pressure tests (200-300 psig) of the BOP
system (choke manifold, kelly valves, drill-string safety
valves, etc.) are to be performed at the times and intervals
specified in LAC 43:XIX.111.F.2. in accordance with the
following provisions.
a. Test pressures are to be held for a minimum of
five minutes.
b. Variable bore pipe rams are to be tested against
the largest and smallest sizes of pipe in use, excluding drill
collars and bottom hole assembly.
c. Bonnet seals are to be tested before running the
casing when casing rams are installed in the BOP stack.
4. High pressure tests of the BOP system are to be
performed at the times and intervals specified in LAC
43:XIX.111.F.2 in accordance with the following provisions.
a. Test pressures are to be held for a minimum of
five minutes.
b. Ram-type BOP’s, choke manifolds, and
associated equipment are to be tested to the rated working
pressure of the equipment or 500 psi greater than the
calculated MASP for the applicable section of the hole.
c. Annular-type BOPs are to be tested to 70% of the
rated working pressure of the equipment.
5. The annular and ram-type BOPs with the exception
of the blind-shear rams are to be function tested every seven
days between pressure tests. All BOP test records should be
certified (signed and dated) by the operator’s representative.
a. Blind-shear rams are to be tested at all casing
points and at an interval not to exceed 30 days.
G. BOP Record Keeping. The time, date and results of
pressure tests, function tests, and inspections of the BOP
system are to be recorded in the drillers report and are to be
retained for inspection at the wellsite for the duration of
drilling operations.
H. BOP Well Control Drills. Weekly well control drills
with each drilling crew are to be conducted during a period
of activity that minimizes the risk to drilling operations. The
drills must cover a range of drilling operations, including
drilling with a diverter (if applicable), on-bottom drilling,
and tripping. Each drill must be recorded in the drillers
report and is to include the time required to close the BOP
system, as well as, the total time to complete the entire drill.
I. Well Control Safety Training. In order to ensure that
all drilling personnel understand and can properly perform
their duties prior to drilling wells which are subject to the
jurisdiction of the Office of Conservation, the operator shall
require that contract drilling companies provide and/or
implement the following:
1. periodic training for drilling contractor employees
which ensures that employees maintain an understanding of,
and competency in, well control practices;
2. procedures to verify adequate retention of the
knowledge and skills that the contract drilling employees
need to perform their assigned well control duties.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation (August 1943), amended by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 34:2640 (December
§113. Casing-Heads
A. All wells shall be equipped with casing-heads with a
test pressure in conformance with conditions existing in
areas in which they are used. Casing-head body, as soon as
installed shall be equipped with proper connections and
valves accessible to the surface. Reconditioning shall be
required on any well showing pressure on the casing-head,
or leaking gas or oil between the oil string and next larger
size casing string, when, in the opinion of the district
managers, such pressure or leakage assume hazardous
proportions or indicate the existence of underground waste.
Mud-laden fluid may be pumped between any two strings of
casing at the top of the hole, but no cement shall be used
except by special permission of the commissioner or his
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation (August 1943).
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
§115. Fire Hazards
A.l. All wells shall be cleaned into a pit, barge, or tank,
located at a distance of at least 100 feet from any fire hazard.
2. Before any well shall be perforated, the drilling
fluid in the well shall be conditioned and brought to a weight
necessary to hold the normal hydrostatic pressure at the
point to be perforated with a reasonable margin of safety;
provided, however, in cases where the tubing and Christmas
tree are set for production, the weight of the drilling fluid
may be reduced below that weight necessary to hold the
normal hydrostatic pressure at the point to be perforated.
Before perforating, proper connections for lubricating the
gun in and out of the hole shall be installed.
3.a. All drill stem tests shall be started and completed
during daylight hours, except in fields where from bottom-
hole pressures and other information it is known that the
pressure does not exceed the pressure of a column of oil
from top to hole to the producing horizon. Started and
Completed shall mean the opening and the closing of the
drill-stem testing tool valve or valves controlling the flow
through the choke.
b. In the absence of special prior permission from
the department, no drill-stem test shall be conducted with
chokes larger than 1/4 inch on both top and bottom.
4. All wells shall be swabbed or bailed during the
daylight hours except in cases of low pressure wells as
Paragraph 3 above.
B. No boiler, open fire, or electric generator shall be
operated within 100 feet of any producing oil or gas well, or
oil tank.
C.1. Each permanent oil tank or battery of tanks that are
located within the corporate limits of any city, town or
village, or where such tanks are closer than 500 feet to any
highway or inhabited dwelling or closer than 1000 feet to
any school or church, or where such tanks are so located as
to be deemed a hazard by the Commissioner of
Conservation, must be surrounded by a dike (or firewall) or
retaining wall of at least the capacity of such tank or battery
of tanks, with the exception of such areas where such dikes
(or firewalls) or retaining walls would be impossible such as
in water areas. At the discretion of the Commissioner of
Conservation, firewalls of 100 percent capacity can be
required where other conditions or circumstances warrant
their construction.
2. In water, swamp or marsh areas, where the building
of firewalls is impossible or impracticable, in the future,
permanent tanks shall be placed on an impervious platform
surrounded by a metal gutter to catch all the oil and other
wastes which may cause either a fire-hazard or pollution. A
sump shall be provided to catch the run-off from the gutters;
however, if the operator or company has devised a plan
which serves the same purpose, the district manager may
after being presented with the plan, waive the above
3. Tanks not falling in the above categories
(Paragraphs 1 and 2) must be surrounded by a retaining wall,
or must be suitably ditched to a collecting sump, each of
sufficient capacity to contain the spillage and prevent
pollution of the surrounding areas.
D. All gas vents from oil tanks shall terminate outside of
the firewall.
E. Any rubbish or debris that might constitute a fire
hazard shall be removed to a distance of at least 100 feet
from the vicinity of wells, tanks, and pump stations. All
waste shall be burned or disposed of in such a manner as to
avoid creating a fire hazard or polluting streams and fresh
water strata.
F. Each operator shall so conduct his operations and
maintain his equipment as to reduce to a minimum the
danger of explosion or fire, and consequent waste.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation (August 1943), amended (March 1955), (December
§117. Drilling Fluids
A. The inspectors and engineers of the Department of
Conservation shall have access to the mud records of any
drilling well, except those records which pertain to special
muds and special work with respect to patentable rights, and
shall be allowed to conduct any essential test or tests on the
mud used in the drilling of a well. When the conditions and
tests indicate a need for a change in the mud or drilling fluid
program in order to insure proper control of the well, the
district manager shall require the operator or company to use
due diligence in correcting any objectionable conditions.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation (August 1943).
§119. Well Allowables and Completion
A. New Well and Recompleted Well Allowables
1. Upon completion or recompletion of a well,
immediate notice within 24 hours from the time of
completion (Sundays and holidays excepted) must be filed in
writing with the district office on forms provided by the
department. Notice of completion or recompletion of a well
may be made by telephone or telegram to the district
manager if supplemented by written notice on proper form
within three days from the date of completion or
recompletion. Wells shall be considered completed when
turned into the tanks. A potential and gas/oil ratio test shall
then be conducted by the operator or company, and
witnessed by an inspector of the department within five days
from the date of completion or recompletion (Sundays and
holidays excepted).
2. After receipt of the completion reports and reports
or tests required by the commissioner, a completed or
recompleted well shall be given a daily allowable,
determined in the same manner as was used in computing
the schedule of daily allowables for the months in which
such completion is made.
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
3. The daily well allowable when determined shall be
effective from 7 a.m. on the date of completion or
recompletion if the well is completed or recompleted before
7 p.m.; and from 7 a.m. of the following day if the well is
completed or recompleted after 7 p.m.; provided the
completion or recompletion report has been filed in
accordance with the above-mentioned provisions, and if the
initial potential and gas/oil ratio test has been made within
five days from the date of completion or recompletion.
a. If the completion or recompletion is not reported
as provided, then the daily well allowable shall be effective
from the date of receipt of the completion or recompletion
report, with a one-day tolerance. If the initial potential and
gas/oil ratio test is not made within five days from the date
of completion or recompletion, the daily well allowable shall
be effective as of the date of request by the operator for an
inspector of the department to witness the said test.
B. Allowables given to wells for oil produced on drill-
stem tests, production test and any miscellaneous production
of oil shall be in accordance with the following rule:
1. All operators are required, within five days, to file
three signed copies of the records of the daily production
from the well, showing the number of hours the well
produced and the interval of production; as "from 8 a.m.,
August 5 to 3 p.m., August 8, 1941."
C. All leases are to be so equipped as to permit the
determination of gas/oil ratios on individual flowing and
gas-lift wells. Gas/oil ratio data on all wells shall be
available to the inspector of the department at all times.
D. No flowing and/or gas-lift oil wells shall be permitted
to produce with excessive gas/oil ratio, except where special
orders are operative. Wells that are gas/lifted with gas from
gas wells shall be prorated in the same manner as are hi-ratio
naturally flowing oil wells, the G.O.R. being defined for this
purpose as the total output gas less the total input gas
divided by the number of barrels of oil produced. The
uneconomic or unreasonable use of gas for gas-lift will not
be permitted.
E.l. Each lease shall be provided with sufficient tankage
or meters to permit proper gauging of the oil produced. The
tanks or meters must be identified by a sign showing the
ownership of the tanks or meters and name of the lease from
which the oil is being produced. In no case shall meters be
the sole means of measuring oil runs from any field. There
must be used at least one gauge tank to check the reading of
meters. Applications for the use of oil meters in lieu of
gauge tanks, shall be the subject of open hearings until rules
are formulated.
2. All flowing and gas-lift oil wells are to be produced
through efficient operating separators, except in the case of
low-pressure headings of gas-lift wells with low-gas output.
3. All oil meters and bypass settings shall be provided
with the necessary connections to permit the installation of
seals and such seals shall be affixed by the operator. A record
shall be kept on file and available for inspection by any
agent of the department or any party at interest for a period
of not less than three years, which reflects the oil meter seal
number, the date and time the oil meter is sealed, the date
and time the seal is broken and the reason for breaking the
seal. To obviate the necessity of affixing oil meter seals, oil
meters with nonresettable counters may be used.
4. When it becomes necessary to use a bypass or other
flowline connection which the operator has been required to
seal or which has been sealed by the department, permission
to use same must be obtained from the district manager. In
the event that an unforeseen emergency requires the use of
bypass or flowline connections before notification to the
district office, a detailed, written report, in duplicate, setting
forth the occasion for such action must be given, and the
bypass or other connection shall forthwith be resealed.
F. In the event that any operator considers that his well
has not had a fair determination of its gas/oil ratio, or that its
gas/oil ratio has changed due to natural causes or to
corrective work on his well, he may make application in
writing to the district manager for a retest or a special test of
the gas/oil ratio of his well, and for an adjustment of the
allowable of his well. If, upon retesting a well, the district
manager finds that the new gas/oil ratio justifies a change in
the allowable, he is authorized to make such change.
G. Changed or corrected allowable shall be effective
from the date of completion of such work, but in no case
shall the effective date be before the date of request by the
operator to the district manager for a retest or a special test.
H. Gas wells shall not be tested by the open-flow
method. The back-pressure method of determining the open
flow, as outlines by the Bureau of Mines in their Monograph
7, "Back Pressure Data on Natural Gas Wells", shall be used.
When, for any reasons, the back-pressure method is not
feasible, an acceptable method, not entailing excessive
physical waste of gas, may be used, upon recommendation
of the technical staff of the department.
I. It is recognized that wells capable of producing their
daily oil allowable may underproduce one day and
overproduce another day during the period of an allowable
schedule; however, such deficiencies as occur in this manner
may be made up by excess production from the same well on
the succeeding days during the period of that schedule, or
such overproduction may be adjusted by underproduction on
the succeeding days during the period of that schedule;
provided, however, that no well shall produce in any one
calendar month more than the total daily allowable per well
multiplied by the total number of days in the calendar
month; however, in order to provide working stocks of oil
and to facilitate the production and gathering of oil including
testing, bottomhole pressure survey, et cetera, the production
and possession of a quantity of oil in the lease storage not
exceeding three days current allowable production for the
lease at the end of the month in excess of the total monthly
allowables, as determined in accordance with the provisions
of the production and proration order, shall not be construed
to be a violation of said order.
1. The authorization of production and possession of a
quantity of oil not exceeding three days current allowable
production shall not be construed to be the granting of
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
authority to any operator to offer to a market, or market, or
any transporter to transport any quantity of oil in excess of
the quantity specifically determined to be the total monthly
allowable for each respective lease whose allowable shall
have been determined by the summation of the monthly
quantities determined by the multiplication of the quantity
shown in the allowable schedule times the days of the month
for which said allowable is effective plus or minus any
allowable additions or cancellations multiplied by the days
which either or both may be effective during the period
covered by the schedule.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation (August 1943), amended (January 1963), (June
§121. Production, Production Records, Production
Test s
A. All oil tendered to any transportation system shall be
gauged and tested for B.S. and W. and temperature. For each
and every transfer of oil from the lease tanks, the number of
the on-seal and off-seal observed temperature, and the
percent of B.S. and W. shall be recorded on each and every
run ticket, and each party of any transfer of oil from lease
tanks shall receive a copy of the run or delivery ticket or
B.1. There shall not be any simultaneous movement of
oil into and out of any lease tank that is being used for
delivering oil to a gatherer or transporter. Transfer of oil or
gas from the possession of one lease to the possession of
another lease, except when properly accounted for, is hereby
2. The possession of improper mechanical means for
transferring oil from one lease tank or well to the lease tank
or well of another lease is hereby prohibited.
3. All pipeline outlets from lease tanks shall be kept
sealed at all times except when a pipeline run is being made
from the tank, and the number of the on-seal and off-seal
shall be recorded on each and every run ticket.
4. B.S. and W. bleed-off lines of lease tanks shall be
sealed or locked at the time any pipeline run is being made.
5. Oil produced from separately-owned leases, not
pooled, unitized or consolidated shall not be commingled in
lease tanks.
6. All leases having more than one producing well
shall be equipped with a test line, so as to obviate the
necessity of spudding in wells when taking individual well
C. Producers shall keep the following records in the
main office for a period of three years and the current
records in the field office for three months:
1. the monthly production in gross barrels produced
from each lease and tank into which the oil was produced. A
record of choke, percent B.S. and W., tubing pressures, and
casing pressures of each oil well on that particular lease shall
be recorded on a monthly basis, and if a choke is changed,
the date of such change shall be recorded on the monthly
record. If a well is put on production, either initially or
returned to production after cessation of production, during
the monthly period preceding the date of the record, the date
the well was put on production shall also be recorded on the
monthly record;
2. a record of stock on hand on the first day of each
3. a record of all deliveries of oil from the lease, to
whom made, and the identity of the means of transportation,
and the transporter; and
4. gauge tickets, and run tickets, as made by the
employees actually performing or directing the operations
recorded on such records.
D.1. Every producer shall make and report to the district
managers production tests of each of his oil wells by the
tenth of February, April, June, August, October and
December. The data collected shall include the daily rate of
production, size choke, percent B.S. and W., tubing pressure,
casing pressure, gravity at 60 degrees F, or observed gravity
and temperature, gas/oil ratio and volume of gas produced,
which shall be recorded on the daily gauge report on or
before the above date. A signed record of such tests shall be
filed with the district manager.
2. When any well or wells shall go off production
other than because of ordinary maintenance operations, same
shall be reported to the district office immediately and a
letter of cancellation of allowable for that well shall be
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation (August 1943), amended (January 1963), (July 1959).
§123. Oil and Gas Measurements
A. Quantities of oil shall be computed from correctly
compiled tank tables and no deduction shall be taken
therefrom. Corrections shall be made for temperature to the
basis of 60 degrees F in accordance with Table 6 in ASTM
Designation: D 1250-IP Designation: 200. The full per
centum of B.S. and W. as shown by the centrifugal or other
tests shall be deducted after making correction for
B. Combined Correction Tables for making both
temperature and B.S. and W. correction at the same time
may be used, if the combined tables are based on the above-
mentioned Abridged Volume Correction Table for Petroleum
Oils, and if the factors are calculated in such a manner that
they give the same results as would be obtained by making
the temperature correction and the B.S. and W. deduction
C. A cubic foot of gas is hereby defined as that amount
of gaseous hydrocarbons contained in a cubic foot of space
at the base temperature of 60 degrees F and an absolute
pressure of 14.4 lbs./sq. in. plus 10 oz./sq. inch, which
temperature and pressure are referred to as the base
temperature and pressure, respectively.
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
D. Basic orifice coefficients used in the calculation of
gas flow shall be those contained in the American Gas
Association's Gas Measurement Committee Report Number
1 and Number 2, or some other basic orifice coefficients
generally accepted in the industry and approved by the
Department of Conservation, such as those published by the
Foxboro Company, American Meter Company, and Pittsburg
Equitable Meter Company. Corrections for base pressure,
base temperature shall be made. Corrections for
supercompressibility are recommended when equal to or
greater than one percent in cases where data are available.
Corrections for Reynolds number and expansion factor are
recommended only in cases where their combined correction
is equal to or exceeds 1 percent.
E. Gas measurements with Pitot tubes shall be based on
Reid's formula and shall follow recommendations similar to
those set forth in Appendix 4 of the Bureau of Mines
Monograph 7. Corrections for base pressure, base
temperature, shall be made as in orifice measurements.
F. Gas measurements with orifice well tests shall follow
recommendations similar to those set forth in Bulletin
Number E-7 of the American Meter Company. Corrections
for base pressure and base temperature, and gravity shall be
made as in orifice measurements.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation (August 1943), amended (January 1954), (May
§125. Delegation of Authority
A. It is the duty of the Commissioner of Conservation, or
his agents, to make such changes in the monthly production
and proration orders as may appear reasonably necessary for
the purposes of safety, conservation, the prevention of waste,
or the maintenance of proper gas/oil ratio, in accordance
with the orders and regulations of the department.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation (August 1943).
§127. Bottomhole Pressure
A. The commissioner shall have the authority to require
bottom-hole pressure surveys of the various fields at such
times as he may designate. However, operators shall be
required to take bottom-hole pressures in those wells only
which are not likely to suffer any injurious effects therefrom.
Tubing and tubingheads shall be free from obstructions in
wells used for bottom-hole pressure test purposes.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation (August 1943).
§129. Reserved.
Editor's Note: Statewide Order 29-B was originally codified
in LAC 43:XIX as §129. In December 2000, §129 was
restructured into Chapters 3, 4 and 5. Chapter 3 contains the
oilfield pit regulations. Chapter 4 contains the
injection/disposal well regulations. Chapter 5 contains the
commercial facility regulations. A cross-reference chart in the
December 2000 Louisiana Register, p. 2798, indicates the
locations for the rules in each existing Section.
§131. Deficient Wells
A. In the event a well does not have the capacity to
produce its total allowable then it shall produce such amount
of oil and gas less than its allowable that it is able to
produce, and the deficiency of such well shall not be made
up by the overproduction of any other well.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation (August 1943).
§133. Monthly Reports
A. The producing, transporting, storing and/or refining of
oil shall be reported in accordance with Order No. 25, or as
it may be amended, or superseded. The length of time
reports and other pertinent data, as defined by Section 16 of
Act 157 of the Regular Legislative Session of 1940, shall be
kept on file by operators and companies in their offices, and
available for inspection by an agent of the Department of
Conservation, shall in no case be less than a period of three
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation (August 1943).
§135. Directional Drilling and Well Surveys
A. Except as otherwise provided in §135, every well
drilled in the state of Louisiana shall be drilled in such a
manner that at any measured depth the actual or apparent
location of the wellbore shall be within a circle whose center
is the surface location and whose radius is equal to said
measured depth multiplied by the factor 0.087156. The
actual or apparent resultant deviation of the wellbore from
the vertical shall not be in excess of 5 degrees at any
measured depth. In the event a survey indicates that the
wellbore is outside the above circle at any measured depth,
the wellbore must be straightened and drilling may continue
only within the specified limit. A directional survey shall be
required and shall be filed with appropriate district manager
as confirmation that the wellbore has been straightened and
is in fact within the above limit.
1. After an operator has commenced drilling a well
and desires to change the bottom-hole location by
directionally controlling and intentionally deflecting said
well from the vertical whether more or less than 5 degrees,
unless done to straighten the hole or to sidetrack junk in the
hole or because of other mechanical difficulties, he shall first
make application for an amended location showing by
attached plat the amended projected bottom-hole objective
and secure an amended permit to drill before commencing
such operations. The amended bottom-hole location or
objective shall comply with all minimum distances from
lease or property lines as prescribed by all statewide orders
or any other applicable field orders.
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
2. In the event a well is to be drilled at a distance from
a property line where such distance is less than the apparent
resultant lateral deviation, as determined by multiplying the
proposed total depth of the well by the factor 0.087156, a
permit to drill for minerals will be issued with the
understanding that the operator will be required to furnish
the appropriate district manager with inclination and/or
directional survey data as proof that the well will be
completed in compliance with the provisions of this
Statewide Order No. 29-B before an allowable is assigned to
said well.
B. An inclination survey shall be made on all wells
drilled in the state of Louisiana with the first shot point at a
depth not greater than that of the surface casing seat and
succeeding shot points not more than 1,000 feet apart.
Inclination surveys conforming to these requirements may
be made either during the normal course of drilling or after
the well has reached total depth. Such survey data shall be
certified by the operator's representative and/or drilling
contractor and shall indicate the resultant lateral deviation as
the sum of the calculated lateral displacement determined
between each inclination survey point assuming that all such
displacement occurs in the direction of the nearest property
line. If a directional survey determining the bottom of the
hole is filed with the Commissioner of Conservation upon
completion of the well, it shall not be necessary to furnish
the inclination survey data.
1. Except as otherwise specified herein, all inclination
and/or directional survey data shall be filed along with Form
WH (Well History).
C. A directional survey shall be run and three certified
copies thereof filed by or at the direction of the operator with
the appropriate district manager of the Department of
Conservation on all future wells drilled in the state of
Louisiana where:
1. the well is directionally controlled and is thereby
intentionally deflected from the vertical; or
2. the surface location is less than 330 feet from the
nearest property line, and the well is drilled below a depth of
3,786 feet; or
3. the resultant lateral deviation as calculated from
inclination survey data is a distance greater than the distance
from the center of the surface location of the wellbore to the
nearest property line; or
4. the wellbore deviates laterally a resultant distance
greater than that determined by a 5-degree angle from a
vertical line passing through the center of the surface
location of the wellbore.
Property Line, as used herein, shall mean the boundary
dividing tracts on which mineral rights, royalty rights or leases
are separately owned except that where a unit as defined in
Section 9, Paragraph B, of Revised Statutes of 1950, has been
created, the boundaries of the unit shall be considered the
property line.
D. The Commissioner of Conservation, on his own
initiative or at the request of an offset operator, shall have
the right to require the operator to run a directional survey
on any well if there is reasonable cause therefor. Whenever a
survey is so required by the commissioner at the request of
an offset operator and the operator of the well and the offset
operator are unable to agree as to the terms and conditions
for running such survey, the commissioner, upon request of
either, shall determine such terms and conditions, after
notice to all interested parties and a public hearing.
E. Unless required by the Commissioner of Conservation
under §135.D hereof, a directional survey shall not be
required for any well which is not directionally controlled
and thereby intentionally deflected from the vertical and
which has a surface location, maximum angle of deviation,
and total depth, all in compliance with the provisions hereof.
F. The Commissioner of Conservation may assess
appropriate penalties for failure to comply with any of the
provisions hereof.
G. The provisions hereof shall not alter or affect the
minimum spacing provisions of Statewide Orders 29-E and
29-H or any other applicable orders.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation (August 1943), amended (March 1967).
§137. Plugging and Abandonment
A. Schedule of Abandonment
1. Dry Holes. All wells drilled for oil or gas and found
to be dry prior to or after the effective date of this order shall
be plugged within 90 days after operations have been
completed thereon or 90 days after the effective date of this
order, whichever is later, unless an extension of time is
granted by the Commissioner of Conservation.
2. Other Wells on or after Effective Date of Order
a. All wells wherein production operations or use as
a service well have ceased on or after the effective date of
this order shall continue to be reported on the Form DM-1-R
or Form DT-1 with the appropriate notation that the well is
off production or no longer in use as a service well along
with the date of last production or date the service well
ceased to be used; and, after six months, if such a well has
not been restored to production or use as a service well, it
shall thereafter be reported by the operator on the
semiannual Inactive Well Report, Form INACT WR-1
(1974) which report shall be filed with the Department of
Conservation showing the status of such well as of April 1
and October 1 of each year (report to be filed no later than
April 25 and October 25). Such wells shall continue to be
reported on the Form DM1-R or Form DT-1 showing the
date of last production or the date the well ceased to be used
as a service well, together with a notation showing the well
is carried on the Form INACT WR-1 (1974), Inactive Well
Report, until the well is plugged and abandoned.
b. The Inactive Well Report shall list the field, well
name, well number and other pertinent data and provide an
appropriate column to classify such well as having either (1)
future utility, or (2) no future utility. If the well is classified
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
as having future utility, operator shall specify such utility by
completing the appropriate column on the form. Wells so
classified shall be reviewed periodically by the district
manager who, at his discretion, may require an operator to
supply additional information to justify the classification.
c. All such wells classified on the Inactive Well
Report by either the operator or the district manager as
having no future utility shall be plugged within 90 days from
the date of such classification unless any such well is
included in a Schedule of Abandonment approved or
promulgated by the Commissioner of Conservation or an
extension of time is otherwise granted by the Commissioner
of Conservation. The date any Schedule of Abandonment is
approved or promulgated or an extension of time expires
shall be shown in the appropriate column on the form.
3. Other Wells Prior to Effective Date of Order
a. All wells wherein production operations or use as
a service well have ceased prior to the effective date of this
order shall continue to be reported on the Form DM-1-R or
Form DT-1 with the appropriate notation that the well is off
production or no longer in use as a service well along with
the date of last production or date the service well ceased to
be used; and, after six months from the effective date of this
order is such a well has not been restored to production or
use as a service well it shall thereafter be reported, classified
and subject to review in the same manner provided for in the
preceding Subparagraph b except as hereinafter otherwise
b. A well classified on the Inactive Well Report by
either the operator or the district manager as having no
future utility shall not be required to be plugged within a
specified period of time but will be plugged in accordance
with a Schedule of Abandonment submitted by the operator
and approved or otherwise promulgated by the
Commissioner of Conservation.
4. Schedule of Abandonment. A Schedule of
Abandonment submitted in accordance with Subparagraph
2.b or 3.b above shall include a schedule or program for the
orderly plugging of wells which should be consistent with
prudent operating practices and take into account any
economic considerations and other circumstances which
would affect such a program of plugging wells. Any
Schedule of Abandonment approved or promulgated by the
Commissioner of Conservation shall be followed unless
modified by the operator with approval of the commissioner.
Reference to the approved Schedule of Abandonment shall
be made on the Inactive Well Report for each well which is
included in such a program and has not yet been plugged.
5. Administrative Interpretation. For purposes of
administering the heretofore mentioned Paragraphs, it is
understood that:
a. a wellbore which is completed in more than one
common source of supply (multiple completions) shall not
be considered as ceasing to produce and shall not be
reported on the Inactive Well Report as long as there is
production from or operations in any completion in the
b. wells classified as having future utility may be
off production or shut-in but are considered to have future
utility for producing oil or gas for use as a service well;
c. no completion with a transferred allowable credit
will be carried on the Inactive Well Report.
B. The responsibility of plugging any well over which
the Commissioner of Conservation has jurisdiction shall be
the owner(s) of record.
C. In the event any owner(s) responsible for plugging
any well fails to do so, and after a diligent effort has been
made by the department to have said well plugged, then the
commissioner may call a public hearing to show cause why
said well was not plugged.
D. The commissioner or his agent may require the
posting of a reasonable bond with good and sufficient surety
in order to secure the performance of the work of proper
E. The district manager shall be notified immediately by
the new operator whenever a change of operator occurs. This
must be accomplished by submitting Department of
Conservation Form MD-10-RA (Application for Amended
Permit to Drill for Minerals) to reflect the new operator.
F. Plugging Procedures
1. Notification of intention to plug any well or wells
over which the Commissioner of Conservation has
jurisdiction, shall be given to the appropriate district
manager prior to the plugging thereof. Notification shall be
made in writing to the district office in the form of a
(Form DM-4 Rev.) for which an original and three
copies are required. Where plugging involves a well with a
rig on location, the district manager may grant verbal
approval to plug and abandon the well provided the work
permit is subsequently submitted. Any operator who fails to
comply with this requirement may be required by the district
manager to place additional cement plug(s) and/or prove the
plug(s) are placed as the operator states they are.
2. Once an operator has been issued a work permit to
plug and abandon a well by the appropriate district manager,
then said operator shall be required to contact the
appropriate oil and gas inspector a minimum of 12 hours
prior to beginning the plugging operations. During drilling
and/or workover operations, the requirement to contact the
appropriate oil and gas inspector a minimum of 12 hours
prior to beginning the plugging operations shall be waived at
the time verbal notification is made to the district office.
3. In plugging wells, it is essential that all oil or gas
bearing formations be protected.
a. Sufficient cement shall be used to adequately
isolate each perforated pool, one from the other. A cement
plug of at least 100 feet shall be placed immediately above
or across the uppermost perforated interval of the pool. If he
deems it advisable, the district manager may allow a bridge
plug with a minimum of 10 feet of cement on top to be
placed immediately above each producing pool.
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
b. In wells completed with screen or perforated
liners, if it is impractical for the operator to remove the
screen or perforated liner, he shall place a cement plug of at
least 100 feet with the bottom as near as practical to the top
of the screen or liner. If the district manager deems it
advisable, a bridge plug with a minimum of 10 feet of
cement on top and placed as near as practical to the top of
the screen or liner may be used in lieu of the cement plug.
c. When production casing is not run or is removed
from the well, a cement plug of at least 100 feet shall be
placed from at least 50 feet below the shoe of the surface
casing to at least 50 feet above. In lieu of the above, the
operator shall have the option of using a cement retainer
placed at least 50 feet above the surface casing shoe and a
sufficient amount of cement shall be squeezed below the
retainer to form a cement plug from the base of the retainer
to 50 feet below the base of the surface casing. A 10-foot
cement plug shall be placed on top of the retainer.
d. If fresh-water horizons are exposed when
production casing is removed from the well, or as a result of
production casing not being run, a cement plug shall be
placed from at least 100 feet below the base of the deepest
fresh-water sand to at least 150 feet above the base of the
sand. A cement plug of at least 100 feet shall also be placed
from at least 50 feet below the shoe of the surface casing to
at least 50 feet above it. In lieu of the above, the operator
shall have the option of using a cement retainer placed at
least 50 feet above the surface casing shoe and a sufficient
amount of cement shall be squeezed below the retainer to
form a cement plug from the base of the retainer to 50 feet
below the base of the surface casing. A 10-foot cement plug
shall be placed on top of the retainer.
e. The setting and location of the first plug below
the top 30-foot plug shall be verified by tagging. In the event
a retainer is used, tagging will not be necessary
f. Additional cement plugs shall be placed to
adequately contain any high pressure oil, gas or water sands
or as may be required by the district manager.
g. A 30-foot cement plug minimum shall be placed
in the top of the well.
h. Mud laden fluid of not less than 9 pounds per
gallon shall be placed in all portions of the well not filled
with cement, unless otherwise approved by the district
i. All cement plugs shall be placed by the
circulation or pump down method unless otherwise
authorized by the district manager. The hole must be in a
static condition at the time the plugs are placed.
j. After placing the top plug, the operator shall be
required on all land locations to cut the casing a minimum of
two feet below plow depth. On all water locations, the
casing shall be cut a minimum of 10 feet below the mud line.
If an operator contemplates reentering the well at some
future date for saltwater disposal or other purpose, the
district manager may approve after receiving written request
from an operator not to cut off the casing below plow depth
or mud line.
k. The plan of abandonment may be altered if new
or unforeseen conditions arise during the well work but only
after approval by the district manager.
4. Upon plugging any well for any cause, a complete
record thereof shall be made out, duly verified and filed in
triplicate on Form P&A in the district office within 20 days
after the plugging of such well. A cementing report shall be
filed with the plugging report.
G. Well to be Used for Fresh Water. When the well to be
plugged may be safely used as a fresh-water well and the
owner or owners of the well have, by a mutual written
agreement with the landowner, agreed to turn the well over
to the landowner for that purpose, then the well need not be
filled above the plug set below the fresh-water formation;
provided, however, that the signed agreement or (if recorded
in the public records) a certified copy thereof be filed with
the appropriate district manager, which shall relieve the
owner or owners who turn the well over to the landowner
from responsibility above the plug. The plugging report shall
indicate that the well has been or will be converted to a fresh
water well.
H. Temporary Abandonment of Drilling Wells. Any
drilling well which is to be temporarily abandoned and the
rig moved away, shall be mudded and cemented as it would
be for permanent abandonment, except a cement plug at the
surface may be omitted.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation (August 1943), amended (March 1974).
§139. Exceptions and Hearings
A. If any operator can show to the commissioner that the
drilling and producing methods herein prescribed or the
particular method by him prescribed for securing tests of
wells, or any other part of this Order, as applies to his well
or wells, result in waste or as to such operator are
unreasonable, the commissioner may enter such an order, as
a special exception to the aforesaid rules and regulations, as
will prevent such waste or eliminate such unreasonable
restraint, as may result from the application of the aforesaid
rules and regulations to the well or wells of such operators;
provided, however, that before any operator shall be allowed
the benefit of an order granting an exception as authorized
by this Section, such operator must establish that such
exception, if granted, will not result in waste in the field as a
whole or give him an inequitable and unfair advantage over
another operator or other operators in the field. No special
exception will be granted except upon written application,
fully stating the alleged facts, which shall be the subject of a
hearing to be held not earlier than 10 days after filing of the
application. Prior to the hearing upon such application, at
least 10 days notice thereof shall be given by publication to
all operators in the field. In addition to said notice by
publication, adjacent operators where appropriate may be
given at least 10 days notice of said hearing by personal
service, or by registered mail.
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation (August 1943).
§141. Application of Special Field Orders
A. This order shall be cumulative of, and in addition to,
all special orders, rules and regulations affecting the drilling
and production of oil and gas, as heretofore promulgated. In
case of any conflict between this order and the special orders
on specific fields, said special orders on specific fields shall
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation (August 1943).
§143. Penalty for Infractions
A. In accordance with the laws of the state of Louisiana,
and especially Act 157 of the Legislature of 1940, any
infraction of these rules and regulations may result in
shutting in and sealing of any drilling or producing well or
wells, tank storage or lease or leases, involved in the
infraction, and prohibition of acceptance of oil or gas from
such well or lease for purchasing or transporting by agent or,
in the alternative, as an additional penalty, be prosecuted
under Section 17 of Act 157 of 1940.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation (August 1943).
§145. Effective Date
A. This order shall be effective from and after the first
day of August, 1943.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation (August 1943).
Chapter 3. Pollution ControlOnsite
Storage, Treatment and Disposal of
Exploration and Production Waste
(E&P Waste) Generated from the
Drilling and Production of Oil and
Gas Wells (Oilfield Pit Regulations)
Editor's Note: Statewide Order 29-B was originally codified in
LAC 43:XIX as §129. In December 2000, §129 was
restructured into Chapters 3, 4 and 5. Chapter 3 contains the
oilfield pit regulations. Chapter 4 contains the
injection/disposal well regulations. Chapter 5 contains the
commercial facility regulations. A cross-reference chart in the
December 2000 Louisiana Register, page 2798, indicates the
locations for the rules in each existing Section.
§301. Definitions
Coastal Areathat area comprising inland tidal waters,
lakes bounded by the Gulf of Mexico, and salt water
marshes and more particularly identified as the intermediate
marshes, brackish marshes, and saline marshes on the
Vegetative Type Map of the Louisiana Coastal Marshes,
published by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and
Fisheries, August, 1978.
Community Saltwater Disposal Well or Systemas
defined in §501.
Contaminationthe introduction of substances or
contaminants into a groundwater aquifer, a USDW or soil in
such quantities as to render them unusable for their intended
Elevated Wetland Areaa wetland area which is not
normally inundated with water and where land mass and
levee material are available for mixing with waste fluids
during closure of a pit.
Exempt Pitscompressor station pits, natural gas
processing plant pits, emergency pits, and salt dome cavern
pits located in the coastal area.
E&P Wasteexploration and production waste.
Exploration and Production Wasteas defined in §501.
Groundwater Aquiferwater in the saturated zone
beneath the land surface that contains less than 10,000 mg/l
Hydrocarbon Storage Brinewell water, potable water,
rainwater, or brine (partially saturated to completely
saturated) used as a displacing fluid in hydrocarbon storage
well operations.
Manufactured Linerany man-made synthetic material of
sufficient size and qualities to sustain a hydraulic
conductivity no greater than 1 x 10
cm/sec after installation
and which is sufficiently reinforced to withstand normal
wear and tear associated with the installation and pit use
without damage to the liner or adverse affect on the quality
thereof. For purposes of this Chapter and Chapter 5, a
manufactured liner used in pit construction must meet or
exceed the following standards.
Parameter or Test Standard
Thickness (average) > 10 mil (0.01 in)
Breaking Strength (Grab Method)* 90 lbs
Bursting Strength* 140 psi
Tearing Strength* 25 lbs
Seam Strength* 50 lbs
*Testing is to be performed according to ASTM method
D-751, latest revision.
Mining Waterwell water, potable water, rainwater, or
unsaturated brine which is injected into a brine solution
mining well for recovery as saturated brine.
Onsitefor purposes of this Section, on the same lease or
contiguous property owned by the lessor, or within the
confines of a drilling unit established for a specific well or
group of wells.
Operation of Oil and Gas Facilitiesas used in this
Section, all oil and gas wells, disposal wells, enhanced
recovery injection wells and facilities, flowlines, field
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
storage and separation facilities, natural gas processing
and/or gas sweetening plants, and compressor stations.
Pitfor purposes of this Chapter, a natural topographic
depression or man-made excavation used to hold produced
water or other exploration and production waste,
hydrocarbon storage brine, or mining water. The term does
not include lined sumps less than 660 gallons or containment
dikes, ring levees or firewalls constructed around oil and gas
Produced Waterliquids and suspended particulate matter
that is obtained by processing fluids brought to the surface in
conjunction with the recovery of oil and gas from
underground geologic formations, with underground storage
of hydrocarbons, or with solution mining for brine.
Production Pitseither earthen or lined storage pits for
collecting E&P Waste sediment periodically cleaned from
tanks and other producing facilities, for storage of produced
water or other exploration and production wastes produced
from the operation of oil and gas facilities, or used in
conjunction with hydrocarbon storage and solution mining
operations as follows.
1. Burn Pitsearthen pits intended for use as a place
to temporarily store and periodically burn exploration and
production waste (excluding produced water) collected from
tanks and facilities.
2. Compressor Station Pitslined or earthen pits
intended for temporary storage or disposal of fresh water
condensed from natural gas at a gas pipeline drip or gas
compressor station.
3. Natural Gas Processing Plant Pitslined or
earthen pits used for the storage of process waters or
stormwater runoff. No produced water may be stored in a
natural gas processing plant pit.
4. Produced Water Pitslined or earthen pit used for
storing produced water and other exploration and production
wastes, hydrocarbon storage brine, or mining water.
5. Washout Pitslined earthen pits used to collect
wash water generated by the cleaning of vacuum truck tanks
and other vessels and equipment only used to transport
exploration and production waste. Any materials other than
E&P Waste are prohibited from being placed in such pits.
6. Well Test Pitssmall earthen pits intended for use
to periodically test or clean up a well.
7. Emergency Pitslined or earthen pits used to
periodically collect produced water and other E&P Waste
fluids only during emergency incidents, rupture or failure of
other facilities.
8. Onshore Terminal Pitslined or earthen pits
located in the coastal area used for storing produced water at
terminals that receive crude oil and entrained water by
pipeline from offshore oil and gas production facilities.
9. Salt Dome Cavern Pitslined or earthen pits
located in the coastal area associated with the storage of
petroleum products and petroleum in salt dome caverns.
Reserve Pitstemporary earthen pits used to store only
those materials used or generated in drilling and workover
Submerged Wetland Areaa wetland area which is
normally inundated with water and where only levee
material is available for mixing with waste fluids during
closure of a pit.
Underground Source of Drinking Water (USDW)for the
purpose of administering these rules and regulations is
defined in §403.B.
Upland Areaan area which is not identified as a wetland
and includes farm land, pasture land, recreational land, and
residential land.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2798 (December
2000), amended LR 33:1653 (August 2007).
§303. General Requirements
A. Produced water generated from the drilling and
production of oil and gas wells shall be disposed of into
subsurface formations not productive of hydrocarbons,
unless discharged or disposed of according to the provisions
of §303.E or transported offsite in accordance with
LAC 43:XIX, Subpart 1, Chapter 5.
B. Produced water may be disposed of by subsurface
injection into legally permitted or authorized operators
saltwater disposal wells, commercial saltwater disposal
wells, enhanced recovery injection wells, community
saltwater disposal wells, or gas plant disposal wells. The use
of hydrocarbon storage brine and mining water in storage
and/or mining operations is not considered to be disposal.
C. Contamination of a groundwater aquifer or a USDW
with E&P Waste is strictly prohibited. In addition, the
injection of E&P Waste into a groundwater aquifer or a
USDW is strictly prohibited.
D. Produced water and other E&P Waste generated in the
drilling and production of oil and gas wells shall not be
disposed of into a zone producing or productive of
hydrocarbons unless such disposal is approved by the Office
of Conservation after a public hearing or unless prior
approval to use the proposed zone for such disposal can be
E. The discharge of produced water or other E&P Waste
(including drilled solids) into manmade or natural drainage
or directly into state waters is allowed only in conformance
with any applicable state or federal discharge regulatory
F. The use of closed E&P Waste storage systems is
encouraged by the Office of Conservation; therefore, the use
of new or existing pits to store produced water, drilling
fluids, and other E&P Waste generated from the drilling and
production of oil and gas wells is prohibited unless:
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
1. notification for each pit is submitted to the Office
of Conservation as outlined in §305; and
2. pits are in conformance with standards set forth in
G. Unless exempted from liner requirements in §303.K.8
or §303.M below, all existing produced water pits, onshore
terminal pits, and washout pits which are to be utilized in the
operation of oil and gas or other facilities must be shown to
comply with the liner requirements of §307.A.1.a or be
permanently closed in accordance with the pit closure
criteria of §311 and §313 by January 20, 1989. A
certification attesting to compliance with these requirements
shall be submitted to this office in a timely manner.
H. All existing pits which are not to be utilized in the
operation of oil and gas or other facilities must be
permanently closed according to the requirements of §311
and §313 by January 20, 1989. A certification attesting to
compliance with these requirements shall be submitted to
this office in a timely manner.
I. Operators of existing pits are required to comply with
all applicable operational requirements of §307.A.2 and 4,
§307.B.1, 2, and 3, §307.C.2, 4, 5, and 6, §307.D.2, 4, and 5,
§307.E.1, 3, 4, and 6, and §307.F.1 and 3.
J. Production pits, except for those identified in
§303.K.1 and §303.M below, may not be constructed in a
"V" or A zone as determined by flood hazard boundary or
rate maps and other information published by the Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), unless such pits
have levees which have been built at least 1 foot above the
100-year flood level and able to withstand the predicted
velocity of the 100-year flood. Location, construction and
use of such pits is discouraged.
K. Production pits located in the coastal area shall be
subject to the following requirements.
1. Except for exempt pits, no production pit may be
constructed in the coastal area after June 30, 1989.
2. Production pits located in the coastal area shall be
closed in compliance with §311 and §313 by January 1,
1993 with the following exceptions:
a. exempt pits as such term is defined in §301;
b. any onshore terminal pit that was in existence on
June 30, 1989, provided such pit has an approved Louisiana
Water Discharge Permit System (LWDPS) permit applicable
thereto. Upon expiration of such permit, operator shall
discontinue use of said pit and comply with the provisions of
c. any production pit which is subject to an
approved Louisiana Water Discharge Permit System
(LWDPS) permit is not subject to the closure requirements
of §311 and §313 until January 1, 1995 or until expiration of
such permit which ever occurs first. Upon expiration of such
permit, operator shall discontinue use of said pit and comply
with the provisions of §307.
3. Operators of existing production pits located in the
coastal area shall submit Form ENG 15-CP to the Office of
Conservation by January 1, 1991. Pits closed prior to
October 20, 1990 are not considered existing pits for
purposes hereof.
4. Operators intending to construct an exempt pit shall
submit Form ENG-15-CP to the Office of Conservation at
least 10 days prior to start of construction thereof.
5. Production pits located within the coastal area must
maintain a levee with an elevation of at least 2 feet above
mean high tide, the liquid level in pit(s) shall not be
permitted to rise within 2 feet of top of pit levee or walls,
and any surface water discharge from an active pit must be
done in accordance with appropriate state or federal
regulatory programs. Such discharge must be piped to open
water (within the marsh) that receives good flushing action
and shall not otherwise significantly increase the salinity of
the receiving body of water or marsh. Further, unless
otherwise indicated in §303.K.6, 7, 8 and 9, production pits
located in the coastal area shall comply with the standards
and operational requirements set forth in §307.
6. Burn pits, compressor station pits, natural gas
processing plant pits, and well test pits located in the coastal
area are exempt from the liner requirements of §307.A.
7. Salt dome cavern pits are exempt from the liner
requirements of §307.A.
8. Produced water pits, washout pits, and onshore
terminal pits located in the coastal area shall comply with
the liner requirements of §307.A unless such pit is subject to
an approved Louisiana Water Discharge Permit System
(LWDPS) permit.
9. Emergency pits located in the coastal area shall
comply with the requirements of §307.E unless such pit is
subject to an approved Louisiana Water Discharge Permit
System (LWDPS) permit.
10. Any production pit which is not subject to an
approved Louisiana Water Discharge Permit System
(LWDPS) permit on October 20, 1990 shall submit a closure
plan to the Office of Conservation by January 1, 1991.
L. Within six months of the completion of the drilling or
workover of any permitted well, the operator (generator)
shall certify to the commissioner by filing Form ENG-16 the
types and number of barrels of E&P Waste generated, the
disposition of such waste, and further certify that such
disposition was conducted in accordance with applicable
rules and regulations of the Office of Conservation. Such
certification shall become a part of the well's permanent
M. Based upon the best practical technology, production
pits located within an 'A' zone (FEMA) which meet the
following criteria are not subject to the levee height
requirements of §303.J above or the liner requirements of
1. pit size is less than or equal to 10' x 10' x 4' deep;
2. such pit contains only produced brine; and
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
3. such pit is utilized for gas wells producing less than
25 mcf per day and less than or equal to one barrel of
saltwater per day (bswpd).
N. Evidence of contamination of a groundwater aquifer
or USDW may require compliance with the monitoring
program of §309, compliance with the liner requirements of
§307.A.1, or immediate closure of the pit.
O. The commissioner may authorize, without the
necessity of a public hearing, the disposal of produced water
into a zone producing or productive of hydrocarbons upon
application of the operator of an existing or proposed
disposal well. Such written request shall include the
1. the appropriate permit application as per the
requirements of LAC 43:XIX.Chapter 4;
2. evidence establishing the production mechanism of
the proposed disposal zone is aquifer expansion (water
3. evidence demonstrating the subject disposal well is
not productive in the proposed disposal zone;
4. a plat showing the subject disposal well is not
located within 330' of a property line as it is defined in
LAC 43:XIX.1901;
5. written consent of all operators of record with
existing wells within a 1/4 mile radius of the subject well;
6. such other information which the commissioner
may require.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2799 (December
2000), amended LR 30:254 (February 2004), LR 33:1654 (August
§305. Notification
A. Existing Pits
1. Each pit which was constructed prior to January 20,
1986, is an existing pit. Use of an existing pit is prohibited
unless the operator has reported that pit to the Office of
Conservation by July 20, 1986, according to the
requirements of this Paragraph. Notification shall contain the
information requested below. Pits closed prior to January 20,
1986, are not considered existing pits.
2. Operators of existing pits must submit the
following information to the Office of Conservation by July
20, 1986:
a. for each existing pit to be utilized in the
operation of oil and gas facilities, the information requested
in §305.D.1-8 below;
b. for each existing pit not to be utilized in the
operation of oil and gas facilities the information requested
in §305.D.1-6 below;
c. a plan and schedule of abandonment for closure
of pits identified in §305.A.2.b above. Such plan must
comply with the provisions of §303.H, §311, and §313.
Failure to comply with the plan in a timely manner will
subject an operator to appropriate civil penalties.
3. Operators of existing pits in the coastal area shall
comply with the requirements of §303.K.3.
B. New Pits. Except for reserve pits, operators must
notify the Office of Conservation of the intent to construct
new pits at least 10 days prior to start of construction.
Notification shall contain all information requested in
§305.D or §303.K.4 as appropriate. The Office of
Conservation may inspect any proposed pit site prior to or
during construction; however, initial use of the completed pit
need not be deferred if no inspection is made.
C. Reserve Pit Notification. For reserve pits used in
drilling and workover operations, notification requirements
of this rule shall be satisfied by application for a drilling or
work permit.
D. Notification Information Required Form ENG-15
1. Name of Facility Pit (indicate whether new or
2. Field Designation, if applicable
3. Section, Township and Range (include approximate
footage location of pit center)
4. Parish Name
5. Type of Pit (consistent with definitions in §301)
6. Size of Pit (length, width and depth)
7. Type of Liner, if applicable
8. Certification that each pit will or does conform to
standards stipulated under §307 applicable to that type pit
and that such compliance will be within the time frame
described in §303.G, H, and I, if applicable.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2801 (December
2000), amended LR 33:1656 (August 2007).
§307. Pit Classification, Standards, and Operational
A. Produced Water, Onshore Terminal, and Washout Pits
1. Except where exempted by §303.K.8 and §303.M,
groundwater aquifer and USDW protection for above-listed
pits shall be provided by one of the following.
a. A liner along the bottom and sides of pits which
has the equivalent of 3 continuous feet of recompacted or
natural clay having a hydraulic conductivity no greater than
1 x 10
cm/sec. Such liners include, but are not limited to
the following.
i. Natural Linernatural clay having a hydraulic
conductivity meeting the requirements of §307.A.1.a above.
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
ii. Soil Mixture Linersoil mixed with cement,
clay-type, and/or other additives to produce a barrier which
meets the hydraulic conductivity requirements of §307.A.1.a
iii. Recompacted Clay Linerin situ or imported
clay soils which are compacted or restructured to meet the
hydraulic conductivity requirements of §307.A.1.a above.
iv. Manufactured Linersynthetic material that
meets the definition in §301 and is equivalent or exceeds the
hydraulic conductivity requirements of §307.A.1.a above.
Pits constructed with a manufactured liner must have side
slopes of 3:1 and the liner at the top of the pit must be buried
in a 1' wide and 1' deep trench. A sufficient excess of liner
material shall be placed in the pit to prevent tearing when
filled with E&P Waste.
v. Combination Linera combination of two or
more types of liners described in this Section which meets
the hydraulic conductivity requirements of §307.A.1.a
b. Any other alternate groundwater aquifer and
USDW protection system acceptable to the Office of
2. Pits shall be protected from surface waters by
levees or walls and by drainage ditches, where needed, and
no siphon or openings will be placed in or over levees or
walls that would permit escaping of contents so as to cause
pollution or contamination. Authorized surface discharges of
pit contents under federal and/or state regulatory programs
are not considered to be pollution or contamination as used
3. A representative of the Office of Conservation must
be given an opportunity to inspect prior to and during
construction of the pit as provided under §305.B.
4. Liquid levels in pits shall not be permitted to rise
within 2 feet of top of pit levees or walls. Pit levees or walls
shall be maintained at all times to prevent deterioration,
subsequent overfill, and leakage of E&P Waste to the
5. When use of a pit will be permanently discontinued
by the operator of record, the Office of Conservation shall be
notified in writing. Pits shall be emptied of all fluids in a
manner compatible with all applicable regulations and
closed in accordance with §303.F and G within six months
of abandonment.
B. Reserve Pits
1. Pits shall be protected from surface waters by
levees or walls and by drainage ditches, where needed, and
no siphons or openings will be placed in or over levees or
walls that would permit escaping of contents so as to cause
pollution or contamination. Authorized surface discharges of
pit contents under federal or state regulatory programs are
not considered to be pollution or contamination as used
2. Liquid levels in pits shall not be permitted to rise
within 2 feet of top of pit levees or walls. Pit levees or walls
shall be maintained at all times to prevent deterioration,
subsequent overfill, and leakage of E&P Waste to the
3. Operators shall prevent the placing of produced
water, waste oil, trash, or any other material into a reserve
pit which would increase the difficulty in clean-up of the pit
or otherwise harm the environment. Such material shall be
properly stored and disposed of according to applicable state
or federal regulations.
4. Pits shall be emptied of fluids in a manner
compatible with all applicable regulations, and closed in
accordance with §311 and §313 within six months of
completion of drilling or work over operations.
C. Burn Pits
1. Pits shall be constructed in such a manner as to
keep fire hazards to a minimum, and in no case shall be
located less than 100 feet from a well location, tank battery,
separator, heater-treater, or any and all other equipment that
may present a fire hazard.
2. Pits shall be protected from surface waters by
levees or walls and by drainage ditches, where needed, and
no siphons or openings will be placed in or over levees or
walls that would permit escaping of contents so as to cause
pollution or contamination.
3. A representative of the Office of Conservation must
be given an opportunity to inspect prior to and during
construction of the pit as provided under §305.B.
4. Any burning process shall be carried out in
conformance with applicable air quality regulations.
Notification as required by said regulation shall be made to
the Air Permits Division, Department of Environmental
5. No produced water, radioactive material (except
industry-accepted and license-approved radioactive material
utilized in oilfield operations, and radioactive material
naturally occurring in the produced fluids), or other
noncombustible waste products shall be placed in pits,
except water or emulsion which may be associated with
crude oil swabbed or otherwise produced during test
operations, or during tank or other vessel cleaning
operations. E&P Waste must be removed or burned
periodically to assure that storage of materials in the pit is
kept to a minimum.
6. Liquid levels in pits shall not be permitted to rise
within 2 feet of top of pit levees or walls. Pit levees or walls
shall be maintained at all times to prevent deterioration,
subsequent overfill, and leakage of E&P Waste to the
7. When use of pits will be permanently discontinued
by the operator of record, the Office of Conservation shall be
notified in writing. Pits shall be emptied of fluids in a
manner compatible with all applicable regulations, and
closed in accordance with §311 and §313 within six months
of abandonment.
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
D. Well Test Pits
1. Pits shall be constructed in such a manner as to
keep fire hazards to a minimum, and in no case shall be
located less than 100 feet from a well location, tank battery,
separator, heater-treater, or any and all other equipment that
may present a fire hazard.
2. Pits shall be protected from surface waters by
levees or walls and by drainage ditches, where needed, and
no siphons or openings will be placed in or over levees or
walls that would permit escaping of contents so as to cause
pollution or contamination.
3. A representative of the Office of Conservation must
be given an opportunity to inspect prior to and during
construction of the pit as provided under §305.B.
4. Within 30 days after completion of a well test, pits
shall be emptied of produced fluids and must remain empty
of produced fluids during periods of nonuse.
5. Liquid levels in pits shall not be permitted to rise
within 2 feet of top of pit walls or dikes. Pit levees or walls
shall be maintained at all times to prevent deterioration,
subsequent overfill, and leakage of E&P Waste to the
6. When use of pits will be permanently discontinued,
the Office of Conservation shall be notified in writing. Pits
shall be emptied of fluids in a manner compatible with all
applicable regulations, and closed in accordance with §311
and §313 within six months of abandonment.
E. Emergency Pits
1. Groundwater aquifer and USDW protection for
emergency pits shall be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Operators who intend to utilize existing or new emergency
pits without liners must demonstrate by written application
to the Office of Conservation that groundwater aquifer and
USDW contamination will not occur; otherwise, emergency
pits shall be lined. Applications to demonstrate unlined pits
will not contaminate groundwater aquifers and USDW's
shall at a minimum address the following.
a. Emergency Incident Rateoperator shall
estimate the number of times a pit will be utilized each year.
A detailed discussion of the facility operation and reasons
for the emergency incident rate must be addressed.
b. Soil Propertiesoperator shall describe and
evaluate soil properties onsite. Soil hydraulic conductivity
and physical properties must be addressed to assess potential
groundwater aquifer and USDW impacts.
c. Groundwater Aquifer Evaluationwater quality,
groundwater aquifer, and USDW depth shall be evaluated.
d. Produced Water Composition (total dissolved
solids and oil and grease)must be determined to assess
potential impacts on the site.
2. All emergency pits required to be lined must
conform to hydraulic conductivity requirements in §307.A.1
3. No produced water or any other E&P Waste shall
be intentionally placed in any emergency pit not meeting the
hydraulic conductivity requirements (1 x 10
cm/sec for
3 continuous feet of clay) except in the case of an emergency
incident. In emergency situations, notice must be given to
the Office of Conservation within 24 hours after discovery
of the incident. Produced water and any other E&P Waste
must be removed from the pit within seven days following
termination of the emergency situation.
4. Pits shall be protected from surface waters by
levees and by drainage ditches, where needed, and no
siphons or openings will be placed in or over levees or walls
that would permit escaping of contents so as to cause
pollution or contamination. Surface discharges of pit
contents under federal or state permits are not considered to
be pollution or contamination as used herein.
5. A representative of the Office of Conservation must
be given an opportunity to inspect prior to and during
construction of the pits as provided under §305.B.
6. Liquid level in pits shall not be permitted to rise
within 2 feet of top of pit levees. Pit levees or walls shall be
maintained at all times to prevent deterioration, subsequent
overfill, and leakage of E&P Waste to the environment.
7. When use of pits will be permanently discontinued,
the Office of Conservation shall be notified in writing. After
notification to the Office of Conservation, pits shall be
emptied of all fluids in a manner compatible with all
applicable regulations, and closed in accordance with §311
and §313 within six months of abandonment.
F. Natural Gas Processing Plant Pits, Compressor
Station Pits, and Salt Dome Cavern Pits
1. Pits shall be protected from surface waters by
levees or walls and by drainage ditches, where needed, and
no siphon or openings will be placed in or over levees or
walls that would permit escaping of contents so as to cause
pollution or contamination. Authorized surface discharges of
pit contents under federal and/or state regulatory programs
are not considered to be pollution or contamination as used
2. A representative of the Office of Conservation must
be given an opportunity to inspect prior to and during
construction of the pit as provided under §305.B.
3. Liquid levels in pits shall not be permitted to rise
within 2 feet of top of pit levees or walls. Pit levees or walls
shall be maintained at all times to prevent deterioration,
subsequent overfill, and leakage of E&P Waste to the
4. When use of a pit will be permanently discontinued
by the operator of record, the Office of Conservation shall be
notified in writing. Pits shall be emptied of all fluids in a
manner compatible with all applicable regulations and
closed in accordance with §311 and §313 within six months
of abandonment.
G. Office of Conservation Corrective Action and Closure
Requirement. Should the Office of Conservation determine
that continued operation of pits specified in this
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
Subparagraph may result in contamination of a groundwater
aquifer or a USDW, or the discharge of fluids into man-made
or natural drainage or directly into state waters, or
contamination of soils outside the confines thereof, further
use of the pit shall be prohibited until conditions causing or
likely to cause contamination have been corrected. If
corrective measures are not satisfactorily completed in
accordance with an Office of Conservation compliance order
or schedule, the commissioner may require closure of the pit.
When an order for closure is issued, a pit shall be closed in
accordance with §311 and §313 and the operator must
comply with any closure schedule issued by the Office of
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2801 (December
2000), amended LR 33:1656 (August 2007).
§309. Monitoring Program
A. Upon a determination by the operator or the Office of
Conservation that any pit subject to this rule is likely to
contaminate a groundwater aquifer or a USDW, the Office of
Conservation shall require the timely submission of a plan
for the prevention of such contamination. Such plan may
include using an under-built drainage and collection system,
monitoring wells, and/or other means that the Office of
Conservation may approve to prevent or detect
contamination. Any required monitor wells shall be
registered with the appropriate state agency.
B. When required by the Office of Conservation,
monitoring shall be conducted on a quarterly schedule. A
written report summarizing the results of such monitoring
shall be submitted to the Office of Conservation within
30 days of the end of each quarter.
C. If monitoring of a groundwater aquifer or USDW
indicates contamination due to a discharge from a pit, the
owner or operator shall immediately notify the Office of
Conservation. Within 30 days, the operator shall empty the
pit of all E&P Waste and submit a remedial plan for
prevention of further contamination of any groundwater
aquifer or any USDW. Upon approval, the remedial plan
shall be implemented by the operator and monthly progress
reports, reviewing actions taken under the plan and their
results, will be filed with the Office of Conservation until all
actions called for in the plan have been satisfactorily
D. Notification received by the Office of Conservation,
pursuant to §309.A, B, or C above, of any contamination of
a groundwater aquifer or a USDW as the possible result of a
discharge, or information obtained by the exploitation of
such notification shall not be used against the reporting
owner or operator in any criminal action, including but not
limited to those provided for by Louisiana Revised Statutes
30:18, except in a prosecution for perjury or for giving a
false statement.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2803 (December
2000), amended LR 33:1658 (August 2007).
§311. Pit Closure
A. Pits must be closed properly to assure protection of
soil, surface water, groundwater aquifers and USDW's.
Operators may close pits utilizing onsite land treatment,
burial, solidification, onsite land development, or other
techniques approved by the Office of Conservation only if
done so in compliance with §313 and §315. Otherwise, all
E&P Waste must be manifested according to §511 and
transported offsite to a permitted commercial facility unless
temporarily used in hydraulic fracture stimulation operations
conducted on the Haynesville Shale Zone in accordance with
the requirements of LAC 43:XIX:313.J.
B. Liability for pit closure shall not be transferred from
an operator to the owner of the surface land(s) on which a pit
is located.
C. For evaluation purposes prior to closure of any pit and
for all closure and onsite and offsite disposal techniques,
excluding subsurface injection of reserve pit fluids,
exploration and production waste (pit contents) must be
analyzed for the following parameters:
1. pH;
2. total metals content (ppm) for:
a. arsenic;
b. barium;
c. cadmium;
d. chromium;
e. lead;
f. mercury;
g. selenium;
h. silver;
i. zinc;
3. oil and grease (percent dry weight);
4. soluble salts and cationic distributions:
a. electrical conductivityEC in mmhos/cm
b. sodium adsorption ratioSAR;
c. exchangeable sodium percentageESP (percent);
d. cation exchange capacityCEC
(milliequivalents/100 gm soil).
5. Radioisotopes if such pit is located in the coastal
area and is closed after October 20, 1990.
D. Laboratory Procedures for Exploration and
Production Waste Analyses
1. For soluble salts, cationic distributions, metals
(except barium) and oil and grease (organics) samples are to
be analyzed using standard soil testing procedures as
presented in the manual titled "Laboratory Procedures for
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Analysis of Exploration and Production Waste" (Department
of Natural Resources, August 9, 1988, or latest revision).
2. For barium analysis, samples are to be digested in
accordance with the "True Total" method, as presented in the
manual titled "Laboratory Procedures for Analysis of
Exploration and Production Waste" (Department of Natural
Resources, August 9, 1988 or latest revision).
3. For radioisotopes, the sampling and testing of pit
sludges shall comply with the requirements of the
Department of Environmental Quality.
E. Documentation of testing and closure activities,
including onsite disposal of E&P Waste, shall be maintained
in operator's files for at least three years after completion of
closure activities. Upon notification, the Office of
Conservation may require the operator to furnish these data
for verification of proper closure of any pit. If proper onsite
closure has not been accomplished, the operator will be
required to bring the site into compliance with applicable
F. Reserve pits utilized in the drilling of wells less than
5,000 feet in depth are exempt from the testing requirements
of §311.C and §313 provided the following conditions are
1. the well is drilled using only freshwater "native"
mud which contains no more than 25 lbs/bbl bentonite,
0.5 lbs/bbl caustic soda or lime, and 50 lbs/bbl barite; and
2. documentation of the above condition is maintained
in the operator's files for at least three years after completion
of pit closure activities.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2803 (December
2000), amended LR 33:1658 (August 2007), LR 35:2464
(November 2009).
§313. Pit Closure Techniques and Onsite Disposal of E
and P Waste
A. Reserve pit fluids, as well as drilling muds, cuttings,
etc., from holding tanks, may be disposed of onsite provided
the technical criteria of §313.C, D, E, F, or G below are met,
as applicable. All E and P Waste must be either disposed of
on-site, temporarily used in hydraulic fracture stimulation
operations conducted on the Haynesville Shale Zone in
accordance with the requirements of LAC 43:XIX.313.J or
transported to an approved commercial facility or transfer
station in accordance with the requirements of LAC
43:XIX.Chapter 5 or under the direction of the
B. Prior to conducting onsite pit closure activities, an
operator must make a determination that the requirements of
this Subparagraph are attainable.
C. Unless specifically stated otherwise, all pit closure
techniques in this Subparagraph, except solidification,
waste/soil mixtures must not exceed the following criteria:
1. range of pH: 6-9 for land treatment and burial and
trenching, 6-12 for onsite land development;
2. total metals content (ppm):
Parameter Limitation
Arsenic 10
Submerged Wetland Area 20,000
Elevated Wetland Area 20,000
Upland Area 40,000
Cadmium 10
Chromium 500
Lead 500
Mercury 10
Selenium 10
Silver 200
Zinc 500
D. Land Treatment. Pits containing E and P Waste may
be closed onsite by mixing wastes with soil from pit levees
or walls and adjacent areas provided waste/soil mixtures at
completion of closure operations do not exceed the
following criteria, as applicable, unless the operator can
show that higher limits for EC, SAR, and ESP can be
justified for future land use or that background analyses
indicate that native soil conditions exceed the criteria.
1. In addition to the pH and metals criteria listed in
§313.C above, land treatment of E and P Waste in
submerged wetland, elevated wetland, and upland areas is
permitted if the oil and grease content of the waste/soil
mixture after closure is < 1 percent (dry weight).
2. Additional parameters for land treatment E and P
Waste in elevated, freshwater wetland areas where the
disposal site is not normally inundated:
a. electrical conductivity (EC-solution phase):
< 8 mmhos/cm;
b. sodium adsorption ratio (SAR-solution phase):
< 14;
c. exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP-solid
phase): 25 percent.
3. Additional parameters for land treatment of E and P
Waste in upland areas:
a. electrical conductivity (EC-solution phase):
< 4 mmhos/cm;
b. sodium adsorption ratio (SAR-solution phase):
< 12;
c. exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP-solid
phase): < 15 percent.
E. Burial or Trenching. Pits containing E and P Waste
may be closed by mixing the waste with soil and burying the
mixture onsite, provided the material to be buried meets the
following criteria:
1. the pH and metals criteria in §313.C above;
2. moisture content: < 50 percent by weight;
3. electrical conductivity (EC): < 12 mmhos/cm;
4. oil and grease content: < 3 percent by weight;
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
5. top of buried mixture must be at least 5 feet below
ground level and then covered with 5 feet of native soil;
6. bottom of burial cell must be at least 5 feet above
the seasonal high water table.
F. Solidification. Pits containing E and P Waste may be
closed by solidifying wastes and burying it onsite provided
the material to be buried meets the following criteria:
1. pH range: 6 - 12;
2. Leachate testing* for oil and grease: < 10.0 mg/1
and chlorides < 500.0 mg/1
*NOTE: The leachate testing method for oil and grease is
included in the manual titled "Laboratory Procedures for
Analysis of Exploration and Production Waste" (Department
of Natural Resources, August 9, 1988, or latest revision).
3. Leachate testing* for the following metals:
a. arsenic < 0.5 mg/1;
b. barium < 10.0 mg/l;
c. cadmium < 0.1 mg/1;
d. chromium < 0.5 mg/1;
e. lead < 0.5 mg/1;
f. mercury < 0.02 mg/1;
g. selenium < 0.1 mg/1;
h. silver < 0.5 mg/1;
i. zinc < 5.0 mg/1;
*NOTE: The leachate testing method for metals is included
in the manual titled "Laboratory Procedures for Analysis of
Exploration and Production Waste" (Department of Natural
Resources, August 9, 1988, or latest revision).
4. top of buried mixture must be at least 5 feet below
ground level and covered with 5 feet of native soil;
5. bottom of burial cell must be at least 5 feet above
the seasonal high water table;
6. solidified material must meet the following
a. unconfined compressive strength (Qu):
> 20 lbs/in
b. permeability: <1 x 10
c. wet/dry durability: > 10 cycles to failure.
*NOTE: Testing must be conducted according to ASTM or
other approved methods prior to pit closure by solidification
G. Onsite Land Development. Reserve pits containing
E&P Waste may be closed by processing the waste material
with Department of Environmental Quality approved
stabilizing additives and using the mixture onsite to develop
lease roads, drilling and production locations, etc. provided
the following conditions have been met:
1. at least 72 hours prior to commencement of waste
processing operations, written notification has been made to
the Office of Conservation of the operator's intent to utilize
this method of reserve pit closure. This notification shall
include a detailed explanation of the methods used to
generate the processed waste material, including but not
limited to the types and volumes of additives to be used,
amounts of processed waste material to be generated, the
applications and locations onsite for which the processed
waste material will be used, written approval from the
surface owner of the property on which the processed waste
material is to be applied; and any other pertinent information
required by the commissioner;
2. E and P Waste shall not be processed in an unlined
reserve pit with a bottom that extends to a depth deeper than
5 feet above the seasonal high water table;
3. the processed waste material meets the following
analytical criteria:
a. pH range of the mixture: 6-12;
b. electrical conductivity (EC): < 8 mmhos/cm;
c. oil and grease content: < 1 percent by weight;
d. total metals content meeting the criteria of
§313.C.2 above;
e. leachate testing** for chloride concentration:
< 500 mg/L; and,
f. NORM concentrations do not exceed applicable
DEQ criteria or limits;
*NOTE: The testing method for pH, EC, and metals shall
conform to the requirments of §311.D and is included in the
manual titled "Laboratory Procedures for Analysis of
Exploration and Production Waste" (Department of Natural
Resources, August 9, 1988, or latest revision).
**NOTE: The leachate testing method for metals is
included in the manual titled "Laboratory Procedures for
Analysis of Exploration and Production Waste" (Department
of Natural Resources, August 9, 1988, or latest revision).
4. any pit remaining after the generation and
application of the processed waste material shall be closed in
conformance with the criteria of §313.D above; and
5. the Commissioner of Conservation, the Secretary of
the Department of Natural Resources, and the State of
Louisiana shall be held harmless from and indemnified for
any and all liabilities arising from onsite land development
using processed E and P Waste, and the operator of record
and the surface owner shall execute agreements as the
commissioner requires for this purpose.
H. Passive Closure
1. The Office of Conservation will consider requests
for passive pit closure provided one of the following
conditions exists:
a. where pit closure would create a greater adverse
environmental impact than if the pit were allowed to remain
b. where pit usage can be justified for agricultural
purposes or wildlife/ecological management.
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
2. Operators requesting passive pit closure shall
submit the following:
a. an affidavit requesting passive pit closure for one
of the reasons contained in §313. H.1;
b. a copy of ENG-15 or ENG-15-CP with pit
identification number shown thereon;
c. an affidavit of no objection from the Louisiana
Department of Wildlife and Fisheries obtainable by
La. Department of Wildlife & Fisheries
P.O. Box 98000
Baton Rouge, LA 70898
Telephone: (225) 765-2819
d. where applicable, an affidavit of no objection
from the Department of Natural Resources, Coastal
Management Division, obtainable by contacting:
Department of Natural Resources
Coastal Management Division
P.O. Box 44487
Baton Rouge, LA 70804-4487
Telephone: (225) 342-7591
e. an affidavit of no objection from the landowner
endorsing operator's request for passive pit closure;
f. a photograph of the pit in question;
g. an inspection of the pit signed by a conservation
enforcement agent and a representative of the operator. The
operator shall contact the applicable conservation district
office to arrange date and time for inspection;
h. analytical laboratory reports of the pit bottoms
and pit levees indicating conformance with applicable land
treatment criteria set forth in §313.C and D;
i. an analytical laboratory report of the fluid
contents of the pit indicating conformance with applicable
state and federal effluent guidelines for oil and gas
exploration and production. Contact the Department of
Environmental Quality, Office of Environmental Services,
(225) 219-3181 for information regarding effluent
3. The Commissioner of Conservation retains the right
to grant exceptions to the requirements of §313.H.2 as he
deems appropriate.
I. Offsite Disposal of E and P Waste
1. Except for produced water, drilling, workover,
completion, and stimulation fluids, and rainwater which may
be transported by an oil and gas operator to a community
well or an operators permitted Class II disposal well,
discharged to surface waters where authorized, or otherwise
authorized in LAC 43:XIX.313.J, exploration and
production waste shall not be moved offsite for storage,
treatment, or disposal unless transported to an approved
commercial facility or transfer station in accordance with the
requirements of LAC 43:XIX.Chapter 5 or under the
direction of the commissioner.
2. The criteria for land treatment, burial,
solidification, or onsite generation of reuse material listed
above will apply, as appropriate, to the onsite disposal of any
exploration and production waste remaining onsite.
3. E&P Waste that fails to meet the criteria of this
Paragraph for onsite disposal shall be moved offsite by the
operator to a permitted commercial facility or transfer
station in accordance with the requirements of LAC 43:XIX,
Chapter 5.
J. Temporary Use of E and P Waste (Produced Water,
Rainwater, Drilling, Workover, Completion and Stimulation
Fluids) for Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation of the
Haynesville Shale Zone
1. Produced water, rainwater, drilling, workover,
completion and stimulation fluids generated at a wellsite
(originating wellsite) that are classified as E and P Waste
may be transported offsite for use in hydraulic fracture
stimulation operations of the Haynesville Shale Zone at
another wellsite (receiving wellsite) provided that the
following conditions are met.
a. The originating wellsite and the receiving
wellsite must have the same operator of record.
b. All residual waste generated in the treatment or
processing of E and P Waste prior to its use in hydraulic
fracture stimulation operations must be properly disposed of
in accordance with the following.
i. All residual waste generated as a result of
treatment or processing conducted at the originating wellsite
must be either disposed of onsite at the originating wellsite
in accordance with all the requirements of LAC 43:XIX.311
and 313, except and not including Subsection 313.J, or
offsite in accordance with the requirements of LAC
43:XIX.Chapter 5.
ii. All residual waste generated as a result of
treatment or processing conducted at the receiving wellsite
must be disposed of offsite in accordance with the
requirements of LAC 43:XIX.Chapter 5.
c. The types and volumes of E and P Waste
generated for temporary use along with the well name and
well serial number of the receiving wellsite must be reported
on Form ENG-16 (Oilfield Waste Disposition) for the
originating well and/or Form UIC-28 (Exploration and
Production Waste Shipping Control Ticket) and/or other
appropriate forms specified by the commissioner depending
on the waste types involved.
d. An affidavit must be provided by the operator
which attests that the operator has authority to store and use
E and P waste from an offsite location at the receiving
wellsite. The affidavit must be in a format acceptable to the
Commissioner and attached to Form ENG-16 (Oilfield
Waste Disposition) for the originating well and/or Form
UIC-28 (Exploration and Production Waste Shipping
Control Ticket) and/or other appropriate forms specified by
the commissioner depending on the waste types involved.
e. E and P Waste intended for temporary use must
be stored at the receiving wellsite in an above ground
storage tank or a lined production pit which conforms to the
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
liner requirements and operational provisions of LAC
2. The Commissioner of Conservation, the Secretary
of the Department of Natural Resources, and the State of
Louisiana shall be held harmless from and indemnified for
any and all liabilities arising from temporary use of E and P
waste pursuant to this Subsection, and the operator of record
and the surface owner shall execute agreements as the
commissioner requires for this purpose.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2804 (December
2000), amended LR 33:1659 (August 2007), LR 35:2464
(November 2009), LR 36:1265 (June 2010).
§315. Disposal of Reserve Pit Fluids by Subsurface
A. General Provisions
1. The disposal (subsurface injection) of drilling and
workover waste fluids (including reserve pit fluids) into (1) a
newly drilled well which is to be plugged and abandoned; or
(2) into the casing annulus of a well being drilled, a recently
completed well, or a well which has been worked over is
prohibited, except when such injection is conducted in
accordance with the requirements of this Subsection.
2. Injection of drilling and workover waste fluids shall
not commence until approval has been granted by the Office
of Conservation. Operators may apply for approval when
applying for a drilling permit. Approval for injection into a
well will remain valid for subsequent workovers provided
the criteria in §315.C below continue to be met.
3. Injection of drilling and workover waste fluids
(including reserve pit fluids) shall be limited to injection of
only those fluids generated in the drilling, stimulation or
workover of the specific well for which authorization is
requested. Reserve pit fluids may not be transported from
one well location to another for injection purposes.
4. Injection of drilling and workover waste pit fluids
into zones that have been tested for hydrocarbons or are
capable of hydrocarbon production is prohibited, except as
otherwise provided by the commissioner.
5. Pump pressure shall be limited so that vertical
fractures will not extend to the base of the USDW and/or
groundwater aquifer.
6. A drilling and workover waste fluids injection site
may be inspected by a duly authorized representative of the
commissioner prior to approval.
7. Drilling and workover waste fluids to be injected
pursuant to the provisions of this Section are exempt from
the testing requirements of §311.C.
B. Application Requirements
1. Prior to the onsite injection of reserve pit fluids, an
application shall be filed by the well operator on the
appropriate form. The original and one copy of the
application (with attachments) shall be submitted to the
Office of Conservation for review and approval.
2. An application for approval of reserve pit fluid
injection shall include:
a. schematic diagram of well showing:
i. total depth of well;
ii. depths of top and bottom of all casing strings
and the calculated top of cement on each;
iii. size of casing; and
iv. depth of the deepest USDW;
b. operating data:
i. maximum pressure anticipated; and
ii. estimated volume of fluids to be injected;
c. a copy of the electric log of the well (if run) or a
copy of the electric log of a nearby well;
d. additional information as the commissioner may
C. Criteria for Approval
1. Casing string injection may be authorized if the
following conditions are met and injection will not endanger
underground sources of drinking water:
a. surface casing annular injection may be
authorized provided the surface casing is set and cemented at
least 200 feet below the base of the lowermost USDW,
except as otherwise provided by the commissioner; or
b. injection through perforations in the intermediate
or production casing may be authorized provided that
intermediate or production casing is set and cemented at
least 200 feet below the base of the lowermost USDW,
except as otherwise provided by the commissioner.
2. Surface casing open hole injection may be
approved provided the surface casing is set and cemented at
least 200 feet below the lowermost USDW and a cement
plug of at least 100 feet has been placed across the
uppermost potential hydrocarbon bearing zone.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2805 (December
§317. Requirements for Community Saltwater
Disposal Wells and Systems
A. The use of a legally permitted saltwater disposal well
and system for community saltwater disposal purposes is
prohibited unless the disposal well system operator submits
a statement of noncommercial operation and the information
requested in §317.B below to the Office of Conservation.
Such statement must indicate that the operators using the
community saltwater disposal system share only in the cost
of operating and maintaining the well and related storage
tanks and equipment (system).
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
B. The operator of an existing or proposed community
saltwater disposal well and system must submit the
following information to the Office of Conservation:
1. the name of the community saltwater disposal
system including the disposal well name(s) and number(s),
serial number(s), field, and section, township, and range;
2. a list of the operators using the community
saltwater disposal system;
3. a list of the producing wells (well name, number,
and serial number) from which saltwater going into the
community saltwater system is generated;
4. the approximate number of barrels per month of
saltwater received from each producing well;
5. the method of transportation of the saltwater to the
community system (i.e., truck, pipeline, etc.).
C. Within six months of the effective date of this
amendment and annually thereafter, the operator of an
existing community saltwater disposal system shall report
the information required in §317.B above to the Office of
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2806 (December
§319. Exceptions
A. The commissioner may grant an exception to any
provision of this amendment upon proof of good cause. The
operator must show proof that such an exception will not
endanger USDWs.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2806 (December
§321. Effect on Existing Special Orders
A. This order shall supersede §129 of Office of
Conservation Statewide Order No. 29-B (effective
November 1, 1967). Any existing special orders authorizing
disposal of saltwater under conditions which do not meet the
requirements hereof shall be superseded by this amendment
and the operator shall obtain authority for such disposal after
complying with the provisions hereof.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2806 (December
§323. Applicability
A. All oil and gas and commercial facility operators shall
be required to comply with applicable portions of this
amendment within 90 days of the effective date, provided
that all existing commercial facility operators shall be
exempt from all permit application and public hearing
requirements under §507 of this order. Failure to comply
with this requirement in a timely manner will subject an
operator to the suspension or revocation of his permit and/or
the imposition of penalties pursuant to R.S. 30:18.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2807 (December
Chapter 4. Pollution Control (Class II
Injection/Disposal Well Regulations)
Editor's Note: Statewide Order 29-B was originally codified
in LAC 43:XIX as §129. In December 2000, §129 was
restructured into Chapters 3, 4 and 5. Chapter 3 contains the
oilfield pit regulations. Chapter 4 contains the
injection/disposal well regulations. Chapter 5 contains the
commercial facility regulations. A cross-reference chart in the
December 2000 Louisiana Register, page 2798, indicates the
locations for the rules in each existing Section.
§401. Definitions (reserved)
§403. Permits Required
A. Permits are required for wells which inject fluids:
1. which are brought to the surface in connection with
conventional oil or natural gas production and may be
commingled with waste waters from gas plants which are an
integral part of production operations, unless those waters
are classified as a hazardous waste at the time of injection;
2. for enhanced recovery of oil and natural gas; and
3. for storage of hydrocarbons which are liquid at
standard temperature and pressure.
B. Sub-surface injection or disposal by use of a well as
described in §403.A.1 above is prohibited unless authorized
by permit or rule. This authorization shall be conditioned
upon the applicant taking necessary or corrective action to
protect underground sources of drinking water as specified
by the commissioner. Underground source of drinking water
(USDW) means an aquifer or its portion:
1. which supplies any public water system; or
2. which contains a sufficient quantity of ground
water to supply a public water system; and
a. currently supplies drinking water for human
consumption; or
b. contains fewer than 10,000 mg/1 total dissolved
solids; and
3. which is not an exempted aquifer (see
LAC 43:XVII.103.H).
C. Existing enhanced recovery, saltwater disposal, and
liquid hydrocarbon storage wells are authorized by rule and
are not required to reapply for a new permit. However, they
are subject to the provisions of §419.C.
D. The provisions and requirements of this Section shall
apply to underground injection by federal agencies or any
other person whether or not occurring on property owned or
leased by the United States.
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2807 (December
§405. Application Requirements for New Enhanced
Recovery Injection and New Saltwater Disposal
A. Each application for the approval of a new enhanced
recovery injection well or disposal well shall be filed on
Form MD-10-R and shall be verified by a duly authorized
representative of the operator. The original and one copy of
the application and two complete sets of attachments shall be
furnished to the commissioner. An application for the
approval of an injection well which is a part of a proposed
enhanced recovery operation may be consolidated with the
application for the approval of the enhanced recovery project
(see §407).
B. The application for the approval of an enhanced
recovery injection or disposal well or wells shall be
accompanied by:
1. a map showing the disposal well or enhanced
recovery project area for which a permit is sought and the
applicable area of review (for individual wells1/4 mile
radius; for enhanced recovery projectsthe project area plus
a circumscribing area the width of which is 1/4 mile) and the
following information:
a. within the area of review, the map must show the
number or name and location of all existing producing wells,
injection wells, abandoned wells and dry holes;
b. identification of the surface owner of the land on
which the enhanced recovery injection or disposal is to be
located within the area of review;
c. identification of each operator of a producing
leasehold within the area of review;
d. the map may also show surface bodies of water,
mines (surface and subsurface), quarries and other pertinent
surface features including residences and roads, and faults if
known or projected; and
e. only information on file with the Office of
Conservation and pertinent information known to the
applicant is required to be included on this map;
2. if the well has been drilled, a copy of the Well
History and Work Resume Report (WH-1) and any available
electric or radioactive log of the well. A descriptive
statement of the proposed zone to be used for injection or
disposal. The approximate depth of said zone in the case of
undrilled wells along with an electric or radioactive log of a
nearby well, if available;
3. a schematic diagram of the well showing:
a. the total depth, drilled out depth or plugged back
depth of the well;
b. the depth of the top of the injection or disposal
c. the geological name of the injection or disposal
d. the depths of the tops and bottoms of the casing
and amount of cement used to cement each string of casing
(every well used for injection shall be cased, cemented and
tested in accordance with §§415 and 419 of this Order);
e. the size of the casing and tubing, and the depth of
the packer; and
f. the depth of the base of the deepest USDW;
4. information showing that injection into the
proposed zone will not initiate fractures through the
overlying strata which could enable the injection fluid or
formation fluid to enter an underground source of drinking
water. This requirement will be satisfied upon proper
demonstration by the applicant that the pressure in the well
at the depth of injection shall not exceed 75 percent of the
pressure needed to fracture the formation;
5. proposed operating data:
a. daily injection rates and pressures;
b. geologic names, depths and location of injection
fluid sources;
c. qualitative and quantitative analysis of water
from two or more existing water wells within 1/4 mile of
proposed enhanced recovery injection or disposal well or
wells. Give location of said water wells and date(s) samples
were taken, or statement why samples were not submitted;
d. qualitative and quantitative analysis of
representative sample of water to be injected;
e. geological name of injection zone and vertical
distance separating top of injection zone from base of the
deepest USDW, and a geological description of each major
separating bed including individual bed thickness; and
f. geological name, if known, and depth of the base
of the deepest USDW.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2807 (December
§407. Application Requirements for Enhanced
Recovery Projects
A. An enhanced recovery project shall be permitted only
by order of the commissioner after notice and public
B. The application for a permit authorizing an enhanced
recovery project shall contain the following:
1. the names and addresses of the operator or
operators of the project;
2. in addition to the information on the map required
in §405.B.1 above, show the lease, group of leases, unit or
units included within the proposed project;
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
3. the common source or sources of supply in which
all wells are currently completed;
4. the name, description and depth of each common
source of supply to be affected;
5. a log of a representative well completed in the
common source or sources of supply;
6. a description of the existing or proposed casing
programs for injection wells, and the proposed method of
testing all casing;
7. a description of the injection medium to be used, its
source or sources and the estimated amounts to be injected
8. for a project within an allocated pool, a tabulation
showing recent gas-oil ratios and oil and water production
tests for each of the producing oil and/or gas wells;
9. the proposed plan of development of the area
included within the project; and
10. a schematic diagram of existing and/or proposed
injection well(s) as set out in §405.B.3 of this Order.
C. A copy of the application shall be mailed to each
operator offsetting the project as shown on the application
within five days after the application is filed. An affidavit of
compliance with this rule shall be filed on or before the
D. Injectivity Tests and Pilot Projects
1. Injectivity Test. The commissioner may
administratively approve for a period of one week an
injectivity test in order to determine the injection rate,
injectivity index, and/or pressure analysis of a well for
enhanced recovery.
a. Requests for injectivity tests must include the
i. well name and number;
ii. serial number;
iii. Form WH-1 of the well;
iv. schematic diagram of the well;
v. sand, reservoir, and field;
vi. brief discussion of the proposed test.
b. The commissioner must be provided with the
results of the injectivity test after completion.
2. Pilot Projects. The commissioner may
administratively approve pilot projects for enhanced
recovery for a period of six months from the date of
initiation of injection.
a. Requests for pilot projects must include Form
UIC-2 EOR for each well to be used for injection within the
project and such additional information the commissioner
deems necessary to justify the approval of the pilot project.
b. Wells used for injection within the pilot project
are exempt from the provisions of §409 of this Order.
c. Within 10 days of initiation of injection the
operator must notify the commissioner in writing the date
injection actually commenced.
d. To continue operation beyond the six-month pilot
project approval, the operator must obtain approval of an
enhanced recovery project (prior to the expiration date of the
administratively approved six-month pilot project) pursuant
to the rules of procedure for conducting hearings before the
Commissioner of Conservation, R.S. 30:5(C), R.S. 30:6, and
§405.A and B, §407.A, B, and C of this Order.
e. In the event the pilot project is unsuccessful, the
operator must submit a letter to the commissioner requesting
termination of such project.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2808 (December
§409. Permit Notice Requirements
A. Applications for saltwater disposal, enhanced
recovery wells or projects, and other Class II facilities shall
be advertised in the official state journal.
B. Notice requirements for commercial saltwater
facilities can be found in LAC 43:XIX, Chapter 5 of this
C. Public Hearings
1. If any person protests the application for a saltwater
disposal or other Class II facility by filing written comments
with the commissioner within 15 days following publication
of notice, the application shall be set for public hearing at
the election of the applicant or the commissioner.
2. All enhanced recovery well or project applications
shall be approved only after a 30-day comment period and
public hearing. The notice of hearing shall be mailed out to
each interested owner and to each interested party.
D. The commissioner may administratively approve or
deny the application for a Class II well other than an
enhanced recovery well or project, after review, without a
public hearing if there are no comments received during the
application comment period. If the commissioner denies
administrative approval, the operator shall have a right to a
public hearing on the decision.
E. Response to Comments
1. At the time that any final permit is issued,
following a public hearing, the commissioner shall issue a
response to comments. This response shall briefly describe
and respond to all significant comments on the permit
application raised during the public comment period, or
during any hearing.
2. The response to comments shall be available to the
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2808 (December
§411. Duration of Permits
A. Permits authorizing injection into enhanced recovery
injection wells and disposal wells shall remain valid for the
life of the well, unless revoked by the commissioner for just
B. A permit granting underground injection may be
modified, revoked and reissued, or terminated during its
term for cause. This may be at the request of any interested
person or at the commissioner's initiative. All requests shall
be in writing and shall contain facts or reasons supporting
the request.
C. A permit may be modified, revoked and reissued, or
terminated after notice and hearing, if:
1. there is a substantial change of conditions in the
enhanced recovery injection well or the disposal well
operation, or there are substantial changes in the information
originally furnished;
2. information as to the permitted operation indicates
that the cumulative effects on the environment are
unacceptable, such as pollution of USDWs;
3. there are substantial violations of the terms and
provisions of the permit; and
4. the operator has misrepresented any material facts
during the permit issuance process.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2809 (December
§413. Transfer of Permits
A. A permit authorizing an enhanced recovery injection
well or disposal well shall not be transferred from one
operator to another without the approval of the
commissioner (Form MD-10-R-A).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2809 (December
§415. Construction Requirements for New Wells
A. Each new enhanced recovery injection well or
disposal well shall be completed, equipped, operated and
maintained in a manner that will prevent endangerment of
USDWs or damage to sources of oil or gas and will confine
injected fluids to the interval or intervals approved.
B. The casing and cementing program shall conform to
the following requirements:
1. surface casing set through the base of the deepest
USDW and cemented back to the surface in accordance with
§109.B.1 of this Order; and
2. long string casing shall be cemented above the
injection zone in accordance with §109.D.3 of this Order.
C. Tubing and Packer. New wells drilled or existing
wells converted for disposal after the effective date of this
rule shall be equipped with tubing set on a mechanical
packer. Packers shall be set no higher than 150 feet above
the top of the disposal zone.
D. Pressure Valves. The wellhead shall be equipped with
aboveground pressure observation valves on the tubing and
for each annulus of the well; said valves will be equipped
with 1/2-inch female fittings. Operators of existing wells
shall comply with this requirement by no later than six
months after adoption of this amendment.
E. Well History. Within 20 days after the completion or
conversion of a disposal well, the owner or operator shall
file in duplicate to the commissioner a completed Form
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2809 (December
§417. Monitoring and Reporting Requirements
A. The operator shall monitor injection pressure and
injection rate of each enhanced recovery injection well or
disposal well on a monthly basis with the results reported
annually on Form UIC-10.
B. The operator shall report on Form UIC-10 any casing
annulus pressure monitoring used in lieu of pressure testing
and any other casing annulus pressure test performed.
C. All reports submitted to the Office of Conservation
shall be signed by a duly authorized representative of the
D. The operator of an enhanced recovery injection well
or disposal well shall, within 30 days, notify the
commissioner of the date upon which injection or disposal
E. The operator shall request permission from the
commissioner for suspension of injection if an injection well
or project is to be removed from service for a period of six
months or more, and give reasons or justification for such
suspension of injection. Said permission shall not exceed
one year. After one year, the well or well(s) in a project shall
be plugged and abandoned as outlined in §137 of this Order.
The operator may request a hearing for an extension
exceeding one year. Wells required for standby service,
provided they meet all requirements for wells in active
service, are exempt from the plugging requirements of this
F. The operator shall, within 30 days notify the
commissioner of the date injection into an enhanced
recovery injection well, enhanced recovery injection project
or disposal well is terminated permanently and the reason
therefore; at which time the permit authorizing the well or
project shall expire. Notification of project injection
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
termination must be accompanied by an individual well
status report for all project injection wells.
G. Mechanical failures or downhole problems which
indicate an enhanced recovery injection well or disposal well
is not, or may not be, directing the injected fluid into the
permitted or authorized injection zone may be cause to shut-
in the well. If said condition may endanger a USDW, the
operator shall orally notify the commissioner within 24
hours at (225) 342-5515. Written notice of this failure shall
be submitted to the Office of Conservation within five days
of the occurrence together with a plan for testing and/or
repairing the well. Results of such testing and well repair
shall be included in the annual monitoring report to the
commissioner. Any mechanical downhole well repair
performed on the well not previously reported shall also be
included in the annual report.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2809 (December
§419. Logging and Testing Requirements
A. New Wells
1. Before operating a new well drilled for enhanced
recovery injection or saltwater disposal, the casing outside
the tubing shall be tested under the supervision of the Office
of Conservation at a pressure not less than the maximum
authorized injection pressure, or at a pressure of 300 psi,
whichever is greater.
2.a. If open-hole logs of a nearby well were not run
through the lowermost USDW, a new well shall be logged
from the surface to the total depth before casing is set.
b. If such logs exist for a nearby well, the new well
need only be logged electrically below the surface casing
before the long string is set.
3. After cementing the casing, a cement bond log,
temperature survey, X-ray log, density log or some other
acceptable test shall be run to assure there are no channels
adjacent to the casing which will permit migration of fluids
up the wellbore from the disposal formation to the
lowermost USDW. The casing program shall be designed for
the lifetime of the well.
B. Converted Wells. Before operating an existing well
newly converted to enhanced recovery injection or disposal,
the casing outside the tubing shall be tested under
supervision of the Office of Conservation at a pressure of
1,000 psi or maximum authorized injection pressure,
whichever is less, provided no testing pressure shall be less
than 300 psi.
C. Existing Wells
1. An injection well has mechanical integrity if:
a. there is no significant leak in the casing, tubing
or packer; and
b. there is no significant fluid movement into an
underground source of drinking water through vertical
channels adjacent to the injection wellbore.
2. One of the following methods must be used to
evaluate the absence of significant leaks under §419.C.1.a
a. monitoring of annulus pressure; or
b. pressure test with liquid; or
c. records of monitoring showing the absence of
significant changes in the relationship between injection
pressure and injection flow rate for the following enhanced
recovery wells:
i. existing wells completed without a packer
provided that a pressure test has been performed and the data
is available and provided further that one pressure test shall
be performed at a time when the well is shut down and if the
running of such a test will not cause further loss of
significant amounts of oil or gas; or
ii. existing wells constructed without a longstring
casing, but with surface casing which terminates at the base
of the lowest USDW provided that local geological and
hydrological features allow such construction and provided
further that the annular space shall be visually inspected. For
these wells, the commissioner shall prescribe a monitoring
program which will verify the absence of significant fluid
movement from the injection zone into a USDW.
3. One of the following methods must be used to
determine the absence of significant fluid movement under
§419.C.1.b above:
a. cementing records demonstrating the presence of
adequate cement to prevent such migration; or
b. the results of a temperature or noise log.
4. The commissioner may approve a request for the
use of a test to demonstrate mechanical integrity other than
those listed in §419.C.2 and 3 above, if the proposed test
will reliably demonstrate the mechanical integrity for wells
for which its use is proposed.
5. Each disposal and enhanced recovery well shall
demonstrate mechanical integrity at least once every five
years. The commissioner will prescribe a schedule and mail
notification to operators to allow for orderly and timely
compliance with this requirement.
D. The operator shall notify the commissioner at least 48
hours prior to the testing. Testing shall not commence before
the end of the 48-hour period unless authorized by the
commissioner. The commissioner may authorize or require
alternative tests or surveys as is deemed appropriate and
E. A complete record of all mechanical integrity pressure
tests shall be made out, verified and filed in duplicate on the
Form PLT# 1 within 30 days after the testing.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2810 (December
§421. Confinement of Fluids
A. If the operator or the commissioner determines that
the disposal operation is causing fluid to enter an
unauthorized stratum or to escape to the land surface, the
operator shall shut-in the disposal well immediately and
notify the commissioner by telephone within 24 hours at
(225) 342-5515. Injection into the disposal well shall not be
resumed until the commissioner has determined that the well
is in compliance with all material permit conditions. If the
certificate of compliance is not issued within 90 days, the
permit shall be canceled and the disposal well shall be
plugged and abandoned in accordance with §137.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2810 (December
§423. Plugging Requirements
A. Enhanced recovery injection wells and disposal wells
shall be plugged in accordance with the provisions of the
commissioner's rules governing the plugging of oil and gas
wells, as found in §137.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2810 (December
§425 Liquid Hydrocarbon Storage Wells
A. Authorization for the use of salt dome cavities for
storage of liquid hydrocarbons is provided in Statewide
Order No. 29-M.
B. Authorization for all other liquid hydrocarbon storage
wells will be granted by the commissioner after notice and
hearing, provided there is a finding that the proposed
operation will not endanger USDWs.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2811 (December
§427. Filing Fee
A. A filing fee of $100 shall be attached to each
application for a saltwater disposal well or enhanced
recovery project.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2811 (December
§429. Annular Disposal
A. The commissioner may approve annular disposal of
saltwater for a period of one year. The applicant shall
provide the commissioner a radioactive tracer survey
(accompanied by an interpretation of the survey by the
company who performed the test) to prove that the injected
fluid is entering the correct zone and there are no leaks in the
casing. The applicant shall furnish the commissioner an
economic study of the well and the economics of alternative
methods for disposal of the produced saltwater.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2811 (December
§431. Exceptions
A. The commissioner may grant an exception to any
provision of this amendment upon proof of good cause. The
operator must show proof that such an exception will not
endanger USDWs.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2811 (December
§433. Disposal of E&P Wastes by Slurry Fracture
A. Applicability. The regulations in this Section shall
apply to all onsite or offsite Class II injection wells which
inject RCRA exempt E&P Waste at pressures which exceed
the fracture pressure of the injection interval.
B. Definitions
Confining Zonethe impermeable geologic formation
that is located below the base of the USDW and which
directly overlies and is contiguous with the injection zone.
Containment Zonethe geologic formation or
formations intended to serve as a barrier to fracture height
growth, but allowed to be partially penetrated by fractures
created during authorized injection. The containment zone
directly overlies and is contiguous with the injection
Injection Intervalthe geological formation targeted to
receive the injected fluids. This interval is contained within
the injection zone.
Injection Zonethat group of geologic formations
which extend from the bottom of the lowermost injection
interval to the top of the containment zone.
Slurry Fracture Injectiona process by which solid
waste is ground, if necessary, and mixed with water or
another liquid. The resulting slurry is then deposited into
fractures created in the receiving formation by the hydraulic
force of injection.
Source Water Protection Areathe surface and
subsurface area surrounding a source of drinking water
(a water well, a well field, or a surface intake), supplying a
public water system, through which contaminants are
reasonably likely to move toward and reach the source of
drinking water. The Source Water Protection Program is
under the jurisdiction of the Louisiana Department of Health
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
and Hospitals and the Louisiana Department of
Environmental Quality.
Zone of Endangering Influencea defined area around
an injection well, the radius of which is the lateral distance
for which the pressures in the injection interval(s) may cause
the vertical migration of injection and/or formation fluid out
of the injection zone.
C. Application Requirements for Slurry Fracture
Injection Wells
1. Each application for approval of a new slurry
fracture injection well shall be filed on Form UIC-2 SFI (or
latest revision) and shall be developed under the supervision
of person(s) knowledgeable in all phases of slurry fracture
injection permit application preparation. The original, signed
by the operator, and one copy of the application with two
complete sets of attachments shall be furnished to the
2. The application for approval of a slurry fracture
injection well shall be accompanied by:
a. a completed Form UIC-2 SFI (or latest revision);
b. a completed Form MD-10-R (or latest revision);
c. a map showing the disposal well for which a
permit is sought, the Area of Review (AOR), and the
following information:
i. the number or name and location of all existing
producing wells, injection wells, abandoned wells, and dry
holes within the AOR;
ii. identification of the surface owner of the land
on which disposal is to be located within the AOR;
iii. identification of each operator with a
producing leasehold within the AOR;
iv. surface bodies of water, mines (surface and
subsurface), quarries, water wells (public and private),
public water systems, and other pertinent surface features
including residences and roads;
d. a schematic of the well showing:
i. the total depth, drilled out depth or plugged
back depth of the well;
ii. the depth of the top and bottom of the
perforated interval;
iii. the size of the casing, borehole and tubing, and
the depth of the packer and bottom hole pressure sensor;
iv. the depths of the tops and bottoms of the
casings and the amounts, formulation, and yields of the
cement slurries used to cement each string of casing;
v. the depth of the base of the USDW;
vi. the depths of the tops and bottoms of the
injection interval, the containment zone, the injection zone,
and confining zone;
e. if the well has been drilled, a copy of the Well
History and Work Resume Report (WH-1) and an electric
log of the well. In the case of undrilled wells, a descriptive
statement of the proposed injection interval giving its
approximate depth, along with an electric log or
radioactivity log of a nearby well, if available;
f. maps and cross sections that detail the local
geology and hydrology. All maps shall be constructed on a
1:2000 scale and contain a legend and a north arrow. All
control points and fault cuts shall be shown on all cross
sections. At a minimum, the following maps and cross
sections shall be submitted:
i. isopach maps of the injection interval or
intervals, the containment zones, and the confining zone;
ii. a structure map of the top of the injection zone
and confining zone;
iii. two structural cross sections transecting the
AOR and extending from below the base of the injection
zone to above the base of the USDW. The cross sections
shall be at approximate right angles and extend beyond the
limits of the AOR;
iv. a regional map contoured on the base of the
v. a map of all fault planes within the AOR;
vi. any other information required by the
g. a tabulation of data on all wells that penetrate the
proposed confining zone. Such data shall include a
description of each well's type, construction, date drilled,
location, depth, record of plugging and/or completion, and
any additional information the commissioner may require;
h. a tabulation of all freshwater wells of record
within the AOR. Each freshwater well shall be identified by
owner, type of well, depth and current status of the well.
Include a laboratory analysis for pH, chloride (mg/l) and
total dissolved solids (mg/l) of a water sample from each
freshwater well. A DEQ certified laboratory must perform
the required analyses. As deemed appropriate, additional test
parameters may be required by the commissioner;
i. the following proposed operating data shall be
submitted as part of the operator's application:
i. the average and maximum daily rate and
volume of slurry to be injected;
ii. the average and maximum injection pressure;
iii. the proposed injection procedures (including
storage and pre-injection treatment of the waste stream, and
the well use schedule);
j. schematic or other appropriate drawings of the
surface (well head and related appurtenances) and
subsurface construction details of the system;
k. construction procedures including cementing and
casing program, logging procedures, deviation checks, and a
drilling, testing and coring program;
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
l. description of the bottom hole pressure sensor
required in §433.G.4, which includes installation procedures
and equipment specifications;
m. detailed discussion of the logging and testing
programs required in §433.H;
n. a detailed description of the monitoring program
proposed in order to meet the requirements of §433.I and if
applicable, §433.E.4;
o. contingency plans to cope with all shut-ins or
well failures so as to prevent the migration of fluids out of
the injection zone;
p. for wells within the AOR (as defined in §433.D)
which penetrate the proposed confining zone, but are not
properly completed or plugged, the proposed corrective
action to be taken under §433.F;
q. any additional information necessary to
demonstrate that injection into the proposed injection
interval or intervals will not initiate fractures in the
confining zone that could allow fluid movement out of the
injection zone, pursuant to §433.B.Confining Zone.
r. any other information required by the
commissioner to evaluate the proposed well.
3. Unless the application is for a commercial slurry
fracture injection well and subject to the public notice
requirements of §519.A and §529, all applications for slurry
fracture injection must be advertised at least once by the
applicant in a format acceptable to the commissioner in the
official state journal, in the official journal of the affected
parish and in the journal of general circulation in the area
where the proposed well is to be located, if different from
the official parish journal. Interested parties shall have at
least 15 days to provide comments and/or request a hearing.
4. Unless the application is for a commercial slurry
fracture injection well and subject to the provisions for
adequate closure in §519.C.14, all applications for slurry
fracture injection wells shall contain a closure plan cost
estimate in a format acceptable to the commissioner. If the
well is permitted, the applicant shall provide a bond, letter of
credit, certificates of deposit issued by and drawn on
Louisiana banks, or any other evidence of equivalent
financial security acceptable to the commissioner. The
amount of financial security will be determined upon review
of the closure cost estimate and will be reviewed annually.
D. Area of Review (AOR). The AOR for each slurry
fracture injection well shall be the greater of the two
following methods:
1. calculation of the zone of endangering influence,
which is that area the radius of which is the lateral distance
for which the pressures in the injection interval(s) may cause
vertical migration of the injection and/or formation fluid out
of the injection zone. The zone of endangering influence
shall be calculated using an acceptable model designed for
this purpose; or
2. a fixed radius of 2 miles from the injection well.
E. Geologic Criteria of the Injection and Confining
1. A confining zone which is impermeable and
laterally continuous throughout the injection well's AOR
shall immediately overlie the containment zone. The
confining zone is to have a minimum thickness of 50 feet
and be capable of preventing any upward fluid movement
from the injection zone. Therefore, applicants/operators of
SFI wells must provide information showing that injection
into the injection zone will not initiate fracturing of the
confining zone or the extension of existing fractures into the
confining zone.
2. A containment zone may consist of either a single
impermeable layer with a minimum thickness of 500 feet, or
be comprised of alternating impermeable and permeable
layers with a net thickness of impermeable strata of at least
500 feet.
3. The injection zone and confining zone shall be free
of any fault planes or other geological discontinuities which
could serve to transmit the injected waste out of the injection
zone. The area is to be adequately mapped with sufficient
controls and resolution to identify these geologic
4. If the AOR lacks adequate well control points to
map the geologic features of the injection, containment, and
confining zones, seismic surveys with acceptable
interpretation shall be required encompassing an area
inclusive of the AOR plus an additional one mile in order to
acquire the necessary information needed to verify that
injected waste will not migrate out of the injection zone. If
seismic data is inadequate for this purpose, the
commissioner shall require the operator to implement a
suitable monitoring program capable of tracking the lateral
and vertical extension of fractures caused by injection and to
detect possible movement of fluids out of the containment
zone. Such monitoring programs may incorporate the use of
monitor wells, surface and subsurface tiltmeters,
microseismic monitoring techniques, logging programs, or
other technologies suitable for this purpose and which are
acceptable to the commissioner.
F. Corrective Action. Applicants shall identify all known
wells within the injection well's AOR which penetrate the
confining zone. For wells which are improperly sealed,
completed, or abandoned, the applicant shall also submit a
plan consisting of such steps or modifications as are
necessary to prevent the movement of fluid out of the
injection zone (corrective action). Where the plan is
adequate, the commissioner shall incorporate it into the
permit as a condition. Where the commissioner's review of
an application indicates that the applicant's plan is
inadequate, the commissioner shall require the applicant to
revise the plan, prescribe a plan for corrective action as part
of the permit, or deny the application. No owner or operator
of a well may begin injection until all required corrective
action has been taken.
G. Construction Requirements
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
1. Siting. All slurry fracture injection wells shall be
sited in such a fashion that they inject into a formation which
is beneath the lower most formation containing a USDW
within a 2 mile radius of the well bore and meets the
geologic criteria of the injection zone and confining zone
prescribed in §433.E above. Location of a slurry fracture
injection well so that its AOR extends into a Source Water
Protection Area is prohibited.
2. Casing and Cementing. All slurry fracture injection
wells shall be cased and cemented in accordance with the
following criteria.
a. The operator shall install casing necessary to
withstand collapse, bursting, tensile, and other stresses and
shall be cemented in a manner which will anchor and
support the casing. Safety factors in casing program design
shall be of sufficient magnitude to provide optimum well
control while drilling and to assure safe operations for the
life of the well. New pipe or used pipe reconditioned and
tested to assure that it
will meet or exceed American
Petroleum Institute (API) standards for new pipe shall be
used in all casing strings.
b. Surface casing and long string casing strings
shall be centralized by means of a sufficient number of
centralizers spaced in a manner as to provide proper
centralization of the casing string in the borehole prior to
c. Surface casing shall be set a minimum of
100 feet below the base of the USDW and cemented to
surface. Cemented to surface shall be considered in this
Section as having actual cement returns noted at the surface.
If cement returns are not observed, the operator shall contact
the Injection and Mining Division and obtain approval for
the procedures to be used to perform any required additional
cementing operations.
d. Cement shall be allowed to stand a minimum of
12 hours under pressure before initiating pressure test or
drilling plug. Under pressure is complied with if one float
valve is used or if pressure is held otherwise.
e. A minimum of 12 hours prior notification shall
be given to the appropriate Injection and Mining Division
Conservation Enforcement Agent for the purpose of
witnessing all required casing pressure tests. If the
Conservation Enforcement Agent fails to appear within the
12-hour notification period, the operator may proceed with
the pressure test and file an affidavit of casing test (Form
Csg-T) with the Injection and Mining Division within 20
days of reaching total depth.
f. Surface casing shall be tested at a surface
pressure not less than the test pressure required in §109.B (or
successor regulations). If at the end of 30 minutes the
pressure gauge shows a drop in excess of 5 percent of test
pressure, the operator shall be required to take such
corrective measures as will ensure that such surface casing
will hold said pressure for 30 minutes without a drop of
more than 5 percent of the test pressure.
g. Long string casing shall be set through the
injection zone and cemented at least to the top of the
confining zone.
3. All slurry fracture injection wells shall be equipped
with injection tubing and a packer. The packer shall be set in
the long string casing no higher than 150 feet above the
perforated interval.
4. The well shall be equipped with a down-hole sensor
that directly measures the fluid pressure at depth no higher
than 50 feet above the packer setting depth. The pressure
sensor must be connected to a device at the surface which
will enable a continuous recording of the well's bottom hole
pressure information in digital format.
H. Logging and Testing Requirements. In addition to
conformance with the logging and testing criteria contained
in LAC 43:XIX.419.A or successor regulations, slurry
fracture injection wells shall meet the following logging and
testing requirements.
1. Open Hole Logging Requirements: A
neutron/density porosity log of the injection and confining
zone is required. An induction log shall be run to determine
salinity levels. A spectral gamma ray log shall be run to
determine baseline lithology of the subsurface prior to
injection. All logs are to be run from surface to at least
50 feet below the injection zone.
2. Acoustic Logging Requirements: On a well that is
to be completed with the intent for it to be used for slurry
fracture injection, acoustic logs shall be required. An open
hole acoustic log showing acoustic porosity and formation
travel time shall be run from the surface to at least 50 feet
below the injection zone. A synthetic seismogram is required
to be submitted in order to predict fracture parameters and as
a link to subsequent seismic interpretation (time based or
four dimensional). VSP (Vertical Seismic Profiling) shall be
run for lateral effect. Acoustic data may be run in various
formats to identify reservoir and fracture parameters and to
show containment of the waste stream within the
containment and injection zones. The various formats may
be surface-to-surface, well to surface, cross well,
2-dimensional, 3-dimensional and 4-dimensional data. All
monitor wells shall be used for lateral offset of the VSP and
the depth of investigation must match the dimensions of the
disposal domain. Acoustic data must be obtained pre-
injection, during injection and post-injection (after disposal
operations cease and prior to plugging and abandoning the
well) in order to show long term containment.
3. Cement Bond Logging Requirements
a. At the time of the initial completion, after long-
string casing (to below the injection zone) has been set and
cemented, a suitable, interpretable cement quality (bond) log
shall be run. In an existing well, the tubing must be pulled
and a suitable cement quality log run prior to permit
approval. The log is to be run from surface to 50 feet below
the base of the injection zone. The log must define both
vertical and lateral cement quality.
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
b. The log is to have sufficient vertical, horizontal
and radial resolution to identify the location of cement
channels, micro-channels, bonding index, gas cut cement,
voids or any other cement/bond problem that may exist. The
log must show transit time, amplitude, variable density and
radial bond quality (from interpretation). Log quality control
must show cement type, additives, setting time and
compressive strength (used in variable density log
generation), proper tool centering, proper casing centering
and sufficient cement sheath thickness, borehole fluids type,
density, viscosity, pressure and temperature. In deviated
wellbores, for adequate interpretation, effective tool
centering must be seen. Matching casing size and weight
must be correct on all interpretations. Where possible, the
log must be correlated to shape and rugosity of the borehole
(from open hole caliper and porosity/lithology logs). The log
must also show line weight, line speed, casing collar locator
and gamma ray for depth correlation.
c. A repeat section, showing good repeatability,
must be run from the base of the injection zone to the base of
the confining zone. Wellsite and shop tool calibrations are to
be included on all logs.
4. A temperature and gamma ray base log shall be run
prior to the initiation of any fractures. Subsequent
radioactive tracer or temperature logs are to be run using a
method approved by the Injection and Mining Division.
5. The operator shall conduct a step rate/pressure
falloff test on the injection well prior to the initiation of
injection operations in order to establish the initial fracture
closure and extension pressures of the injection interval.
6. A pressure falloff test shall be performed on the
well prior to the initiation of any fracturing in order to
establish the reservoir transmissivity. The Injection and
Mining Division shall be consulted on the procedure for
running this test.
7. An extended falloff shall be conducted at least once
every 7-day cyclic injection period. The falloff period shall
be maintained until the measured pressure has essentially
8. The logging requirements for existing wells
converted to slurry fracture injection are the same as those
required for newly drilled wells.
9. Any other well logs or tests required by the
I. Monitoring Requirements
1. A monitoring program that ensures that the
injection activity does not cause the migration of fluids
above the confining zone shall be approved by the
commissioner. This monitoring program may be inclusive of
or in addition to the monitoring program required in
2. All approved monitoring programs shall include the
continuous monitoring and recording of bottom hole
pressures, injection rates, the tubing and casing annulus
pressure, injected fluid density and the cumulative volume of
waste injected using a method approved by the
commissioner. The origination, type and components of all
injected waste streams are to be recorded and made available
when requested.
3. The operator shall analyze the bottom hole pressure
data daily to ensure that the pressure in the injection interval
is not becoming abnormally pressurized as a result of
injection. Also, abnormal extrapolated pressures (net losses)
that cannot be associated with the injection volumes must be
investigated immediately to ensure that fluids are not
migrating out of the injection zone. Depending on the
injected volumes, the formation pressure log must be history
matched to predicted pressures.
4. Fracture height and length shall be evaluated by the
operator on a minimum three month rotation, or as directed
by the commissioner, utilizing a method approved by the
5. The operator shall conduct periodic step-rate tests
at least every three months. The commissioner may require
more frequent step-rate tests in order to evaluate changes in
formation parting pressures and in-situ stress conditions.
6. A cement bond log having the same presentation as
the initial cement bond log shall be run annually to evaluate
the effects of the previous years injection on the cement
column. If it is evident that the cement bonding is losing
integrity, injection will be prohibited until such time the
integrity of the cement column is restored.
J. Operational Requirements
1. Based on the results of the step rate/pressure falloff
test outlined in §433.H.5 above, the maximum and minimum
injection pressures and corresponding injection rates will be
determined. Using the fracture extension pressure derived
from the step rate test, the minimum allowed bottom hole
injection pressure shall be assigned a value of 150 psi below
the extension pressure. The maximum allowed bottom hole
injection pressure shall be no greater than 75 percent of the
burst pressure of the casing.
2. The initial maximum authorized injection rate (at
the start up of operations) shall be limited to no more than
20 percent over the rate required to maintain fracture
extension pressure. However, if the operator can demonstrate
conclusively that a higher injection rate will not cause
excessive fracture growth, a higher injection rate may be
authorized by the commissioner. If an increase in injection
rate is authorized, the maximum and minimum bottom hole
injection pressures shall be adjusted accordingly.
3. If at any time the bottom hole injection pressure or
injection rate varies from the authorized range, the operator
shall immediately cease injection and notify the Injection
and Mining Division.
4. Should any of the periodic step rate/pressure fall off
tests indicate a change in parting pressures or fracture
extension pressures has occurred, the commissioner shall
have to option to amend the well's minimum and maximum
bottom hole injection pressures and maximum allowed
injection rate or to require that the well cease injection until
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
such time that the operator has proven that fluids are not
migrating above the containment zone.
5. If monitoring indicates possible communication
between the tubing and the tubing and casing annulus, the
operator shall immediately cease injection and notify the
Injection and Mining Division. Injection may not commence
until the mechanical integrity of the well is restored and
verified by the Injection and Mining Division.
6. Injection is to be conducted on a cyclic basis with
the injection occurring only during daylight hours.
7. If in the commissioner's determination, over-
pressurization of the reservoir may cause the movement of
fluid out of the injection zone, the commissioner shall
suspend or revoke the well's permit to inject. Also, if the
average reservoir pressure is subjected to any net decrease in
pressure, the commissioner may suspend the well's permit
until such threat is resolved.
K. Reporting Requirements
1. The operator shall maintain daily records for the
a. the bottom hole pressure at the start of injection;
b. the minimum and maximum injection pressures;
c. the injection rates at one hour intervals;
d. the composition of injected waste stream
(random sampling) on a daily or batch basis;
e. the densities and viscosities of the waste stream
at one hour intervals of injection;
f. the minimum and maximum pressures on the
casing and tubing annulus.
2. In addition, the operator shall provide an
explanation for any discrepancies in the bottomhole or
surface pressures, densities, viscosities and injection rates in
a comments column. If an acceptable explanation for any
discrepancy in this data is not provided, the commissioner
may suspend the well's permit to inject until the operator
provides this information.
3. This information, in addition to that required under
§433.I.2 above, shall be maintained as a permanent record in
the operator's files and shall be provided to the Injection and
Mining Division upon request.
4. The operator shall provide to the Injection Mining
Division weekly summary reports of:
a. the minimum and maximum pressures recorded
during injection;
b. the minimum and maximum pressures recorded
during falloffs;
c. the minimum and maximum pressures on the
casing and tubing annulus;
d. the daily and weekly injected volumes;
e. the average density and viscosity of injected
waste stream.
5. The operator shall provide the Injection and Mining
Division each by no later than the third working day of each
week the results of an analysis of all extended falloff periods
occurring during the previous week's reporting period. Each
analysis report shall include a log-log derivative plot of the
falloff period with the different flow regimes identified
thereon. A comprehensive analysis of the linear and radial
flow regimes is required if present. A summary of the
properties of the injected fluids used in the analysis and the
injection rates observed during each injection period must be
included in the report, in addition to any other information
which may be pertinent to the results of the falloff analysis.
6. The operator shall provide a diskette or compact
disk of the well's continuous bottom hole pressure and rate
data for the reporting period in a format specified by the
7. In addition, the operator shall provide an
explanation for any discrepancies in the bottomhole or
surface pressures, densities, viscosities and injection rates in
a comments column of the report. If an acceptable
explanation for any discrepancy in this data is not provided,
the commissioner may suspend the well's permit to inject
until the operator provides this information.
8. All records required in this Section shall be
maintained by the operator for the life of the well and shall
be made available for review or submitted to the Office of
Conservation upon request.
L. Permitting Requirements
1. Applicants and applications for slurry fracture
injection wells must comply with the applicable public
notice requirements of this Chapter.
2. Applications for slurry fracture injection of E&P
Waste shall comply with the following two-part permitting
a. Part IPermit to Construct
i. The initial application shall be reviewed for
completeness, processed and upon meeting the permit
requirements, a "Permit to Construct" shall be issued.
ii. "Permit to Construct" shall become null and
void one year from the date of issuance.
iii. The commissioner may grant a one year
extension from mitigating circumstances.
b. Part IIPermit to Inject
i. Upon completion of construction, the
documentation required by the "Permit to Construct" shall be
submitted to the Office of Conservation.
ii. If the submitted documentation indicates
compliance with the "Permit to Construct" and that the well
has been constructed as permitted and indicated in the
application, a "Permit to Inject" shall be issued.
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
3. Slurry fracture injection wells permitted under the
authority of this Section must comply with the applicable
general requirements, public notice requirements, work
permit requirements, legal permit conditions, permit transfer
requirements, mechanical integrity pressure testing
requirements, confinement of fluid requirements,
and plugging and abandonment requirements of
LAC 43:XIX.Chapter 4.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 27:1921 (November
§441. Effect on Existing Special Orders
A. This order shall supersede §129 of Office of
Conservation Statewide Order No. 29-B (effective
November 1, 1967). Any existing special orders authorizing
disposal of saltwater under conditions which do not meet the
requirements hereof shall be superseded by this amendment
and the operator shall obtain authority for such disposal after
complying with the provisions hereof.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2811 (December
§443. Applicability
A. All oil and gas and commercial facility operators shall
be required to comply with applicable portions of this
amendment within 90 days of the effective date, provided
that all existing commercial facility operators shall be
exempt from all permit application and public hearing
requirements under §527 of this Order. Failure to comply
with this requirement in a timely manner will subject an
operator to the suspension or revocation of his permit and/or
the imposition of penalties pursuant to R.S. 30:18.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2811 (December
Chapter 5. Off-Site Storage,
Treatment and/or Disposal of
Exploration and Production Waste
Generated from Drilling and
Production of Oil and Gas Wells
NOTE: Onsite disposal requirements are listed in
LAC 43:XIX, Chapter 3.
Editor's Note: Statewide Order 29-B was originally codified in
LAC 43:XIX as §129. In December 2000, §129 was
restructured into Chapters 3, 4 and 5. Chapter 3 contains the
oilfield pit regulations. Chapter 4 contains the
injection/disposal well regulations. Chapter 5 contains the
commercial facility regulations. A cross-reference chart in the
December 2000 Louisiana Register, page 2798, indicates the
locations for the rules in each existing Section.
Editor's Note: Chapter 5 was amended in November 2001. A
chart showing the restructuring of Chapter 5 is found on page
1898 of the Louisiana Register, November 2001.
§501. Definitions
Application Phasean identifiable period of time during
which E&P Waste receipts are applied to a land treatment
Cellan earthen area constructed with an underdrain
system within a land treatment facility used for the
placement, land treatment and degradation of E&P Waste at
a commercial facility. (A cell as defined in this Section is not
considered a pit.)
Closed Systema system in which E&P Waste is stored
and treated in an enclosed sump, tank, barge, or other
vessel/container or equipment prior to treatment and/or
disposal. A closed system does not include an open top sump
or earthen pit.
Commercial Facilitya legally permitted E&P Waste
storage, treatment and/or disposal facility which receives,
treats, reclaims, stores, and/or disposes of E&P Waste for a
fee or other consideration. For purposes of this definition,
Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) permitted
facilities, as defined by LAC 33:V and VII, which are
authorized to receive E&P Waste, are not covered by this
definition. However, such facilities must comply with the
reporting requirements of §545.K herein if E&P Waste is
Commissionerthe Commissioner of Conservation of the
State of Louisiana.
Community Saltwater Disposal Well or Systema
saltwater disposal well within an oil or gas field which is
operated by one operator of record for disposal of E&P
Waste fluids and used by other operators of record in the
same field or adjacent fields for noncommercial disposal of
their produced water. Such operators share in the costs of
operating the well/system. For purposes of this definition,
adjacent fields means oil or gas fields or portions thereof
which are located within or partially encroach upon the same
township as a community saltwater disposal well or one or
more townships all of which are directly contiguous to the
township in which the community saltwater disposal well is
Containera sump, storage tank, process vessel, truck,
barge, or other receptacle used to store or transport E&P
Drilling Wasteoil-base and water-base drilling mud or
other drilling fluids and cuttings generated during the
drilling of wells. These wastes are a subset of E&P Waste.
Exploration and Production Waste (E&P Waste)drilling
wastes, salt water, and other wastes associated with the
exploration, development, or production of crude oil or
natural gas wells and which is not regulated by the
provisions of, and, therefore, exempt from the Louisiana
Hazardous Waste Regulations and the Federal Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act, as amended. E&P Wastes
include, but are not limited to the following.
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
E&P Waste Description
01 Salt water (produced brine or produced water), except for
salt water whose intended and actual use is in drilling,
workover or completion fluids or in enhanced mineral
recovery operations, process fluids generated by approved
salvage oil operators who only receive oil (BS&W) from
oil and gas leases, and nonhazardous natural gas plant
processing waste fluid which is or may be commingled
with produced formation water.
02 Oil-base drilling wastes (mud, fluids and cuttings).
03 Water-base drilling wastes (mud, fluids and cuttings).
04 Completion workover and stimulation fluids.
05 Production pit sludges.
06 Storage tank sludge from production operations, onsite
and commercial saltwater disposal facilities, DNR
permitted salvage oil facilities (that only receive waste oil
[B,S, & W] from oil and gas leases), and sludges
generated by service company and commercial facility or
transfer station wash water systems.
07 Produced oily sands and solids.
08 Produced formation fresh water.
09 Rainwater from firewalls, ring levees and pits at drilling
and production facilities.
10 Washout water and residual solids generated from the
cleaning of containers that transport E&P Waste and are
not contaminated by hazardous waste or material;
washout water and solids (E&P Waste Type 10) is or may
be generated at a commercial facility or transfer station
by the cleaning of a container holding a residual amount
of E&P Waste.
11 Washout pit water and residual solids from oilfield related
carriers and service companies that are not permitted to
haul hazardous waste or material.
12 Nonhazardous Natural gas plant processing waste solids.
13 (Reserved).
14 Pipeline test water which does not meet discharge
limitations established by the appropriate state agency, or
pipeline pigging waste, i.e. waste fluids/solids generated
from the cleaning of a pipeline.
15 E&P Wastes that are transported from permitted
commercial facilities and transfer stations to permitted
commercial treatment and disposal facilities, except those
E&P Wastes defined as Waste Types 01 and 06.
16 Crude oil spill clean-up waste.
50 Salvageable hydrocarbons bound for permitted salvage oil
99 Other E&P Waste not described above (shipment to a
commercial facility or transfer station must be pre-
approved prior to transport).
Generatorany person or entity who generates or causes
to be generated any E&P Waste.
Groundwater Aquiferas defined in §301.
Inactive Cella land treatment cell which is not used for
E&P Waste receipts or has been taken out of service by a
land treatment facility. Such cell may be considered inactive
only if it is a new cell which has not yet received E&P Waste
or an existing cell which is in compliance with the
applicable testing criteria of this Chapter.
Land Treatmenta dynamic process involving the
controlled application of E&P Waste onto or into the aerobic
surface soil horizon in open cells by a commercial land
treatment facility, accompanied by continued monitoring and
management, to alter the physical, chemical, and biological
state of the E&P Waste. Site, soil, climate, and biological
activity interact as a system to degrade and immobilize E&P
Waste constituents thereby rendering the area suitable for the
support of vegetative growth and providing for beneficial
future land use or to meet the reuse criteria of §565.
MPCmaximum permissible concentration.
Offsitefor purposes of this Section, outside the confines
of a drilling unit for a specific well or group of wells, or in
the absence of such a unit, outside the boundaries of a lease
or contiguous property owned by the lessor upon which a
well is drilled.
Oil-Based Drilling Mudsany oil-based drilling fluid
composed of a water in oil (hydrocarbon or synthetic)
emulsion, organophillic clays, drilled solids and additives for
down-hole rheology and stability such as fluid loss control
materials, thinners, weighting agents, etc.
Pitan earthen surface impoundment constructed to
retain E&P Waste, often referred to as a pond or lagoon. The
term does not include lined sumps less than 660 gallons.
Residualthe de-minimis quantity of E&P Waste (solids
or liquids) remaining in a container after offloading, using
the practices commonly employed to remove materials from
that type of container (e.g., pouring, pumping, and
aspirating) and amounting to no more than one inch of
residue remaining on the bottom, or no more than three
percent by weight of the total capacity of the container if the
container is less than or equal to 110 gallons in size, or no
more than 0.3 percent by weight of the total capacity of the
container if the container is greater than 110 gallons in size.
Reusable Materiala material that would otherwise be
classified as E&P Waste, but which is capable of resource
conservation and recovery and has been processed in whole
or in part for reuse. To meet this definition, the material must
have been treated physically, chemically, or biologically or
otherwise processed so that the material is significantly
changed (i.e., the new material is physically, chemically, or
biologically distinct from the original material), and meets
the criteria of §565.F.
Salt Cavern Waste Disposal Facilityany public, private,
or commercial property, including surface and subsurface
lands and appurtenances thereto, used for receiving, storing,
and/or processing oil and gas exploration and production
waste for disposal into a solution-mined salt cavern.
Salt Waterwater with a chloride content greater than
500 ppm generated from a producing oil or gas well.
Sumpa container constructed of steel, fiberglass, sealed
concrete, or some other impermeable material utilized for
temporary storage of E&P Waste, including, but not limited
to, wash water and solids (sludge) generated by the
removal/cleaning of residual amounts of E&P Waste from
storage containers.
Transfer Stationan E&P Waste receiving and storage
facility, located offsite, but operated at an approved location
in conjunction with a permitted commercial facility, which is
used for temporary storage of manifested E&P Waste for a
period of 30 days or less.
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
Transportera legally permitted carrier of E&P Waste
contained in trucks, barges, boats, or other transportation
Treatmentas applied to
Type A Facilities (defined
herein), excluding Transfer Stations, treatment shall be
defined as any method, technique, or process capable of
hanging the physical and/or chemical characterization or
composition of E&P Waste so as to reclaim salvageable
hydrocarbons, process reusable material, reduce waste
volume (volume reduction), neutralize waste, reduce §549
criteria concentration(s) or otherwise render the waste more
suitable for handling, storage, transportation, and/or
Treatment Phasethe period of time during which E&P
Waste in a land treatment cell is physically manipulated
and/or chemically altered (through the addition of chemical
amendments, etc.) to bring the cell into compliance with the
testing criteria or reuse criteria of LAC 43:XIX.549 and 565.
Treatment Zonethe soil profile in a land treatment cell
that is located wholly above the saturated zone and within
which degradation, transformation, or immobilization of
E&P Waste constituents occurs. The treatment zone is
subdivided as follows.
1. Waste Treatment Zone (WTZ)the active E&P
Waste treatment area consisting solely of the E&P Waste
solids applied to a land treatment cell during the application
phase, exists entirely above grade (original cell bottom), and
whose actual depth depends on the solids content of the E&P
Waste applied. For monitoring purposes the WTZ represents
the 0-24" depth increment.
2. Upper Treatment Zone (UTZ)the E&P
Waste/native soil (original cell bottom) interface in a land
treatment cell where some disturbance occurs as a result of
E&P Waste treatment/manipulation. For monitoring
purposes, the UTZ represents the 24-36" depth increment.
3. Lower Treatment Zone (LTZ)the zone beneath the
UTZ in a land treatment cell from approximately 36-54" (or
to the top of the subsurface drainage system) which remains
undisturbed throughout the life of a land treatment cell.
Type A Facilitya commercial E&P Waste disposal
facility within the state that utilizes technologies appropriate
for the receipt, storage, treatment, or disposal of E&P Waste
solids and fluids (liquids) for a fee or other consideration.
Type B Facilitya commercial E&P Waste disposal
facility within the state that utilizes underground injection
technology for the receipt, storage, treatment, and disposal
of only saltwater or other E&P Waste fluids (liquids) for a
fee or other consideration.
Waste Management and Operations Plana plan as
identified and required in §515.
Water-Based Drilling Mudsany water-based fluid
composed of fresh water, naturally occurring clays, drilled
solids and additives for fluid loss control, viscosity, thinning,
pH control, weight control, etc., for down-hole rheology and
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2811 (December
2000), amended LR 27:1898 (November 2001), LR 29:937 (June
2003), LR 34:1421 (July 2008).
§503. General Requirements for Generators of E&P
A. E&P Waste Characterization
1. Generators of E&P Waste must be familiar with the
components of the E&P Waste they generate.
2. If not previously characterized, E&P Waste
characterization procedures should be undertaken to
determine the constituents of E&P Waste prior to disposal.
3. At a minimum, E&P Waste should be tested for the
following constituents: pH, TPH, EC, TCLP benzene, SAR,
ESP and the following metals: As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Hg,
Mo, Ni, Se, Ag and Zn.
4. E&P Waste should be re-characterized if the waste
generation process changes significantly (e.g., process
change, chemical additives, etc.).
5. E&P Waste which is to be taken offsite or has been
taken offsite for storage, treatment, or disposal may be
required to be sampled and analyzed in accordance with EPA
protocols or Office of Conservation (OC) approved
B. The unpermitted or unauthorized onsite or offsite
storage, treatment, disposal or discharge of E&P Waste is
prohibited and is a violation of these rules
C. Subsurface disposal of salt water is required and
regulated by LAC 43:XIX.401 et seq. The requirements of
this Chapter do not apply to either lease saltwater disposal
wells or to community saltwater disposal wells.
D. The generator is responsible for the proper handling
and transportation of E&P Waste taken offsite for storage,
treatment, or disposal to assure its proper delivery to an
approved commercial facility or transfer station or other
approved storage, treatment or disposal facility. Failure to
properly transport and dispose of E&P Waste shall subject
the generator to penalties provided for in R.S. 30:18. Each
shipment must be documented as required by §545.
E. At the option of the generator, E&P Waste may be
treated and/or disposed at Department of Natural Resources
(DNR) permitted commercial facilities and transfer stations
under the provisions of this Chapter or Department of
Environmental Quality (DEQ) permitted facilities as defined
by LAC 33:V and VII which are permitted to receive E&P
Waste which are subject to relevant DEQ regulations. If
received, stored, treated and/or disposed at a DEQ regulated
facility, E&P Waste would become the sole regulatory
responsibility of DEQ upon receipt.
F. Requirements for E&P Waste Type 06 (Storage Tank
Sludge) and E&P Waste Type 12 (Gas Plant Waste Solids)
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
1. Generators of Waste Type 06 are hereby made
aware that commercial land treatment facilities must manage
such waste in compliance with the location criteria of
§507.A.3 and the maximum permissible concentration
(MPC) requirements of §549.C.7.c and d for total benzene.
2. Waste Types 12 is not required to be tested for
benzene if disposed at commercial facilities that utilize
treatment options other than land treatment (see §547).
3. Prior to shipment and disposal at commercial land
treatment facilities, natural gas plant processing waste solids
(gas plant wasteWaste Type 12) must be analyzed for the
chemical compound benzene (C
). Testing must be
performed by a DEQ certified laboratory in accordance with
procedures presented in the Laboratory Manual for the
Analysis of E&P Waste (Department of Natural Resources,
August 9, 1988, or latest revision).
4. Subject to the requirements of §507.A.3 and
§549.C.7.a, Waste Type 12 may be disposed at any
commercial land treatment facility if test data indicates the
waste is less than or equal to the MPC of 3198 mg/kg total
5. If test data indicates the concentration of total
benzene in Waste Type 12 is above 3198 mg/kg (MPC
criteria), the following disposal options are available:
a. dispose of the waste at a permitted commercial
facility that utilizes an E&P Waste treatment or disposal
option other than land treatment;
b. treat the waste (on-site) to a concentration of total
benzene equal to or below 3198 mg/kg prior to off-site
shipment to any commercial land treatment facility;
c. dispose of the E&P Waste at a commercial land
treatment facility that has been approved for the receipt,
storage, treatment and disposal of E&P Waste that exceeds a
total benzene concentration of 3198 mg/kg; or
d. dispose of the E&P Waste at Department of
Environmental Quality (DEQ) permitted facilities as defined
by LAC 33:V and VII, pursuant to the provisions of §503.E
6. If a generator chooses to dispose of Waste Type 12
at a commercial land treatment facility, the generator must
attach a copy of the laboratory report to the manifest which
accompanies each shipment of the E&P Waste.
7. Commercial land treatment facilities may not
receive, store, treat or dispose of E&P Waste Type 12, gas
plant waste solids, unless the requirements of §505.B have
been met.
G. Prohibition of Waste Mixing
1. A mixture of E&P Wastes containing amounts
greater than residual quantities of Waste Type 06 (and
associated wash water) shall be designated as Waste Type
06, and if land treated, must meet the distance requirements
for Waste Type 06 in §507.A.3 below.
2. Mixing Waste Type 12 with any other E&P Waste
type prior to sampling and shipment to a commercial land
treatment facility or transfer station is strictly prohibited.
3. Any inadvertent or unavoidable mixture of E&P
Wastes containing any quantity of Waste Type 12 (and
associated wash water) must meet the MPC testing criteria
of §549.C.7.a for total benzene and must meet the distance
requirements for Waste Type 12 in §507.A.3.
H. General Reporting Requirements
1. Any spills which occur during the offsite
transportation of E&P Waste shall be reported by phone to
the Office of Conservation, within 24 hours of the spill and
the appropriate state and federal agencies.
2. Operators (generators) are required to report the
discovery of any unauthorized disposal of E&P Waste by
transporters, or any other oilfield contracting company.
3. Within six months of the completion of the drilling
or workover of any well permitted by the Office of
Conservation, the operator (generator) shall comply with the
reporting requirements of LAC 43:XIX.303 or successor
regulations regarding the disposition of any E&P Wastes.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2813 (December
2000), amended LR 27:1900 (November 2001), LR 29:937 (June
§505. General Requirements for Commercial Facilities
and Transfer Stations
A. The offsite storage, treatment, and/or disposal of E&P
Waste by a commercial facility or transfer station must be
approved by the commissioner as provided in this Chapter.
B. Commercial land treatment facilities may not receive,
store, treat or dispose of natural gas plant processing waste
solids (Waste Type 12) that exceed the MPC criteria of
§549.C.7.a for total benzene (3198 mg/kg) unless the
company has demonstrated to the commissioner that Waste
Type 12 can be pretreated to below the applicable MPC prior
to land treatment. Such demonstration shall be considered a
major modification of any existing permit and will require
compliance with the permitting procedures of §§519, 527,
and 529, including the submission of an application and
public participation. The E&P waste management and
operations plan required in §515 shall clearly indicate how
the E&P Waste storage and treatment system will minimize
the release of benzene (e.g., enclosed tanks, enclosed
treatment equipment, vapor recovery systems, etc.). Such
demonstration shall also include proof of solicitation from
DEQ regarding applicable required air permitting for the
existing and amended land treatment system.
C. Land treatment facilities that accept Waste Type 06
must meet the location criteria of §507.A.3 and the E&P
Waste pretreatment and treatment criteria of §549.C.7.c and
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
D. Approval of Transfer Station Required: The
construction and operation of a transfer station must be
approved by the commissioner upon submission of a permit
application according to the requirements of §521.
E. The commissioner will consider and encourages the
electronic submission of applications, data or reports
required under this Chapter.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2813 (December
2000), amended LR 27:1901 (November 2001), LR 29:937 (June
§507. Location Criteria
A. Commercial facilities and transfer stations may not be
located in any area:
1. within 1/4 mile of a public water supply water well
or within 1,000 feet of a private water supply well for
facilities permitted after January 1, 2002;
2. where Type A and B facilities and transfer stations,
Class II disposal wells, storage containers and E&P Waste
treatment systems and related equipment are located within
500 feet of a residential, commercial, or public building,
church, school or hospital;
3. where the perimeter of any Type A land treatment
cell is located within restricted distances from a residential
or public building, church, school, or hospital for treatment
of Waste Types 06 and 12 as listed below:
Special Conditions
Land treatment of Waste Type 06:
113 mg/kg total benzene (MPC) 1,000'
Not tested or > 113 mg/kg total benzene (MPC) 2,000'
Land treatment of Waste Type 12
3198 mg/kg total benzene (MPC) 2,000'
> 3198 mg/kg total benzene (MPC) (banned)
Land treatment of all other E&P Waste types 1,000'
4. where the subsurface geology of any proposed
injection zone (reservoir) does not exhibit the following
a. adequate thickness and areal extent of the
proposed injection zone; and
b. adequate clay confining beds separating the top
of the proposed injection zone and the base of the lowermost
underground source of drinking water;
5. where permanent E&P Waste storage containers,
land treatment cells, and storm water retention (sediment)
ponds are located in a "V" or "A" zone as determined by
flood hazard boundary or rate maps and other information
published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) unless adequate levees are constructed to at least
1 foot above the 100-year flood elevation as certified by a
professional engineer or surveyor and able to withstand the
velocity of the 100-year flood. Existing facilities located in a
"V" or "A" zone will be required to build facility levees
above the 100-year flood elevation as certified by a
professional engineer or land surveyor. As conditions change
and new data is made available by FEMA, owners of
existing commercial facilities and transfer stations will be
required to update their facilities accordingly;
6. where such area, or any portion thereof, has been
designated as wetlands by the U.S. Corps of Engineers
during, or prior to, initial facility application review, unless
the applicable wetland and DNR Coastal Management
Division coastal use permits are obtained;
7. where other surface or subsurface conditions exist
which in the determination of the Commissioner of
Conservation would cause the location to pose a threat of
substantial, adverse effects on public health or safety or the
environment at or near the location.
B. If the owner of the residence or commercial building
or the administrative body responsible for the public
building, hospital or church waives the distance
requirements of §507.A.2 above, such waiver must be in
writing, shall contain language acceptable to the
commissioner, and shall be included in the permit
C. Transfer stations are exempt from the location
requirement of 500 feet from a commercial building.
D. The above location criteria shall apply to commercial
facilities in existence on November 20, 2001 and shall be
applied to a proposed new facility or modification of an
existing facility as of the date the notice of intent is
published or the date the application is filed with the Office
of Conservation, whichever is earlier.
E. Any encroachment upon applicable location criteria
after the date the notice of intent is published or the
application is filed, whichever is earlier, shall not be
considered a violation of this Section.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2817 (December
2000), amended LR 27:1901 (November 2001), LR 29:938 (June
§509. Design Criteria
A. Commercial facilities, transfer stations and
commercial Class II saltwater disposal wells shall be
designed and constructed in such a manner as to prevent the
movement of E&P Waste into soil, groundwater aquifers or
underground sources of drinking water (USDWs) and to
prevent the discharge of E&P Waste materials or E&P Waste
byproducts into man-made or natural drainage or directly
into state waters unless a discharge permit has been received
from the appropriate state or federal agency.
B. Commercial facilities and transfer stations shall be
designed and constructed in a manner which is protective of
public health, safety and welfare or the environment, surface
waters, groundwater aquifers and underground sources of
drinking water in accordance with, but not limited to, the
following requirements:
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
1. all applicable construction and operational
standards of this Chapter, as well as Chapter 2, Chapter 3,
and Chapter 4 of LAC 43:XIX, Subpart 1, Statewide Order
No. 29-B;
2. facility design shall provide for the segregation,
separation, and containment of free oil, where appropriate;
3. retaining walls (levees) shall be built around all
above-ground storage tanks to a level that will provide
sufficient capacity to retain the contents of each tank and
prevent the release of stored E&P Wastes due to tank
leakage, or some other cause;
4. spill containment systems shall be built around
unloading areas to prevent the escape of any E&P Wastes
spilled during off-loading; and
5. limited access to E&P Waste transported on land
shall be provided by a lockable gate system. The need for a
6-foot chain-link fence around an entire facility or any
portion of a facility will be determined after a site
investigation by the commissioner or his designated
representative. Gates shall be locked except during the hours
a facility is permitted to receive E&P Waste.
C. Land treatment cells shall not exceed 5 acres in size.
D. Except for storm water retention (sediment) ponds at
land treatment facilities (§549.C.12) and sumps as defined in
§501, earthen or artificially lined pits shall not be
constructed or used for storage of E&P Waste at any
commercial facility or transfer station.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2817 (December
2000), amended LR 27:1902 (November 2001).
§511. Financial Responsibility
A. Each permitted commercial facility and transfer
station must maintain evidence of financial responsibility for
any liability for damages which may be caused to any party
by the escape or discharge of any material or E&P Waste
offsite from the commercial facility or transfer station. Such
evidence must be provided by the applicant prior to issuance
of a permit. Failure to maintain such evidence shall lead to
initiation of procedures for permit suspension. If suspended,
the permit shall remain suspended until financial
responsibility has been confirmed.
B. Financial responsibility may be evidenced by filing a
letter of credit, bond, certificates of deposit issued by and
drawn on Louisiana banks, or any other evidence of
equivalent financial responsibility acceptable to the
C. In no event shall the amount and extent of such
financial responsibility be less than the face amounts per
occurrence and/or aggregate occurrences as set by the
commissioner below:
1. $500,000 minimum financial responsibility for any
commercial facility (excluding transfer stations) which
stores, treats or disposes of E&P Waste solids (i.e. oil- or
water-base drilling fluids, etc.); or
2. $250,000 minimum financial responsibility for a
commercial salt water disposal facility which utilizes
underground injection and a closed storage system; and
3. $100,000 minimum financial responsibility for each
transfer station operated in conjunction with a legally
permitted commercial facility subject to the guidelines of
this Section.
NOTE: The commissioner retains the right to increase the face
amounts set forth above as needed in order to prevent waste
and to protect public health, safety, and welfare or the
D. If insurance coverage is proposed and accepted to
meet the financial responsibility requirement, it must be
provided by an insurer that is licensed to transact the
business of insurance, or eligible to provide insurance as an
excess of surplus lines insurer, in one or more states, and is
authorized to conduct insurance business in the state of
1. For a commercial facility which operates land
treatment cells, such insurance must provide sudden and
accidental pollution liability coverage as well as
environmental impairment liability coverage.
2. For any commercial facility or transfer station
which does not operate land treatment cells, such insurance
must provide sudden and accidental pollution liability
E. Proof of insurance must be provided by a certificate
of liability insurance which must be worded as follows,
except that the instructions in brackets are to be replaced
with the relevant information and the brackets deleted.
Commercial Facility
Certificate of Liability Insurance
1. [Name of Insurer], (the "Insurer") of [address of
Insurer] hereby certifies that it has issued liability insurance
covering bodily injury and property damage to [name of
insured], (the "insured"), of [address of insured] in connection
with the insured's obligation to demonstrate financial
responsibility under LAC 43:XIX.511. The coverage applies at
[site code or address for each facility] for [insert "sudden and
accidental pollution liability" or "environmental impairment"].
The limits of liability are [insert the dollar amount of "each
occurrence" and "annual aggregate" limits of the Insurer's
liability], exclusive of legal defense costs. The coverage is
provided under policy number _______, issued on [date]. The
effective date of said policy is [date].
2. The insurer further certifies the following with respect
to the insurance described in LAC 43:XIX.511.E.1.
a. Bankruptcy or insolvency of the insured shall not
relieve the insurer of its obligation under the policy.
b. The insurer is liable for the payment of amounts
within any deductible applicable to the policy, with a right of
reimbursement by the insured for any such payment made by
the insurer. This provision does not apply with respect to that
amount of any deductible for which coverage is demonstrated.
c. Whenever requested by the Commissioner of
Conservation, the insurer agrees to furnish to the
commissioner a signed duplicate original of the policy and all
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
d. Cancellation of the insurance, whether by the
insurer, the insured, a parent corporation providing insurance
coverage for its subsidiary, or by a firm having an insurable
interest in and obtaining liability insurance on behalf of the
owner or operator of the commercial facility or transfer
station, will be effective only upon written notice and only
after the expiration of 60 days after a copy of such written
notice is received by the Commissioner of Conservation.
e. Any other termination of the insurance will be
effective only upon written notice and only after the expiration
of 30 days after a copy of such written notice is received by
the Commissioner of Conservation.
I hereby certify that the wording of this instrument is identical
to the wording specified in LAC 43:XIX.511.E as such
regulation was constituted on the date this certificate was
issued, as indicated below, and that the insurer is licensed to
transact the business of insurance, or eligible to provide
insurance as an excess of surplus lines insurer, in one or more
states, and is authorized to conduct insurance business in the
state of Louisiana.
[Signature of authorized representative of Insurer]
[Type name]
[Title], Authorized Representative of [Name of Insurer]
[Address of Representative]
ATE OF ISSUANCE:_________________________.
F. A commercial facility or transfer station application
shall contain documentation of the method by which proof
of financial responsibility will be provided by the applicant.
Where applicable, the application must include copies of a
draft letter of credit, bond, or any other evidence of financial
responsibility acceptable to the commissioner.
G. Documentation of financial responsibility must be
submitted to and approved by the commissioner prior to
beginning construction.
H. Financial responsibility must be renewable on April 1
of each year. Documentation that the required financial
responsibility has been renewed must be received by March
15 of each year or procedures to initiate permit suspension
will be initiated. If suspended, the permit shall remain
suspended until insurance coverage has been confirmed.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2819 (December
2000), amended LR 27:1902 (November 2001), LR 29:938 (June
2003), LR 34:1421 (July 2008).
§513. Provisions for Adequate Closure
A. All offsite commercial facilities and transfer stations
under the jurisdiction of the Office of Conservation shall be
closed in a manner approved by the commissioner to insure
protection of the public, the environment, groundwater
aquifers and underground sources of drinking water. A plan
for closure must be developed in accordance with the
requirements of the commissioner.
B. Each permitted commercial facility and transfer
station shall maintain a bond or irrevocable letter of credit
on file with the Office of Conservation to provide for
adequate closure of the facility. The bond or letter of credit
must be renewable on October 1 of each year.
C. Closure bond or letter of credit amounts will be
reviewed each year prior to the renewal date according to the
following process.
1. A detailed cost estimate for adequate closure of
each permitted commercial facility or transfer station shall
be prepared by an independent professional consultant and
submitted to the commissioner on or before February 1 of
each year.
2. The closure plan and cost estimate must include
provisions or closure acceptable to the commissioner and
must be designed to reflect the costs to the Office of
Conservation to complete the approved closure of the
3. Upon review of the cost estimate, the commissioner
may increase, decrease or allow the amount of the bond or
letter of credit to remain the same.
4. Documentation that the required closure bond or
letter of credit has been renewed must be received by
September 15 of each year or the commissioner shall initiate
procedures to take possession of the funds guaranteed by the
bond or letter of credit and suspend or revoke the permit
under which the facility is operated. Any permit suspension
shall remain in effect until renewal is documented.
D. The commissioner may consider the submission of
other financial documents on a case-by-case basis to comply
with the requirements of this Section.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2819 (December
2000), amended LR 27:1903 (November 2001).
§515. E&P Waste Management and Operations Plan
A. All existing commercial facilities and transfer stations
must maintain an E&P Waste management and operations
plan (WMOP, Plan) on file with the Office of Conservation.
B. The plan must be updated as necessary or at the
request of the commissioner to take into consideration any
changes or modifications made at the facility.
C. The plan must describe the methods by which
activities at the facility are monitored to insure compliance
with the applicable requirements of this Chapter and
Chapters 1, 3 and 4 of LAC 43:XIX, Subpart 1, Statewide
Order No. 29-B.
D. For existing commercial facilities and transfer
stations, a WMOP shall be submitted to the Office of
Conservation within 180 days of promulgation of this
E. For new commercial facilities and transfer stations, a
WMOP must be submitted with the application.
F. At a minimum, a WMOP shall contain the following
1. volume, rate of application/treatment and types of
E&P Wastes to be received, stored, treated and/or disposed
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
at each commercial facility or transfer station; a complete
explanation of procedures for witnessing the receipt,
sampling, and testing of E&P Wastes (E&P Waste
acceptance policy) to assure that only permitted E&P Wastes
are accepted, in compliance with the requirements of §545;
and a detailed explanation of the storage, treatment and
disposal system and related equipment to be utilized;
2. a contingency plan for reporting, responding to and
cleaning up spills, leaks, and releases of E&P Wastes or
treatment byproducts, including provisions for notifying
applicable local, state and federal emergency response
authorities and for taking operator-initiated emergency
response actions;
3. a plan for routine inspection and maintenance of
monitoring equipment (e.g., gauges, monitor wells, etc.) to
ensure and demonstrate compliance with permit and
regulatory requirements;
4. commercial land treatment facilities must provide
the following information:
a. a groundwater and facility monitoring plan to
comply with the applicable requirements of this Chapter;
b. specific plans for preventing or minimizing air
emissions from sources such as the volatilization of organic
materials (e.g., benzene) and/or hydrogen sulfide in E&P
Waste, particulate matter (dust) carried by the wind, periodic
removal and subsequent handling of free oil, and chemical
reactions (e.g., production of hydrogen sulfide from sulfur-
bearing E&P Wastes);
c. the plan shall address short-term and long-term
distribution of Waste Type 06 on land treatment cells to
prevent excessive 'same cell' loading of this E&P Waste
d. a reuse stockpile management plan (see §565.G);
e. plans to comply with the location criteria of
§507.A.3 for land treatment of E&P Waste;
5. a security plan for the facility;
6. a community relations or public information plan;
7. an environmental, health, and safety plan which
describes site sampling methods and procedures to
determine the potential risks to public health, safety and
welfare or the environment posed by the site. Such plan shall
indicate how the facility will comply with the applicable
environmental monitoring requirements of this Chapter.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2822 (December
2000), amended LR 27:1904 (November 2001).
§517. Permit Compliance Review
A. Commercial facility and transfer station permits shall
be reviewed at least once every five years to determine
compliance with applicable permit requirements and
conditions. Commencement of the permit review process for
each commercial facility and transfer station shall proceed as
authorized by the Commissioner of Conservation.
B. At the commissioner's discretion, any commercial
facility or transfer station operator may be required to
sample and test facility property and/or equipment for
NORM and/or parameters established for "soils" in §549.E.2
to assure compliance with closure requirements of §567.A.
The commercial facility or transfer station operator must
submit a report detailing the results of all onsite sampling
and testing in a manner acceptable to the Commissioner of
Conservation. Sampling and testing must be performed by
an independent professional consultant and third-party
laboratory. Testing must be performed by a DEQ certified
laboratory in accordance with procedures presented in the
Laboratory Manual for the Analysis of E&P Waste
(Department of Natural Resources, August 9, 1998, or latest
C. Upon review of the data and as deemed appropriate,
administrative steps will be taken to revise or revoke
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2823 (December
2000), amended LR 27:1904 (November 2001).
§519. Permit Application Requirements for
Commercial Facilities
A. Application and Permit Required
1. Every person who intends to construct and operate
a new offsite commercial facility or transfer station, or make
a major modification to an existing commercial facility or
transfer station, shall file a permit application with the Office
of Conservation.
2. A major modification to an existing commercial
facility or transfer station permit is one in which the facility
requests approval to make significant technological changes
to an existing E&P Waste treatment and/or disposal system,
including the construction and operation of additional
equipment or systems to treat and/or dispose of E&P Waste
streams other than those previously accepted by the facility.
A major modification request may include a request to
expand an existing commercial facility or transfer station
onto adjacent property not previously permitted for E&P
Waste disposal activities.
3. Examples of minor permit modifications include,
but are not limited to, requests to add additional Class II
disposal wells to an existing facility, to add treatment
equipment to supplement existing equipment, or to add land
treatment cells within previously permitted facility
boundaries. Minor permit modifications shall be approved
B. Notice of Intent
1. At least 30 days prior to filing such application, the
applicant shall publish a notice of intent to apply. Such
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
notice shall contain sufficient information to identify the
a. name and address of the applicant;
b. the location of the proposed facility;
c. the nature and content of the proposed E&P
waste stream(s);
d. the method(s) of storage, treatment, and/or
disposal to be used.
2. The notice of intent shall be published in the
official state journal, the official journal of the parish in
which the proposed facility will be located, and in the
journal of general circulation in the area where the proposed
facility is to be located, if different from the official parish
3. Such notice shall be in bold-face type and not less
than one-quarter page in size and shall be published on three
separate days in each journal.
C. General Information. Except for the filing and hearing
fees, the following general information must be provided in
duplicate in each application for approval to operate a
commercial facility or transfer station:
1. for a commercial Class II injection/disposal well
application, the appropriate nonrefundable application fee(s),
in the amount(s) required by Statewide Order No. 29-R-
00/01, LAC 43:XIX.701 et seq., or successor regulations.
New operators must submit Form OR-1 (Organization
Report) to receive a permanent Operator Code number (no
fee required);
2. a nonrefundable hearing fee in the amount required
by Statewide Order No. 29-R-00/01, LAC 43:XIX.701 et
seq., or successor regulations;
3. a list of names, addresses, and telephone numbers
of the principal officers of the company or corporation and
the names and addresses of local governing authorities;
4. to document compliance with the location criteria
of §507.A.2, provide a list of the names and addresses of all
property owners, residents, off-set operators and industrial
facilities within one quarter-mile of the proposed facility or
disposal well. Include copies of waivers required by §507.B,
where applicable. Include a map drawn to scale showing the
following information:
a. property boundaries of the commercial facility or
transfer station;
b. the boundaries and ownership of all land adjacent
to the commercial facility or transfer station;
c. the location and identification of all residential,
commercial, or public buildings or hospitals within 1/4 mile
of the facility property boundaries; and
d. all public water supply wells and private water
supply wells within 1 mile of the proposed facility;
5. a detailed schematic diagram of the proposed
facility of sufficient scale to show the placement of access
roads, buildings, and unloading areas, and the location and
identification of all storage tanks, barges, and other
containers (including design capacities), treatment
system/equipment, levees, flowlines, filters, the Class II
disposal well(s), and all other equipment and operational
features of the storage, treatment and/or disposal system;
6. for operators proposing the construction and
operation of a Class II disposal well, complete the
appropriate application form, including all required
attachments. To document compliance with the location
criteria of §507.A.3, the application must provide strike and
dip geologic cross sections intersecting at the location of the
disposal well for which a permit is sought. These cross
sections must include, at a minimum, available log control,
geologic units, and lithology from the surface to the lower
confining bed below the injection zone. The sections shall be
on a scale sufficient to show the local geology in at least a
two-mile radius from the proposed disposal well. The
following information must be included on these cross-
a. the base of underground sources of drinking
water (USDWs);
b. the vertical and lateral limits of the proposed
injection zone (reservoir);
c. the vertical and lateral limits of the upper and
lower confining beds; and
d. the location of faults or other geologic structures;
7. documentation of compliance with the applicable
location criteria of §507.A.5 and 6, with regard to flood
zones and wetland areas;
8. a copy of the title to the property upon which the
facility will be located. If a lease, option to lease or other
agreement is in effect on the property, a copy of this
instrument shall be included in the application;
9. a parish map of sufficient scale to identify the
location of the proposed facility;
10. a topographic map showing the location of the
proposed site and any highways or roads that abut or
traverse the site, all water courses, flood plains, water wells,
and pipelines within one mile of the site boundary;
11. as required in §515, provide a detailed E&P Waste
management and operations plan that includes, but is not
limited to the proposed method of operation of the facility
and procedures for the receipt, storage, treatment and/or
disposal of E&P Wastes;
12. documentation that the facility and/or disposal well
will comply with the applicable design criteria of §509;
13. evidence of financial responsibility for any liability
for damages which may be caused to any party by the escape
or discharge of any material or E&P Waste from the
commercial facility or transfer station, in compliance with
the requirements of §511. The application shall contain
documentation of the method by which proof of financial
responsibility will be provided by the applicant. Where
applicable, include a copy of a draft letter of credit, bond, or
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
any other evidence of financial responsibility acceptable to
the commissioner. Prior to beginning construction, final
(official) documentation of financial responsibility must be
submitted to and approved by the commissioner;
14. documentation that a bond or irrevocable letter of
credit will be provided for adequate closure of the facility, in
compliance with the requirements of §513. The application
must include the following:
a. a detailed cost estimate for adequate closure of
the proposed facility. The cost estimate must include a
detailed description of proposed future closure procedures
including, but not limited to plugging and abandonment of
the disposal well(s) (if applicable), plugging of any monitor
wells according to applicable state regulations, closing out
any sumps, storm water retention (sediment) ponds, or land
treatment cells, removing all surface equipment, and
returning the environment (site) as close as possible to its
original state. The closure plan and cost estimate must be
prepared by an independent professional consultant, must
include provisions for closure acceptable to the
commissioner, and must be designed to reflect the costs to
the commissioner to complete the approved closure of the
b. a draft irrevocable letter of credit or bond in
favor of the state of Louisiana and in a form which includes
wording acceptable to the commissioner. Upon completion
of the application review process, the commissioner will set
the amount of the required bond or irrevocable letter of
credit. The bond or letter of credit must be renewable on
October 1 of each year and must be submitted to and
approved by the commissioner prior to beginning
15. verification that a discharge permit has been
obtained from the appropriate state or federal agencies or
copies of any applications submitted to such agencies. If a
facility does not intend to discharge treated E&P Waste
water or other water, a completed and notarized Affidavit of
No Discharge, which includes wording acceptable to the
commissioner, must be provided;
16. a list of all other licenses and permits needed by the
applicant to conduct the proposed commercial activities.
Include identification number of applications for those
permits or licenses or, if issued, the identification numbers
of the permits or licenses;
17. provide the names of all companies currently or
formerly owned and/or operated by the applicant (company
requesting a permit) and/or the principal officers of the
applicant for the receipt, storage, treatment, recycling and/or
disposal of E&P Waste or hazardous or nonhazardous
industrial or municipal solid waste;
18. provide a list of local, state and/or federal permits
currently or formerly held by the applicant and/or any of the
principal officers of the applicant for the storage, treatment,
recycling and/or disposal of E&P Waste or hazardous or
nonhazardous industrial or municipal solid waste;
19. for each permit included on the list required in
§519.C.18 above, provide a list of all environmental
regulatory violations, if any, cited by applicable local, state
or federal regulatory agencies, including all resulting notices
of violation, compliance orders, penalty assessments, or
other enforcement actions and the current compliance status
of each violation. Such list shall include all violations cited
within the five years immediately preceding the date of
application for a commercial facility or transfer station
20. the names and addresses of the official journal of
the parish in which the proposed facility will be located and
the journal of general circulation in the area where the
proposed facility is to be located, if different from the
official parish journal;
21. certification by an authorized representative of the
applicant that information submitted in the application is
true, accurate and complete to the best of the applicant's
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2823 (December
2000), amended LR 27:1905 (November 2001), LR 29:938 (June
§521. Permit Application Requirements for a Transfer
A. The application for construction and operation of a
transfer station by an existing Louisiana commercial facility
permitted by the Office of Conservation shall include, but
may not be limited to, the information required in §519.C.
B. The application for construction and operation of a
transfer station by the operator of an out-of-state, legally
permitted commercial facility shall consist of the following:
1. compliance with the notice of intent requirements
of §519.B; and
2. submission of the information required in §519.C.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2823 (December
2000), amended LR 27:1906 (November 2001).
§523. Permit Application Requirements for Land
Treatment Systems
A. In addition to the information requested in §519.C
above, the information required in this Section must be
provided in duplicate in each application for approval of a
commercial facility incorporating the use of land treatment
B. A detailed description of the site considered for land
treatment with relation to the following:
1. past and present land use;
2. geology/soil properties/hydrogeology;
3. drainage and flood control;
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
4. hydrologic balance; and
5. highest seasonal groundwater level.
C. A detailed description of the facility design including
maps and drawings and a discussion of the following:
1. site layout;
2. proposed waste application technique;
3. drainage control;
4. proposed waste loading rate; and
5. expected facility life.
D. An explanation of the proposed E&P Waste
management and operations plan with reference to the
following topics:
1. sampling and testing of incoming waste (waste
acceptance procedures);
2. method of receiving waste;
3. waste segregation;
4. application scheduling;
5. waste-soil mixing;
6. proposed land treatment cell and groundwater
monitoring plan;
7. reuse stockpile management plan (see §565.G); and
8. an air emissions (odor) reduction and monitoring
plan that addresses such sources as:
a. the volatilization of organic materials and/or
hydrogen sulfide in the E&P Waste;
b. particulate matter (dust) carried by the wind;
c. periodic removal and subsequent handling of free
oil; and
d. chemical reactions (e.g., production of hydrogen
sulfide from sulfur-bearing E&P Wastes).
. Detailed information concerning closure and post-
closure activities and monitoring as follows:
1. proposed closure procedures;
2. post-closure maintenance; and
3. closure and post-closure monitoring.
. Documentation of compliance with the location
criteria of §507.A.4 and 5.
. Documentation that the land treatment facility
operation requirements of §549 can be met.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2823 (December
2000), amended LR 27:1906 (November 2001), LR 29:938 (June
§525. Permit Application Requirements for Other
Treatment and Disposal Options
A. In addition to the information requested in §519.C,
the following information required in this Section must be
provided in duplicate in each application for approval of a
commercial facility incorporating the use of treatment and/or
disposal options other than land treatment and as defined in
B. A detailed description of the site with relation to the
1. past and present land use;
2. geology/soil properties/hydrogeology;
3. drainage and flood control;
4. hydrologic balance; and
5. highest seasonal groundwater level.
C. A detailed description of the facility design including
maps and drawings and a discussion of the following:
1. site layout;
2. proposed waste application technique;
3. drainage control;
4. proposed waste treatment rates; and
5. expected facility life.
D. An explanation of the proposed E&P Waste
management and operations plan with reference to the
following topics:
1. sampling and testing of incoming waste (waste
acceptance procedures);
2. method of receiving waste;
3. waste segregation;
4. proposed waste treatment monitoring plan;
5. reuse stockpile management plan (see §565.G); and
6. air emissions (odor) reduction and monitoring plan
that addresses such sources as:
a. the volatilization of organic materials and/or
hydrogen sulfide in the E&P Waste;
b. particulate matter (dust) carried by the wind;
c. periodic removal and subsequent handling of free
oil; and
d. chemical reactions (e.g., production of hydrogen
sulfide from sulfur-bearing E&P Wastes).
E. Detailed information concerning closure and post-
closure activities and monitoring as follows:
1. proposed closure procedures;
2. post-closure maintenance; and
3. closure and post-closure monitoring.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 27:1907 (November
2001), amended LR 29:938 (June 2003).
§527. Permitting Procedures
A. The Office of Conservation will review a new
commercial facility or transfer station application within 90
days of receipt and inform the applicant of its completeness.
B. If the application is not complete, the applicant shall
be advised of additional information to be submitted for
approval or the application shall be returned and the
applicant will be required to resubmit the application.
C. Upon acceptance of the application as complete, the
Office of Conservation shall set a time and date and secure a
location for the required public hearing to be held in the
affected parish.
D. The public hearing shall be fact finding in nature and
not subject to the procedural requirements of the
Administrative Procedure Act. All interested persons shall be
allowed the opportunity to present testimony, facts, or
evidence related to the application or to ask questions.
E. At least 30 days prior to the hearing, the applicant is
required to file six copies of the complete application with
the local governing authority of the parish in which the
proposed facility is to be located to be made available for
public review. Two additional copies of the complete
application shall be filed in the parish library closest to the
proposed facility.
F. Permit Issuance
1. The commissioner shall issue a final permit
decision within 120 days of the close of the public comment
2. A final permit decision shall become effective on
the date of issuance.
3. A permit to construct a commercial facility or
transfer station (and any associated disposal well) will not be
granted until a certified copy of a lease or proof of
ownership of the property where the proposed facility is to
be located is submitted to the Office of Conservation.
4. Approval or the granting of a permit to construct a
commercial facility or transfer station (and any associated
disposal well) shall be valid for a period of one year and if
construction is not completed in that time, the permit shall
be null and void. Requests for an extension of this one year
requirement may be approved by the commissioner for
extenuating circumstances only.
G. The application for construction and operation of a
new or additional transfer station by an existing commercial
E&P Waste treatment and/or disposal facility permitted by
the Office of Conservation to operate within the state of
Louisiana shall be administratively approved or denied.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 26:2817 (December
2000), amended LR 27:1907 (November 2001).
§529. Public Notice Requirements
A. Permit Application Public Hearing Notice
1. Upon acceptance of the application as complete, the
Office of Conservation shall publish in the next available
issue of the Louisiana Register, a notice of the filing and the
location, date and time of the public hearing to be held in the
affected parish. Such public hearing shall not be less than 30
days from the date of notice in the Louisiana Register.
2. At least 30 days prior to the scheduled public
hearing, the Office of Conservation shall publish a notice of
the filing of the application and the location, date and time
of the hearing in the official state journal.
3. The applicant shall publish a substantially similar
notice in the official journal of the affected parish and in the
journal of general circulation in the area where the proposed
facility is to be located, if different from the official parish
journal, on three separate days at least 15 days prior to the
date of the hearing. Such notice shall not be less than
1/4 page in size and printed in boldface type.
B. Applications submitted on Form UIC-2 SWD (or
latest revision) for a new commercial saltwater disposal well
or Form UIC-32 (or latest revision) to recomplete a Class II
commercial disposal well into a new disposal zone shall be
advertised once in the legal ad section of the official state
journal, in the official parish journal where the facility is
located and in the journal of general circulation in the area
where the facility is located, if different from the official
parish journal. Such notice shall contain language acceptable
to the commissioner and shall allow a 15 day comment
period. At their own risk, companies may initiate workover
activities prior to the end of the comment period. However,
the well may not be utilized for injection until the public
comment period has ended, the completion report has been
submitted and approved and the well has been successfully
tested for mechanical integrity.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 27:1908 (November
§531. Permitting Conditions
A. The Office of Conservation may refuse to issue,
reissue, or reinstate a commercial facility or transfer station
permit or authorization to the following:
1. any individual, partnership or other entity which
has been found to have violated any provision of
LAC 43:XIX.Subpart 1 (Statewide Order No. 29-B) or has
other violations which include, but is not limited to, failure
to provide for proper closure of an oil, gas or injection well,
commercial facility, transfer station and/or other oilfield site,
failure to pay all fees, or failure to pay all civil penalties;
2. any individual, partnership, corporation or other
entity for which a general partner, an owner of more than
25 percent ownership interest, a trustee, or other individual
having direct or indirect control of the entity has held a
position of ownership and/or control in another partnership,
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
corporation or other entity which has been found to have
violated any provision of LAC 43:XIX.Subpart 1 (Statewide
Order No. 29-B) or has other violations which include, but is
not limited to, failure to provide for proper closure of an oil,
gas or injection well, commercial facility, transfer station
and/or other oilfield site, failure to pay all fees, or failure to
pay all civil penalties;
3. any individual, partnership, corporation or other
entity for which a general partner, an owner of more than
25 percent ownership interest, a trustee, or other individual
having direct or indirect control of the entity has held a
position of ownership and/or control in another partnership,
corporation or other entity which has been found, either
contemporaneously with or discovered later, to have
submitted false or intentionally misleading reports or
responses to the orders of the Office of Conservation.
B. The Office of Conservation may refuse to issue,
reissue, or reinstate a commercial facility or transfer station
permit or authorization to an individual or entity that has
committed a violation of any provision of
LAC 43:XIX.Subpart 1 (Statewide Order No. 29-B) or other
violations which may subject it to the penalty set forth
herein if any one of the following has occurred.
1. An order finding the violation has been entered
against the individual or entity and all appeals have been
exhausted or the individual or entity has failed to timely and
appropriately request a hearing and the individual or entity is
not in compliance or on a schedule for compliance with an
2. The Commissioner of Conservation and the
individual or entity have entered into an agreed order
relating to the alleged violation and the individual or entity
is not in compliance or on a schedule of compliance with an
C. The commissioner may deny an application for a
commercial facility or transfer station based upon the
regulatory compliance history of the applicant required in
§519.C.17, 18 and 19.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation LR 27:1908 (November
§533. General Operational Requirements for
Commercial Facilities and Transfer Stations
A. Commercial facilities and transfer stations shall be
operated in compliance with, but not limited to, the
1. The area within the confines of tank retaining walls
(levees) shall be kept free of debris, trash, and accumulations
of oil or other materials which may constitute a fire hazard.
Portable gasoline powered engines and pumps must be
supervised at all times of operation and stored at least 50'
from tank battery firewalls when not in use. Vent lines must
be installed on all E&P Waste storage tanks and must extend
outside of tank battery firewalls.
2. The area within the confines of tank retaining walls
(levees) must be kept free of accumulations of E&P Waste
fluids and water. Such fluids shall be properly disposed of by
injection into a Class II well or discharged in accordance
with the conditions of a discharge permit granted by the
appropriate state agency.
3. Tank retaining walls and land treatment cell levees
shall be kept free of debris, trash, or overgrowth which
would constitute a fire hazard or hamper or prevent adequate
4. Land treatment cell and associated surface drainage
system surfaces shall at no time have an accumulation of oil
of more than 1 inch at any surface location.
5. Land treatment cell levels shall be maintained with
at least 2 feet of freeboard at all times.
6. Tank retaining walls (levees) must be constructed
of soils which are placed and compacted in such a manner as
to produce a barrier to horizontal movement of fluids. The
levees must be properly tied into the barrier along the
bottom and sides of the levees. All levees must be provided
with a means to prevent erosion and other degradation.
B. All facilities and systems for treatment, control, and
monitoring (and related appurtenances) which are installed
or used to achieve compliance with the conditions of a
permit shall be properly operated and maintained at all
C. Inspection and entry by Office of Conservation
personnel shall be allowed as prescribed in R.S. 30:4.
D. Discharges from land treatment cells, tanks, tank
retaining walls and/or barges into man-made or natural
drainage or directly into state waters will be allowed only
after the necessary discharge permit has been obtained from
the appropriate state and/or federal agencies and in
accordance with the conditions of such permit.
E. A sign shall be prepared, displayed and maintained at
the entry of each permitted commercial facility or transfer
station. Such sign shall utilize a minimum of 1-inch lettering
to state the facility name, address, phone number, and site
code shall be made applicable to the activities of each
facility according to the following example.
"This E&P Waste (storage, treatment and/or disposal) facility
has been approved for (temporary storage, treatment and/or
disposal) of exploration and production waste only and is
regulated by the Office of Conservation. Violations shall be
reported to the Office of Conservation at (225) 342-5515."
F. A vertical aerial color photograph (or series of
photographs) with stereoscopic coverage of each Type A
land treatment facility must be obtained during the month of
October every two years and provided to the Office of
Conservation by November 30 of the year the photo is taken.
Such photograph(s) must be taken at an original photo scale
of 1" = 1000' to 1" = 500' depending on the size of the
facility. Photo(s) are to be provided as prints in either
8" x 10" or 9" x 9" formats. The commissioner may require
more frequent aerial photos as deemed necessary.
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 27:1909 (November
§535. Notification Requirements
A. Any change in the principal officers, management, or
ownership of an approved commercial facility or transfer
station must be reported to the commissioner in writing
within 10 days of the change.
B. Transfer of Ownership
1. A commercial facility or transfer station permit may
be transferred to a new owner or operator only upon
approval by the commissioner. The new owner or operator
must apply for and receive an operator code by submitting a
completed Form OR-1 (or latest revision) to the Office of
2. The current permittee shall submit an application
for transfer at least 30 days before the proposed transfer
date. The application shall contain the following:
a. name and address of the proposed new owner
b. date of proposed transfer; and
c. a written agreement between the existing and
new permittees containing a specific date for transfer of
permit responsibility, financial responsibility, and liability
between them.
3. If no agreement described in §535.B.2.c above is
provided, responsibility for compliance with the terms and
conditions of the permit and liability for any violation will
shift from the existing permittee to the new permittee on the
date the transfer is approved.
C. Commercial facility and transfer station operators
shall give written notice to the commissioner of any planned
physical or operational alterations or additions to a permitted
facility or proposed changes in the E&P Waste management
plan. Requests to make such changes must be submitted to
and approved by the commissioner prior to beginning
construction or accomplishing the change by other means.
D. The operator of a newly approved commercial
facility, transfer station, and/or disposal well must notify the
commissioner when construction is complete. The operator
shall not commence receiving E&P Waste or injecting E&P
Waste fluids until the facility has been inspected for
compliance with the conditions of the permit and the
disposal well has been tested for mechanical integrity.
E. An operator of a commercial facility or transfer
station shall report to the commissioner any noncompliance,
including but not limited to those which may endanger
public health, safety or welfare or the environment,
including, but not limited to, impacts to surface waters,
groundwater aquifers and underground sources of drinking
water, whether onsite or offsite. Such notice shall be made
orally within 24 hours of the noncompliance and followed
by written notification within five days explaining details
and proposed methods of corrective action.
F. When a commercial facility or transfer station
operator refuses to accept a load of unauthorized waste (not
meeting the definition of E&P Waste), the Office of
Conservation shall be notified immediately by electronic
submission (facsimile) of a completed Form UIC-26 and the
manifest which accompanied the shipment of unauthorized
waste or otherwise provide the names of the generator and
transporter of the unauthorized waste.
G. The operator of a commercial salt cavern E&P Waste
storage well and facility shall provide a corrective action
plan to address any unauthorized escape, discharge or
release of any material, fluids, or E&P Waste from the well
or facility, or part thereof. The plan shall address the cause,
delineate the extent, and determine the overall effects on the
environment resulting from the escape, discharge or release.
The Office of Conservation shall require the operator to
formulate a plan to remediate the escaped, discharged or
released material, fluids or E&P Waste if the material, fluids,
or E&P Waste is thought to have entered or has the
possibility of entering an underground source of drinking
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 27:1909 (November
2001), amended LR 29:938 (June 2003).
§537. Hours of Receiving
A. Commercial facilities and transfer stations shall be
adequately manned during hours of receiving and shall
receive E&P Waste by truck only between the hours of
6 a.m. and 9 p.m., Central Time, except as provided in
§537.B. below.
B. The commissioner may grant approval for after hours
(nighttime) receipt of E&P Waste by a commercial facility or
transfer station (by truck) when an emergency condition
exists which may endanger public health or safety or the
environment and to minimize the potential for same.
Generators shall be responsible for obtaining prior approval
for nighttime disposal by calling the Office of Conservation
at (225) 342-5515. When such approval has been granted,
the Office of Conservation shall notify the commercial
facility or transfer station which will receive the E&P Waste
and may notice the state police.
C. Commercial facilities and transfer stations with barge
terminals may receive E&P Waste transported by barge on a
24-hour a day basis.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 27:1910 (November
2001), amended LR 31:2262 (September 2005).
§539. Monitoring Requirements for Commercial Class
II Injection Wells
A. Except during approved workover operations, a
positive pressure of no less than 100 psi shall be maintained
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
on the well annulus at all times. An injection volume
recorder (tamper proof meter) must be installed and properly
maintained on the injection line of each disposal well
system. Injected volumes must be recorded monthly and the
readings reported monthly on the Commercial Class II Daily
Monitoring Log (Form UIC-21, or latest revision) and
annually on the annual injection well report.
B. Except during approved workover operations, wells
shall be equipped with pressure gauges located on the
wellhead, and situated so as to monitor the pressure of the
injection stream and the pressure of the annular space
between the casing and the injection string.
C. The pressure gauges shall have half-inch fittings, be
scaled in increments of not more than 10 psi, and be
maintained in good working order at all times.
D. A daily pressure monitoring log shall be maintained
by the operator of the facility and shall contain, as a
minimum, the following information:
1. the date;
2. the operator's name and address;
3. the well name, number and serial number;
4. the monitored injection pressure;
5. the monitored annulus pressure;
6. whether or not the well was injecting at the time the
pressures were recorded; and
7. the name or initials of the person logging the
E. The pressure gauges shall be read and pressures
recorded in the daily log.
F. The daily log information shall be recorded on the
appropriate form and submitted to the Office of
Conservation within 15 days of the end of each month.
G. Any discrepancies in the monitored pressures, which
would indicate a lack of mechanical integrity and constitute
noncompliance with applicable Sections of this Chapter,
shall be reported orally to the Office of Conservation within
24 hours.
H. The commissioner may require, on a case-by-case
basis, the installation of a 24-hour chart recorder to monitor
injection pressures, injection rates, annulus pressure and
injected volumes.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 27:1910 (November
§541. Sampling and Testing Requirements for
Commercial Facilities with Monitor Wells
A. At the discretion of or as determined by the
commissioner, monitor wells may be required to be installed
at any commercial facility or transfer station.
B. Water samples from monitor wells shall be sampled
by an independent professional consultant and analyzed by
an independent testing laboratory. Samples shall be analyzed
for pH, electrical conductivity (EC), chloride (C1), sodium
(Na), total dissolved solids (TDS), total suspended solids
(TSS), total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH-ppm), total
benzene, As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Hg, Mo, Ni, Se, Ag, and
C. Water from newly constructed monitor wells on new
commercial facilities shall be sampled and analyzed prior to
receipt of E&P Waste by the facility to provide baseline data
for the monitoring system. This data shall be submitted to
the Office of Conservation to be made part of the facility's
permanent file.
D. Water from monitor wells on existing facilities shall
be sampled and analyzed on a quarterly basis, with a copy of
the analysis submitted to the Office of Conservation within
15 days of the end of each quarter.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 27:1910 (November
§543. Receipt, Sampling and Testing of Exploration
and Production Waste
A. Only E&P Waste (as defined in §501) from approved
generators of record may be received at commercial
facilities and transfer stations. Other generators of E&P
Waste must receive written approval of the Office of
Conservation in order to dispose of approved E&P Waste at
a commercial facility or transfer station.
B. For screening purposes and before offloading at a
commercial facility or transfer station, each load of E&P
Waste shall be sampled and analyzed (by facility personnel)
for the following parameters:
1. pH, electrical conductivity, chloride (Cl) content;
2. NORM, as required by applicable DEQ regulations
and requirements.
C. The commercial facility or transfer station operator
shall enter the pH, electrical conductivity, and chloride (Cl)
content on the manifest (Form UIC-28, or latest revision)
which accompanies each load of E&P Waste.
D. An 8-ounce sample (minimum) of each load must be
collected and labeled with the date, operator and manifest
number. Each sample shall be retained for a period of 30
E. Records of these tests performed pursuant to the
requirements of this Section shall be kept on file at each
facility for a period of three years and be available for
review by the commissioner or his designated representative.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation LR 27:1911 (November
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
§545. Manifest System
A. In order to adequately monitor the movement and
disposal of E and P Waste, every shipment of E and P Waste
transported to a commercial facility or transfer station shall
be accompanied by a manifest entitled "E and P Waste
Shipping Control Ticket." It is expressly forbidden to
transport or accept E and P Waste without a properly
completed manifest form, with the following exception:
commercial facilities and transfer stations shall be allowed
to accept E and P Waste when the Public Service
Commission Permit Code Box found in Part II of the E and
P Waste Shipping Control Ticket is either empty or
improperly completed, so long as the remainder of the
manifest, including the remainder of Part II, is properly
B. For companies who do not possess an Office of
Conservation operator code number, Form UIC-23 (or latest
revision) must be approved prior to transporting E&P Waste
(including Waste Type 99) to a commercial facility or
transfer station.
C. For those generators who do possess an operator code
number, authorization must be obtained prior to transporting
Waste Type 99 to a commercial facility or transfer station.
D. At the time of transport, the generator shall initiate the
manifest by completing and signing Part I. After the
transporter completes and signs Part II, the generator shall
retain Generator Copy No. 1 (green) for his files. All other
copies shall accompany the E&P Waste shipment.
E. Upon delivery of the E&P Waste, the commercial
facility or transfer station shall complete and sign Part III of
the manifest. The transporter shall then retain the
transporter's copy (pink) for his files.
F. Upon completion of the manifest, the commercial
facility or transfer station operator shall mail Generator
Copy No. 2 to the generator.
G. The original manifest for each load of E&P Waste
received must be retained by the commercial facility or
transfer station operator and stored in a secure and accurate
filing system. In order to be available for review during site
inspections, the manifests for the current months E&P Waste
receipts and the prior months E&P Waste receipts must be
maintained at the waste disposal facility (commercial facility
or transfer station site) where the E&P Waste (and the
manifest) was received (destination of the waste).
H. Original manifests must be retained for a period of
not less than three years in a manner acceptable to the
Commissioner of Conservation and made available for
review or submitted to the Office of Conservation upon
I. The generator and transporter operator shall maintain
file copies of completed manifests for a period of not less
than three years.
J. Oil and gas, commercial facility, and transfer station
operators who transport E&P Waste out-of-state to a
permitted disposal facility or receive E&P Waste from out-
of-state must comply with the manifest system requirements
of this Section.
K. A monthly report of E&P Waste receipts shall be
completed by each commercial facility, transfer station or
DEQ permitted facility as defined by LAC 33:V and VII
(that receives E&P Waste) on Form UIC-19, or latest
revision, and submitted to the Office of Conservation within
15 days of the end of each month.
L. A commercial facility or transfer station shall
forward, by facsimile, a copy of any manifest accepted with
an empty or improperly completed Public Service Permit
Code Box to the Office of Conservation within 24 hours of
its receipt. The commercial facility or transfer station shall
mail the manifest to the Office of Conservation, immediately
following its delivery via facsimile.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 27:1911 (November
2001), amended LR 36:1017 (May 2010).
§547. Commercial Exploration and Production Waste
Treatment and Disposal Options
A. Commercial facilities and transfer stations may be
permitted to conduct one or more of the following
acceptable commercial E&P Waste treatment and disposal
1. Class II Injection Well. Produced salt water is
required to be disposed by injection into a Class II well
pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 4 of LAC 43:XIX.
Other E&P Waste fluids may be injected into a Class II well
upon approval of the Office of Conservation. Class II wells
may be operated in conjunction with other treatment and
disposal options. The requirements for permitting a Class II
well are found in Chapter 4 of these regulations
(LAC 43:XIX.401 et seq.).
2. Class II Well Slurry Fracture Injection. The process
of mixing E&P Waste solids with fluids for subsurface
injection. The solids/fluids mixture (slurry) is then pumped
at or above fracture gradients into a suitably characterized
subsurface reservoir. A series of fractures are created
forming a sphere around the perforated interval. These
fractures grow at different orientations around the wellbore
and constitute the disposal domain. Slurry fracture injection
can only be approved when appropriate regulations are
3. Land Treatment. A dynamic process involving the
controlled application of E&P Waste onto or into the aerobic
surface soil horizon by a commercial facility, accompanied
by continued monitoring and management, to alter the
physical, chemical, and biological state of the E&P Waste.
Site, soil, climate, and biological activity interact as a system
to degrade and immobilize E&P Waste constituents thereby
rendering the area suitable for the support of vegetative
growth and providing for beneficial future land use or to
meet the reuse criteria of §565. The requirements for
permitting a land treatment system are found in §519.C and
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
4. Phase Separation. The process of treating or
pretreating oil and gas E&P Waste by physical and/or
chemical methods which separate the fluid (water), solid,
and oily fractions. Such process can be accomplished by any
number of methods, including, but not limited to the use of a
centrifuge, belt-press, flocculation, or other methods. The
fractions are then further treated or disposed by other
acceptable methods. Fluids generally are required to be
disposed of into a Class II disposal well. Solids may be
further treated or disposed of by one of the options listed
herewith. Oil may be sent to a salvage oil reclaimer or sold
to a refiner. The equipment and processes utilized in phase
separation of E&P Waste must be described in detail in the
permit application.
5. Thermal Desorption. The process of heating E&P
Waste in an enclosed chamber under either oxidizing or non-
oxidizing atmospheres at sufficient temperature and
residence time to vaporize organic contaminants from
contaminated surfaces and surface pores and to remove the
contaminants from the heating chamber in a gaseous exhaust
system. The equipment and processes utilized in thermal
desorption of E&P Waste must be described in detail in the
permit application. The criteria for treatment of E&P Waste
by thermal desorption will be set on a case-by-case basis.
6. Cavern Disposal. The utilization of a solution-
mined salt cavern for the disposal of E&P waste fluids and
solids. Applicants for permits and operators of commercial
E&P waste salt cavern disposal wells must comply with the
requirements of this Chapter (LAC 43:XIX.501 et seq.) and
the applicable requirements of Statewide Order No. 29-M-2,
LAC 43:XVII, 3101 et seq. (see §555).
7. Incineration. The burning of organic E&P Waste
materials. This treatment/disposal technique is used to
destroy organic compounds with the reduction of the
material to its mineral constituents. The equipment and
processes utilized to incinerate E&P Waste must be
described in detail in the permit application. The criteria for
treatment of E&P Waste by incineration will be set on a
case-by-case basis.
8. Solidification (Chemical Fixation). The addition of
agents to convert liquid or semi-liquid E&P Waste to a solid
before burial to reduce leaching of E&P Waste material and
the possible migration of the E&P Waste or its constituents
from the facility. The equipment and processes utilized to
solidify E&P Waste must be described in detail in the permit
application. The criteria for treatment of E&P Waste by
solidification will be set on a case-by-case basis.
9. Stabilization (Chemical Fixation). An E&P Waste
treatment process that decreases the mobility or solubility of
E&P Waste constituents by means other than solidification.
Examples of stabilization techniques include chemical
precipitation or pH alteration to limit solubility and mixing
of E&P Waste with sorbents such as fly ash to remove free
liquids. The equipment and processes utilized to stabilize
E&P Waste must be described in detail in the permit
application. The criteria for treatment of E&P Waste by
stabilization will be set on a case-by-case basis.
B. The Office of Conservation will consider new and
innovative treatment and/or disposal options on a case-by-
case basis. The equipment and processes utilized by
technologies other than those listed above to treat or dispose
of E&P Waste must be described in detail in the permit
application. The criteria for treatment of E&P Waste by other
technologies will be set on a case-by-case basis.
C. Produced water (Waste Type 01saltwater) is subject
to the disposal restrictions of §503.C.
D. Waste Types 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 14,
15, 16, and 99 (and associated washwater) may be treated
and disposed by land treatment methods in accordance with
the buffer (location) requirements of §507.A.3.
E. Waste Type 12 and wash water (Waste Type 10)
generated in the cleaning of vessels containing Waste Type
12 may not be land treated unless the MPC requirements of
§503.F and G and §549.C.7.a are met.
F. All E&P Waste types may be treated or disposed by
Class II slurry fracture injection, phase separation, thermal
desorption, cavern disposal, incineration, solidification or
stabilization methods.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 27:1911 (November
2001), amended LR 29:938 (June 2003), LR 34:1421 (July 2008).
§549. Land Treatment Facility Requirements
A. Land treatment facilities shall be isolated from
contact with public, private, or livestock water supplies, both
surface and underground.
B. The siting, design, construction, operation, testing and
closure of land treatment facilities shall be approved only
after an application is submitted to and approved by the
commissioner pursuant to the requirements of §519, §527,
and §531.
C. General Requirements
1. The soil shall contain a slowly permeable horizon
no less than 12 inches thick containing enough fine grained
material within 3 feet of the surface to classify it as CL, OL,
MH, CH, or OH under the Unified Soil Classification
2. The seasonal high water table shall be maintained
throughout the facility's operational life at least 36" below
the soil surface, either as a result of natural or artificial
3. Throughout the operational life of a land treatment
cell, in order to end the treatment phase and re-enter the
application phase, a cell must be shown to comply with the
following criteria.
Parameter Limitation
PH 6.5 - 9
EC 10 mmhos/cm
SAR 12
ESP 15 percent
TPH 3 percent (by weight)
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Parameter Limitation
Metals (ppm)
Arsenic 40
Cadmium 10
Chromium 1,000
Copper 1,500
Lead 300
Molybdenum 18
Nickel 420
Mercury 10
Selenium 10
Silver 200
Zinc 2,300
Leachate Testing*
Barium 10.0 mg/l
*The Leachate testing method for Barium is included in the
Laboratory Manual for the Analysis of E&P Waste
(Department of Natural Resources, August 9, 1988, or latest
4. The concentration of measured constituents in any
groundwater aquifer shall at no time significantly exceed
background water quality data.
5. Fluids collected in a land treatment cell underdrain
system shall be monitored to provide early warning of
possible migration of mobile E&P Waste constituents. The
monitoring program shall be defined in the permit
application or the facility E&P Waste management and
operations plan.
6. An independent professional consultant and
laboratory shall perform the necessary monitoring to assure
adherence to the requirements of this Section.
7. E&P Waste Pretreatment and Treatment
a. Waste Type 12 which contains a concentration of
total benzene equal to or less than 3198 mg/kg total benzene
(MPC) may be placed on land treatment cells without
pretreatment. However, in treating such E&P Waste, the
commercial land treatment facility must meet the location
criteria of §507.A.3.
b. Land treatment facilities which have been
approved to receive Waste Type 12 which contain more than
3198 mg/kg total benzene must pretreat the E&P Waste to a
concentration less than or equal to 3198 mg/kg total benzene
(MPC) before placing the E&P Waste on a land treatment
cell (see §505.B).
c. Waste Type 06 which has been tested and found
to contain a total benzene concentration less than or equal to
113 mg/kg (MPC) may be land treated no closer than 1,000'
from a residential or public building, church, school, or
d. Waste Type 06 which has not been tested or
tested and found to contain a total benzene concentration
greater than 113 mg/kg (MPC) must be land treated no
closer than 2,000' from a residential or public building,
church, school, or hospital.
e. Free/visible oil must be removed from all E&P
Waste prior to loading on a land treatment cell.
f. Produced saltwater and gas plant waste fluids,
must not be disposed of by land treatment. If pretreated prior
to disposal (e.g., filtered or otherwise phase separated) fluids
must be injected into a Class II well.
8. Application Phase
a. E&P Waste may be applied to active land
treatment cells during the application phase only. An
application phase begins only under the following
i. a new constructed and approved cell begins
receipt of E&P Waste;
ii. a cell containing treated E&P Waste has been
shown to meet the testing criteria of §549.C and is utilized
for the application of new E&P Waste receipts;
iii. a cell from which treated E&P Waste has been
removed (after meeting the reuse testing criteria of §565) is
utilized for the application of new E&P Waste receipts.
b. An application phase ends when either one of the
following occurs:
i. three months have elapsed since the date
application first began, unless an exception is granted upon
proof of good cause under the provisions of §569; or
ii. 15,000 bbls/acre of E&P Waste has been
applied to a cell.
c. In order to document the amount of E&P Waste
applied to each land treatment cell, commercial facilities are
required to:
i. indicate on each manifest (E&P Waste shipping
control ticket) the number of the cell onto which each load
of E&P Waste is applied;
ii. maintain a daily or weekly log of type and
volume of E&P Wastes applied to each land treatment cell
and the activities undertaken to bring each cell into
compliance; and
iii. include in the quarterly report the amount of
each type of E&P Waste applied to each cell and the
activities undertaken to bring each cell into compliance
during the quarter.
9. Treatment Phase. Upon completion of the
application phase, land treatment cells enter the treatment
phase. Remedial action (treatment) must be actively
performed in order to bring a cell into compliance with this
Section. Cells must reach compliance status within
24 months of the end of the application phase.
10. Land treatment cell levees must be constructed of
soils which are placed and compacted in such a manner as to
produce a barrier to horizontal movement of fluids. Levee
construction material shall be compacted in a maximum of
8" lifts to > 90 percent standard proctor test. The levees must
be properly tied into the barrier along the bottom and sides
of the cells. Actual construction of the levees must be
monitored and documented by professional engineering or
geotechnical soil testing company. All levees must be
provided with a means to prevent erosion and other
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
11. Rainwater and other E&P Waste fluids are not to be
stored on land treatment cells. Such fluids are to be removed
from cells in a timely manner and stored in appropriate
facilities. Such fluids may only be used for removal of salts
during the treatment phase. Otherwise, cells must remain
free of excessive fluids.
12. Storm water retention (sediment) ponds constructed
after January 1, 2002 must be constructed in compliance
with the liner requirements for produced water pits in
LAC 43:XIX.307.A and the land treatment levee
requirements of §549.C.10 above. Such ponds must not have
an accumulation of oil at any surface location.
D. Monitoring Requirements
NOTE: References for the parameters required in this Section
are listed as follows.
ECelectrical conductivity (millimhos/cm for soil,
micromhos/cm for water)
SARsodium adsorption ratio
ESPexchangeable sodium percentage (percent)
CECcation exchange capacity (milliequivalents/100 gm
TPH—total petroleum hydrocarbons (ppm)
Total benzene (ppm)
TCLP benzene (Toxicity Characteristic Leaching
Total metals as follows:
TDStotal dissolved solids
TSStotal suspended solids
Soluble cations:
Soluble anions:
1. Prior to the receipt of E&P Waste in a newly
permitted and constructed land treatment system or cell,
baseline data must be provided by the following sampling
and testing program.
a. Soil in the treatment zone (0-24") of each cell
must be sampled for the following parameters: pH, EC,
SAR, ESP, CEC, TPH, As, barium leachate, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb,
Hg, Mo, Ni, Se, Ag, and Zn.
b. Groundwater must be sampled and tested for the
following parameters: pH, EC, TDS, TSS, TPH, C1, Total
Benzene, Na, As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Hg, Mo, Ni, Se, Ag,
and Zn.
c. Water from land treatment cell underdrain
systems must be sampled and tested for the following
parameters: TDS, pH, Na, Cl, EC, TPH, total benzene, Ba,
Pb, Zn, and reactive sulfides.
2. The following monitoring program must be
conducted during the active life of a permitted E&P Waste
land treatment system.
a. Soil in the treatment zone (waste treatment
zoneWTZ and upper treatment zoneUTZ) must be
sampled and tested quarterly to determine E&P Waste
degradation and accumulation of metals and hydrocarbons.
Samples must be analyzed for the following: As, barium
leachate, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Hg, Mo, Ni, Se, Ag, Zn, and TPH.
b. Soil in the treatment zone (waste treatment
zoneWTZ and upper treatment zoneUTZ) must be
sampled and tested quarterly to determine the accumulation
of salts and to provide data for determining necessary soil
amendments. Samples must be analyzed for the following:
pH, EC, SAR, ESP, CEC, soluble cations (Na, Ca, Mg), and
soluble anions (CO
, C1, SO
c. Discharge Water. A copy of each discharge
monitoring report made in conformance with any applicable
state and/or federal regulatory program shall be furnished to
the Office of Conservation on a timely basis.
d. Land treatment cell underdrain systems must be
sampled and tested quarterly to determine the presence of
mobile constituents. Sampling and testing shall be
performed on a quarterly basis. A composite of at least three
samples per management unit (or cell if applicable) are to be
analyzed for the following: TDS, pH, Na, Cl, EC, TPH, total
benzene, Ba, Pb, Zn and reactive sulfides. If total benzene
exceeds an action level of 0.5 ppm, the commissioner may
require further assessment and testing as deemed
e. Groundwater levels in monitor wells shall be
measured monthly for a period of two years to determine
seasonal fluctuation in water table. Water level shall be
measured quarterly each year thereafter.
f. Groundwater from monitor wells shall be
sampled quarterly to determine the impact of facility
operation on groundwater.
Prior to obtaining discreet
representative samples, each well must be purged in
accordance with EPA guidance. A composite of at least two
samples per well shall be tested for the following
parameters: TDS, TSS, pH, C1, Na, EC, TPH, total benzene,
As, Ba, Cr, Pb, and Zn.
g. Quarterly monitoring reports must be submitted
to the Office of Conservation according to the following
schedule: 1st Quarterdue March 31; 2nd Quarterdue
June 30; 3rd Quarterdue September 30; 4th Quarterdue
December 31. Each quarterly report must contain the
following information:
i. the status of each cell at the time of the
sampling event (application phase, treatment phase, inactive,
etc.), the date(s) sampling took place, and a diagram
indicating sample locations for each cell;
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
ii. the amounts and types of E&P Waste applied to
each cell during the application phase, including the
beginning and ending dates of application;
iii. a brief description of treatment activities
undertaken to bring each cell into compliance with the
criteria of this Section, including the status of fluids (salts)
removal from each cell;
iv. a compilation (chart) of test results for the
present and past three quarterly sampling events;
v. copies of current laboratory test data;
vi. the size of each land treatment cell (in acres);
vii. a compilation (chart) of water depth
measurements of monitor well water levels calculated from
the top of casing;
viii. a potentiometric surface map contoured with
water level elevations from mean sea level.
h. The Office of Conservation may approve an
alternative monitoring program upon receipt of evidence that
such procedure shall provide adequate monitoring during the
active life of a facility.
3. Sampling and Testing Requirements
a. A stratified random sampling system shall be
used to determine soil sampling locations in land treatment
cells. All cells and monitor wells are to be sampled and
tested for all parameters unless otherwise approved by the
commissioner. Facilities are required to notify the Office of
Conservation at least one week in advance of each quarterly
sampling event in order for a representative of this office to
be present.
b. Soil samples in land treatment cells shall be taken
in the waste treatment zone (WTZ) and the upper treatment
zone (UTZ). Over time, the depth of the treatment zone
sampled may need to be increased due to solids buildup on
land treatment cells. The degree of E&P Waste incorporation
shall be noted at the time of sampling.
c. At least two samples must be taken from WTZ
and UTZ for each acre of cell area.
d. Soil samples are to be analyzed using standard
soil testing procedures as presented in the Laboratory
Manual for the Analysis of E&P Waste (Department of
Natural Resources, August 9, 1988, or latest revision).
e. Water samples are to be analyzed for required
parameters according to acceptable EPA guidelines and/or
the laboratory procedures as presented in the Laboratory
Manual for the Analysis of E&P Waste (Department of
Natural Resources, August 9, 1988, or latest revision).
f. The soil in an inactive cell may not be required to
be tested for certain quarterly monitoring parameters only
after two consecutive quarterly tests indicate compliance and
upon receipt of written approval of this office.
E. Closure and Post-Closure Monitoring
1. Operators of land treatment systems shall submit
closure and post-closure maintenance and monitoring
programs to the Office of Conservation for approval. The
monitoring program shall address sampling and testing
schedules for soil in the treatment zone, water collected from
the unsaturated zone monitoring system, surface runoff
water, and groundwater.
2. Sampling and testing must be performed during the
entire closure and post-closure periods. To certify closure of
a land treatment system, water collected from the
unsaturated zone monitoring system and groundwater must
meet background water quality values; in addition, soils in
the treatment zone and surface runoff water must meet the
following criteria.
Parameter Criteria No. of Consecutive Samples
Soils in the Treatment Zone
PH 6.5 - 9 2
3.0 percent
10 mmhos/cm
TCLP Benzene
0.5 ppm
15 percent
Metals (ppm)
Leachate Testing*
Ba 10.0 mg/l 2
Runoff Water
PH 6.5 - 9.0 4
15 ppm
TCLP Benzene
0.5 ppm
2.0 mmhos/cm
60 ppm
Chloride 500 ppm 4
Metals (ppm)
*The Leachate testing method for Barium is included in the
Laboratory Manual for the Analysis of E&P Waste
(Department of Natural Resources, August 9, 1988, or latest
3. Post-closure monitoring shall be performed on
intervals of six months, one, two and five years following
certification that closure is complete.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation LR 27:1912 (November
2001), amended LR 34:1421 (July 2008).
§551. Requirements for Phase Separation (Reserved)
§553. Requirements for Thermal Desorption
§555. Requirements for Cavern Disposal
A. Applicants for new commercial solution-mined salt
cavern facilities to receive and dispose of E&P Waste and
operators of such existing facilities must comply with the
administrative and technical criteria of LAC 43:XIX,
Subpart 1, Chapter 5 (§501 et seq.) as well as the applicable
definitions, administrative criteria and technical criteria of
LAC 43:XVII, Subpart 4, Chapter 31 (§3101 et seq.,
Disposal of Exploration and Production Waste in
Solution-Mined Salt Caverns).
B. The application for a new commercial salt cavern for
the disposal of E&P Waste shall include, but may not limited
to the following information:
1. the general provisions of LAC 43:XVII.3103;
2. an application shall contain the information
required in LAC 43:XVII.3107, as follows:
a. §3107.BAdministrative Information;
b. §3107.CMaps and Related Information;
c. §3107.DArea of Review;
d. §3107.ETechnical Information;
3. the legal permit conditions required in
LAC 43:XVII.3109, as follows:
a. §3109.ASignatories;
b. §3109.CDuty to Comply;
c. §3109.DDuty to Halt or Reduce Activity;
d. §3109.EDuty to Mitigate;
e. §3109.FProper Operation and Maintenance;
f. §3109.GInspection and Entry;
g. §3109.H. 3, 4, 7b, 8, 9 and 10Notification
h. §3109.IDuration of Permits;
i. §3109.JCompliance Review;
j. §3109.KAdditional Conditions;
4. the location criteria of Statewide Order No. 29-M-
2, LAC 43:XVII.3113;
5. the site assessment requirements of Statewide Order
No. 29-M-2, LAC 43:XVII.3115;
6. the cavern and surface facility design requirements
of Statewide Order No. 29-M-2, LAC 43:XVII.3117;
7. the well construction and completion requirements
of Statewide Order No. 29-M-2, LAC 43:XVII.3119;
8. the operating requirements of Statewide Order No.
29-M-2, LAC 43:XVII.3121;
9. the safety requirements of Statewide Order No.
29-M-2, LAC 43:XVII.3123;
10. the monitoring requirements of Statewide Order
No. 29-M-2, LAC 43:XVII.3125;
11. the pre-operating and completion report
requirements of Statewide Order No. 29-M-2,
LAC 43:XVII.3127;
12. the well and salt cavern mechanical integrity
pressure and leak test requirements of Statewide Order No.
29-M-2, LAC 43:XVII.3129;
13. the requirements for determining cavern
configuration and measuring cavern capacity in Statewide
Order No. 29-M-2, LAC 43:XVII.3131;
14. the limits on cavern capacity in Statewide Order
No. 29-M-2, LAC 43:XVII.3133;
15. the requirements for inactive caverns in Statewide
Order No. 29-M-2, LAC 43:XVII.3135;
16. the monthly reporting requirements of Statewide
Order No. 29-M-2, LAC 43:XVII.3137;
17. the record retention requirements of Statewide
Order No. 29-M-2, LAC 43:XVII.3139;
18. the applicable closure and post-closure
requirements of Statewide Order No. 29-M-2,
LAC 43:XVII.3141.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 29:938 (June 2003).
§557. Requirements for Incineration (Reserved)
§559. Requirements for Solidification/Stabilization
§565. Resource Conservation and Recovery of
Exploration and Production Waste
A. In order to encourage the conservation and recovery
of resources in the oilfield industry, the processing of E&P
Waste into reusable materials, in addition to or beyond
extraction and separation methods which reclaim raw
materials such as crude oil, diesel oil, etc., is recognized as a
viable alternative to other methods of disposal.
B. Commercial facilities may function for the purpose of
generating reusable material only, or they may generate
reusable material in conjunction with other storage,
treatment or disposal operations.
C. Commercial facilities that produce reusable material
are subject to all of the permitting requirements imposed on
other commercial facilities. They are also subject to the same
operational requirements without regard to the distinction
between E&P Waste and reusable material. Existing permits
may be amended to allow re-use activities at commercial
facilities which acquire the capability to engage in
processing for re-use. Commercial facilities which utilize
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
extraction or separation methods to reclaim raw materials
such as crude oil, diesel oil, etc. may do so without
amendment of existing permits.
D. The onsite generation of reusable material by oil and
gas operators, pit treating companies or other companies
which do not hold a legal commercial facility permit is
prohibited unless the company desiring to perform such
activities complies with the requirements of this
Subparagraph and submits the following information to the
commissioner for approval:
1. the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the
principal officers of the company;
2. a detailed description of the process by which the
company will treat pit fluids and/or solids (E&P Waste),
including the types of chemicals and equipment used in the
process, diagrams, test data, or other information;
3. a description of the geographical area in which the
company expects to do business (i.e., statewide, north
Louisiana, southwest Louisiana, etc.).
E. In addition to other applicable requirements,
companies seeking to be permitted for the production of
reusable materials from E&P Waste shall have the following
1. Prior to permit approval or permit amendment
approval, applicants must submit the following information:
a. a detailed description of the process to be
employed for generation of reusable material;
b. type of treatment system and/or equipment to be
constructed (or added);
c. identification of the proposed uses for the
reusable material; and
d. a description of the proposed monitoring plan to
be utilized.
2. All proposed uses of reusable material must be
approved by the commissioner in writing.
3. The production of reusable material must be
conducted in accordance with a monitoring plan approved
by the commissioner with issue of the permit for each
facility or process.
4. For purposes of regulatory authority only by the
Office of Conservation and the establishment of reusable
material, compliance with the testing criteria of §565.F
below allows permitted companies to offer the material for
the following uses:
a. daily cover in sanitary landfills which are
properly permitted by state and/or local authorities. The use
of reusable material in a sanitary landfill will require written
approval of the Department of Environmental Quality; and
b. various types of construction material (fill) on a
case-by-case basis. The commissioner may approve such use
only after submission and review of an application for the
intended use. Approval will be dependent upon the
composition of the material and the proposed location of
use. Reusable material may not be used as fill for
construction purposes unless the specific use has been
approved in writing by the Commissioner of Conservation.
F. Testing Criteria for Reusable Material
Parameter Limitation
Moisture Content
< 50% (by weight) or zero
free moisture
pH* 6.5 - 9.0
Electrical Conductivity (EC) 8 mmhos/cm
Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) 12
Exchangeable Sodium Percentage (ESP)
Total Barium:
Reuse at Location
other than Commercial
40,000 ppm
Leachate Testing** for:
10.0 mg/l
500.0 mg/l
TCLP Benzene 0.5 mg/l
Leachate Testing**:
0.5 mg/l
10.0 mg/l
0.1 mg/l
0.5 mg/l
0.5 mg/l
0.5 mg/l
0.02 mg/l
0.5 mg/l
0.5 mg/l
0.1 mg/l
0.5 mg/l
5.0 mg/l
Not to exceed Applicable
DEQ Criteria/Limits
*E&P Waste when chemically treated (fixated) shall, in
addition to the criteria set forth be acceptable as reusable
material with a pH range of 6.5 to 12 and an electrical
conductivity of up to 50 mmhos/cm, provided such reusable
material passes leachate testing requirements for chlorides in
§565.F above and leachate tests for metals in §565.F above.
**The leachate testing method for TPH, chlorides and metals is
included in the Laboratory Manual for the Analysis of E&P
Waste (Department of Natural Resources, August 9, 1988, or
latest version).
G. A reuse stockpile management plan shall be included
in the E&P Waste management and operations plan and as a
minimum, shall include the following:
1. dust emissions controls for loading, transporting
and offloading operations;
2. erosion control techniques; and
3. optimum pile height and slope.
H. The Commissioner of Conservation, the Secretary of
the Department of Natural Resources, and the State of
Louisiana upon issuance of a permit to a company or
commercial facility under this Section shall be held harmless
from and indemnified for any and all liabilities arising from
the operation of such facilities and use of their products, and
the company shall execute such agreements as the
commissioner requires for this purpose.
I. Reporting. Each company which generates reusable
material must furnish the commissioner a monthly report
showing the disposition of all such material.
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 27:1916 (November
2001), amended LR 29:939 (June 2003), LR 34:1422 (July 2008).
§567. Closure
A. All offsite commercial facilities and transfer stations
under the jurisdiction of the Office of Conservation shall be
closed in a manner approved by the commissioner to insure
protection of the public health, safety and welfare or the
environment, surface waters, groundwater aquifers and
underground sources of drinking water. A plan for closure
must be developed in accordance with the requirements of
the commissioner. The provisions of any amendment of this
rule shall not apply to closure plans which have been
previously approved by the commissioner for inactive or
abandoned sites which have not been closed.
B. Closure bond or letter of credit amounts will be
reviewed each year prior to the renewal date according to the
following process.
1. A detailed cost estimate for adequate closure of
each permitted commercial facility and transfer station shall
be prepared by a independent professional consultant and
submitted to the commissioner on or before February 1 of
each year.
2. The closure plan and cost estimate must include
provisions or closure acceptable to the commissioner and
must be designed to reflect the costs to the Office of
conservation to complete the approved closure of the facility.
3. Upon review of the cost estimate, the commissioner
may increase, decrease or allow the amount of the bond or
letter of credit to remain the same.
4. Documentation that the required closure bond or
letter of credit has been renewed must be received by
September 15 of each year or the commissioner shall initiate
procedures to take possession of the funds guaranteed by the
bond or letter of credit and suspend or revoke the permit
under which the facility is operated. In addition, procedures
to initiate permit suspension will be initiated. Any such
permit suspension will remain in effect until renewal is
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 27:1917 (November
§569. Exceptions
A. The commissioner may grant an exception to any
provision of this amendment upon proof of good cause. The
operator must show proof that such an exception will not
endanger USDWs.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 27:1917 (November
Chapter 6. Procedures for Hearings
and the Submission and Approval of
Plans for the Remediation of E and P
Sites in Accordance with LSA-R.S.
§601. Authority
A. These rules and regulations are promulgated by the
commissioner of conservation pursuant to the Administrative
Procedure Act as contemplated in R.S. 30:4 and 30:29.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 33:660 (April
§603. Definitions
A. The words defined herein shall have the following
meanings when used in these rules. All other words so used
and not herein defined shall have their usual meanings
unless specially defined in Title 30 of Louisiana Revised
Statutes of 1950.
Affected Tractany real property known or reasonably
believed to have suffered environmental damage as defined
in R.S. 30:29.
Datethe postmarked date of a letter or the transmittal
date of a telegraphic or wireless communication.
Environmental Damageany actual or potential impact,
damage, or injury to environmental media caused by
contamination resulting from activities associated with
oilfield sites or exploration and production sites.
Environmental Mediaincludes, but is not limited to,
soil, surface water, ground water, or sediment, or as defined
in R.S. 30:29.
Evaluation or Remediationincludes, but is not limited
to, investigation, testing, monitoring, containment,
prevention, or abatement.
Feasible Planthe most reasonable plan which
addresses environmental damage in conformity with the
requirement of Louisiana Constitution Article IX, Section 1
to protect the environment, public health, safety and welfare,
and is in compliance with the specific relevant and
applicable standards and regulations promulgated by a state
agency in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act
in effect at the time of clean-up to remediate contamination
resulting from oilfield or exploration and production
operations or waste.
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Final Submissionthe last day on which any litigation
party may submit a plan, comment, or response to a plan as
provided by the orders of the court.
Litigation Partyany party to a judicial proceeding
subject to R.S. 30:29 and who is not a responsible party as
defined herein.
Oilfield Site or Exploration and Production (E&P)
Siteany tract of land or any portion thereof on which oil or
gas exploration, development, or production activities have
occurred, including wells, equipment, tanks, flow lines or
impoundments used for the purposes of the drilling,
workover, production, primary separation, disposal,
transportation or storage of E&P wastes, crude oil and
natural gas processing, transportation or storage of a
common production stream of crude oil, natural gas, coal
seam natural gas, or geothermal energy prior to a custody
transfer or a sales point. In general, this definition would
apply to all exploration and production operations located on
the same lease, unit or field.
Partyresponsible parties and litigation parties as
defined herein.
Planany submittal made in accordance with R.S.
30:29 and these rules for the evaluation or remediation of an
affected tract as defined herein.
Responsible Partythe party or parties admitting
responsibility for environmental damage or determined by
the court to be legally responsible for environmental damage
pursuant to R.S. 30:29.
Represented Partyany responsible party or litigation
party who is represented by an attorney in the court matter
that has been referred pursuant to R.S. 30:29 or before the
Office of Conservation.
Technical Dataall basic factual information available
that may be used to determine the levels of contamination
and the vertical and horizontal extent of the contamination.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 33:660 (April
§605. Applicability
A. These rules of procedure shall be applied to Office of
Conservation hearings and the submission and approval of
plans pursuant to R.S. 30:29 (Act 312 of 2006). The posting
and publication of a copy of the notice of hearing shall be
accomplished as soon as practicable after such notice has
been issued by the commissioner.
B. These rules of procedure shall in no way alter or
change the right of any interested person, as provided in
Paragraph F, Section 6 of Chapter 1 of Title 30 of the
Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, to have the
Commissioner of Conservation call a hearing for the purpose
of taking action in respect to a matter within the jurisdiction
of the commissioner, nor the requirement that the
commissioner, upon receiving the request, promptly call a
hearing. In addition, these rules shall in no way alter any
other rights or claims, contractual or otherwise, which any
person has or may have except as provided in R.S. 30:29
(Act 312 of 2006).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 33:661 (April
§607. Commissioner's Conference
A. The general purpose of the Commissioner's
Conference shall be to set a hearing date and to set deadlines
for the release of technical data, hearing notices, filing of all
plans, witness and exhibit lists, and any other preliminary
matters necessary and appropriate to the hearing not
otherwise addressed by these rules.
B. As soon as practicable after the final submission, the
commissioner shall schedule a Commissioner's Conference
and notify each party of the date and time of the conference.
C. Notice of the Commissioner's Conference shall be
mailed to each responsible party and litigation party or their
representatives stating the time and place of the conference.
D. Each responsible party or their representative is
required to participate in the Commissioner's Conference.
E. Any litigation party may participate in the
Commissioner's Conference.
F. The commissioner, or hearing officer appointed by the
commissioner, shall have the right to call any other pre-
hearing conferences at any time prior to the hearing, if in his
opinion such a conference would resolve or narrow the
issues in controversy or would assist in the conduct of the
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 33:661 (April
§609. General Requirements of Plans
A. Plans shall be filed within the time limit set by the
court and shall be filed with the commissioner. A copy shall
be mailed or delivered to each party. Any party submitting a
plan shall submit at least three hard copies of the technical
data and plan, as well as an acceptable electronic copy to the
commissioner. In addition to outlining the purpose thereof,
plans shall include the information required by §615 and
shall include or be accompanied by the following:
1. a statement that a reasonable effort has been made
to obtain a complete list of parties;
2. a statement that a Commissioner's Conference has
or has not been held, and if held, a list of the parties in
3. a plat prepared in accordance with all applicable
memoranda, with any technical data labeled thereon and the
other items required by statute or by the commissioner;
4. a statement that the plan is to evaluate or remediate
the environmental damage in accordance with the
requirements of the applicable rules and regulations of the
Office of Conservation or, if the plan seeks to apply rules
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
and regulations of another Louisiana state agency, a citation
to the specific rules and regulations of that state agency.
B. If a proposed plan is revised by any party, the revised
plan shall be submitted as amended to the Commissioner of
Conservation and forwarded to the parties in the same
manner as the original plan with a revised plat.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 33:661 (April
§611. Specific Requirements of Plans
A. The Commissioner of Conservation shall consider
only those plans filed in a timely manner and in accordance
with these rules and orders of the court.
B. Except as provided in §611.F, each plan or submittal
of any Responsible Party or any Litigation Party shall be
evaluated in accordance with Statewide Order 29-B.
Sampling and testing shall be performed in accordance with
Statewide Order 29-B. Each plan shall fully delineate the
vertical and horizontal extent of the environmental damage.
C. All Statewide Order 29-B sampling shall be in
accordance with applicable guidelines as provided in the
latest revision of the Department of Natural Resources
laboratory procedures manual titled "Laboratory Procedures
for Analysis of Exploration and Production Waste" and shall
contain a plat showing the physical location from which
such samples were obtained, provided that any sampling
performed prior to the adoption of this Chapter may be
considered by the commissioner in approving or structuring
a plan if the commissioner determines that such sampling
was conducted in accordance with a scientifically reliable
1. In addition, information as to the identity of the
person or company taking the samples, a copy of the
certification of such person or company taking such samples
(if applicable), and documentation showing the method of
sampling, the chain of custody and all other such relevant
information shall be included.
D. All Statewide Order 29-B sample analyses shall be in
accordance with applicable regulatory requirements and the
latest revision of the Department of Natural Resources
laboratory procedures manual titled "Laboratory Procedures
for Analysis of Exploration and Production Waste" and shall
be performed by a DEQ LELAP accredited laboratory
holding current accreditation for each parameter and
corresponding test method used, provided that any sample
analyses performed prior to the adoption of this Chapter may
be considered by the commissioner in approving or
structuring a plan if the commissioner determines that such
sample analyses was conducted in accordance with a
scientifically reliable methodology.
1. All Statewide Order 29-B test results shall also
contain a report certified by the testing laboratory including,
at a minimum, a description of the testing process or
methodology, by whom such testing was conducted, a copy
of the laboratory's accreditation to conduct the described
test, and all applicable required quality assurance/quality
control data.
E. Each plan shall contain a separate section analyzing
the sampling and testing as set forth in C and D above by
comparison with the applicable Statewide Order 29-B
F. Any plan submitted by any party, or approved or
structured by the commissioner, shall comply with the
standards set forth in Statewide Order 29-B. Any party that
seeks an exception under the provisions of §319 of
Statewide Order 29-B shall submit:
1. a plan that complies with all the provisions of
Statewide Order 29-B, exclusive of §319; and
2. a separate plan that includes:
a. sufficient proof that there is good cause to grant
an exception or exceptions sought under §319;
b. sufficient proof showing that the exception or
exceptions sought under §319 do not endanger USDW's; and
c. a specific citation to the Louisiana rules,
regulations or statutes sought to be applied in lieu of
Statewide Order 29-B.
G. All plans shall also contain:
1. a chronological work schedule or proposal for a
chronological work schedule detailing all activities
necessary for its implementation and an estimated cost for
each item;
2. a comprehensive itemized cost basis for each item
listed in Paragraph G.1;
3. a certification of review and approval by signature
from an attorney licensed to practice law in Louisiana, or an
attorney from another jurisdiction who has been authorized
to appear before the commissioner, worded as follows:
"I, __________________, have reviewed the information
submitted herewith and hereby attest that to the best of my
knowledge, information and belief it is true and correct and is
based on scientific data that has been obtained in a manner
compliant with all applicable regulations."
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 33:661 (April 2007)
§613. General Requirements of Comments and
A. Comments or responses shall be filed within the time
limit set by the court and shall be filed with the
commissioner and the court with a copy to each party. Any
party filing a comment or response shall submit to the
Commissioner of Conservation at least three hard copies of
the comment or response and any data utilized as provided
in §617, as well as an acceptable electronic copy to the
commissioner. In addition to outlining the purpose thereof,
the comments or responses shall, in addition to the
information required by §615 include or be accompanied by
the following:
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
1. a statement that a reasonable effort has been made
to obtain a complete list of parties;
2. a plat prepared in accordance with all applicable
memoranda, with any technical data labeled thereon and the
other items required by statute or regulation or by the
commissioner, if different from the plan on which the
comments or responses are made;
3. a statement that the comment or response is to
evaluate or remediate the environmental damage in
accordance with the requirements of the applicable rules and
regulations of the Office of Conservation or, if the comment
or response seeks to apply rules and regulations of another
Louisiana state agency, a citation to the specific rules and
regulations of that state agency.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 33:662 (April
§615. Notice of Filing a Plan, Comment or Response
A. Any litigation party filing a plan, comment or
response pursuant to R.S. 30:29 shall also mail or deliver a
copy to each litigation party or their representatives. If a
representative represents more than one party, only one copy
need be sent, unless otherwise ordered by the court.
B. Each plan, comment or response shall include a list of
all parties to whom it is being provided and their addresses
and other contact information.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 33:662 (April
§617. Release of Technical Data
A. Technical data regarding any plan, comment or
response shall be provided to each party at the cost of the
party sending such technical data at the time the plan,
comment or response is filed with the commissioner and the
B. If the plan, comment or response utilizes data from
another previously or concurrently filed plan, comment or
response, a specific reference to the location of the data in
those other filings will suffice to meet the requirements of
this rule.
C. Reference to the source or sources, including
commercial outlets, from whom such technical data can be
obtained shall be included in the documentation required by
these rules.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 33:662 (April
§619. Revisions to Plans, Comments or Responses
A. If, after any plan, comment or response is filed, such
plan, comment or response is revised, the party revising the
plan, comment or response shall promptly notify the
commissioner and all parties to whom the plan, comment or
response was sent, of the revision. The revising party shall
furnish the commissioner at least three hard copies and one
acceptable electronic copy of the data and revised plan,
comment or response, and any technical data used to support
the revision. The revising party shall also provide the court
and all parties a copy of any revised plan, comment or
response and any technical data used to support the revision.
The revising party shall, if requested by the commissioner,
participate in an additional Commissioner's Conference to
discuss the revised plan, comment or response prior to the
hearing. No revised plan, comment or response may be
considered at the hearing unless notice of the revision has
been sent to the commissioner, the court and to all parties to
whom the legal notice is required at least ten days prior to
the hearing.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 33:662 (April
§621. Mandatory Disclosures and New Evidence
A. All technical data available to any party filing a plan,
comment or response shall be disclosed to all parties on or
before the date such plan, comment or response is filed with
the commissioner, regardless of whether such technical data
is used or referenced in such plan, comment or response.
B. If new technical data becomes available to any party
after proceedings have been initiated hereunder, such
technical data shall be made available immediately to all
parties by notice of its availability and by release in
accordance with §617. Such technical data may be used by
any party at the hearing and may be the basis for revision of
plans, comments or responses previously made by any party.
Subject to the time limitations set forth in R.S. 30:29, the
commissioner in his discretion may determine that additional
time should be afforded for consideration of new technical
data. The commissioner in his discretion may also establish a
time limit beyond which new technical data may not be
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 33:663 (April
§623. Hearing Officer
A. The Commissioner of Conservation may designate a
licensed Louisiana attorney to act as hearing officer in any
hearing or at any conferences under these rules.
B. The duties of the hearing officer include, but are not
limited to, conducting any Commissioner's Conference
provided under these rules, ruling on evidentiary or
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
procedural matters, maintaining order at the hearings, and
generally ensuring that an accurate record is made of the
proceedings under these rules.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 33:663 (April
§625. Costs
A. At least 15 days before the scheduled hearing, the
Commissioner of Conservation shall provide the court and
litigation parties a schedule of its estimated costs for the
review and evaluation of any plans, comments or responses,
hearing costs as well as any other costs the Commissioner of
Conservation is expected to incur. The responsible party
shall deposit sufficient funds in the registry of the court, or,
with the approval of the court, may submit such funds
directly to the Commissioner of Conservation.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 33:663 (April
§627. Plan Approvals
A. Within 60 days of the conclusion of the hearing, or
within such longer time as the court allows, the
Commissioner of Conservation shall either approve a
submitted plan as the most feasible plan or structure a plan
which, based on the evidence submitted on the record, the
commissioner determines to be the most feasible plan and
shall further issue written reasons for the plan he approves or
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 33:663 (April
§629. Rehearing
A. Requests for rehearing by any party shall not be
considered by the Commissioner of Conservation.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 33:663 (April
§631. Timeliness of Filings
A. All notices and filings provided for herein shall be
presumed to be timely when the postmark date or actual date
of receipt, if hand delivered, of the copy received by the
commissioner complies with appropriate delays herein
provided. Copies required to be provided to the parties shall
be deposited on the same date in the United States mail,
properly stamped and addressed, or, if telegraphic or
wireless communication is used, dispatched on that date by
the transmitting party.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 33:663 (April
§633. Notice of Hearings and Continued Hearings
A. In addition to the publication of the legal notice by the
commissioner in the official state journal, the responsible
party or parties shall provide for the posting of a copy of the
legal notice of the hearing and a plat or plats in a prominent
place in the area affected, and shall cause to be published at
least 15 days before the hearing a copy of the legal notice in
a newspaper published in the vicinity or general area of the
affected tract or tracts. The responsible party or parties shall
mail copies of the legal notice to all parties and a copy of the
plat or plats shall be included with the legal notice, if said
parties have not already been furnished same. Evidence to
establish posting, publishing and mailing shall be submitted
at the hearing.
B. When a hearing is opened and continued, the notice
given for the original hearing shall be applicable to the
continued hearing, if the hearing officer at the time of
granting the continuance designates the new time, date and
place of the continued hearing. In all other instances of a
continued hearing, the responsible party or parties shall at
least 15 days before the hearing provide notice of the
continued hearing by posting such notice in a prominent
place in the area affected, by publishing such notice in a
newspaper published in the vicinity or general area of the
affected tract or tracts and by mailing such notice to all
C. In no case shall a hearing be held more than 60 days
from the date of the final submission without the express
approval of the trial court.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 33:663 (April
§635. Rules of Hearing Conduct and Procedure
A. The responsible party or parties shall first present the
entire scientific, technical or other bases of their plan or
B. Any litigation party or parties who have filed a
comment in support of any responsible party's plan or plans
shall then present the entire scientific, technical or other
bases for their support and shall do so immediately after the
responsible party or parties have completed their
C. Any litigation party who has submitted a plan or plans
shall then present the entire scientific, technical or other
bases thereof. If any litigation party has filed a comment in
opposition to any responsible party's plan or plans, such
party shall then present their entire scientific, technical or
other bases for such opposition. Any litigation party who has
filed a comment in support of a litigation party's plan shall
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
then present the entire scientific, technical or other bases for
such support.
D. Each responsible party shall then have the opportunity
to provide rebuttal evidence in response to the opposition to
its plan or plans, or in response to any plan offered by any
litigation party.
E. The litigation party filing the plan shall then have the
opportunity to provide rebuttal evidence in response to the
opposition to its plan.
F. All rebuttal scientific, technical or other testimony,
shall be strictly limited to a refutation of the matters covered
by the opponents.
G. Any witness shall be subject to examination by the
commissioner or any member of his staff and by no more
than two representatives of a party. Cross-examination shall
be conducted in accordance with the following guidelines.
1. Cross-examination shall be limited to questions
concerning the testimony and exhibits presented by the
witness, testimony and exhibits presented by any other
witness and the credibility of the witness.
2. Matters peculiarly within the knowledge of the
cross-examiner or his witnesses shall be presented by them
on direct examination, and there shall be no attempt to
establish such matters by cross-examination.
3. Cross-examination shall be conducted in a polite
and courteous manner without reference to personalities of
the witness or the party represented by the witness.
H. The litigation parties and responsible parties may
make opening statements. The litigation parties and
responsible parties may also make closing statements
concerning their positions, but such statements shall not
include technical matters which have not been presented by
sworn testimony. The responsible parties shall have the right
to make the last closing statement. If there is more than one
litigation party or responsible party, the parties may agree on
the sequence in which opening or closing statements are
presented, or the commissioner or hearing officer shall
determine the sequence.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 33:664 (April
§637. Penalty for Non-Compliance
A. Failure to comply with the provisions of or the spirit
of these rules of procedure may prevent plan, comment or
response from being advertised or heard, or may prevent a
party from presenting evidence at the hearing, but any
approval or structure of a plan issued by the commissioner
shall not be invalid by operation of this rule.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 33:664 (April
§639. Time of Commencement
A. The procedures set forth in these rules shall
commence upon final submission date as provided in these
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 33:664 (April
§641. Coverage of Rules
A. Nothing contained in these rules shall in any way
limit the authority of the commissioner of conservation to
independently initiate any civil or administrative proceeding
or to initiate any civil enforcement action.
B. Nothing in these rules shall in any way limit the
Office of Conservation from independently responding to an
inquiry or request by a landowner or any other person for
investigation of alleged environmental damage.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 33:664 (April
Title 43
Part XIX. Office of ConservationGeneral Operations
Subpart 2. Statewide Order No. 29-R
Chapter 7. Fees
§701. Definitions
Application Fee—an amount payable to the Office of
Conservation, in a form and schedule prescribed by the
Office of Conservation, by industries under the jurisdiction
of the Office of Conservation.
Application for Automatic Custody Transfer—an
application for authority to measure and transfer custody of
liquid hydrocarbons by the use of methods other than
customary gauge tanks, as authorized by Statewide Order
No. 29-G-1 (LAC 43:XIX.2301 et seq.), or successor
Application for Commercial Class I Injection Well—an
application to construct and/or operate a commercial Class I
injection well, as authorized by Statewide Order No. 29-N-1
(LAC 43:XVII.101 et seq.), Statewide Order No. 29-N-2
(LAC 43:XVII.201 et seq.), or successor regulations.
Application for Commercial Class I Injection Well
(Additional Wells)—an application to construct and/or
operate additional Class I injection wells within the same
filing, as authorized by Statewide Order No. 29-N-1 (LAC
43:XVII.101 et seq.), Statewide Order No. 29-N-2 (LAC
43:XVII.201 et seq.), or successor regulations.
Application for Commercial Class I1 Injection Well—an
application to construct and/or operate a commercial Class II
injection well, as authorized by Statewide Order No. 29-B
(LAC 43:XIX.401 et seq.), Statewide Order No. 29-M-2
(LAC 43:XVII.3101 et seq.), or successor regulations.
Application for Commercial Class II Injection Well
(Additional Wells)—an application to construct and/or
operate additional Class II injection wells within the same
filing, as authorized by Statewide Order No. 29-B (LAC
43:XIX.401 et seq.), Statewide Order No. 29-M-2 (LAC
43:XVII.3101 et seq.), or successor regulations.
Application for Multiple Completion—an application to
multiple complete a new or existing well in separate
common sources of supply, as authorized by Statewide
Order N. 29-C-4 (LAC 43:XIX.1301 et seq.), or successor
Application for Non-Commercial Injection Wellan
application to construct and/or operate a Class I, II, III, or V
noncommercial injection well, as authorized by Statewide
Order Nos. 29-B (LAC 43:XIX.401 et seq.), 29-M (LAC
43:XVII.301 et seq.), 29-N-1 (LAC 43:XVII.101 et seq.),
29-N-2 (LAC 43:XVII.201 et seq.), 29-M-2 (LAC
43:XVII.3101 et seq.), successor regulations.
Application for Permit to Drill (Minerals)an application
to drill in search of minerals (six-months or one-year), as
authorized by R.S. 30:28.
Application for Public Hearing—an application for a
public hearing as authorized by R.S.30:1 et seq.
Application for Site Clearance—an application to approve
a procedural plan for site clearance verification of platform,
well or structure abandonment developed by an
operator/lessee and submitted to the Commissioner of
Conservation, as authorized by LAC 43:XI.311 et seq., or
successor regulations
Application for Substitute Unit Well—an application for a
substitute unit well as authorized by Statewide Order No. 29-
K-1 (LAC 43:XIX.2901 et seq.), or successor regulations.
Application for Surface Mining Development Operations
Permit—an application to remove coal, lignite, or
overburden for the purpose of determining coal or lignite
quality or quantity or coal or lignite mining feasibility, as
authorized by Statewide Order No. 29-O-1 (LAC 43:XV.101
et seq.), or successor regulations.
Application for Surface Mining Exploration Permit—an
application to drill test holes or core holes for the purpose of
determining the location, quantity, or quality of a coal or
lignite deposit, as authorized by Statewide Order No. 29-O-1
(LAC 43:XV.101 et seq.), or successor regulations.
Application for Surface Mining Permit—an application
for a permit to conduct surface coal or lignite mining and
reclamation operations, as authorized by Statewide Order
No. 29-O-1 (LAC 43:XV.101 et seq.), or successor
Application for Unit Termination—an application for unit
termination as authorized by Statewide Order No. 29-L-2
(LAC 43:XIX.3100 et seq.), or successor regulations.
Application to Amend Permit to Drill (Injection or
Other)—an application to alter, amend, or change a permit to
drill, construct and/or operate an injection, or other well after
its initial issuance, as authorized by R.S. 30:28.
Application to Amend Permit to Drill (Minerals)—an
application to alter, amend, or change a permit to drill for
minerals after its initial issuance, as authorized by R.S.
*Application to Amend Operator (transfer of ownership,
including any other amendment action requested at that time)
for any orphaned well, any multiply completed well which
has reverted to a single completion, any non-producing well
which is plugged and abandoned within the time frame
directed by the commissioner, as well as any stripper crude
oil well or incapable gas well so Certified by the Department
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
of Revenue shall not be subject to the application fee
provided herein.
Application to Commingle—an application for authority to
commingle production of gas and/or liquid hydrocarbons
and to use methods other than gauge tanks for allocation, as
authorized by Statewide Order No. 29-D-1 (LAC
43:XIX.1500 et seq.), or successor regulations.
Application to Process Form R-4—application for
authorization to transport oil from a lease as authorized by
Statewide Order No. 25 (LAC 43:XIX.900 et seq.), or
successor regulations.
BOEannual barrels oil equivalent. Gas production is
converted to BOE by dividing annual mcf by a factor of
Capable Gasnatural and casing head gas not classified
as incapable gas well gas or incapable oil well gas by the
Department of Revenue, as of December 31, 2008.
Capable Oilcrude oil and condensate not classified as
incapable oil or stripper oil by the Department of Revenue,
as of December 31, 2008.
Class I Well—a Class I injection well used to inject
hazardous or nonhazardous, industrial, or municipal wastes
into the subsurface, which falls within the regulatory
purview of Statewide Order No. 29-N-1 (LAC 43:XVII.101
et seq.), Statewide Order No. 29-N-2 (LAC 43:XVII.201 et
seq.), or successor regulations.
Class I Well Fee—an annual fee payable to the Office of
Conservation, in a form and schedule prescribed by the
Office of Conservation, on Class I wells in an amount not to
exceed $400,000 for Fiscal Year 2000-2001 and thereafter.
Class II Well—a Class II injection well which injects
fluids which are brought to the surface in connection; with
conventional oil or natural gas production, for annular
disposal wells, for enhanced recovery of oil or natural gas,
and for storage of hydrocarbons. For purposes of
administering the exemption provided in R.S.
30:21(B)(1)(c), such exemption is limited to operators who
operate Class II wells serving a stripper oil well or an
incapable gas well certified pursuant to R.S. 47:633 by the
Severance Tax Section of the Department of Revenue and
located in the same field as such Class II well.
Class III Well—a Class III injection well which injects for
extraction of minerals or energy.
Emergency Clearance—emergency authorization to
transport oil from lease.
Production Fee—an annual fee payable to the Office of
Conservation, in a form and schedule prescribed by the
Office of Conservation, by oil and gas operators on capable
oil wells and capable gas wells based on a tiered system to
establish parity on a dollar amount between the wells. The
tiered system shall be established annually by rule on
capable oil and capable gas production, including
nonexempt wells reporting zero production during the
annual base period, in an amount not to exceed $2,450,000
for Fiscal Year 2002/2003 and thereafter.
Production Wellany well which has been permitted by
and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Office of
Conservation, excluding wells in the permitted and drilling
in progress status, Class II injection wells, liquid storage
cavity wells, commercial salt water disposal wells, Class V
injection wells, wells which have been plugged and
abandoned, wells which have reverted to landowner for use
as a fresh water well (Statewide Order No. 29-B, LAC
43:XIX.137.G, or successor regulations), multiply completed
wells reverted to a single completion, and stripper oil wells
or incapable oil wells or incapable gas wells certified by the
Severance Tax Section of the Department of Revenue, as of
December 31, 2008.
Regulatory Feean amount payable annually to the
Office of Conservation, in a form and schedule prescribed by
the Office of Conservation, on Class II wells, Class III wells,
storage wells, Type A facilities, and Type B facilities in an
amount not to exceed $875,000 for Fiscal Year 2000-2001
and thereafter. No fee shall be imposed on a Class II well of
an operator who is also an operator of a stripper crude oil
well or incapable gas well certified pursuant to R.S. 47.633
by the Severance Tax Section of the Department of Revenue
as of December 31, 2008 and located in the same field as
such Class II well. Operators of Record, excluding operators
of wells and including, but not limited to, operators of
gasoline/cycling plants, refineries, oil/gas transporters,
and/or certain other activities subject to the jurisdiction of
the Office of Conservation are required to pay an annual
registration fee of $105. Such payment is due within the time
frame prescribed by the Office of Conservation.
Type A Facility—commercial E&P waste disposal
facilities within the state that utilize technologies appropriate
for the receipt, treatment, storage, or disposal of oilfield
waste solids and liquids for a fee or other consideration, and
fall within the regulatory purview of Statewide Order No.
29-B (LAC 43:XIX.501 et seq.), Statewide Order No. 29-M-
2 (LAC 43:XVII.3101 et seq.), or successor regulations.
Type B Facility—commercial E&P waste disposal
facilities within the state that utilize underground injection
technology for the receipt, treatment, storage, or disposal of
only produced saltwater, oilfield brine, or other oilfield
waste liquids for a fee or other consideration, and fall within
the regulatory purview of Statewide Order No. 29-B (LAC
43:XIX.501 et seq.), or successor regulations.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:21 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 14:542 (August
1988), amended LR 15:551 (July 1989), LR 21:1249 (November
1995), LR 24:458 (March 1998), LR 24:2127 (November 1998),
LR 25:1873 (October 1999), LR 26:2302 (October 2000), LR
27:1919 (November 2001), LR 28:2366 (November 2002), LR
29:2499 (November 2003), LR 31:2950 (November 2005), LR
32:2087 (November 2006), LR 33:2461 (November 2007), LR
34:2404 (November 2008), LR 35:2463 (November 2009).
§703. Fee Schedule for Fiscal Year 2009-2010
A. Fee Schedule
Application Fees Amount
Application for Unit Termination $ 252
Application for Substitute Unit Well $ 252
Application for Public Hearings $ 755
Application for Multiple Completion $ 126
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Application Fees Amount
Application for Commingle $ 252
Application for Automatic Custody Transfer $ 252
Application for Noncommercial Injection Well $ 252
Application for Commercial Class I Injection Well $ 1,264
Application for Commercial Class I Injection Well
(Additional Wells) $ 631
Application for Commercial Class II Injection Well $ 631
Application for Commercial Class II Injection Well
(Additional Wells) $ 314
Application for Permit to Drill—Minerals: 0’-3,000’ $ 126
Application for Permit to Drill—Minerals: 3,001’-
$ 631
Application for Permit to Drill—Minerals: 10,001’+ $ 1,264
Application for Permit to Drill—Minerals: 0’-3,000’
(1 year) $ 252
Application for Permit to Drill—Minerals: 3,001’-
10,000’ (1 year) $ 1,262
Application for Permit to Drill—Minerals: 10,001’+
(1 year) $ 2,528
Drill Minerals Deeper (> 3,000’) $ 504
Drill Minerals Deeper (> 10,000’) $ 632
Application for Amend Permit to Drill—Minerals $ 126
Application for Permit to Drill—Injection or Other $ 126
Application for Surface Mining Exploration Permit $ 65
Application for Surface Mining Development
Operations Permit $ 94
Application for Surface Mining Permit $ 2,212
Application to Process Form R-4 $ 36
Application to Reinstate Suspended Form R-4 $ 65
Application for Emergency Clearance Form R-4 $ 65
Application for Site Clearance $ 600
B. Regulatory Fees
1. Operators of each permitted Type A Facility are
required to pay an annual Regulatory Fee of $7,326 per
2. Operators of each permitted Type B Facility are
required to pay an annual Regulatory Fee of $3,663 per
3. Operators of record of permitted non-commercial
Class II injection/disposal wells are required to pay $745 per
4. Operators of record of permitted Class III and
Storage wells are required to pay $745 per well.
C. Class I Well Fees. Operators of permitted Class I
wells are required to pay $11,428 per well.
D. Production Fees. Operators of record of capable oil
wells and capable gas wells are required to pay according to
the following annual production fee tiers.
Annual Production
(Barrel Oil Equivalent)
Fee ($ per Well)
Tier 1 0 17
Tier 2 1 - 5,000 91
Tier 3 5,001 - 15,000 264
Tier 4 15,001 - 30,000 436
Tier 5 30,001 - 60,000 693
Tier 6 60,001 - 110,000 959
Tier 7 110,001 - 9,999,999 1,185
E. Exceptions
1. Operators of record of each Class I
injection/disposal well and each Type A and B commercial
facility that is permitted, but has not yet been constructed,
are required to pay an annual fee of 50 percent of the
applicable fee for each well or facility.
2. Operators of record of each inactive Type A and B
facility which have voluntarily ceased the receipt and
disposal of E&P waste and are actively implementing an
Office of Conservation approved closure plan are required to
pay an annual Regulatory Fee of 50 percent of the annual fee
for each applicable Type A or B facility.
3. Operators of record of each inactive Type A or B
facility which have voluntarily ceased the receipt and
disposal of E&P waste, have completed Office of
Conservation approved closure activities and are conducting
a post-closure maintenance and monitoring program, are
required to pay an annual Regulatory Fee of 25 percent of
the annual fee for each applicable Type A or B facility
F. Pipeline Safety Inspection Fees
1. Owners/Operators of jurisdictional gas pipeline
facilities are required to pay an annual Gas Pipeline Safety
Inspection Fee of $22.40 per mile, or a minimum of $400,
whichever is greater.
2. Owners/Operators of jurisdictional hazardous
liquids pipeline facilities are required to pay an annual
Hazardous Liquids Pipeline Safety Inspection Fee of $22.40
per mile, or a minimum of $400, whichever is greater.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:21 et seq., R.S. 30:560 and 706.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 14:543 (August
1988), amended LR 15:552 (July 1989), LR 21:1250 (November
1995), LR 24:458 (March 1998), LR 24:2128 (November 1998),
LR 25:1874 (October 1999), LR 26:2304 (October 2000), LR
27:1920 (November 2001), LR 28:2368 (November 2002), LR
29:350 (March 2003), LR 29:2501 (November 2003), LR 30:2494
(November 2004), LR 31:2950 (November 2005), LR 32:2088
(November 2006), LR 33:2461 (November 2007), LR 34:2405
(November 2008), LR 35:2463 (November 2009).
§705. Failure to Comply
A. Operators of operations and activities defined in §701
are required to timely comply with this Order. Failure to
comply by the due date of any required fee payment will
subject the operator to civil penalties provided in Title 30 of
the Revised Statutes of 1950, including but not limited to
R.S. 30:18.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:21 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 14:544 (August
1988), amended LR 15:552 (July 1989), LR 21:1251 (November
1995), LR 24:459 (March 1998), LR 24:2128 (November 1998),
LR 25:1874 (October 1999), LR 26:2304 (October 2000), LR
27:1921 (November 2001), LR 28:2368 (November 2002), LR
29:2501 (November 2003), LR 34:2406 (November 2008).
§707. Severability and Effective Date
A. The fees set forth in §703 are hereby adopted as
individual and independent rules comprising this body of
rules designated as Statewide Order No. 29-R-09/10 and if
any such individual fee is held to be unacceptable, pursuant
to R.S. 49:968(H)(2), or held to be invalid by a court of law,
then such unacceptability or invalidity shall not affect the
other provisions of this order which can be given effect
without the unacceptable or invalid provisions, and to that
end the provisions of this order are severable.
B. This Order (Statewide Order No. 29-R-09/10)
supersedes Statewide Order No. 29-R-08/09 and any
amendments thereof.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:21 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 14:544 (August
1988), amended LR 15:552 (July 1989), LR 21:1251 (November
1995), LR 24:459 (March 1998), LR 24:2128 (November 1998),
LR 25:1874 (October 1999), LR 26:2305 (October 2000), LR
27:1921 (November 2001), LR 28:2368 (November 2002), LR
29:2502 (November 2003), LR 30:2494 (November 2004), LR
31:2950 (November 2005), LR 32:2088 (November 2006), LR
33:2462 (November 2007), LR 34:2406 (November 2008), LR
35:2464 (November 2009).
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43
Part XIX. Office of ConservationGeneral Operations
Subpart 3. Statewide Order No. 25
Chapter 9. Reporting
§901. Scope
A. An order providing rules and regulations governing
and requiring the keeping of records and the filing of reports
by producers, transporters, storers, and refiners of oil, and
concerning the production, transportation, storing and
refining of oil in the state of Louisiana.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with Act
157 of the Legislative Session of 1940.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, January 1, 1941, amended September 1, 1941, March
1, 1961, April 17, 1968, amended and promulgated by the
Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR
19:770 (June 1993).
§903. Definitions
A. Unless the context otherwise requires, the words
defined in this Section shall have the following meanings
when found in this Order:
Barrel or Barrel of Oilforty-two United States gallons
of oil at a test of 60º F with deductions for the full percent of
basic sediment, water and other impurities present,
ascertained by centrifugal or other recognized and customary
Fieldthe general area which is underlaid or appears to
be underlaid by at least one pool or reservoir of oil as
designated by monthly proration schedules issued by the
Office of Conservation of the state of Louisiana.
Lease Tankthe tank or other receptacle into which oil
is produced either directly from a well or from a well
through gas separator, gun barrel or similar equipment.
Month and Calendar Monththe period or interval of
time from 7 a.m. on the first day of any month of the
calendar to 7 a.m. of the first day of the next succeeding
month of the calendar.
Person, Producer, Oil, Illegal Oil, and Productthe
meaning prescribed for each of said words as defined in
R.S. 30:3.
Refinerevery person who has any part in the control
or management of any operation by which the physical or
chemical characteristics of oil or products are changed, but
exclusive of the operations of passing oil through separators
to remove gas, placing oil in settling tanks to remove basic
sediment and water, dehydrating oil, and generally cleaning
and purifying oil.
Storerevery person as herein defined who stores,
terminals, retains in custody under warehouse or storage
agreements or contracts, oil which comes to rest in his tank
or other receptacle under control of said storer, but excluding
the ordinary lease stocks of producers.
Transporterincludes any common carrier by pipe line,
barge, boat or other water conveyance or truck or other
conveyance except railroads, and any other person
transporting oil by pipe line, barge, boat or other water
conveyance, or truck and other conveyance.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with Act
157 of the Legislative Session of 1940.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation January 1, 1941, amended September 1, 1941, March
1, 1961, April 17, 1968, amended and promulgated by the
Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR
19:770 (June 1993).
§905. Applicability
A. The provisions of this order shall extend and apply to
all oil produced from each and every well within the state of
Louisiana and all oil transported, stored, or refined within
the state of Louisiana, and to every producer, transporter,
storer and refiner in the state of Louisiana.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with Act
157 of the Legislative Session of 1940.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation January 1, 1941, amended September 1, 1941, March
1, 1961, April 17, 1968, amended and promulgated by the
Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR
19:770 (June 1993).
§907. Form R-4
A. The Producer's Certificate of Compliance and
Authorization to Transport Oil from Lease, Form R-4
Revised or most current revision thereof, is hereby adopted
and made a part of this Order by reference.
B. Each producer of oil in the state of Louisiana, and
each producer of condensate from a gas well, where
produced in liquid form at the wellhead by ordinary
production methods in the state of Louisiana, shall execute
under oath, in quadruplicate, and file with the Office of
Conservation, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on or before the
fifteenth day of September, 1941, a Producer's Certificate of
Compliance and Authorization to Transport Oil from Lease,
Form R-4 Revised or most current revision thereof, setting
forth fully therein the data and information indicated by such
form covering each lease in the state of Louisiana from
which oil or condensate are produced.
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
C. After the effective date hereof, whenever there shall
occur a change in operating ownership of any lease, well
name or lease name, transporter from any lease, a new
Producer's Certificate of Compliance and Authorization to
Transport Oil From Lease, Form R-4 Revised or most
current revision thereof, shall be executed and filed in
accordance with the instructions appearing on such form;
except that in the case of temporary change in transporter
involving less than the allowable for one month, the
producer may, in lieu of filing a new certificate, notify by
letter the Office of Conservation, Baton Rouge, Louisiana,
and the transporter then authorized by certificate on file with
the Office of Conservation of the estimated amount of oil to
be moved by the temporary transporter and the name of such
temporary transporter. A copy of such notice shall also be
furnished such temporary transporter. In no instance shall the
temporary transporter involve any greater quantity of oil or
condensate than the estimated amount shown in said notice.
D. The Producer's Certificate of Compliance and
Authorization to Transport Oil from Lease, Form R-4
Revised or most current revision thereof, when properly
executed by the operator and approved by the Office of
Conservation, shall constitute authorization to the approved
transporter to transport oil or condensate from the lease
named therein and shall remain in force and effect until a
change occurs, as previously outlined, or is suspended or
canceled by the Office of Conservation.
E. For each drilling permit that shall be altered, amended
or changed after its initial issuance, Form MD-10-R-A shall
be executed and filed with the Office of Conservation, said
Form MD-10-R-A being hereby declared the permanent
record of the Office of Conservation for the purpose of
identifying the operator of all oil or gas wells in the state of
Louisiana; and it is hereby expressly provided that said Form
MD-10-R-A shall be subject to the fee for alteration, change
or amendment as established by Part XIX, Subpart 2 or
successor regulation.
F. Where a transporter disconnects from a particular
lease or ceases to remove oil therefrom and another
transporter connects to such lease or begins to take oil
therefrom, during a month, the transporter who ceases to
take oil shall furnish to the connecting transporter a certified
statement under oath, showing: the legal quantity of oil on
hand 7 a.m. the first day of such month; the scheduled
allowable to the date disconnected; and the quantity of oil
moved from that particular lease during the current month.
In such case the producer shall furnish to the connecting
transporter a certified statement under oath showing the
lease stock on hand 7 a.m. the date of new connection. No
connecting transporter shall move oil from any such lease
until after it shall have received such statements, except with
the written permission of the Commissioner of Conservation
or his authorized agent.
G. Each producer is prohibited from delivering illegal oil
to any transporter, and each transporter is prohibited from
removing any illegal oil from producer's lease tanks. Each
transporter shall maintain necessary records of lease
allowables and quantities of oil removed from the leases to
which he is connected, whereby he can determine the
calculated quantity of legal oil on hand at the close of each
calendar month with respect to such leases. The calculated
quantity of legal oil on hand with respect to any lease shall
be determined for each succeeding month by adding to the
quantity of legally produced oil on hand at the first of the
month, the scheduled allowable quantity of oil for the
respective lease for the current month, as established by the
Commissioner of Conservation, less the quantity of oil
removed from the respective lease tanks during the current
month. If the calculated balance so determined is less than
the actual gauged quantity on hand as reported by the
producer on Monthly Producer's Crude Oil and/or
Condensate Report, Form R-1 Revised or most current
revision thereof, the transporter shall not remove during the
following month any part of the oil on hand on the first day
of the month in excess of the calculated legal balance so
established. If the actual quantity of oil on hand with respect
to a particular lease equals or is less than the quantity of
legal oil established by the above method, the transporter
may remove any part or all of such quantity of oil during the
current month. Where the actual quantity of oil on hand with
respect to a particular lease is less than the calculated
quantity of legal oil established by the above method, the
transporter, in determining the quantity of legal oil for the
next succeeding month, shall substitute the actual quantity
on hand for the calculated quantity on hand. Where there is
more than one transporter moving oil from the same lease,
the producer and transporters are required to furnish to each
other information as to the quantity of oil on hand, the
quantity transported from lease tanks and any additional
information necessary to establish to the satisfaction of each
person involved the legal status of the oil produced.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with Act
157 of the Legislative Session of 1940.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation January 1, 1941, amended September 1, 1941, March
1, 1961, April 17, 1968, amended and promulgated by the
Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR
19:771 (June 1993).
§909. Form R-1
A. The Monthly Producer's Crude Oil and/or Condensate
Report, Form R-1 Revised or most current revision thereof,
is hereby adopted and made a part of this Order by
B. Each producer of oil in the state of Louisiana, and
each producer of condensate from a gas well, where
produced in liquid form at the wellhead by ordinary
production methods or as Calculated Theoretical
Condensate, defined as the amount of condensate (allocated
back to leases) that normally would be separated by
conventional methods from natural gas well volumes
flowing full stream directly to a plant without any
condensate separation having been made at lease or a plant,
shall furnish for each calendar month a Monthly Producer's
Crude Oil and Condensate Report, Form R-1 Revised or
most current revision thereof, setting forth complete
information and data indicated by such forms respecting oil
produced from every lease operated by said producer in the
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
state of Louisiana, and respecting condensate produced from
gas wells at the wellhead in liquid form by ordinary
production methods from each lease operated by said
producer in the state of Louisiana. Such report for each
month shall be prepared and filed according to instructions
on the form on or before the twenty-fifth day of the next
succeeding month.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with Act
157 of the Legislative Session of 1940.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation January 1, 1941, amended September 1, 1941, March
1, 1961, April 17, 1968, amended and promulgated by the
Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR
19:772 (June 1993).
§911. Form R-2
A. The Transporter's and Storer's Monthly Report, Form
R-2 or most current revision thereof, is hereby adopted and
made a part of this Order by reference.
B. Each transporter of oil within the state of Louisiana
shall furnish for each calendar month a Transporter's and
Storer's Monthly Report, Form R-2 or most current revision
thereof, containing complete information and data indicated
by such form respecting stocks of oil on hand and all
movements of oil by pipeline within the state of Louisiana
and all movements of oil by water craft, or by trucks or other
conveyances except railroad, from leases to storers or
refiners; between transporters within the state; between
storers and refiners within the state.
C. Each storer of oil within the state of Louisiana shall
furnish for each calendar month a Transporter's and Storer's
Monthly Report, Form R-2 or most current revision thereof,
containing complete information and data indicated by such
form respecting the storage of oil within the state of
D. The transporters and storers reports for each month
shall be prepared and filed according to instructions on the
form, on or before the twenty-fifth day of the next
succeeding month.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with Act
157 of the Legislative Session of 1940.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation January 1, 1941, amended September 1, 1941, March
1, 1961, April 17, 1968, amended and promulgated by the
Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR
19:772 (June 1993).
§913. Form R-3
A. The Refiner's Monthly Report, Form R-3 or most
current revision thereof, is hereby adopted and made a part
of this Order by reference.
B. Each refiner of oil within the state of Louisiana shall
furnish for each calendar month a Refiner's Monthly Report,
Form R-3 or most current revision thereof, containing the
information and data indicated by such form, respecting oil
and products involved in such refiner's operations during
each month. Such report for each month shall be prepared
and filed according to instructions on the form on or before
the twenty-fifth day of the next succeeding month.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with Act
157 of the Legislative Session of 1940.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation January 1, 1941, amended September 1, 1941, March
1, 1961, April 17, 1968, amended and promulgated by the
Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR
19:772 (June 1993).
§915. Units and Method for Calculation of Quantities
of Oil in Tanks
A. All quantities included in the reports provided for in
this Order shall be reported in barrels computed from
100 percent tank tables and based upon actual physical
B. All reports provided for in this Order shall be verified
by affidavit in the form or forms indicated, and any reports
not so verified shall not be taken as filed in compliance with
this Order.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with Act
157 of the Legislative Session of 1940.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation January 1, 1941, amended September 1, 1941, March
1, 1961, April 17, 1968, amended and promulgated by the
Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR
19:772 (June 1993).
§917. Record Keeping
A. All producers, transporters, storers and refiners within
the state of Louisiana shall make and keep appropriate books
and records covering their operations in Louisiana from
which they may be able to make and substantiate the reports
required by this Order.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with Act
157 of the Legislative Session of 1940.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation January 1, 1941, amended September 1, 1941, March
1, 1961, April 17, 1968, amended and promulgated by the
Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR
19:772 (June 1993).
§919. Effect on Overall Authority of the Commissioner
of Conservation
A. This order shall not be taken or construed to limit or
restrict the authority of Commissioner of Conservation to
require the furnishing of such additional reports, data or
other information relative to the production and processing
of gas in this state as may appear to him to be necessary or
desirable, either generally or specially, for the prevention of
waste and the conservation of natural resources in this state;
nor to limit or restrict the authority of the Commissioner of
Conservation to waive the filing of any report or reports
otherwise required hereunder in any special instance wherein
the Commissioner of Conservation finds that such waiver is
necessary to prevent undue hardship or imposition.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with Act
157 of the Legislative Session of 1940.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation January 1, 1941, amended September 1, 1941, March
1, 1961, April 17, 1968, amended and promulgated by the
Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation,
LR 19:772 (June 1993).
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43
Part XIX. Office of ConservationGeneral Operations
Subpart 4. Statewide Order No. 29-B-a
Chapter 11. Required Use of Storm
§1101. Scope
A. Order establishing rules and regulations concerning
the required use of storm chokes to prevent blowouts or
uncontrolled flow in the case of damage to surface
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with Act
157 of the Legislature of 1940.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, March 15, 1946, amended March 1, 1961, amended
and promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources, Office
of Conservation, LR 20:1127 (October 1994).
§1103. Applicability
A. All flowing wells with a surface pressure in excess of
100 pounds, falling within the following categories, shall be
equipped with storm chokes:
1. any locations inaccessible during periods of storm
and/or floods, including spillways;
2. located in bodies of water being actively navigated;
3. located in wildlife refuges and/or game preserves;
4. located within 660 feet of railroads, ship channels,
and other actively navigated bodies of water;
5. located within 660 feet of state and federal
highways in Southeast Louisiana, in that area East of a
North-South line drawn through New Iberia and South of an
East-West line through Opelousas;
6. located within 660 feet of state and federal
highways in Northeast Louisiana, in that area bounded on
the West by the Ouachita River, on the North by the
Arkansas-Louisiana line, on the East by the Mississippi
River, and on the South by the Black and Red Rivers;
7. located within 660 feet of the following highways:
a. U.S. Highway 71 between Alexandria and Krotz
b. U.S. Highway 190 between Opelousas and Krotz
c. U.S. Highway 90 between Lake Charles and the
Sabine River;
8. located within the corporate limits of any city,
town, village, or other municipality.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with Act
157 of the Legislature of 1940.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, March 15, 1946, amended March 1, 1961, amended
and promulgated by Department of Natural Resources, Office of
Conservation, LR 20:1128 (October 1994).
§1105. Waivers
A. Onshore Wells. Where the use of storm chokes would
unduly interfere with normal operation of a well, the
Commissioner of Conservation may, upon submission of
pertinent data, in writing, waive the requirements of this
B. Offshore Wells
1. The district manager, upon submission of pertinent
data, in writing explaining the efforts made to overcome the
particular difficulties encountered, may waive the use of a
subsurface safety valve under the following circumstances,
and may, in his discretion, require in lieu thereof a surface
safety valve:
a. where sand is produced to such an extent or in
such a manner as to tend to plug the tubing or make
inoperative the subsurface safety valve;
b. when the flowing pressure of the well is in excess
of 100 psi but is inadequate to activate the subsurface safety
c. where flow rate fluctuations or water production
difficulties are so severe that the subsurface safety valve
would prevent the well from producing at its allowable rate;
d. where mechanical well conditions do not permit
the installation of a subsurface safety valve;
e. in such other cases as the district manager may
deem necessary to grant an exception.
2. Under the following circumstances no formal
approval is necessary. However, each company will maintain
records indicating the date a subsurface safety valve is
removed, the reason for its removal, and the date it is
a. when the flowing pressure of the well is 100 psi
or less;
b. when it is necessary to perform routine
maintenance and service work; to clean up completions and
recompletions in wells where a subsurface safety valve
would otherwise be in service.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with Act
157 of the Legislature of 1940.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, March 1, 1961, amended March 15, 1961, amended
and promulgated by Department of Natural Resources, Office of
Conservation, LR 20:1128 (October 1994).
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43
Part XIX. Office of ConservationGeneral Operations
Subpart 5. Statewide Order No. 29-C-4
Chapter 13. Multiple Completions
§1301. Scope
A. This Statewide Order provides rules and regulations
governing the multiple completion of wells productive of
hydrocarbons from multiple zones in the state of Louisiana.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, March 1, 1955, amended June 21, 1960, September
1, 1960, June 15, 1962, March 1, 1967, September 1, 1971,
amended and promulgated by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 19:766 (June 1993),
amended LR 23:583 (May 1997).
§1303. Definitions
A. Unless the context otherwise requires, the words
defined in this Section shall have the following meaning
when found in this Statewide Order.
Commissionerthe Commissioner of Conservation.
District Managerthe head of any one of the districts
of the state of Louisiana under the Office of Conservation,
and specifically, the manager within whose district the well
which is subject to an application under the provisions of
this Statewide Order is located.
Multiple Completionthe completion of any well so as
to permit simultaneous production from two or more pools
while maintaining segregation of each such pool through the
single wellbore to the surface. Segregation and simultaneous
production of separate intervals within a recognized pool
through a single wellbore to the surface shall not be
considered a multiple completion.
Owneras used herein, shall have the meaning as such
term is defined in Title 30 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes
of 1950.
Poolas used herein, shall have the meaning as such
term is defined in Title 30 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes
of 1950.
Selective Completionthe completion of any well
utilizing downhole equipment so as to permit production to
be changed from one separate pool to another without the
necessity of a workover or additional perforating.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, March 1, 1955, amended June 21, 1960, September
1, 1960, June 15, 1962, March 1, 1967, September 1, 1971,
amended and promulgated by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 19:766 (June 1993),
amended LR 23:583 (May 1997).
§1305. Order
A. On and after the effective date hereof, a permit to
multiply complete a new or existing well in separate pools,
where the proposed completions are in compliance with all
applicable Office of Conservation statewide orders, may be
obtained by submitting a complete application to drill, as
outlined in Part XIX, Subpart 1 (Statewide Order No. 29-B),
for each proposed completion concurrent with drilling and/or
workover operations on the first completion, or at such other
time as a desire to make a multiple completion is known,
together with the prescribed fees in accordance with the
procedure hereinafter outlined.
B. In the instance where a multiple completion is applied
for, the completions must be in separate pools and the
following procedure will be followed in submitting the
required data for each multiple completion.
1. The applicant shall file the following in duplicate
along with the appropriate fees as prescribed by Part XIX,
Subpart 2 or successor regulation with the appropriate
district manager:
a. application for permit to drill (Form MD-10-R);
b. location plat (as prescribed by Part XIX, Subpart
1, Chapter 1, Section 103).
2. After completion of the above well, the applicant
shall file in duplicate the following with the appropriate
district manager for multiple completion(s):
a. application for multiple completion (Form
b. completion report (Form Comp.);
c. electric log or portion thereof of the subject well
showing clearly thereon the subsurface of the separate pools
in which the applicant has multiply completed the well;
d. diagrammatic sketch of the wellbore showing the
mechanical installation;
e. Packer Leakage Test (Form P.L.T.);
f. Packer Setting Certificate (Form P.S.C.).
3. Any application for recompletion of an existing
multiple completion shall comply with §1305.B.2 above.
C. An allowable will be granted for each completion of a
multiply completed well upon the filing of all information,
as prescribed in §1305.B.2 above, and after a permit to drill
has been issued for each pool in which a completion has
been made.
D. In the event the Commissioner of Conservation
approves the multiple completion as requested, the following
shall be complied with.
1. Each multiple completed well shall be tested upon
completion and annually thereafter in the following matter.
a. All completions shall be shut-in for a sufficient
length of time to allow wellhead pressures to become
stabilized and for a minimum of two hours thereafter, and a
record made of the wellhead pressure buildup in each
completion during the shut-in period. At the end of this
shut-in period one of the completions shall be produced at
such a rate and under such conditions as may be designated
by the district manager, or his representative, for a period of
six hours while the other completions are kept shut-in, and a
record shall be made of the pressures of all completions
during the test period. Upon completion of the initial test,
the procedure shall be rotated and a following test carried
out as outlined above with the completion that was produced
during the previous test shut-in.
b. Under unusual circumstances and conditions of
the well being tested, this procedure may be altered
providing the desired information is obtained.
2. The operator shall submit, in duplicate, to the
appropriate district manager, Form P.L.T.
E. Should the zones approved for multiple completion
become intercommunicative, the operator shall immediately
repair and separate the pools.
F. Each separate completion shall be considered a
separate well as to permits, allowables, fees and for all other
G. The use of selective completion equipment in separate
pools is expressly prohibited except as provided herein and
no work should precede approval by the Commissioner of
Conservation of the application which shall be filed in
duplicate with the appropriate district manager.
1. Onshore wells will only be considered for
administrative approval of selective completion in separate
pools where the documentation which follows clearly shows
all such separate pools to be wholly contained within one
lease. The application shall include the following:
a. application for multiple completion (Form
b. electric log or portion thereof of the subject well
showing clearly thereon the subsurface of the separate pools
which applicant proposes to selectively complete in the well;
c. diagrammatic sketch of the wellbore showing the
proposed mechanical installation;
d. lease ownership map showing all leases in area of
the subject well and the productive outlines of the pools
proposed for selective completion;
e. subsurface structure maps on each pool proposed
for selective completion showing all boundaries which
establish the productive outlines;
f. work permit (Form DM4R).
2. Offshore wells will be considered for administrative
approval of selective completion in separate pools upon
submission of the documentation required under
§1305.G.1.a-f. Additionally, if the productive limits of any
separate pool included in the application underlies more than
one lease, the items listed below will also be required:
a. a list of the names and addresses of the owners of
the leases shown to be underlain by the separate pools;
b. written concurrence of all the owners shown on
the list required in §1305.G.2.a.
H. Notwithstanding the provisions of the previous
Paragraph, an application for selective completion may be
filed with the appropriate district manager for a well that
does not meet all requirements set forth in §1305.G upon
showing for good cause that such request should be
considered. An exceptional application of this nature will be
considered for administrative approval by the Commissioner
of Conservation upon recommendation of the district
manager as a last resort to prevent the loss of oil and gas that
could not be recovered by any other means than through the
use of selective completion equipment or under other
exceptional circumstances as determined to be appropriate
by the commissioner.
I. In the event a well is authorized for selective
completion in separate pools, the operator thereof shall
continuously monitor the performance of such well in an
effort to determine that the separate pools remain isolated
and shall secure a work permit from the district manger
before affecting a change from one separate pool to another
through the use of the downhole selective equipment. Also,
each such change in pool shall be considered a recompletion
and all reports normally filed when recompleting a well will
be required.
J. The foregoing shall supersede and replace the
provisions of Statewide Order No. 29-C, and all prior
amendments thereto and all prior memoranda issued
thereunder and shall govern the multiple and selective
completion of wells productive of hydrocarbons in the state
of Louisiana.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, March 1, 1955, amended June 21, 1960, September
1, 1960, June 15, 1962, March 1, 1967, September 1, 1971,
amended and promulgated by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 19:766 (June 1993),
amended LR 23:583 (May 1997).
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43
Part XIX. Office of ConservationGeneral Operations
Subpart 6. Statewide Order No. 29-D-1
Chapter 15. Commingling of Oil and
Gas Production Onshore
§1501. Scope
A. This Statewide Order provides rules and regulations
governing the applications for commingling and the use of
methods other than gauge tanks for allocation of production
from fields in the state of Louisiana.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, March 1, 1955, amended February 25, 1957, June 1,
1962, amended and promulgated by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 19:768 (June 1993),
amended LR 23:585 (May 1997).
§1503. Definitions
A. Unless the context otherwise requires, the words
defined in this Section shall have the following meanings
where found in this Statewide Order.
Comminglingthe combination of gas and/or liquid
hydrocarbon production before sales from two or more
leases and/or units, subject to the following:
a. combination of lease production with production
from a unit which is wholly contained geographically within
that lease is not considered commingling;
b. no additional commingling approval is required
for a unit if approval to commingle at the same commingling
facility has previously been independently granted covering
all leases contributing to the subject unit;
c. once commingling approval for a unit has been
granted, no additional commingling approval is required if
interests in a unit change or the unit is revised if no new
leases are added as a result of the change or unit revision.
Commingling Facilityany facility which has been
authorized by the office for commingling as defined herein.
Commissionerthe Commissioner of Conservation.
District Managerthe head of any one of the districts
of the state of Louisiana under the Office of Conservation,
and specifically, the manager within whose district the field
or fields are located from which the applicant proposes to
commingle production.
Interested Partyany person who is known to the
applicant after reasonable search to presently own an interest
in production from the leases or units being considered for
Officethe Office of Conservation of the state of
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, March 1, 1955, amended February 25, 1957, June 1,
1962, amended and promulgated by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 19:768 (June 1993),
amended LR 23:585 (May 1997).
§1505. Order
A. From and after the effective date hereof, permission to
commingle gas and/or liquid hydrocarbons and to use
metering, well test or other methods for allocation of
production may be obtained as hereinafter provided and
upon strict compliance with the procedures set forth herein.
1. Metering
a. No authority to commingle gas and/or liquid
hydrocarbons and to use metering for allocation of
production will be granted unless and until the following
data and information have been filed with the commissioner
with a copy to the district manager:
i. a completed application form for permission to
commingle gas and/or liquid hydrocarbon production along
with the requisite fee;
ii. a diagrammatic sketch of the mechanical
installation to be used along with a detailed explanation of
the flow of the gas and/or liquid hydrocarbons, the
procedures and frequency for calibration/proving of
metering devices and allocation formula to be utilized;
iii. a signed statement that, in the opinion of the
applicant, the commingling of gas and/or liquid
hydrocarbons and the use of metering for allocation of
production in a manner proposed will provide reasonably
accurate measurement, will not create inequities, and will
afford the owner of any interest the opportunity to recover
his just and equitable share of production;
iv. a list of interested parties. This list shall
include only those parties who have interests in the leases
and/or units from which production is to be commingled if
approval is granted to the applicant and for which the
applicant has no existing commingling authority.
b. Notice of the filing of an application to
commingle and to use metering for allocation of production
shall be published in the official journal of the state of
Louisiana (by the Office of Conservation) and mailed (by
the applicant) to the interested parties with an affidavit of
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
mailing submitted to the Office of Conservation. A copy of
the application does not have to be mailed to all interested
c. No administrative approval for the commingling
of gas and/or liquid hydrocarbons and the use of metering
for allocation of production will be granted, if, in the
judgment of the commissioner, after considering all the data
and information submitted, including any opposition
expressed by interested parties, administrative approval is
not warranted, or in the event any interested party files an
application for a public hearing opposing the granting of
commingling authority, together with the requisite hearing
fee, within 10 days following the first publication of the
notice of the application. The party seeking commingling
authority may also elect to file an application setting the
matter for consideration at a public hearing if administrative
approval is not granted.
d. Should the application for the use of metering be
approved, the applicant shall provide a suitable means of
testing each meter in order that the accuracy of any meter in
operation can be proven, such testing to be done monthly for
liquid hydrocarbon allocation meters and quarterly for
gaseous hydrocarbon allocation meters or at such other times
as the Commissioner of Conservation shall prescribe. The
applicant shall retain the actual reports of such tests, and
such reports shall be kept on file and available for inspection
by any agent of the Office of Conservation or any interested
party for a period of not less than three years. Permission, in
writing, from the Office of Conservation must be obtained
for all by-pass or other lines that will permit flow around the
regular meter, and each such line must have a meter that will
permit measurement. The commissioner may grant an
exception to this requirement if it is established to his
satisfaction that good grounds exist justifying said
e. Emergency authorization to commingle may be
obtained from the Office of Conservation for 90 days upon
proper showing that the methods of production and
allocation meet the minimum standards necessary for formal
approval if the well(s) would otherwise have to remain shut-
in pending formal approval. Under exceptional
circumstances this period may be extended for good cause
shown but for no longer than needed for an applicant
diligently pursuing formal approval.
f. Consolidation of two or more facilities may be
approved administratively without the necessity of a public
hearing by submitting a request for such to the Office of
g. All allocation measurements must be in
accordance with the American Petroleum Institute (API)
Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapter 20,
Allocation Measurement.
2. Well Tests
a. No authority to commingle gas and/or liquid
hydrocarbons and to use well tests for allocation of
production will be granted unless and until the following
data and information have been filed with the commissioner
with a copy to the district manager:
i. a completed application form for permission to
commingle gas and/or liquid hydrocarbon production along
with the requisite fee;
ii. a diagrammatic sketch of the mechanical
installation to be used along with a detailed explanation of
the flow of the gas and/or liquid hydrocarbons, the
procedures and frequency of well tests and for
calibration/proving of any metering devices and allocation
formulas to be utilized;
iii. a signed statement that, in the opinion of the
applicant, the commingling of gas and/or liquid
hydrocarbons and the use of well tests for allocation of
production in the manner proposed will provide reasonably
accurate measurement, will not create inequities, and will
afford the owner of any interest the opportunity to recover
his just and equitable share of production;
iv. a list of interested parties. This list shall
include only those parties who have interests in the leases
and/or units from which production is to be commingled if
approval is granted to the applicant and for which the
applicant has no existing commingling authority.
b. The application shall also include:
i. written approval of 100 percent of all interested
parties; or
ii. a request for a public hearing pursuant to R.S.
30:6; or
iii. if the applicant can demonstrate that one or
more prior commingling applications for the use of well test
allocation at the subject commingling facility have been
unsuccessful in obtaining 100 percent approval, that
approval was granted by order after a public hearing, and
that all leases involved in the subject application are the
same as the prior applications (i.e., no new leases), then the
applicant may request, and the commissioner may authorize,
the processing of such application under the same
procedures outlined in §1505.A.2 and 3 of this Statewide
c. Should the application for the approval of the use
of well tests be approved, such testing shall be done in a
manner that meets or exceeds the minimum standards set
forth herein below.
i. All wells shall be tested a minimum four hours
at least once a month to determine productivity rate.
ii. Wells having any erratic producing
characteristics that cause variable rates of flow while
producing on a continuous choke size shall be tested a
minimum of four hours biweekly to determine productivity
iii. If at any time between the regular testing
periods, as outlined above, the choke size of any well is
changed, the time and date of change shall be recorded and
productivity rate test conducted after the well has stabilized
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
on the new choke. Production allocation shall be made
according to these various productivity rates for the time
they were in effect.
iv. If at any time the choke in a well is changed
because of wear, tests shall be conducted before the choke is
changed and after the well has stabilized on the new choke.
The average rate between the previous productivity rate test
and the productivity rate test conducted immediately after
the choke has been changed shall be used to determine
production for this period back to the first day of the current
v. If the producing characteristics of a well
significantly change between the regular testing periods,
such as: the beginning or increase in water percentage; a
change in gas-oil ratio, especially above the 2000/1 limit; or
considerable change in tubing pressure, etc., then tests shall
be made at no longer than one-week intervals until
production again stabilizes.
vi. Daily checks on individual wellhead pressures
shall be recorded and maintained by the operator of each
well covered by the approval to commingle by well tests,
provided weather permits.
vii. If any operator feels that some other interval of
testing is appropriate, he may request an exception to the
above guidelines by writing the commissioner with a copy to
the district manager outlining his problems and suggested
interval of testing. The commissioner may, after consultation
with the district manager and staff, grant such exceptions as
he deems appropriate by special administrative order without
a public hearing.
viii. All allocation measurements must be in
accordance with the American Petroleum Institute (API)
Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapter 20,
Allocation Measurement.
d. All required tests shall be recorded on Form
DM-1-R, Form DT-1, or a document with a similar format
and made available for inspection by any agent of the Office
of Conservation or any interested party for a period of not
less than three years.
e. Emergency application to commingle may be
obtained from the Office of Conservation for 90 days upon
proper showing that the methods of production and
allocation meet the minimum standards necessary for formal
approval if the well(s) would otherwise have to remain shut-
in pending formal approval. Under exceptional
circumstances this period may be extended for good cause
shown but for no longer than needed for an applicant
diligently pursuing formal approval.
f. Consolidation of two or more facilities may be
approved administratively without the necessity of a public
hearing by submitting a request for such to the Office of
3. Other
a. If any operator feels that commingling of gas
and/or liquid hydrocarbons utilizing some method other than
metering or well tests for allocation of production is
appropriate, he may seek permission to do so in the manner
hereinafter provided and upon strict compliance with the
procedures set forth herein.
b. No authority to commingle gas and/or liquid
hydrocarbon production utilizing any method will be granted
unless and until the following data and information have
been filed with the commissioner with a copy to the district
i. a completed application form for permission to
commingle gas and/or liquid hydrocarbon production along
with the requisite fee;
ii. a diagrammatic sketch of the mechanical
installation to be used along with a detailed explanation of
the flow of the gas and/or liquid hydrocarbons and the
manner in which measurement and allocation will be
accomplished, including the procedures and frequency of
well tests, calibration/proving of any metering devices and
allocation formulas to be utilized;
iii. a signed statement that, in the opinion of the
applicant, the commingling of gas and/or liquid
hydrocarbons and the use of the method cited for allocation
of production in the manner proposed will provide
reasonably accurate measurement, will not create inequities,
and will afford the owner of any interest the opportunity to
recover his just and equitable share of production;
iv. a list of interested parties. This list shall
include only those parties who have interests in the leases
and/or units from which production is to be commingled if
approval is granted to the applicant and for which the
applicant has no existing commingling authority.
c. The commissioner shall advise the applicant
whether such application will be processed under the
provisions of §1505.A1-2, or some alternative procedure he
deems appropriate at his discretion, and the applicant shall
take the actions so mandated if he wishes to continue pursuit
of approval of his application.
d. Emergency authorization to commingle may be
obtained from the Office of Conservation for 90 days upon
proper showing that the methods of production and
allocation meet the minimum standards necessary for formal
approval if the well(s) would otherwise have to remain shut-
in pending formal approval. Under exceptional
circumstances this period may be extended for good cause
shown but for no longer than needed for an applicant
diligently pursuing formal approval.
e. Consolidation of two or more facilities may be
approved administratively without the necessity of a public
hearing by submitting a request for such to the Office of
f. This Statewide Order shall supersede Statewide
Order No. 29-D, but shall be in addition to all other
statewide orders, rules and regulations affecting the drilling
and production of gas and/or liquid hydrocarbons heretofore
promulgated. To the extent of any conflict with such other
orders, rules and regulations, however, provisions of this
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Statewide Order shall govern. In case of any conflict
between this Statewide Order and the special orders on
specific fields, said special orders on specific fields shall
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, March 1, 1955, amended February 25, 1957, June 1,
1962, amended and promulgated by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 19:768 (June 1993),
amended LR 23:585 (May 1997).
Chapter 17. Commingling of Oil and
Gas Production Offshore
§1701. Scope
A. This order provides rules and regulations governing
the commingling and the use of methods other than gauge
tanks for allocation of production, and the establishment of
permissive minimum standards for the commingling of
production and allocating the commingled production to the
individual wells in the offshore areas of Louisiana.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with
R.S.30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, March 1, 1955, amended February 25, 1957, June 1,
1962, amended and promulgated by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 19:769 (June 1993).
§1703. Definitions
A. Unless the context otherwise requires, the words
defined in this Section shall have the following meanings
when found in this order.
Deficient Wellswith reference to this particular order,
wells producing more than 25 percent BS&W, and/or
incapable of producing the current monthly depth bracket
District Managerthe head of any one of the districts
of the state and under the Office of Conservation, and as
used, refers specifically to the manager within whose district
the well or wells are located.
Officethe Office of Conservation of the state of
Productivity Ratethe rate of which the well is
producing into the common storage.
Top Allowable Wellsproratable wells capable of
producing the current monthly depth bracket allowable.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with
R.S.30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, March 1, 1955, amended February 25, 1957, June 1,
1962, amended and promulgated by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 19:769 (June 1993).
§1705. Order
A. From and after the effective date hereof, permission to
commingle gas and/or liquid hydrocarbons and to use
methods other than gauge tanks for allocation of production
in the offshore areas of Louisiana may be obtained without
the necessity of a public hearing in the absence of protests,
as hereinafter provided and upon strict compliance with the
procedure set forth herein, and upon strict compliance with
the permissive minimum standards as set forth in §1705.D
B. The provisions of Part XIX, Subpart 6, Chapter 15,
§1505.A, with reference to the filing of required data and
information, shall be incorporated in this supplement order
by reference.
C. Notice of the filing of the application to commingle
and to use methods other than gauge tanks for the allocation
of production, shall be mailed to the State Mineral Board of
the state of Louisiana, and where the field or fields made
subject to the application is seaward of the Zone I line as
defined in the State of LouisianaUnited States Agreement
of October 12, 1956, a notice shall be mailed to the
supervisor of the United States Geological Survey.
D. Should the application be for the approval of the use
of well tests in lieu of gauge tanks, and should the
application for same be approved, such testing shall be done
in compliance with the permissive minimum standards as set
forth herewith:
1. all top allowable wells shall be tested a minimum of
four hours at least once a month to determine productivity
2. deficient wells shall be tested a minimum of four
hours at least twice a month to determine productivity rate;
3. wells having any erratic producing characteristics
that cause variable rates of flow while producing on a
continuous choke size, shall be tested a minimum of four
hours at least weekly to determine productivity rate;
4. if at any time between, the regular testing periods,
as outlined above, the choke size of any well is changed, the
time and date of change shall be recorded and a productivity
rate test conducted after the well has stabilized on the new
choke. Production allocation would be made according to
these various productivity rates for the time they were in
5. if at any time the choke in a well is changed
because of wear, a test shall be conducted before the choke
is changed and another one after the well has stabilized on
the new choke. The average rate between the previous
productivity rate test and the productivity rate test conducted
immediately after the choke change should be used to
determine production for this period only back to the first
day of the current month;
6. if the producing characteristics of a well change
between the regular testing periods, such as: the beginning
or increase in water percentage; a change in gas-oil ratio,
especially above the 2000/1 limit; or, considerable change in
tubing pressure, etc., then tests shall be made at no longer
than one week intervals until production again stabilizes;
7. periodic spot checks should be made by members
of the office, especially on unstable wells, water producing
wells, and high gas-oil ratio wells;
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
8. daily checks on individual well head pressures shall
be recorded and maintained by the operator of each well
which has been granted permission to commingle in the
offshore areas provided weather permits;
9. if any operator feels that some other interval of
testing is appropriate he may request an exception to the
above in writing addressed to the district manager outlining
his problems and suggested interval of testing. The
commissioner may, upon recommendation of the district
manager and his staff, grant such exception as he deems
appropriate by special administrative order without a public
E. Should approval be given, the applicant shall indicate
in the remarks column of each current R-1 Report that
appropriate monthly well tests have been conducted. The
applicant shall retain the actual reports of such tests and such
reports shall be kept on file and available for inspection by
any agent of the Office of Conservation or any party at
interest, for a period of not less than three years.
F. The results of all tests required by this order shall be
certified as being true and correct by the party performing
the tests.
G. This order shall be cumulative of, and in addition to
all statewide orders, rules and regulations affecting the
drilling and production of gas and/or liquid hydrocarbons in
the offshore areas of Louisiana, as heretofore promulgated
and when in conflict therewith shall prevail.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with
R.S.30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, March 1, 1955, amended February 25, 1957, June 1,
1962, amended and promulgated by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 19:769 (June 1993).
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43
Part XIX. Office of ConservationGeneral Operations
Subpart 7. Statewide Order No. 29-E
Chapter 19. Oil and Gas Well
§1901. Scope
A. This order establishes rules and regulations for
spacing of wells drilled in search of oil and gas in areas of
Louisiana for which no spacing regulations have been
prescribed by Special Orders.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, August 1, 1957, amended September 1, 1957.
§1903. Definitions
A. Property Lineas used herein shall mean the
boundary dividing tracts on which mineral rights, royalty, or
leases are separately owned, except that where conventional
units shall have been created for the drilling of the well, the
boundaries of the unit shall be considered the property line.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, August 1, 1957, amended September 1, 1957.
§1905. Order
IT IS ORDERED THAT no permits shall be issued for the
drilling of wells in search of oil or gas and no well shall be
drilled in search of oil or gas nor shall a well be abandoned
in one pool and recompleted in another pool in a field in
Louisiana in which no spacing rule are prescribed by special
orders, unless the location of such well shall comply with the
following requirements.
1. No spacing shall be required for wells drilled in
search of oil to depths less than 3,000 feet subsea, except as
provided for in the last Paragraph of this order.
2. Wells drilled in search of oil to depths below 3,000
feet subsea shall not be located closer than 330 feet from any
property line nor closer than 900 feet from any other well
completed in, drilling to, or for which a permit shall have
been granted to drill to, the same pool.
3. Wells drilled in search of gas shall not be located
closer than 330 feet to any property line nor closer than
2,000 feet to any other well completed in, drilling to, or for
which a permit shall have been granted to drill to, the same
4. When an order has been issued creating a pattern of
drilling or developmental units for a pool, if application is
made for a permit to drill a well outside of the unit pattern
which might develop an extension of the pool, the
commissioner may require that such well be located and
drilled in compliance with the provisions of orders affecting
that pool.
5. All applications for permits to drill in search of oil
or gas shall contain with such application a commercial
ownership map containing such information that is in the
possession of the applicant showing:
a. the location of existing producing or drilling
b. the lease and property ownership of tracts
offsetting or in the vicinity of the well for which the permit
is sought; and
c. the location of the proposed well with respect to
property and lease lines, as provided for in Part XIX,
Subpart 1.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, August 1, 1957, amended September 1, 1957.
§1907. Exceptions
A. Exceptions to the above shall be granted when
conforming to the following requirements.
1 Where prior to the issuance of this order, a pool has
already been partially developed with a greater density of
wells than that prescribed herein, the Commissioner of
Conservation may, without additional public hearing,
exempt such pools from the provisions of this order. The
exemptions for these pools shall be granted only after
application has been made to the Commissioner of
Conservation in writing accompanied by a map delineating
the location of all existing wells completed and producing
from the pool for which exception is being asked.
2. Where prior to the issuance of this order a well has
previously been completed at a location offsetting the
property or unit line closer to the property or unit line than
the setback prescribed herein, the commissioner may,
without additional public hearing permit like exception for
this offsetting well, such exception to be limited to the pool
from which the offsetting well is producing.
3. The commissioner may, without additional public
hearing exempt from this order wells drilled in areas which
he considers to be affected by piercement type salt domes or
other complexly faulted areas to which, in the opinion of the
commissioner, this order would not be properly applicable.
These requests for exceptions shall also be made in writing
to the Commissioner of Conservation accompanied by
sufficient evidence to justify the exempt classification.
4. Where a permit is requested for a wildcat well to be
drilled in an area in which the surface or mineral ownership
is so divided that the well cannot be located in compliance
with the requirements of this order and a drilling unit cannot
be formed in advance of drilling because it is not known
whether the well will be completed as an oil well or a gas
well, a permit may nevertheless be granted for the drilling of
the well when the applicant presents evidence satisfactory to
the commissioner that the applicant has available for
assignment to said well leases or acreage of area and side to
constitute, in the judgment of the commissioner, a
reasonable producing unit for such well and such applicant
agrees to create or to apply to the commissioner for creation
of a reasonable producing unit within a reasonable time after
completion of the well.
5. In addition to the exceptions provided for in
§1907.A.1-4 hereof, the commissioner may, without
additional public hearing, grant an exception to the
provisions of this order in any case where the granting of
such an exception appears to be necessary to prevent waste,
to prevent inequity or loss of property rights. Such an
exception shall be considered and granted under this
Paragraph only when the applicant shall have furnished the
following data and evidence through the district manager.
a. A letter setting forth all pertinent facts and
reasons why the granting of the exception is necessary.
b. A formal application for permit to drillForm
c. An ownership map as required by the provisions
of §1905.A.5.a-c hereof.
d. A written certificate that copies of the letter
request provided for in §1907.A.5.a hereof and of the
ownership map have been sent to each lease owner of tract
offsetting or in the vicinity of the proposed well.
i. If within 10 days after the filing of the
application no protest shall have been made in writing by
any party and if the commissioner considers that from the
evidence submitted the requested permit should be granted,
he may issue it forthwith and without a public hearing. If a
written protest should be filed within the 10-day period, the
commissioner may in his discretion either:
(a). issue or deny the permit based on the
available evidence; or
(b). call a public hearing after legal notice.
ii. If the permit application is denied without a
public hearing, the applicant then may apply for and obtain a
public hearing in the manner provided by law.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, August 1, 1957, amended September 1, 1957.
§1909. Additional Specifications
A. When the pools covered by this order have had four
wells drilled to and completed therein or after one year has
elapsed from the completion of the first well in the field,
whichever occurs first, the operator of wells in the field shall
petition the Commissioner of Conservation for a public
hearing for the purposes of establishing field rules and
regulations and the creation of drilling units for the pools in
the field. The right is reserved, however, to any party in
interest to apply for a hearing at an earlier date: and if the
commissioner finds from an examination of the information
furnished in connection with any application for a drilling
permit that an earlier hearing should be held to establish
rules and drilling units, the commissioner may impose a
condition in the drilling permit that such an application be
filed within a reasonable time, to be specified by the
commissioner, after the successful completion of the well in
the horizon to which it is projected.
B. This order is intended only to regulate the spacing of
wells prior to the establishment of special rules and
regulations and the creation of drilling units, and it should
not be construed as having the effect of unitizing separate
ownerships or of creating drilling or spacing units.
C. This order also is not intended to eliminate pools
shallower than 3,000 feet from appropriate rules and
regulations, including spacing regulations after notice and
public hearing. After sufficient geological and engineering
evidence is available with respect to these pools found at
depths of 3,000 feet or less subsea then the operator or
operators owning wells therein are required to petition the
Commissioner of Conservation for a public hearing for the
purpose of establishing rules and regulations and the
creation of drilling units for each such pool.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, August 1, 1957, amended September 1, 1957.
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43
Part XIX. Office of ConservationGeneral Operations
Subpart 8. Statewide Order No. 29-F
Chapter 21. Allowable Production of
Natural Gas
§2101. Scope
A. Concerning the establishment of allowable production
of natural gas from wells in Louisiana classified by the
Department of Conservation as gas wells producing from
non-associated gas pools; prescribing the manner in which
allowable gas maybe produced and providing a uniform
manner for balancing overproduction and underproduction.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation (November 8, 1955), amended (July 1, 1959).
§2103. Order
A. The volume of natural gas permitted to be produced
from all wells in Louisiana classified by the Department of
Conservation as gas wells producing from non-associated
gas pools (hereinafter referred to as "allowable"), shall be
established in the manner hereinafter set forth and gas shall
be produced from such wells in the manner herein
1. Application
a. This order shall apply to all wells in Louisiana
producing gas from nonassociated gas pools, whether
covered by Special Order or not, and any provisions of prior
orders, including Special Field Orders, conflict herewith are
hereby modified to the extent of such conflict only.
b. This order shall not apply to casinghead gas
produced from wells classified by the Department of
Conservation as oil wells, nor to pools in which gas cycling
or pressure maintenance projects have been covered by
Special Orders.
c. Where a gas pool reaches a stage of depletion
which would render the enforcement of this order
impracticable or unduly burdensome either on the
Department of Conservation or upon the producers, gathers
or purchasers of gas from such pool, the Commissioner of
Conservation may exempt such pool from the provisions of
this order by notice to the producers and purchasers of gas
from the pool who filed producers or transporters reports
with the Department of Conservation for the month
immediately prior thereto.
2. Nominations
a. On or before December 5, 1955, and on or before
the fifth day of March, June, September and December of
each year thereafter, each gas purchasing company, user,
transporter, gathering system operator or other party
receiving gas at the well or at a central delivery point shall
file gas nominations in the form of affidavits, stating the
volume of gas which will be purchased or withdrawn from
each pool within a field during the next succeeding calendar
quarter of the year. These nominations shall be filed, in
duplicate, by the conservation district, with one copy to the
commissioner and one copy to the appropriate district office.
These nominations must conform to the actual volumes of
gas which the nominator anticipates will be required to
fulfill its requirements from the field during the succeeding
calendar quarter of the year and shall be expressed on a daily
average for the period. At the same time the nominator shall
report to the commissioner the actual volume of gas
purchased, used, or transported by it during the
corresponding quarter of the previous calendar year and
shall also be expressed on a daily average for the period.
3. Allowables
a. The commissioner may supplement such
nominations and reports with gas market information
otherwise available to him, and will then determine the
reasonable market demand for gas to be produced during
such next ensuing quarterly period from each pool. The total
indicated requirements for a pool shall then be allocated
among the wells within the pool in accordance with the
formula adopted for such pool, by Special Order applicable
to such pool, or, if no formula has been adopted for a pool
by a Special Order, shall be apportioned among the
producing wells in the pool in proportion to the productive
area assigned to each well.
b. If any well or wells shall be incapable of
producing the full allowable so determined, an allowable
shall be fixed for each such well upon the basis of its ability
to produce, and the aggregate allowables of such wells as so
fixed shall be subtracted from the reservoir allowable, and
the remainder of the allowable for the pool shall be allocated
to the remaining wells upon the basis of the formula in
c. The scheduled allowables for each well as issued
by the Commissioner of Conservation for each quarterly
period shall be expressed as an average daily allowable for
the period. For the purpose of reporting monthly production
to the commissioner, the daily allowable for each well times
the number of days in the calendar month shall be reported
as the monthly allowable.
d. No gas well shall be entitled to an allowable, nor
shall an allowable be granted, until all necessary physical
connections are made to permit full utilization of the
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
allowable to be granted nor until a plat has been filed, in
triplicate, with the Commissioner of Conservation showing
the productive acreage attributable to said well, the location
of all wells on the lease and immediately surrounding the
lease producing from the reservoir and the ownership of said
lease. Should the commissioner consider that any acreage
assigned by an operator to a well for the computation of
allowable production not to be productive, the commissioner
may exclude such acreage which he considers nonproductive
in computing the allowable production for the well, or may
require the operator to file new plat of acreage assignable to
the well all of which the commissioner considers to be
e. Allowables for newly completed gas wells shall
commence on the date of completion provided the well is
physically connected to a market and provided a plat is on
file. No productive acreage attributed to a well shall be
attributed to any other drilling or producing well in the same
pool. The allowable for a new well completed in a pool
during any allowable period shall be established by the same
formula as was used in fixing the allowable for wells already
producing from that pool at the beginning of the allowable
f. The commissioner shall have the right, when
emergencies arise, to issue such emergency allowables as
become necessary in order to satisfy, for the period of the
emergency, an increased demand for gas.
4. Balancing of Production to Allowable
a. Except as hereinafter prohibited, any gas well
may produce during a calendar month twice the allowable
assigned to it, provided that its production shall be brought
into balance at the times and in the manner herein
prescribed. When the monthly production from a well
exceeds its monthly allowable, the excess shall be termed
overproduction, and when a well's monthly production is
less than its monthly allowable the deficiency shall be
termed "underproduction."
b. Each producer shall keep a monthly account of
the cumulative production status of each gas well as to
overproduction and underproduction and shall report such
cumulative production status on the R5P reports filed
monthly with the Department of Conservation.
c. For the purpose of this order, on July 1, 1955, all
gas wells shall be considered in balance and not credited
with any underproduction or charged with any
overproduction, but thereafter when any gas well shall have
a cumulative overproduction status the last six months of
any year, the operator or owner of such well shall reduce the
production of gas from the well during the first six months
of the following year below the regular allowables so as to
bring its production in balance with its allowable by the first
day of July of that year. Such reduced production may be at
varying rates of withdrawal, normally experienced in gas
production and marketing, so long as the overproduction is
eliminated by the first day of July. Any well having a
cumulated overproduction status on the first day of July of
any year shall be closed in and not produced until such
overproduction is entirely eliminated.
d. When any gas well shall have a cumulative
underproduction status at the end of the last six months of
any year, such underproduction may be made up during the
first six months of the following year, but any
underproduction remaining on the first day of July of any
year shall be canceled and shall not thereafter be made up.
5. Capability of Wells to Produce
a. Anything herein contained to the contrary
notwithstanding, no well shall be produced in excess of its
maximum efficient rate of production nor at a monthly rate
in excess of twice its monthly allowable, even during
make-up periods.
b. Unless waived by the commissioner, each
producer shall conduct semiannual deliverability tests of
each producing gas well by methods approved by the
commissioner; the results of such tests to be reported on
Form DT-1 entitled Gas Well Deliverability Test.
Conservation district managers may schedule test periods for
each field in his district and notify all producers at least 10
days in advance of such field tests, and in that instance, such
deliverability tests shall be made in accordance with the
schedule. Where no such schedule is made in a conservation
district, each producer may schedule such tests at his own
convenience, but shall give the manager of the conservation
district in which the well is to be tested notice at least 10
days in advance of the proposed test, in order that the district
manager may have the test witnessed by a representative of
the conservation department if he so desires.
c. When any well becomes incapable of producing
its current allowable, or when the allowable assigned to a
well exceeds an efficient producing rate or might result in
injury to the well or reservoir, such matters shall be reported
to the manager of the conservation district in which the well
is located within five days after they become known to the
producer, and the allowable for that well shall be reduced to
its productive capacity or efficient rate, whichever is lower.
d. When any well shall cease to produce or be
incapable of delivering gas into the line, the producer shall
report that fact to the manager of the conservation district
where the well is located.
6. Ratable Take
a. During the last six months of each year, the
commissioner shall make a survey of the production of gas
from fields having more than one market. Should the
commissioner find that during the preceding six-month
period, gas has not been taken ratably from the wells in any
reservoir in accordance with the allowables established by
him, he shall call a conference of all producers, purchasers
and gatherers who are currently filing with the Department
of Conservation reports of production, purchase or
transportation of gas from the reservoir, and determine the
reason why gas has not been taken in accordance with the
allowables established by him and shall make such
adjustments in allowables or take such further action as he
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
may deem appropriate to accomplish a ratable taking of gas
from the various wells in the reservoir.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation (November 8, 1955), amended (July 1, 1959).
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43
Part XIX. Office of ConservationGeneral Operations
Subpart 9. Statewide Order No. 29-G-1
Chapter 23. Automatic Custody
§2301. Scope
A. This Statewide Order provides rules and regulations
governing applications for measurement and transfer of
custody of liquid hydrocarbons by the use of methods other
than customary gauge tanks from fields in the state of
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, July 15, 1959, amended and promulgated by the
Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR
19:758 (June 1993), amended LR 23:580 (May 1997).
§2303. Definitions
A. Unless the context otherwise requires, the words
defined in this Section shall have the following meanings
when found in this Statewide Order.
Automatic Custody Transferthat the liquid
hydrocarbons were automatically measured as they are
transferred from the producer to the carrier.
Commissionerthe Commissioner of Conservation.
District Managerthe head of any one of the districts
of the state of Louisiana under the Office of Conservation,
and specifically, the manager within whose district the field
or fields affected by the application are located.
Interested Partyany person who is known to the
applicant after reasonable search to presently own an interest
in production being considered for automatic custody
Officethe Office of Conservation of the state of
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, July 15, 1959, amended and promulgated by the
Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR
19:758 (June 1993), amended LR 23:580 (May 1997).
§2305. Order
A. From and after the effective date hereof, permission to
measure and transfer custody of liquid hydrocarbons by use
of methods other than customary gauge tanks may be
obtained as hereinafter provided and upon strict compliance
with the procedure set forth herein.
B. No permission to use methods other than customary
gauge tanks for measurement and custody transfer of liquid
hydrocarbons will be granted unless and until the following
data and information have been filed with the commissioner
with a copy to the district manager:
1. a completed application form for permission to
measure and transfer custody of liquid hydrocarbons by use
of methods other than customary gauge tanks along with the
requisite fee;
2. a diagrammatic sketch of the mechanical
installation to be used along with a detailed explanation of
the flow of liquid hydrocarbons, indicating locations of
locking devices and seals to provide assurance against or
evidence of tampering;
3. a cosigned statement by producer and carrier that,
in their opinion, the transfer of liquid hydrocarbons in the
manner proposed will provide reasonably accurate
measurement and will not create inequities, and will afford
the owner of any interest the opportunity to recover his just
and equitable share of production. The statement
incorporated in the application form will suffice for this
purpose if signed by both parties, otherwise a separate
statement is required;
4. a list of interested parties. This list shall include
only those parties who have interests in the leases and/or
units from which production is to be measured and custody
transferred if approval is granted to the applicant and for
which the applicant has no existing authority.
C. Notice of the filing of an application to measure and
transfer of custody of liquid hydrocarbons by use of methods
other than customary gauge tanks shall be published in the
Official Journal of the State of Louisiana (by the Office of
Conservation) and mailed (by the applicant) to the interested
parties with an affidavit of mailing submitted to the Office of
Conservation. A copy of the application does not have to be
mailed to all interested parties.
D. No administrative approval for measurement and
automatic custody transfer of liquid hydrocarbons will be
granted, if, in the judgment of the commissioner, after
considering all the data and information submitted, including
any opposition expressed by interested parties,
administrative approval is not warranted, or in the event any
interested party files an application for a public hearing
opposing the granting of authority for measurement and
automatic custody transfer, together with the requisite
hearing fee, within 10 days following the first publication of
the notice of the application. The party seeking authority for
measurement and automatic custody transfer may elect to
file an application setting the matter for consideration at a
public hearing if administrative approval is not granted.
E. Should the application for measurement and
automatic custody transfer of liquid hydrocarbons be
approved, the applicant shall provide a suitable means of
testing each meter in order that its accuracy in operation can
be proven, such testing to be done before or at the time the
meter is initially installed and monthly thereafter or at such
other times as the Commissioner of Conservation shall
prescribe. The applicant shall retain the actual reports of
such tests, and such reports shall be kept on file and
available for inspection by any agent of the Office of
Conservation or any interested party for a period of not less
than three years.
F. This Statewide Order shall supersede Statewide Order
No. 29-G, but shall be in addition to all other statewide
orders, rules and regulations affecting the production and
measurement of liquid hydrocarbons heretofore
promulgated. To the extent of any conflict with such other
statewide orders, rules and regulations, however, the
provisions of this statewide order shall govern.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, July 1959, amended and promulgated by the
Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR
19:758 (June 1993), amended LR 23:580 (May 1997).
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43
Part XIX. Office of ConservationGeneral Operations
Subpart 10. Statewide Order No. 29-H-1
Chapter 25. New Pools
§2501. Scope
A. Order terminating Statewide Order No. 29-H,
effective May 24, 1960, which adopted the basis of
determination of allowable oil production and complemental
spacing regulations for oil wells in any new pool, as defined
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with
R.S.30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, May 24, 1960, amended January 1, 1980, amended
and promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources, Office
of Conservation, LR 19:767 (June 1993).
§2503. Order
A. Statewide Order No. 29-H, effective May 24, 1960,
be and is hereby terminated.
B. The allowable assignment for each oil well, including
those wells previously assigned allowables based on the
provisions of Statewide Order No. 29-H, should be based on
the Statewide Crude Oil Depth Bracket Allowable Schedule
adopted by Part XIX, Subpart 16, effective January 1, 1978.
C. The spacing provision requirements for wells in pools
developed or being developed under Statewide Order No.
29-H should henceforth be regulated in accordance with the
requirements as set forth in Chapter XIX, Subpart 7.
D. Any special order of the Office of Conservation
which has adopted the spacing provision requirements of
Statewide Order No. 29-H should be amended by reference
and such provision requirements should be considered
expunged coincident with the termination of Statewide
Order No. 29-3H, and simultaneously therewith, the spacing
provision requirements of Chapter XIX, Subpart 7 should be
considered adopted.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with
R.S.30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, May 24, 1960, amended January 1, 1980, amended
and promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources, Office
of Conservation, LR 19:767 (June 1993).
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43
Part XIX. Office of ConservationGeneral Operations
Subpart 11. Statewide Order No. 29-J
Chapter 27. Tubingless Completions
§2701. Scope
A. This order provides rules and regulations governing
unprotested applications in the use of tubingless completions
in the state of Louisiana.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with
R.S.30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, March 1, 1961, amended May 1, 1963, amended and
promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources, Office of
Conservation, LR 19:777 (June 1993).
§2703. Definitions
A. Unless the context otherwise requires, the words
defined in this Section shall have the following meanings
when found in this order.
i. Electric Log does not indicate any commercial
productive sand above proposed top of cement.
District Managerthe head of any one of the districts
of the state of Louisiana under the Office of Conservation,
and, as used, refers specifically to the manager within whose
district the field or fields are located.
Officethe Office of Conservation of the state of
Tubingless Completionthe completion of any well so
as to permit the passage of production from one separate
underground source through one production casing set in the
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with
R.S.30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, March 1, 1961, amended May 1, 1963, amended and
promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources, Office of
Conservation, LR 19:777 (June 1993).
§2705. Order
A. From and after the effective date hereof, permission to
complete and produce wells without the use of tubing may
be obtained from the district manager without the necessity
of a public hearing in the absence of protests, and upon strict
compliance with the procedure set forth herein.
B. No permission to complete and produce wells without
the use of tubing will be granted without a public hearing
unless and until the data and information required by the
district manager shall have been filed in his office; said
filings to be made in duplicate and to include the following
IN THE ___________________ FIELD.
Date:__________________Serial No.:__________________
Field Name:________ Parish:________ Dept. Dist:________
Operator:__________ Lease:_______ Well No.:__________
1. This application is for:
a. A proposed well
b. A well now being drilled
c. A well now drilled to total depth
2. The following facts are submitted:
a. Name of reservoir:
b. Approximate top of pay section:
c. Approximate bottom of pay section:
d. Approximate perforations:
e. Type of production (oil or gas):
f. Reservoir pressure: _______ psig at __________ feet
g. Reservoir pressure gradient: _____ psi per foot (from
h. Anticipated method of production following initial
completion (flowing or artificial lift):
3. The following are attached:
a. Diagrammatic sketch of proposed tubingless
completion installation.
b. Plat showing location of well.
4. Has the district manager of the Office of Conservation
granted tubingless completion in this field prior to this
application? _________
5. Does all geological and engineering data now available
indicate that this well and/or pool contains limited reserves to
the extent that a normal completion is not feasible from the
standpoint of economics? ________
6. List all other operators in the field where this well is
located together with correct mailing address of each and
evidence that each such operator has approved the tubingless
completion applied for.
7. Is the fluid to be produced conducive to corrosion to the
extent that any resulting corrosion will destroy the effective
seal of the production casing during the producing life of this
8. If the answer to Item 7 above is Yes, what steps are
proposed to combat or circumvent this corrosion problem?
By _____________________________
Date Approved: __________ ______________________
District Manager
This is to certify that, to the best of my knowledge and
belief, the information contained in this application is true and
C. If an applicant for a tubingless completion installation
is unable to obtain the approval of all of the other operators
in the field then such an applicant must apply for a public
hearing following the usual 10-day advertisement period
after furnishing a list of all known parties, including
operators and royalty owners, affected by the application, all
in accordance with Title 30 of the Louisiana Revised
Statutes of 1950, as amended.
D. All approved applications shall be subject to the
applicant's conforming with the following requirements.
1. Conductor Pipe. The use and removal of conductor
pipe during the drilling of any oil or gas well shall be at the
option of the operator. Conductor pipe is that pipe ordinarily
used for the purpose of supporting unconsolidated surface
2. Surface and Intermediate Casing. All fresh water
sands shall be cased off by the surface or first intermediate
casing in accordance with provisions of Part XIX, Subpart 1.
3. Producing Oil String
a. Producing or oil string is that casing used for the
purpose of segregating the horizon from which production is
obtained and affording a means of communication between
such horizon and the surface.
b. The producing string of casing shall consist of
new or reconditioned casing tested at mill tent pressure or at
1.25 times the maximum anticipated bottomhole pressure,
whichever is greater. The producing string of casing shall be
set at a sufficient depth to cut off all gas formations above
the oil-saturated horizon in which the well is to be
completed. The position of the oil horizon shall be
determined by coring, testing or electrical logging, or other
satisfactory method, and the producing string of casing shall
be bottomed and cemented at a point below the gas/oil
contact, if determinable and practicable. The producing
string of casing shall be of sufficient size and completed
with the proper amount of tension so as to allow the running
of conventional bottomhole pressure bombs, temperature
survey units and all instruments of similar nature to the
depth of the producing horizon.
c. Cement shall be by the pump and plug method,
or another method approved by the office. Sufficient cement
shall be used to fill the calculated annular space behind the
casing to such a point as, in the opinion of the district
manager, local conditions require to protect the producing
formations and all other oil and gas formations occurring
above, but in every case, no less cement shall be used than
the calculated amount necessary to fill the annular space to a
point 500 feet above the top producing zone. The calculated
amount of cement required shall be determined by a hole
caliper survey or 1.5 times the theoretical volume required to
fill this annular area.
d. The amount of cement to be left remaining in the
casing, until the requirements of §2705.D.3.e below have
been met, shall be not less than 20 feet. This shall be
accomplished through the use of a float collar or other
approved or practicable means, unless a full-hole cementer,
or its equivalent, is used.
e. Cement shall be allowed to stand a minimum of
12 hours under pressure and a minimum total of 24 hours
before initiating test or drilling plug in the producing or oil
string. Under pressure is complied with if one or more float
valves are employed and are shown to be holding the cement
in place, or when other means of holding pressure are used.
When an operator elects to perforate and squeeze or to
cement around the shoe, he may proceed with such work
after 12 hours have elapsed after placing the first cement.
f. Before drilling the plug in the producing string of
casing in wells drilled to 3,000 feet or less, the casing shall
be tested with a pressure equivalent to 1,500 psi surface
pressure applied with water in the casing, and in wells
drilled deeper than 3,000 feet, the casing shall be tested with
a pressure equivalent to 3,000 psi surface pressure applied
with water in the casing. If, at the end of 30 minutes, the
pressure gauge shows a drop of 10 percent of the test
pressure or more, the operator shall be required to take such
corrective measures as will insure that the producing string
of casing is so set and cemented that it will hold said
pressure for 30 minutes without a drop of more than
10 percent of the test pressure on the gauge.
g. If the commissioner's agent is not present at the
time designated by the operator for inspection of the casing
tests of the producing string, the operator shall have such
tests witnessed, preferably by an offset operator. An affidavit
of the test, on the form prescribed by the Office of
Conservation, signed by the operator and witness, shall be
furnished to the district office of the Office of Conservation
shown that the test conformed satisfactorily to the above
mentioned regulations before proceeding with the
completion. If test is satisfactory, normal operations may be
resumed immediately.
h. If the test is unsatisfactory, the operator shall not
proceed with the completion of the well until a satisfactory
test has been obtained.
i. A temperature survey shall be run in the
producing string prior to perforating if returns were lost
during cementing or unusual circumstances were noted
during the primary cementing operation to assure all
interested parties that the cement has been displaced a
sufficient height outside the producing casing.
j. If a kill string is recommended by the district
manager for the prevention of underground waste and the
operator does not concur, such requirement pertaining to the
installation of a kill string shall be resolved by the
conservation commissioner and his staff after due
consideration and review. The conservation commissioner
and his staff shall also determine the minimum setting depth,
size, and quality of the kill string, if required.
k. No permit to make a tubingless completion in a
corrosive or extreme pressure (gradient in excess of 0.5 psi
per foot of depth or surface tubing pressure in excess of
4,500 psig) field shall be granted unless preventive measures
for the corrosion or extreme pressure problems have been
resolved and approved by the district manager.
E. This order shall be cumulative of and in addition to all
Statewide Orders, rules and regulations affecting the drilling
and production of gas and/or liquid hydrocarbons heretofore
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
promulgated, and when anything in this order is in conflict
therewith, then the provisions of this order shall govern. In
case of conflict between this order and any special orders
issued on specific fields, said special orders on specific
fields shall govern.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with
R.S.30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation March 1, 1961, amended May 1, 1963, amended and
promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources, Office of
Conservation, LR 19:777 (June 1993).
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43
Part XIX. Office of ConservationGeneral Operations
Subpart 12. Statewide Order No. 29-K-1
Chapter 29. Substitute Unit Wells
§2901. Scope
A. This order provides rules and regulations governing
the unprotested applications for designation of substitute unit
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, May 4, 1964, amended and promulgated by the
Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR
19:775 (June 1993), amended LR 21:1085 (October 1995).
§2903. Definitions
A. Unless the context otherwise requires, the words
defined in this Section shall have the following meanings
when found in this order.
Commissionerthe Commissioner of Conservation of
the state of Louisiana.
District Managerthe manager of any one of the
districts of the state of Louisiana under the Office of
Conservation, and, as used, refers specifically to the
manager within whose district the field or fields affected by
the special order, as hereinafter defined, are located.
Interested Partyany person, as person is defined in
Title 30 of the R.S. of 1950, who is known to the applicant
after diligent search to own an interest in the unit affected by
the application.
Legal Locationany location which is in accordance
with applicable special and statewide orders.
Special Orderany order of the commissioner and any
amendments or supplements thereto which created the unit
for which the designation of a substitute unit well is
Substitute Unit Wellany well already drilled to, or to
be drilled to, completed or recompleted in the unitized sand
which in the interest of good conservation practices should
be designated to take the place of and become the unit well.
Unitany drilling unit or units created by order of the
Unitized Sandthe sand covered by the special order.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, May 4, 1964, amended and promulgated by the
Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR
19:775 (June 1993), amended LR 21:1085 (October 1995).
§2905. Order
A. On and after the effective date hereof the
commissioner may designate by supplemental order a
substitute unit well at a legal location for any unit without
the necessity of a public hearing upon proper showing that
such substitute unit well is desirable and in the interest of
sound conservation and that the location thereof complies in
all respects with applicable special and statewide orders.
B. Future applications after the effective date hereof for
the designation of a substitute unit well at a legal location
shall be made to the commissioner with copy to the district
manager and to interested parties and such application shall
include the following:
1. statement of reason explaining the need or desire
for the designation of the substitute unit well;
2. plat showing the unit, the unit well and the location
of the proposed substitute unit well, with particular reference
to the distance to unit boundaries and other wells drilling to,
completed in, or permitted for the Unitized Sand;
3. name of sand, field and parish where the unit is
4. name of the operator of the unit;
5. the number of the order or orders establishing the
unit and the name of the unit, including the number or letter
designation of the unit;
6. the plat attached to the application should not
exceed 16 inches by 22 inches;
7. an application fee as established by
LAC 43:XIX.201 et seq. (Statewide Order Number 29-Q-1)
or successor regulation.
C. Notice of the filing of the application for designation
of a substitute unit well shall be published in the Official
Journal of the state of Louisiana.
D. Based on the application the commissioner may, at
any time after 10 days following the date on which the
notice is published, issue a supplemental order designating a
substitute unit well as proposed unless prior thereto
application for public hearing opposing such designation is
filed with the required hearing fee and in compliance with
the LAC 43:XIX.3901 et seq. (rules of procedure).
E. This order supersedes Statewide Order Number 29-K
and shall be effective on and after October 20, 1995.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, May 4, 1964, amended and promulgated by the
Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR
19:775 (June 1993), amended LR 21:1085 (October 1995).
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43
Part XIX. Office of ConservationGeneral Operations
Subpart 13. Statewide Order No. 29-L-3
Chapter 31. Termination of Units
§3101. Scope
A. This order establishes rules and regulations for
termination of any unit established by the Commissioner of
Conservation pursuant to the authority of Title 30 of the
Revised Statutes of 1950.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with RS.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 15:741 (September
1989), repromulgated LR 19:776 (June 1993), amended LR
21:1083 (October 1995), LR 30:255 (February 2004),
repromulgated LR 30:437 (March 2004).
§3103. Definitions
A. Unless the context otherwise requires, the words
defined in this Section shall have the following meaning
when found in this order.
District Managerthe manager of any one of the
districts of the state of Louisiana under the Office of
Conservation, and refers specifically to the manager within
whose district the pool for which any unit(s) are sought to be
terminated are located.
Interested Partyany person, as person is defined in
Title 30 of the Revised Statutes of 1950, who owns an
interest in any unit(s) sought to be terminated.
Poolan underground reservoir containing a common
accumulation of crude petroleum or natural gas or both.
Each zone of a general structure which is completely
separated from any other zone in the structure is covered by
the term pool.
Unitany unit(s), whether one or more, established for
a particular pool, by order of the Commissioner of
Conservation pursuant to authority of Subsection B of
Section 9 or Subsection B or C of Section 5 of Title 30 of the
Revised Statutes of 1950.
Wellall wells drilled within the confines of any unit(s)
sought to be terminated.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with
RS.30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 15:741 (September
1989), repromulgated LR 19:776 (June 1993), amended LR
21:1083 (October 1995), LR 30:255 (February 2004),
repromulgated LR 30:437 (March 2004).
§3105. Order
A. Termination of All Existing Units for a Pool
1. On and after the effective date hereof, a
supplemental order terminating all existing units established
by the commissioner for a pool may be issued after written
application and upon proper showing in the manner provided
herein, and in the absence of protest without the necessity of
a public hearing, when with respect to the pool for which the
unit was established, a period of one year and 90 days has
elapsed without:
a. production from the pool; and
b. the existence of a well proven capable of
producing from the pool; and
c. drilling, reworking, recompletion, deepening or
plugging back operations having been conducted on a well
to secure or restore production from the pool.
2. Each application for unit termination shall be filed
with the commissioner with a copy to the district manager
and each interested party. Interested parties need not be
furnished information described in §3105.A.2.b, d and e.
The application shall include the following:
a. a plat showing all existing units established for
the pool, with each well located thereon, together with order
number(s) and effective date of the order(s) of the
commissioner establishing said units. Each well shall be
identified on such plat by operator of record, serial number
and well name and number or by reference to an appropriate
b. a signed statement indicating the status of each
well. Should there exist a well which has not been plugged
and abandoned in accordance with LAC 43:XlX.137,
sufficient geological, engineering, or other data with detailed
explanation thereof to clearly demonstrate that said well is
not capable of producing from the pool;
c. a signed statement indicating that with respect to
the pool for which the unit was established, to the best of
applicant's knowledge, a period of one year and 90 days has
elapsed without:
i. production from the pool; and
ii. the existence of a well proven capable of
producing from the pool; and
iii. drilling, reworking, recompletion, deepening or
plugging back operations having been conducted on a well
to secure or restore production from the pool;
d. a list of all interested parties identified by the
applicant after reasonable search to whom a copy of the
application has been sent;
e. an application fee as established by
LAC 43:XIX.201 et seq.
3. Notice of the filing of the application of unit
termination shall be published in the official journal of the
state of Louisiana giving notice that unless a written protest
is filed with the commissioner within the 30-day period from
the date of publication of notice, the commissioner may
issue a supplemental order for such unit termination. In the
event written objection is filed within said 30-day period, the
applicant may apply for a public hearing for consideration of
the application.
4. In the event that production from the pool is
subsequently reestablished from an existing well which was
deemed not capable of producing from the pool as of the
effective date of unit termination, the operator of record of
such well shall immediately apply to the commissioner for a
public hearing, after 30-day legal notice, to consider
evidence concerning whether the previously existing unit on
which the well is located should be reestablished for such
B. Termination of Any Existing Unit for a Pool
1. On and after the effective date hereof, a
supplemental order terminating any existing unit(s)
established by the commissioner for a pool may be issued
after written application and upon proper showing in the
manner provided herein, and in the absence of protest
without the necessity of a public hearing, when with respect
to the unit(s) to be terminated, each of the following apply as
of the date the application for unit termination is filed with
the commissioner:
a. a period of five years has elapsed without any
production from the unit(s); and
b. there is no well located on the unit(s) which is
capable of producing from the pool for which the unit(s) was
established; and
c. a period of one year and 90 days has elapsed
without any drilling, reworking, recompletion, deepening or
plugging back operations having been conducted on a well
located on the unit(s) to be terminated in an attempt to
secure or restore production from the pool for which the
unit(s) was established.
2. Each application for unit termination shall be filed
with the commissioner with a copy to the district manager
and each interested party. Interested parties need not be
furnished information described in §3105.B.2.b, d and e. The
application shall include the following:
a. a plat showing the existing unit(s) to be
terminated, with each well located thereon, together with
order number and effective date of the order of the
commissioner establishing said unit(s). Each well shall be
identified on such plat by operator of record, serial number
and well name and number or by reference to an appropriate
b. a signed statement indicating the status of each
well. Should there exist a well which has not been plugged
and abandoned in accordance with LAC 43:XlX.137,
sufficient geological, engineering, or other data with detailed
explanation thereof to clearly demonstrate that said well
located on the unit(s) is not capable of producing from the
pool for which the unit(s) was created;
c. a signed statement indicating that with respect to
the unit(s) to be terminated, to the best of applicant's
knowledge, each of the following apply as of the date the
application for unit termination is filed with the
i. a period of five years has elapsed without any
production from the unit(s); and
ii. there is no well located on the unit(s) to be
terminated which is capable of producing from the pool for
which the unit(s) was established; and
iii. a period of one year and 90 days has elapsed
without any drilling, reworking, recompletion, deepening or
plugging back operations having been conducted on a well
located on the unit(s) in an attempt to secure or restore
production from the pool for which the unit(s) was
established; and
iv. there is no unexpired drilling permit for the
drilling of a new well on the unit(s) to be terminated to a
depth which would penetrate the pool for which the unit(s)
was established;
d. a list of all interested parties identified by the
applicant after reasonable search to whom a copy of the
application has been sent;
e. an application fee as established by
LAC 43:XIX.201 et seq.
3. Notice of the filing of the application of unit
termination shall be published in the official journal of the
state of Louisiana giving notice that unless a written protest
is filed with the commissioner within the 30-day period from
the date of publication of notice, the commissioner may
issue a supplemental order for such unit termination. In the
event written objection is filed within said 30-day period, the
applicant may apply for a public hearing for consideration of
the application.
C. The effective date of any supplemental order issued
hereunder can not be prior to the expiration of the legal
advertisement period, reference §3l05.A.3 and §3105.B.3
hereof. Consequently, any activity described in §3105.A.1
and §3105.B.1 hereof, occurring between the date of the
signed statement, reference §3105.A.2.c and §3105.B.2.c
hereof and the expiration of the legal advertisement period,
shall result in application denial.
D. Any supplemental order issued hereunder approving
the application terminating any unit(s) created for the pool
shall be filed for record as provided in Section 11.1 of Title
30 of the Revised Statutes of 1950.
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
E. This order supersedes Statewide Order Number 29-L-
2 and shall be effective on and after February 20, 2004.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 15:741 (September
1989), amended LR 19:776 (June 1993), repromulgated LR
19:1030 (August 1993), amended LR 21:1084 (October 1995), LR
30:255 (February 2004), repromulgated LR 30:437 (March 2004).
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43
Part XIX. Office of ConservationGeneral Operations
Subpart 14. Statewide Order No. 31-A
Chapter 33. Record Keeping and
Report Filing
§3301. Scope
A. An order providing rules and regulations governing
and requiring the keeping of records and the filing of reports
respecting the producing, taking, transporting, processing,
cycling, and otherwise handling of natural gas within the
state of Louisiana.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with Act
157 of the Legislative Session of 1940.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, September 7, 1941, amended January 1, 1942,
December 1, 1955, April 17, 1968, amended and promulgated by
the Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR
19:773 (June 1993).
§3303. Definitions
A. Unless the context otherwise requires, the words
defined in this Section shall have the following meanings
when found in this order.
Field, Month, and Calendar Monthshall have the
meaning prescribed for each of said words, respectively, in
Part XIX, Subpart 3, §903 promulgated by the commissioner
of conservation on December 16, 1940.
Gas Gathereranyone who gathers gas other than his
own in a field or from several fields for delivery to a
transporter or gas processing plant.
Person, Producer, Gas, and Productsshall have the
meaning prescribed for each of said words as defined in R.S.
Stripper Wellshall have the ordinary meaning as that
term is generally understood in the oil and gas industry, but
shall not be construed to include naturally flowing or
artificial gas-lift oil wells.
Transportershall have the ordinary meaning as that
term is generally understood in the oil and gas industry, but
shall not be construed to include producers operating field
gathering systems and direct transportation lines to ultimate
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with Act
157 of the Legislative Session of 1940.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, September 7, 1941, amended January 1, 1942,
December 1, 1955, April 17, 1968, amended and promulgated by
the Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR
19:773 (June 1993).
§3305. Applicability
A. The provisions of this order shall extend and apply to
all gas produced from oil wells or gas wells within the state
of Louisiana, excepting gas vented from stripper oil wells.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with Act
157 of the Legislative Session of 1940.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, September 7, 1941, amended January 1, 1942,
December 1, 1955, April 17, 1968, amended and promulgated by
the Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR
19:773 (June 1993).
§3307. Forms R-5-P and R-5-T
A. The Monthly Producer's Natural Gas Report Form
R-5-P or most current revision thereof, is hereby adopted
and made a part of this Order by reference.
B. The Monthly Transporter's Natural Gas Report Form
R-5-T or most current revision thereof, is hereby adopted
and made a part of this Order by reference.
C. All gas produced from oil wells and from gas wells
within the state of Louisiana, excepting gas vented from
stripper oil wells, shall be reported monthly on said Report
Forms R-5-P or most current revision thereof and R-5-T or
most current revision thereof. Every producer shall make
Report Form R-5-P or most current revision thereof. Where,
however, gas from any well is taken by any person other
than the producer, the producer may authorize such person to
make the report in his name, which report shall include all
gas produced from said well. Every transporter shall make
Report Form R-5-T or most current revision thereof. The
producer or agent of the producer, and the transporter thus
required to report shall execute under oath and file in the
manner hereafter directed on or before the last day of each
calendar month, Report Form R-5-P or and R-5-T
respectively, or most current revision thereof, setting forth
fully the data and information indicated by such forms, and
shall be complete as to data covering the calendar month
next preceding the date of filing. Such reports for each
month shall be prepared and filed in accordance with the
instructions on the forms. The first report due under this
Order shall be for the calendar month of January, 1942,
which shall be filed on or before the last day of February,
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with Act
157 of the Legislative Session of 1940.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, September 7, 1941, amended January 1, 1942,
December 1, 1955, April 17, 1968, amended and promulgated by
the Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR
19:773 (June 1993).
§3309. Form R-6
A. The Monthly Gasoline and/or Cycling Plant Report
Form R-6 or most current revision thereof, is hereby adopted
and made a part of this Order by reference.
B. Each operator of a gasoline plant, cycling plant, or
any other plant at which gasoline, butane, propane,
condensate, kerosene, oil or other liquid products are
extracted from natural gas within the state of Louisiana,
shall furnish for each calendar month a Monthly Gasoline
and/or Cycling Plant Report Form R-6 or most current
revision thereof, containing the information indicated by
such form respecting natural gas and products involved in
the operation of each plant during each month. Such report
for each month shall be prepared and filed according to
instructions on the form on or before the last day of the next
succeeding month.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with Act
157 of the Legislative Session of 1940.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, September 7, 1941, amended January 1, 1942,
December 1, 1955, April 17, 1968, amended and promulgated by
the Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR
19:774 (June 1993).
§3311. Affidavits
A. All reports provided for in this order shall be verified
by affidavit in the form or forms indicated, and any reports
not so verified shall not be taken as filed in compliance with
this order.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with Act
157 of the Legislative Session of 1940.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, September 7, 1941, amended January 1, 1942,
December 1, 1955, April 17, 1968, amended and promulgated by
the Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR
19:774 (June 1993).
§3313. Record Keeping
A. All persons required by the provisions of this order to
keep the reports provided for herein shall make and keep
appropriate books and records covering their operations in
Louisiana from which they may be able to make and
substantiate such reports.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with Act
157 of the Legislative Session of 1940.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, September 7, 1941, amended January 1, 1942,
December 1, 1955, April 17, 1968, amended and promulgated by
the Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR
19:774 (June 1993).
§3315. Gas Gatherer
A. Gas gatherer, as that term is defined in §3303 above,
shall report the amounts of gas handled and disposed of on
Office of Conservation Monthly Producer's Natural Gas
Report, Form R-5-P or most current revision thereof. The
gas which has been produced in the field shall be reported on
Form R-5-P or most current revision thereof under the
section of the report entitled Production. The gas which has
been gathered in the same field along with gas which has
been gathered in nearby fields and transported to that field
shall be reported on the same Form R-5-P or most current
revision thereof under the section entitled Acquisitions.
Indicated in this section shall be the company from whom
the gas was received, the field from which the gas was
produced and the amount of gas received.
B. In the event the gatherer has produced no gas in the
field from which he is gathering, then he shall indicate in the
production section of Form R-5-P or most current revision
thereof that he has no gas production. His acquisitions in that
field shall be listed in the acquisitions section.
C. The total gas production of the gas gatherer shall then
be added to the total acquisitions.
D. He shall then indicate in the disposition section of
Form R-5-P or most current revision thereof, the manner in
which the total amount of gas produced and acquired was
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with Act
157 of the Legislative Session of 1940.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, September 7, 1941, amended January 1, 1942,
December 1, 1955, April 17, 1968, amended and promulgated by
the Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR
19:774 (June 1993).
§3317. Effect on Overall Authority of the Commissioner
of Conservation
A. This order shall not be taken or construed to limit or
restrict the authority of the Commissioner of Conservation to
require the furnishing of such additional reports, data or
other information relative to the production and processing
of gas in this state as may appear to him to be necessary or
desirable, either generally or specially, for the prevention of
waste and the conservation of natural resources in this state;
nor to limit or restrict the authority of the Commissioner of
Conservation to waive the filing of any report or reports
otherwise required hereunder in any special instance wherein
the Commissioner of Conservation finds that such waiver is
necessary to prevent undue hardship or imposition.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with Act
157 of the Legislative Session of 1940.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, September 7, 1941, amended January 1, 1942,
December 1, 1955, April 17, 1968, amended and promulgated by
the Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR
19:774 (June 1993).
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43
Part XIX. Office of ConservationGeneral Operations
Subpart 15. Statewide Order No. 45-I-A
Chapter 35. Gas/Oil Ratios,
Allowables and Venting of Natural
§3501. Scope
A. This Statewide Order provides special rules and
regulations governing gas/oil ratios, allowables, and the
venting of natural gas.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by Department of
Conservation, July 20, 1943, amended January 1, 1966, December
1, 1973, amended and promulgated by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 23:581 (May 1997).
§3503. Definitions
A. Unless the context otherwise requires, the words
defined in this Section shall have the following meaning
when found in this Statewide Order.
Base Gas/Oil Ratioamount of natural gas, in cubic
feet, which may be produced with one barrel of oil from a
well recognized by the Office of Conservation as an oil well
without reduction of the base oil allowable.
Base Oil Allowableamount of oil, in barrels per day,
which may be produced from a well recognized by the
Office of Conservation as an oil well before application of
the base gas/oil ratio.
Commissionerthe Commissioner of Conservation of
the state of Louisiana.
District Managerthe head of any one of the districts
of the state of Louisiana under the Office of Conservation,
and specifically the manager within whose district the well
affected by this Statewide Order is located.
Horizontal Wellwell with the wellbore drilled laterally
at an angle of at least 80 degrees to the vertical and with a
horizontal displacement of at least 50 feet in the pool in
which the well is completed for production, measured from
the initial point of penetration into such pool.
Oil Allowableamount of oil authorized to be produced
by the Office of Conservation from a well recognized by the
Office of Conservation as an oil well.
Point of Deliverypoint at which gas is vented to the
atmosphere, whether from one or more wells or at any type
of production facility.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by Department of
Conservation, July 20, 1943, amended January 1, 1966, December
1, 1973, amended and promulgated by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 23:581 (May 1997).
§3505. Base Gas/Oil Ratio and Allowables
A. The base gas/oil ratio for a well recognized by the
Office of Conservation as an oil well is hereby fixed at 2,000
cubic feet of natural gas per barrel of oil (2000/1). Any well
recognized by the Office of Conservation as an oil well
which has a gas/oil ratio of 2000/1 or below will be allowed
to produce its base oil allowable without reduction. Any well
recognized by the Office of Conservation as an oil well
which has a gas/oil ratio exceeding 2000/1 and from which
the operator cannot use or sell the gas will have its base oil
allowable reduced by assigning to such well an oil allowable
determined by multiplying the base oil allowable by the base
gas/oil ratio and dividing by the gas/oil ratio of the well.
B. If the operator can use or sell the gas, the allowable
which shall be granted to a well which produces oil with a
gas/oil ratio in excess of 2000/1, or to a well which produces
hydrocarbons from the gas cap of an oil pool, shall be
equivalent volumetrically to the quantity of hydrocarbons a
well in the same pool would be allowed to produce if it were
producing oil with a gas/oil ratio of 2000/1, each computed
at reservoir conditions based on available data; provided that
reasonable estimates of reservoir conditions shall be used if
actual reservoir conditions cannot be determined from
available data. Such allowables shall be calculated as
1. Any well recognized by the Office of Conservation
as an oil well which has a gas/oil ratio exceeding 2000/1 will
have its base oil allowable reduced by assigning to such well
an oil allowable determined by the following formula:
= current depth bracket oil allowable for one well
when producing gas-oil ratio is less than 2000:1
(2000+) = oil allowable for one well when producing gas-
oil ratio is greater than 2000:1
V = barrels of space occupied by one std. Mcf of gas
at reservoir conditions (res. bbls. per MSCF)
= permissible gas-oil ratio for an oil well
(2.0 MSCF/STB)
= producing gas-oil ratio of wells for which the
allowable is being calculated (MSCF/STB)
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
= solution gas-oil ratio at the current bottomhole
pressure (MSCF/bbl.)
B = volume occupied by one barrel of stock tank oil
and its solution gas at the current reservoir
pressure (Res. bbl. per STB)
2. Any well recognized by the Office of Conservation
as a gas well and which is determined by the Office of
Conservation to be producing from the gas cap of an oil pool
will be assigned a volumetric gas allowable determined by
application of the following formula:
= gas well allowable (MSCF per day)
= number acres in oil unit
= number acres in gas unit
= current depth bracket oil allowable for one well when
producing gas-oil ratio is less than 2000:1
= solution gas-oil ratio at the current bottomhole pressure
B = volume occupied by one barrel of stock tank oil and its
solution gas at the current reservoir pressure (Res. bbl.
per STB)
V = barrels of space occupied by one std. Mcf of gas at
reservoir conditions (res. bbls. per MSCF)
= permissible gas-oil ratio for an oil well (2.0 MSCF/STB)
C. The gas/oil ratios of wells which have been assigned
an oil allowable based on a gas/oil ratio of 2000/1 or below
shall be determined by testing at as close as practical the
allowable rate. The gas/oil ratios of wells which are known
to have high gas/oil ratios >2000/1 shall be determined by
testing at the rate determined by the operator and the district
manager as the most efficient rate. The gas/oil ratio for a gas
lift well shall be calculated by subtracting the input gas from
the output gas and dividing by the oil produced.
D. Any flowing oil well which produces oil with
excessive amount of salt water and has a gas/oil ratio
exceeding 2000/1 shall not have its base oil allowable
reduced by assigning a penalized allowable under §3505.A
or a volumetric allowable under §3505.B hereof if to do so
would reduce the base oil allowable for the well to such a
figure that the well could not produce by natural flow.
Requests for exemption of any such well from the penalized
or volumetric allowable shall be made in writing to the
district manager, accompanied by appropriate data to
establish that the well qualifies for the requested exemption,
and such request may be granted by the district manager,
upon receipt of such data, without the necessity of a public
E. The operator of any well which is subject to a
volumetric allowable restriction under Subsection B of this
Section this may be granted an exemption from such
restriction if such operator can use or sell the natural gas
produced from such well and if, pursuant to written
application to and subsequent written approval by the
appropriate district manager, it is established that:
1. the well is the only well capable of producing from
the pool; or
2. the productive limits of the pool underlies a single
lease or voluntary unit; or
3. all persons owning interests in the pool agree in
writing, to the requested exemption from the volumetric
allowable restriction.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by Department of
Conservation, July 20, 1943, amended January 1, 1966, December
1, 1973, amended and promulgated by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 23:581 (May 1997).
§3507. Venting of Gas
A. The venting of natural gas from any well producing in
the state of Louisiana is hereby expressly prohibited except
in those instances where the Office of Conservation finds,
upon written application, that such prohibition would result
in an economic hardship on the operator of the well, lease or
production facility from which the gas is proposed to be
vented; provided, however, that no such economic hardship
can be found in the case where the current market value, at
the point of delivery, of the gas proposed to be vented
exceeds the cost involved in making such gas available to a
market. Such applications shall be filed with the district
office and approval thereof will be at the discretion of the
district manager.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by Department of
Conservation, July 20, 1943, amended January 1, 1966, December
1, 1973, amended and promulgated by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 23:582 (May 1997).
§3509. Exceptions and Hearings
A. These rules and regulations shall govern the
production of oil and gas or both in the state of Louisiana,
1. where the production of oil and gas or both is
regulated by special field orders; and
2. in the recognized stripper areas; and
3. production of oil and gas or both from horizontal
B. Other exceptions to the provisions of this Statewide
Order which are found to be proper and in the interest of
conservation, the prevention of waste, and the protection of
the rights of all persons owning interests in the pool shall be
granted only after public hearing based on legal notice.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by Department of
Conservation, July 20, 1943, amended January 1, 1966, December
1, 1973, amended and promulgated by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 23:582 (May 1997).
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
§3511. Violations
A. Unless specifically prohibited by the commissioner or
his authorized staff, the venting of gas due to unavoidable
situations will not be considered a violation of this Statewide
Order. However, any venting which contradicts the spirit or
intent of this Statewide Order shall be a violation hereof.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by Department of
Conservation, July 20, 1943, amended January 1, 1966, December
1, 1973, amended and promulgated by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 23:583 (May 1997).
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43
Part XIX. Office of ConservationGeneral Operations
Subpart 16. Statewide Order No. 151-A-2
Chapter 37. Statewide Crude Oil
Depth Bracket Allowable Schedule
§3701. Scope
A. Order establishing a Statewide Crude Oil Depth
Bracket Allowable Schedule for Oil Wells in addition to
providing additional allowable incentive to horizontal oil
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with Act
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, September 24, 1948, amended June 4, 1950, January
1, 1951, February 1, 1951, January 31, 1952, May 19, 1952, July 1,
1957, July 1, 1959, January 1, 1960, January 1, 1961, July 18,
1961, October 1, 1962, March 1, 1967, January 1, 1967, November
1, 1967, January 1, 1978; amended and promulgated by the
Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR
20:1126 (October 1994).
§3703. Definitions
A. Unless the context otherwise requires, the words
defined in this Section shall have the following meanings
when found in this order.
Horizontal Oil Wella well with the wellbore drilled
laterally at an angle of at least 80 degrees to the vertical and
with a horizontal displacement of at least 50 feet in the pool
in which the well is completed for production, measured
from the initial point of penetration into such pool.
Maximum Efficient Rate (MER)the maximum
sustainable daily oil withdrawal rate from a reservoir which
will permit economic development and depletion without
causing waste.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with Act
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, September 24, 1948, amended June 4, 1950, January
1, 1951, February 1, 1951, January 31, 1952, May 19, 1952, July 1,
1957, July 1, 1959, January 1, 1960, January 1, 1961, July 18,
1961, October 1, 1962, March 1, 1967, January 1, 1967, November
1, 1967, January 1, 1978; amended and promulgated by the
Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR
20:1126 (October 1994).
§3705. Allowable Schedule for Oil Wells Other than
Horizontal Wells
A. The Statewide Crude Oil Depth Bracket Allowable
Schedule for oil wells other than horizontal wells is listed
Measured Depths Statewide Allowable (BPD)
0 - 2000 200
2 - 3000 300
3 - 4000 400
4 - 5000 500
5 - 6000 600
6 - 7000 700
7 - 8000 800
8 - 9000 900
9 - 10000 1000
10 - 11000 1100
11 - 12000 1200
12 - 13000 1300
13 - 14000 1400
14 - 15000 1500
15 - 16000 1600
16 - 17000 1700
17 - 18000 1800
18 - 19000 1900
19 - 20000 2000
20 - 21000 2100
21 - 22000 2200
etc. etc.
B. The measured depth of the deepest perforation in the
pool shall be used in determining the applicable depth
bracket allowable for all wells in the pool.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with Act
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, September 24, 1948, amended June 4, 1950, January
1, 1951, February 1, 1951, January 31, 1952, May 19, 1952, July 1,
1957, July 1, 1959, January 1, 1960, January 1, 1961, July 18,
1961, October 1, 1962, March 1, 1967, January 1, 1967, November
1, 1967, January 1, 1978; amended and promulgated by the
Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR
20:1127 (October 1994).
§3707. Horizontal Oil Well Allowables
A. Subject to §3707.B and C, the allowable for each
horizontal oil well shall be its maximum efficient rate.
B. Allowables assigned to units in competitive reservoirs
shall be subject to adjustment if needed to prevent adverse
drainage or to protect correlative rights after public hearing
based on 10 days legal notice.
C. A unit in a competitive reservoir containing multiple
unit wells, at least one of which is a horizontal well, shall be
assigned an allowable equal to the greater of the maximum
efficient rate for the horizontal well or the applicable depth
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with Act
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, September 24, 1948, amended June 4, 1950, January
1, 1951, February 1, 1951, January 31, 1952, May 19, 1952, July 1,
1957, July 1, 1959, January 1, 1960, January 1, 1961, July 18,
1961, October 1, 1962, March 1, 1967, January 1, 1967, November
1, 1967, January 1, 1978; amended and promulgated by the
Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR
20:1127 (October 1994).
§3709. Effective Date
A. This order supersedes Statewide Order Number 151-
A-1 and shall be effective upon publication in the Louisiana
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with Act
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of
Conservation, September 24, 1948, amended June 4, 1950, January
1, 1951, February 1, 1951, January 31, 1952, May 19, 1952, July 1,
1957, July 1, 1959, January 1, 1960, January 1, 1961, July 18,
1961, October 1, 1962, March 1, 1967, January 1, 1967, November
1, 1967, January 1, 1978; amended and promulgated by the
Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR
20:1127 (October 1994).
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43
Part XIX. Office of ConservationGeneral Operations
Subpart 17. Procedures for Hearings and Unit and Survey Plat Requirements
Chapter 39. Hearings
§3901. Scope
A. This order provides rules of procedure for conducting
hearings before the Commissioner of Conservation.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, October 1983, amended and
promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources, Office of
Conservation, LR 19:759 (June 1993).
§3903. Definitions
A. The words defined herein shall have the following
meanings when used in these rules. All other words so used
and not herein defined shall have their usual meanings
unless specially defined in Title 30 of Louisiana Revised
Statutes of 1950.
Datethe postmarked date of a letter or the transmittal
date of a telegraphic or wireless communication.
District Managerthe manager of any one of the
districts of the state of Louisiana under the Office of
Conservation, and, as used, refers specifically to the
manager within whose district the field or fields affected by
the subject matter of the proposed hearing are located.
Interestshall not mean the rights of a top lessee or any
other reversionary right.
Interested Ownerany owner as owner is defined in
Title 30 of Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, who is
known to the applicant after reasonable search to presently
own an interest within the area of, or proximate to, the tracts
directly affected by the application.
Interested Partyany person as person is defined in
Title 30 of Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, other than an
interested owner or a represented party as defined herein,
who presently owns an interest within the area of, or
proximate to, the tracts directly affected by the application.
Pertinent Datawith respect to any unit proceedings,
all basic factual information available from wells drilled or
drilling which can reasonably be utilized in determining the
unit configuration, including but not limited to:
a. electric logs, porosity logs and dipmeter logs;
b. tests, completion and production data; and
c. core data. All data that will be employed at a
hearing shall be considered pertinent data.
Represented Partyany person as person is defined in
Title 30 of Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, who is
known to the applicant after reasonable search to presently
own an interest within the area of, or proximate to, the tracts
directly affected by the application and who is also known to
the applicant to have either a consultant or attorney
representing him in conservation matters.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, October 1983, amended and
promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources, Office of
Conservation, LR 19:759 (June 1993).
§3905. Applicability
A. These rules of procedure shall be applicable to all
hearing applications which require 30 days notice as set
forth in Section 6B of Chapter 1 of Title 30 of the Louisiana
Revised Statutes of 1950, including applications relating to
revisions of poolwide units created under Section 5C (Act
441 of 1960), provided that, except for the notice provisions
contained in §3915.A.1, 2 and 3 herein, and except to the
extent provided in §3921 herein, these rules of procedure
shall not apply to applications relating to the initial creation
of poolwide units under Section 5C (Act 441 of 1960) of
Chapter 1 of Title 30 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of
B. If the application relates to the initial creation of
poolwide units under Section 5C (Act 441 of 1960), a copy
of same shall be furnished each interested owner and
represented party. If the required 75 percent in interest of
owners and royalty owners in the reservoir shall have failed
to join in the agreement covering the plan and terms of unit
operation by the fifteenth day prior to the date of hearing,
the applicant shall secure cancellation of the hearing and
shall notify all interested owners, represented parties, and
interested parties of the cancellation.
C. To the extent practicable, these rules of procedure
also shall apply to hearing applications which require 10
days notice. The provisions in §§3907, 3911, 3913, 3915,
3917, 3919, 3921 and 3933, concerning pre-application
notice, notice of opposition, pre-application conferences,
other conferences, proposed units, unit revisions,
counterplans and matters which are not deemed practicable
for hearing applications which require 10 days notice shall
not apply. The posting and publication of a copy of the
notice of hearing shall be accomplished as soon as
practicable after such notice has been issued by the
commissioner. Any interested owner or represented party
who has opposition to the application shall give immediate
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
notice thereof to the commissioner, district manager and the
D. These rules of procedure shall in no way alter or
change the right of any interested person, as provided in
Paragraph F, Section 6 of Chapter 1 of Title 30 of the
La. R.S. of 1950, to have the Commissioner of Conservation
call a hearing for the purpose of taking action in respect to a
matter within the jurisdiction of the commissioner, nor the
requirement that the commissioner, upon receiving the
request, promptly call a hearing.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, October 1983, amended and
promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources, Office of
Conservation, LR 19:760 (June 1993).
§3907. Pre-Application Notice
A. Except as provided by §3917, any person intending to
apply for a hearing, prior to filing application, shall send a
notice outlining the proposal to the commissioner (in
duplicate) with a copy to the district manager and to each
interested owner and represented party. Interested owners
and represented parties need not be furnished the list
described in §3907.B.1, but the applicant upon request shall
furnish a copy of said list to the requesting party.
B. Each pre-application notice shall include or be
accompanied by the following:
1. a list of the names and addresses of all interested
owners and represented parties to whom it is being sent;
2. a statement that a reasonable effort has been made
to determine to whom the notices as required by this rule
must be sent;
3. an explanation of the nature of the proposal and a
copy of a unit plat for each sand, if units are involved,
prepared in accordance with all applicable memoranda and
the procedure for assigning nomenclature of
LAC 43:XIX.103, with any geological bases for any unit
boundary labeled thereon. A reasonable effort shall be made
to prepare the plat in sufficient detail to enable affected
parties to determine the location of their lands;
4. a day, time and place for a conference which need
be held only if notice of a desire to confer with respect to the
application is given as herein after provided. Any such
conference shall be held within the state of Louisiana (unless
mutually agreed otherwise among all interested owners and
represented parties) in a city reasonably convenient to the
persons involved and shall be scheduled for not less than 20
calendar days following the date of the pre-application
5. a definition of the sand proposed for unitization
with such sand defined in each reservoir thereof by reference
to well log measurements.
C. If an applicant has proof acceptable to the
commissioner that there is no necessity to confer about the
proposal because there is no indication of opposition from
any person to whom the pre-application notice must be sent,
he may immediately proceed to file his application and need
not schedule a conference nor comply with §3915.A.1 and 4
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, October 1983, amended and
promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources, Office of
Conservation, LR 19:760 (June 1993), repromulgated LR 19:1030
(August 1993).
§3909. Release of Pertinent Data
A. Pertinent data shall be made available to interested
owners and represented parties sufficiently in advance of any
conference to allow a reasonable time for review and
interpretation thereof prior to such conference.
B. Reference to source, including commercial outlets,
from which or whom such data can be obtained, at the cost
of the requesting party, shall be included in notices and
applications required by these rules.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, October 1983, amended and
promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources, Office of
Conservation, LR 19:760 (June 1993).
§3911. OppositionPre-Application Notice
A. If any interested owner or represented party desires to
confer about the applicant's proposal as set forth in the pre-
application notice, he shall, within 10 calendar days after the
date of said notice, advise the applicant of his desire to
confer, and the applicant shall, within 15 calendar days after
the date of the pre-application notice, advise in writing the
commissioner, the district manager and all other persons to
whom the pre-application notice was sent that the
conference will be held. Any interested owner and
represented party may attend and participate in the
conference even though not requesting it. If the applicant
does not timely receive notice of a desire to confer from any
party receiving the pre-application notice, he may
immediately proceed to file his application.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, October 1983, amended and
promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources, Office of
Conservation, LR 19:761 (June 1993).
§3913. Procedure for Conferences
A. At any conference held pursuant to these rules, the
applicant shall present the available and appropriate
geological, engineering or other bases for his position
supported by sufficient data and detail for the conferees to
have reasonable opportunity to discuss and attempt to
resolve their differences in good faith.
B. Any opponent or party supporting the applicant, who
has had an opportunity to study the matter and who has
developed the geological, engineering or other bases for his
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
opposition or support, shall present his position in sufficient
detail to permit the parties to attempt to resolve the
differences in good faith.
C. If, however, any opponent or party supporting the
applicant is not prepared to discuss the geological,
engineering or other bases for his opposition or support at
the conference, he shall later comply with the provisions of
§3915 or §3917 and §3921 hereof.
D. At any conference held pursuant to these rules, any
participant proposing to create or revise a unit or units shall
exhibit a map or plat, reasonably prepared in sufficient size
and detail to enable affected parties to determine the location
of their lands.
E. Conferences held pursuant to these rules are designed
to promote an open exchange of views among the parties;
therefore, any reference to discussions among the parties as
to geological, engineering, or other bases for a party's
position at said conferences shall not be admissible in
evidence at any hearing. Tape recordings and transcriptions
made at any such conference also shall not be admissible in
F. Conference reports prepared pursuant to §§3915 and
3917 shall be limited to a statement of whether or not there
is disagreement among the parties and shall contain no
reference to individual geological, engineering or other
opinions expressed at said conferences, but they shall
indicate the issues that are likely to be controverted and the
number of parties likely to present opposing plans.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, October 1983, amended and
promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources, Office of
Conservation, LR 19:761 (June 1993).
§3915. Hearing Application
A. The hearing application may be filed immediately
after the pre-application conference or as otherwise provided
in §§3907 and 3911 and shall be filed with the commissioner
(in duplicate) with a copy to the district manager and to each
interested owner and represented party. Interested owners
and represented parties need not be furnished the lists
described in §3915.A.1 and 2, but the applicant upon request
shall furnish copies of said lists to the requesting party. In
addition to outlining the purpose thereof, the application
shall include or be accompanied by the following:
1. a list of the names and addresses of interested
owners and represented parties notified, as required by
2. a list of the names and addresses of all interested
parties who are known to the applicant after reasonable
search. In addition to the publication of the legal notice by
the commissioner in the official state journal, the applicant
shall provide for posting of a copy of the legal notice of the
hearing and unit plat or plats in a prominent place in the area
affected and publication of a copy of the legal notice in a
newspaper published in the vicinity or general area of the
affected field at least 15 days before the hearing. The
applicant shall mail copies of the legal notice to all
interested owners, represented parties and interested parties
and a copy of the unit plat or plats shall be included with the
legal notice, if said parties have not already been furnished
same. Evidence to establish posting, publishing and mailing
shall be submitted at the hearing;
3. a statement that a reasonable effort has been made
to obtain a complete list of interested parties, interested
owners and represented parties;
4. a statement that a conference has or has not been
held, including a brief report on the conference, if held, and
a list of the parties in attendance;
5. a unit plat, if units are involved, prepared in
accordance with all applicable memoranda and the
procedure for assigning nomenclature of LAC 43:XIX.103,
with any geological bases for any unit boundary labeled
thereon and the other items required by statute or by the
6. a definition of the sand proposed for unitization
with such sand defined in each reservoir thereof by reference
to well log measurements.
B. A request for rules and regulations for more than one
sand shall be considered a separate application for each sand
and the commissioner shall be furnished an extra copy of the
application for each additional sand affected thereby. An
application fee for each sand shall be filed with the
application as established by Part XIX, Subpart 2 or
successor regulation.
C. If, as a result of any conference, the applicant's
proposal as set forth in a pre-application notice is revised,
the revised proposal shall be explained in the application,
and if units are involved and are revised, the revised unit plat
shall be filed with the application.
D. If the application does not change or alter the units as
proposed in the pre-application notice, additional plats need
not be furnished to interested owners and represented
E. If differences are not resolved or if any interested
owner or represented party desires to oppose or support a
proposal by the introduction of evidence at the hearing, then
not less than 15 calendar days before the hearing, he must
file with the commissioner and furnish to the district
manager, the applicant and all persons who attended the
pre-application conference his counterplan or supporting
plan, including a plat of his proposed units, if units are
involved, prepared in accordance with all applicable
memoranda and the procedure for assigning nomenclature of
LAC 43:XIX.103, with any geological bases for any unit
boundary labeled thereon, accompanied by a letter
explaining any points of difference with the applicant's plan.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, October 1983, amended and
promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources, Office of
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Conservation, LR 19:761 (June 1993), repromulgated LR 19:1030
(August 1993).
§3917. Waiver of Pre-Application Notice
A. If circumstances indicate that the 20 day delay
required by the pre-application procedure in the filing of an
application for a public hearing would result in undue
hardship to the applicant, the commissioner may waive the
pre-application notice requirements, and §3907 of these
rules shall not apply.
B. However each such waiver must be expressly
approved by the Office of Conservation, and in no instance
shall the Office of Conservation approve a waiver under
these rules unless there can be compliance with the 15 day
provision of §3937.
C. The hearing application under this procedure shall be
filed with the commissioner (in duplicate), with a copy to the
district manager and to each interested owner and
represented party. Interested owners and represented parties
need not be furnished the lists described in §3917.C.2 and 3,
but the applicant upon request shall furnish copies of said
lists to the requesting party. In addition to outlining the
purpose thereof, the application shall include or be
accompanied by the following:
1. a statement to the effect that the Office of
Conservation has waived the pre-application notice
requirements and that §3907 of these rules shall not apply;
2. a list of the names and addresses of interested
owners and represented parties who are being furnished with
a copy of the application;
3. a list of the names and addresses of all interested
parties who are known to the applicant after reasonable
search. In addition to the publication of the legal notice by
the commissioner in the official state journal, the applicant
shall provide for posting of a copy of the legal notice of the
hearing and unit plat or plats in a prominent place in the area
affected and publication of a copy of the legal notice in a
newspaper published in the vicinity or general area of the
affected field at least 15 days before the hearing. The
applicant shall mail copies of the legal notice to all
interested owners, represented parties and interested parties
and a copy of the unit plat or plats shall be included with the
legal notice, if said parties have not already been furnished
same. Evidence to establish posting, publishing and mailing
shall be submitted at the hearing;
4. a statement that a reasonable effort has been made
to obtain a complete list of interested parties, interested
owners and represented parties;
5. a day, time and place for a pre-hearing conference
which shall be scheduled for not less than 10 calendar days
after the date of the application. Any such conference shall
be held within the state of Louisiana (unless mutually agreed
otherwise among all interested owners and represented
parties), in a city reasonably convenient to the persons
6. a unit plat, if units are involved, prepared in
accordance with all applicable memoranda and the
procedure for assigning nomenclature of LAC 43:XIX.103,
with any geological bases for any unit boundary labeled
thereon, and the other items required by statute or by the
commissioner. A reasonable effort shall be made to prepare
the plat in sufficient detail to enable affected parties to
determine the location of their lands;
7. a definition of the sand proposed for unitization
with such sand defined in each reservoir thereof by reference
to well log measurements.
D. A request for rules and regulations for more than one
sand shall be a separate application for each sand, and the
commissioner shall be furnished an extra copy of the
application for each additional sand affected thereby. An
application fee for each sand shall be filed with the
application as established by Part XIX, Subpart 2 or
successor regulation.
E. If any interested owner or represented party desires to
confer about the applicant's proposal, he shall be represented
at the pre-hearing conference provided for above. The pre-
hearing conference shall be conducted in accordance with
F. Immediately after the pre-hearing conference, the
applicant shall furnish the commissioner and the persons to
whom the application was sent a brief report on the
conference and a list of the parties in attendance.
G. If, as a result of the pre-hearing conference, the
applicant's proposal as set forth in the application is revised,
the applicant shall notify the commissioner, the district
manager and all parties to whom the application was sent of
the revision and furnish them with a copy of the revised unit
plat, if units are involved, and with an explanation of the
H. If differences are not resolved or if any interested
owner or represented party desires to oppose or support a
proposal by the introduction of evidence at the hearing, then
not less than five calendar days before the hearing, he must
file with the commissioner and furnish to the district
manager, the applicant and all persons who attended the
conference his counterplan or supporting plan, including a
plat of his proposed unit, if units are involved, prepared in
accordance with all applicable memoranda and the
procedure for assigning nomenclature of LAC 43:XIX.103,
with any geological bases for any unit boundary labeled
thereon, accompanied by a letter explaining any points of
difference with the applicant's plan.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, October 1983, amended and
promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources, Office of
Conservation, LR 19:762 (June 1993), repromulgated LR 19:1030
(August 1993).
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
§3919. Revisions after Application
A. If, after the application is filed, the applicant's
proposal is revised, the applicant shall promptly notify the
commissioner, the district manager and all parties to whom
the application was sent, of the revision and furnish to them
a copy of any revised plan and unit plat, if units are
involved, and shall, if requested, hold a conference to
discuss the revised proposal prior to the hearing. If there are
differences among the applicant, interested owners and
represented parties as to the applicant's revised proposal, and
the differences are resolved as a result of any conference, the
applicant shall file the revised plan and plat promptly with
the commissioner and furnish a copy to the district manager
and to all parties to whom the application was sent. No
revised proposal may be considered at the hearing unless
notice of the revision has been sent to the commissioner, the
district manager and to all parties to whom the legal notice
was sent, at least five days prior to the hearing. The
applicant shall present both the original application proposal
and the revised proposal at the hearing, with evidence to
support the revision. The time provisions of §§3915 and
3917 shall not apply to revised proposals filed less than 20
days prior to the day of the hearing.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, October 1983, amended and
promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources, Office of
Conservation, LR 19:763 (June 1993).
§3921. Additional Requirements for Opposition to or
Support of Application
A. If any opponent or party supporting the applicant did
not present the geological, engineering or other bases for his
opposition or support at the preapplication conference, pre-
hearing conference, or such other conferences provided by
these rules, or if there has been a change in the bases for his
opposition or support, such opponent or supporting party
shall disclose to the parties in attendance at such conference
the geological, engineering or other bases for his opposition
or support by mailing to them on or before the date set for
filing a counterplan copies of his structure map and such
other geological and engineering interpretations of the data
as were disclosed by the applicant pursuant to §3913.
B. If any interested owner or represented party desires to
add one or more units to an applicant's plan, such interested
owner or represented party shall, within five days after
receiving the applicant's pre-application notice, secure
waiver of pre-application notice and file his application
under §3917 for the additional units so proposed, scheduling
the required conference at the same time, date and place as
the pre-application conference scheduled by the initial
C. With respect to any hearing application relating to the
initial creation of poolwide units under Section 5C (Act 441
of 1960) of Chapter 1 of Title 30 of the Louisiana Revised
Statutes of 1950 any party who has received notice of the
hearing and who wishes to introduce evidence in opposition
to such application shall file with the commissioner and
furnish to the district manager and interested owners and
represented parties, at least 10 calendar days prior to the date
of the hearing, a letter explaining the opposition to the
applicant's plan, including a plat, if appropriate, and at the
request of any party, shall immediately disclose to the
requesting party the geological, engineering or other bases
for his opposition in a manner convenient to the parties.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, October 1983, amended
and promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources, Office
of Conservation, LR 19:763 (June 1993).
§3923. Commissioner's Conference
A. The commissioner shall have the right to call a
pre-hearing conference at any time prior to the hearing, if in
his opinion such a conference would resolve or narrow the
issues in controversy or would assist in the conduct of the
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, October 1983, amended
and promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources, Office
of Conservation, LR 19:763 (June 1993).
§3925. Timeliness of Filings
A. All notices and filings provided for herein shall be
presumed as given timely when the date or actual date of
receipt, if hand delivered, of the copy received by the
commissioner complies with appropriate delays herein
provided. Copies to interested owners and represented
parties shall be deposited on the same day in the United
States mail, properly stamped and addressed, or, if
telegraphic or wireless communication is used, dispatched
on that day by the transmitting party.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, October 1983, amended and
promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources, Office of
Conservation, LR 19:763 (June 1993).
§3927. Notice of Continued Hearing
A. When a hearing is opened and continued, the notice
given for the original hearing shall be applicable to the
continued hearing, if the hearing officer at the time of
granting the continuance designates the new time, date and
place of the continued hearing. In all other instances of a
continued hearing, the applicant shall at least 15 days before
the hearing provide notice of the continued hearing by
posting such notice in a prominent place in the area affected,
by publishing such notice in a newspaper published in the
vicinity or general area of the affected field and by mailing
such notice to all interested owners, represented parties and
interested parties.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, October 1983, amended and
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources, Office of
Conservation, LR 19:763 (June 1993).
§3929. Rules of Hearing Conduct and Procedure
A. The applicant shall first present the entire geological,
engineering or other bases in support of his proposal. Any
interested owner or represented party who supports the
applicant and complied with §§3915, 3917 or 3921 shall
next present the entire geological, engineering or other bases
in support of the applicant's proposal.
B. Any interested party wishing to present evidence
supporting the applicant's proposal shall do so immediately
after the applicant and supporting parties have completed
their presentations.
C. Opponents who have complied with §3915, §3917 or
§3921, in the order determined by the commissioner, shall
then present the entire geological, engineering or other bases
for their opposition. After all opponents have made their
presentations, the applicant may present rebuttal geological,
engineering or other testimony, but strictly limited to a
refutation of the matters covered by the opponents. Rebuttal
testimony should not be used to prove matters that should
have been proven on direct examination.
D. Any witness shall be subject to cross-examination by
the commissioner or any member of his staff and by no more
than two representatives of a party. Cross-examination shall
be conducted in accordance with the following guidelines.
1. Cross-examination should be limited to questions
concerning the testimony and exhibits presented by the
witness, and the witness should not be required to make
measurements or calculations or comparisons between his
exhibits and those presented by any other witness.
2. Matters peculiarly within the knowledge of the
cross-examiner or his witnesses should be presented by them
on direct examination, and there should be no attempt to
establish such matters by cross-examination.
3. Cross-examination shall be conducted in a polite
and courteous manner without reference to personalities of
the witness or the party represented by the witness.
E. After the applicant and any opponents have made
their presentations, any party shall be afforded an
opportunity to make a statement. If such a statement
includes technical data, the party shall be subject to being
sworn and cross-examined.
F. The applicant, any opponent, or any supporting party
may make opening or closing statements concerning their
positions, but such statements shall not include technical
matters which have not been presented by sworn testimony.
The applicant shall have the right to make the last closing
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, October 1983, amended and
promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources, Office of
Conservation, LR 19:764 (June 1993).
§3931. New Evidence
A. If new pertinent data becomes available to any person
after proceedings have been initiated hereunder, such
evidence shall be made available immediately to all
interested owners and represented parties by notice of its
availability and by release in accordance with §3909. Such
evidence may be used by any person at the hearing and may
be the basis for revision of units or other proposals
previously made by the applicant or any opponent, but the
commissioner in his discretion may determine that additional
time should be afforded for consideration thereof. The
commissioner in his discretion may also establish a time
limit beyond which new evidence may not be employed in
the present proceedings. In this event application for a new
hearing to consider the new evidence shall be made as soon
as possible.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, October 1983, amended and
promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources, Office of
Conservation, LR 19:764 (June 1993).
§3933. Coverage of Rules
A. Any interested owner or represented party who is not
notified by an applicant, as set forth in §3907 or §3917, as
appropriate, and who does not attend the conference
requested pursuant to §3911 or the conference scheduled
pursuant to §3917, whichever is applicable, shall not be
bound by the time periods set forth in §§3915 and 3917. The
time periods set forth in §§3915 and 3917 shall be modified
in the discretion of the commissioner as the circumstances
B. Any attorney or consultant engaged at any time by an
interested party shall immediately notify the applicant,
interested owners and represented parties of his
representation and thereafter said interested party shall be
considered a represented party and shall comply with these
rules of procedure. In this circumstance, §3921 shall be
applicable if a conference were held, and the time periods set
forth in §§3915 and 3917 may be modified in the discretion
of the commissioner as the circumstances justify.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, October 1983, amended and
promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources, Office of
Conservation, LR 19:764 (June 1993).
§3935. Penalty for Non-Compliance
A. Failure to comply with the provisions of or the spirit
of these rules of procedure shall prevent an application from
being advertised or heard, or shall prevent an opponent or
supporting party from presenting evidence at the hearing, but
an order issued by the commissioner shall not be invalid by
operation of this rule.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43, Part XIX
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, October 1983, amended and
promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources, Office of
Conservation, LR 19:764 (June 1993).
§3937. Time of Commencement
A. Unless circumstances indicate that undue hardship
would otherwise result, every applicant shall commence
proceedings under these rules of procedure so as to permit
the application to be docketed, advertised, heard and
properly considered for at least 15 days before the order is
NOTE: If at all possible, any application hereunder should be
received in the Baton Rouge office of the Office of
Conservation at least 45 days before the application is to be
fixed for hearing.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, October 1983, amended and
promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources, Office of
Conservation, LR 19:764 (June 1993).
Chapter 41. Unit and Survey Plats
§4101. Unit Plats
A. The unit plat attached to any pre-application notice
and/or any application and/or any unit plat presented at a
public hearing shall properly identify the geologically
significant wells which control the unit boundaries and shall
show the distance of each such well from the unit boundary
which it controls, and shall also show the property, lease or
governmental subdivision lines which serve as unit
boundaries and the section, township and range in which the
unit or units are situated. The affected tracts shall be
identified on the plat by the names of the fee and lease
owners, based on the best available information.
B. If a geographical unit is proposed, the unit plat
attached to any pre-application notice and/or any application
and/or any unit plat presented at a public hearing, shall show
the property, lease or governmental subdivision lines which
are used as unit boundaries and they shall be identified as
such, based on the best available information.
C. Each unit plat shall have a graphic scale shown
thereon and copies of the base map upon which the unit is
shown shall be made available to any interested party who
requests it.
D. All participants at any pre-application conference
shall make every effort to agree as to the best available base
map and, if there is agreement, all parties shall thereafter use
said map.
E. Any unit plat attached to a counter-plan shall follow
all of the requirements set forth above and shall be on the
same scale as that of the unit plat attached to the application.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by Department of
Conservation, July 1, 1973, amended and promulgated by the
Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR
19:765 (June 1993).
§4103. Survey Plats
A. Survey plats presented to the Office of Conservation
for approval after the issuance of an order shall properly
identify all of the geologically significant wells and these
wells shall be located on the ground based on the Lambert
Plane Coordinate System or other recognized control, such
as section corners, USC & GS monuments, etc. The survey
plat shall show the distance of each geologically significant
well from the unit boundary line which it controls and all
geologically significant wells shall be located on the plat in
correct relation to each other.
1. If a geologically significant well has been
abandoned and cannot be found on the ground, the location
as shown on the permit plat shall be used.
2. The affected tracts shall be identified on the survey
plat by the names of the fee and lease owners, based on the
best available information. Further, each unit plat shall have
an inset or attachment showing the number, name, acreage
(or other basis of participation) and the unit percentage
participation of each tract.
B. If geographical units are adopted by a unit order, there
shall be shown on the survey plat the property, lease or
governmental subdivision lines which are used as unit
boundaries and they shall be identified as such, based on the
best available information.
C. The surveyed unit plat shall be based on the Louisiana
Lambert Plane Coordinate System where practicable. If an
orientation other than the Lambert Plane Coordinate System
is used, the point of beginning for the unit outline shall be
defined on the plat by relating the point to a known
monument or section corner and the basis of the bearing
orientation used for the survey shall be specifically defined.
D. Unit boundaries shall be defined by using Lambert
coordinates or courses and distances with the length of each
course dependent upon the sinuosity of the outline of the
E. If a unit order creates more than one unit the survey
plat shall, if practicable, be a composite of all of the units,
and if different unit operators are designated, the survey plat
or plats shall be prepared through a coordinated effort of all
designated operators. If not practicable to use a single
composite survey plat for all of the units, a separate survey
plat shall be prepared for each unit, with a composite plat
showing all units.
F. When the survey plat is completed and before
recordation thereof, as many copies as may be needed by the
operator, plus two copies of the survey plat and a film
overlay on the scale of the unit plat attached to the order,
shall be submitted to the Office of Conservation in Baton
Rouge for approval. There shall be placed on or attached to
each survey plat submitted for approval the following
certificate signed by the surveyor.
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
1. The requirements for Unit Plats and Survey Plats
adopted by the Commissioner of Conservation have been
complied with in all respects.
2. Each producing unit shall be surveyed and the
survey plat submitted for approval in accordance with the
foregoing within 90 days after the issuance date of the unit
order. If a unit is not producing when created, a survey plat
thereof shall be submitted within 90 days after the date
production commences.
G. Exceptions to the provisions hereof may be granted
by the Commissioner of Conservation, upon the showing of
good cause therefor, without the necessity of public hearing
or formal order.
H. These requirements shall apply to any unitization
proceedings initiated on and after the first day of July 1973.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:4 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, October 1983, amended and
promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources, Office of
Conservation, LR 19:765 (June 1993), repromulgated LR 19:1030
(August 1993).
Title 43
Part XIX. Office of ConservationGeneral Operations
Subpart 18. Statewide Order No. 29-S
Chapter 43. Austin Chalk Formation
§4301. Scope
A. This Statewide Order provides rules and regulations
governing the drilling of horizontal wells in the Austin Chalk
Formation in the state of Louisiana.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:1 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 24:102 (January
§4303. Definitions
A. Unless the context otherwise requires, the words
defined in §4303 shall have the following meaning when
found in this Statewide Order.
Austin Chalk Formation Horizontal Wellwell with the
wellbore drilled laterally at an angle of at least 80 degrees to
the vertical and with a horizontal displacement of at least
50 feet in the Austin Chalk Formation measured from the
initial point of penetration into the Austin Chalk.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:1 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 24:102 (January
§4305. Order
A. From and after the effective date hereof, permission to
develop the Austin Chalk Formation in the state of Louisiana
by the use of horizontal wells may be obtained as hereinafter
provided and upon strict compliance with the procedures set
forth herein.
1. The restriction on tubing size as set forth in
LAC 43:XIX.109.E.1 of Statewide Order No. 29-B shall not
apply to Austin Chalk Formation horizontal wells.
2. Statewide Order No. 29-E well spacing rules shall
not apply to Austin Chalk Formation horizontal wells. The
following well spacing rules shall apply to Austin Chalk
Formation horizontal wells in areas in which no spacing
rules for Austin Chalk Formation horizontal wells have been
established by special orders, provided that exceptions may
be approved after a public hearing based on 10 days legal
a. a subsequent Austin Chalk Formation horizontal
well shall not be located so as to encroach into a rectangle
formed by drawing north-south lines 3,000 feet east of the
most easterly point and 3,000 feet west of the most westerly
point and east-west lines 100 feet north of the most northerly
point and 100 feet south of the most southerly point of any
horizontal well completed in, drilling to, or for which a
permit shall have been granted to drill to the Austin Chalk
Formation. In the case of a single horizontal well, the point
of entry into the Austin Chalk Formation (if available) is to
be used in lieu of the surface location in determining the
northern or southern boundary of the rectangle;
b. survey plats submitted with the application for
permit to drill shall contain certification of the surveyor
specifying compliance with this requirement;
c. multiple Austin Chalk Formation horizontal well
laterals drilled into the same stratigraphic interval from a
single wellbore will be treated as a single completion, even
if the laterals are isolated by separate producing strings to
the surface.
3. The gas allowable provisions of Statewide Order
No. 29-F shall not apply to Austin Chalk Formation
horizontal wells. Instead, Austin Chalk Formation horizontal
wells shall be given an allowable based on the Maximum
Efficient Rate (MER) of the well, being the maximum
sustainable daily withdrawal rate from the reservoir which
will permit economical development and depletion without
causing waste. In the event an alternate unit well is
authorized for any Austin Chalk Formation unit, such unit
allowable shall be limited to the greater of the MER of the
best well in said unit or the highest rate of withdrawal on a
per acre basis of any unit in the same reservoir and field. If
there is any complaint of waste or dispute relative to
compliance with R.S. 30:11(B), the allowable assigned to an
Austin Chalk Formation horizontal well shall be subject to
adjustment after a public hearing based on 10 days legal
a. Unless an exception is granted as provided
herein, no allowable will be granted for a horizontal
completion in the Austin Chalk Formation until a unit has
been formed pursuant to an Office of Conservation Order for
the well unless the operator agrees to escrow all monies
received from pre-unitization production pending unitization
and distribute such funds on the basis of the unit ultimately
b. The operator of a well may request an exception
to this requirement for a well located on a large
lease/voluntary unit or for other good cause shown.
c. The Commissioner of Conservation will have the
discretion to either approve or deny such application or
require that the applicant request a public hearing to be held
after 10 days legal notice to consider the matter.
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
4. The Office of Conservation's policy requiring a
sand definition and production test in the field before units
can be established shall not apply to Austin Chalk Formation
horizontal wells.
5. The size and shape of units for Austin Chalk
Formation horizontal wells should usually be based on the
proposed design of the well because such units are expected
to be developed by horizontal laterals which traverse the
entire unit in a generally north-south direction. If the initial
lateral in a drilling unit fails to provide full horizontal
coverage in a north-south direction, additional horizontal
laterals or wells drilled to acquire that coverage shall be
considered and named unit wells rather than alternate unit
wells. However, if any such additional unit well or lateral
overlaps an existing unit well or lateral in an east-west
direction, it shall be considered and named an alternate unit
well. Overlaps shall be determined by use of a line parallel
to the north and south unit boundaries. This provision shall
only apply to Austin Chalk Formation horizontal wells and
shall not be used as a precedent for any other formation.
6. The party who owns or controls the majority
working interest in a drilling unit established for an Austin
Chalk Formation horizontal well shall have the right to be
designated the operator of such unit. Such ownership or
control shall be based on sworn testimony at the public
hearing which creates the drilling unit. If the working
interest ownership or control in a unit is not known or cannot
be established with reasonable certainty when the unit is
created, then the operator designation shall occur when a
drilling permit is issued for the drilling of a well on the unit.
The party requesting such drilling permit shall complete and
file an affidavit corroborating such majority ownership or
control on the affidavit form provided by the file in the
Office of Conservation. It is provided, however, that any
party designated as a unit operator can be removed or a
working interest owner who does not own or control the
majority in working interest can be designated as unit
operator after a public hearing based on 10 days legal notice
if it is demonstrated that the designated operator and/or
majority working interest owner has not timely developed
the unit, has not acted prudently, or that other good cause
exists therefor.
7. Statewide Order No. 29-B requires that a
directional survey be run on all wells which are directionally
controlled and thereby intentionally deviated from the
vertical. The requirement that a directional survey be run the
entire length of the lateral in an Austin Chalk Formation
horizontal well may be waived by the Office of
Conservation if evidence is presented at the time such
waiver is requested that the directional survey cannot
reasonably reach the end of the lateral and that measuring
from the point where the directional survey ends, the lateral
of the well will still be:
a. within the spacing provisions for the unit upon
which it has been drilled or, if a unit has not been
established, under a tract for which authority to drill has
been obtained; and
b. at least the distance from all offsetting wells
required by applicable spacing rules or in the absence
thereof, the provisions of §4305.A.2.
8. An application for permit to drill in an area affected
by a pending application requesting the formation of one or
more units will be issued without regard to the pending
unitization proceedings. However, the permit so issued shall
not be used at the hearing (only drilled wells may be
considered), and the permit will be subject to the order
issued as a result of such hearing.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
30:1 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 24:102 (January 1998).
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010
Title 43
Part XIX. Office of ConservationGeneral Operations
Subpart 19. Enhanced Recovery
Chapter 45. Produced Water
Injection Incentive
§4501. Definitions
Produced Waterwater that is obtained by processing
fluids brought to the surface in conjunction with the
recovery of oil and gas from underground geologic
Produced Water Injection Projectproject approved in
accordance with R.S. 47:633.5 and the rules adopted herein
for the purpose of increasing the recovery of hydrocarbons
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
47:633.5 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, and Department of
Revenue, Severance Tax Division, LR 24:2126 (November 1998),
repromulgated LR 24:2282 (December 1998).
§4503. Application and Hearing to Qualify a Produced
Water Injection Project
A. A 30-day notice and a public hearing shall be required
as per rules of procedure for conducting hearings before the
Commissioner of Conservation, LAC 43:XIX.3901, R.S.
30:5(C) and R.S. 30:6. In addition to any exhibits and
testimony that may be necessary supporting compliance with
LAC 43:XIX.3901, R.S. 30:5(C) and R.S. 30:6, the hearing
testimony is to include discussions and exhibits of the
1. geological and engineering data to support
Produced Water Injection Project classification as per R.S.
2. geological and engineering data necessary to
establish the estimated remaining primary and incremental
oil and gas reserves expected from the proposed produced
water injection project along with the estimated amount of
severance tax to be forgiven;
3. estimated date of initiation of water injection which
must begin on or after July 1, 1998;
4. proposed sources of produced water to be utilized
for injection;
5. estimated date of commencement of incremental
6. any other pertinent information the application
deems necessary.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
47:633.5 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, and Department of
Revenue, Severance Tax Division, LR 24:2127 (November 1998),
repromulgated LR 24:2282 (December 1998).
§4505. Commencement of Incremental Production
A. Immediately after the commencement of incremental
production and before any such incremental production shall
be eligible for the reduction of severance tax, the unit
operator shall petition the Commissioner of Conservation to
issue a Supplemental Order establishing the beginning of the
incremental production contemplated by Subsection C of
R.S. 47:633.5. Engineering and geological data shall be
submitted showing that the primary reserves have been
depleted and the incremental production has commenced.
The specific date upon which incremental production began
shall also be submitted. Once the date of commencement of
incremental production has been established by
Supplemental Order, all production thereafter from the
project will be subject to a 20 percent reduction in severance
tax otherwise due on each barrel of oil produced and each
1,000 cubic feet of gas produced.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
47:633.5 et seq.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, and Department of
Revenue, Severance Tax Division, LR 24:2127 (November 1998),
repromulgated LR 24:2282 (December 1998).
Louisiana Administrative Code June 2010